Accuser’s Body Language During Hearing Exposes Deliberate Deception and Lack of Truthfulness (Video) Read
Christine Blasey Ford testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee—Watch the first few minutes closely! Read
It all falls apart: Kavanaugh accusers recant and are exposed for history of lies and “psycho” behavior Read
BOMBSHELLS are still falling from yesterday’s Senate hearing, Some of the unprecedented revelations were downright radioactive Read
“Intelligent evil dust scattered everywhere like confetti” —Julian Assange’s last words before his Internet was permanently cut off Read
Former CIA Case Officer Dissects the Anatomy of the Kavanaugh Character Assassination Conspiracy Read
Christine Blasey Ford’s connections to the CIA are deep and irrefutable. You would never know it from her testimony. Read
Seven Years after NATO Overthrew Gaddafi in Libya, Western-Backed Gov Begs for Another Intervention Read