Pizzagate & Pedogate



Pizzagate  is so big it will eventually take down the U.S. Federal Government, just as Pedogate will collapse the World Shadow  Government

There ought to be no question that there is a massive and malevolent control matrix in place throughout the United States and the world-at large.  This national and global control matrix, respectively, keeps the US government locked in a cycle of unrelenting and transparent criminality.  However, with the election of Donald Trump, the matrix is collapsing.

The control mechanism, which has kept the matrix firmly established in the USA over many decades, is Pizzagate; the global version is known as Pedogate.  Both of these ongoing crime syndicates have been breaking down in real time.  It’s now quite difficult for the Pizzagate/ Pedogate perpetrators to maintain this international criminal enterprise, particularly given so many daily disclosure on the Internet.

PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal

In an effort to keep the Pizzagate alive, please feel free to email all hard and/or circumstantial evidence to the following address: [email protected]

In reality, it’s the global Pedogate conspiracy that is much bigger.  When Pedogate is blown wide open, everything changes in a day and a night.  It’s only a matter of time.

Please read and disseminate the following important post as it captures just how HUGE Pedogate and Pizzagate really are.  This is it folks!  This is the one we’ve all been waiting for.

PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.

To access all of the articles on Pizzagate  posted at The Millennium Report, please click on the following link:

You may also click on this link to see what’s trending across the web from TMR’s Pizzagate library: Pizzagate according to The Millennium Report

Thank you!
TMR Editor

Required Reading

The Deep Back Story to the Worldwide Pedophilia Ring

Recommended Reading

PIZZAGATE: The Scandal That Will Take Down the Clintons, the Democratic Party and the U.S. Federal Government