SPLC: America’s Most Dangerous Hate Group Is the Legal Arm of Cultural Marxism



SPLC: America’s Most Dangerous Hate Group Is the Legal Arm of Cultural Marxism

MUST-WATCH: John Stossel Exposes ‘Southern Poverty Law Center Scam’

Truth Revolt

Whole volumes could be written about the scam that is the Southern Poverty Law Center, but this short video from John Stossel does a great job exposing the corrupt organization in a bite-sized format.

The SPLC is known as one of the most, if not the most, wealthy civil rights organizations in the United States. It didn’t start out this way, and even Stossel said he once believed in their mission. But not anymore. Now, the SPLC has become a well-funded hate group that targets Christians, Jews, and conservatives. People and organizations who don’t deserve to be smeared as hateful make the SPLC’s so-called hate list.

“I suspect the center keeps its hate list long, ‘cause crying hate brings in lots of money,” Stossel says.

Stossel reached out to SPLC president Richard Cohen and its founder and chief attorney, Morris Dees, but they refused to speak to him. The only person willing to defend the SPLC was a Young Turks correspondent. Ha!

Stossel also talked with Jennifer Morse, the president of the pro-family Christian organization Ruth Institute who is considered a hate group by the SPLC because of their views on homosexual adoption.

“Morris Dees’s salary is more than my entire annual budget,” Morse said. “So, yeah, whatever they’re doing, it pays.”

Stossel also noted that people like Ben Carson, Laura Ingraham, and Jeanine Pirro are labeled as extremists by the SPLC, but amazingly, it doesn’t list Antifa. He is left with only one conclusion:

“The center has become a hate group itself. It’s now a left-wing, money-grabbing, slander machine.”
