Netanyahu Exposes Israel as a Hyper-Bigoted Apartheid State


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Netanyahu Exposes Israel as a Hyper-Bigoted Apartheid State

Wonder Woman v Bibi? Gal Gadot comes to rescue of TV host berated by Israeli PM

Israeli Hollywood star Gal Gadot, best known for her role as Wonder Woman, has swooped in to defend a TV host who came under fire from Benjamin Netanyahu for suggesting Israel is not for Jews alone.

The movie star spoke out after the prime minister criticized Israeli television presenter Rotem Sela for expressing solidarity with Arab-Israelis and arguing that Israel is a country “for all its citizens.”

Netanyahu later issued a rebuke of Sela’s comments, stating that “Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the Nation-State Law that we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, and them alone.”

“Love thy neighbor as thyself,” Gadot wrote in Hebrew. “It’s not an issue of Right or Left, Jew or Arab, secular or religious. It’s an issue of dialogue, of dialogue for peace, for equality, for tolerance between one another.”The prime minister’s assertion apparently didn’t sit well with Gadot, who shared her thoughts on the matter with her 28.3 million Instagram followers.

Gadot added that the “responsibility to grow hope and light for a better future for our children is on us. Rotem, my sister, you are an inspiration to us all.”

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