The greatest OCTOBER SURPRISE in U.S. history has already happened!
THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC is over! Here’s why.
No matter what you call it…
HOAX of the Millennium
…it’s effectively over.
How so?
First, take a close look at this YouTube screenshot below: 
Now take a closer look at the number of views. That’s right, as of today, there are almost 1.5 million views. And, this video was only uploaded on October 3rd.
Every reader is highly encouraged to watch the entire video here, or read the transcript here. Basically, you will either read or hear a scathing indictment prepared by the German Corona Investigative Committee and issued against the perpetrators of what is essentially a highly organized and complex international criminal conspiracy often known as OPERATION COVID-19. The narrator of this momentous video is Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a founding member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, who has been admitted to the bar in both California and Germany where he has practiced for 26 years. Dr. Fuellmich is a trial lawyer and an attorney of record for one of the most powerful law firms on the planet that is currently suing Deutsche Bank. He is also litigating other highly consequential lawsuits against various Fortune 500 companies for their fraudulent corporate behavior. Again, here is Dr. Fuellmich’s epic presentation outlining the open-and-shut case against the perpetrators of the ongoing 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic.
Full Transcript of the Covid “Crimes Against Humanity” Video
The Greatest October Surprise Ever
So what makes this immense international legal initiative such a big deal? First of all, YouTube hasn’t removed the preceding video as they have done with every other Covid Truth video that has gone viral.
That, right there, is the big tell!
The reason why ever-censoring YouTube was given orders by their NWO globalist masters not to take this very special video down is because such a flagrant violation of the First Amendment would immediately trigger an even bigger international class action lawsuit against YouTube, Google, and Alphabet. That decisive lawsuit would not only serve as the beginning of the end of Big Social Media, it would expose the absolute necessity of instituting government regulation of all them as public utilities. The rest of Big Tech would likewise come under withering scrutiny and criminal investigation which the Sultans of Silicon Valley are desperately trying to thwart. Perhaps the best outcome of such an enormous class action lawsuit would be the massive download that would occur AS A RESULT OF THE MUCH FEARED DISCOVERY PROCESS. The Covid perps will do everything in their power to prevent that “discovery process” from ever happening. Presidents and CEOs, COOs and CFOs, as well as members of the Boards of Directors, all over Silicon Valley and beyond would be frogmarched out of their corporate suites and into their respective jail cells awaiting bail hearings should such “discovery” of the facts ever be permitted in a public courtroom. Undoubtedly, this is why YouTube has allowed the single most radioactive COVID-19 truth video on the Internet today to remain on their popular platform. They cannot even think about the possibility of removing this BLOCKBUSTER of blockbusters. Yes, this blockbuster: THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: Crimes against Humanity (Video)
Dear SOTN readership, this video needs to get out there far and wide. There’s nothing more important on the web than this particular COVID-19 video presentation; hence, it’s really crucial for everyone to share it widely. What, pray tell, is more important than disseminating the most vital information and hard data concerning THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC?
People, please, send out this video everywhere and anywhere, whenever and however you can… … …starting right now! If we all do this — POSTE-HASTE — it’s all but guaranteed that a tsunami of Covid truth will wash over planet Earth just as quickly as the CORONAhoax tidal wave submerged the entire planetary civilization in 2020. There’s no reason whatsoever why 2021 cannot see a great awakening regarding this recklessly juvenile and exceedingly dangerous Plandemic. Once a critical mass of people has awakened to this utterly ridiculous HOAX of the Millennium, the final termination of OPERATION COVID-19 is at hand.
Now, how’s that for an October Surprise?!?!
State of the Nation October 18, 2020 Special Note: Not only has this courageous attorney — Dr. Reiner Fuellmich — and his law partners in this Covid Truth advocacy validated what many of us know about the COVIDcon, they have empowered countless other lawyers, politicians, doctors, scientists and researchers to speak truth to power. This video exposé has served to put every single elected representative and government official — IN THE WORLD — on notice. If any of them, in any country on Earth, makes policies or sets rules
that are injurious to the populace, they will be held personally liable. They can no longer plead ignorance. Each of them can be criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their detrimental decisions and hurtful actions regarding this engineered COVID-19 pandemic. In point of fact, “ignorance of the law excuses no one”…not even powerful politicians, heads of state or other government leaders. Therefore, please send this video to every elected rep and government official you know—ASAP!
Quite foolishly, YouTube has removed the above referenced and posted video presentation by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Now many will see that as bad news but it really isn’t for all the reasons stated in this article. Surely, many copies of the video will soon appear on the many other video platforms that do not censor. But most importantly, this blatant act of censorship, and reprehensible violation of the First Amendment by YouTube marks the beginning of the end of their media tyranny.
Video Reference