British Deceit and Troublemaking Being Exposed Like Never Before
Thank You SOTN and AIM
by Anna von Reitz
I appreciate all the work State of the Nation and American Intelligence Media have done to research the British calumny and deceit that has ruined our country and destroyed untold millions of lives.
SOTN and AIM are backing up what I said many months ago.
Go back and look. I told everyone that it wasn’t Russia and that it was Britain causing the trouble. It’s ALWAYS Britain at the bottom of every dog pile.
Once the nations of the world catch on to this fact it will be a lot harder for Britain to employ its puppets in the US, in Qatar, in Hong Kong and elsewhere to cause trouble.
We all need to double-down on both “British” Governments– Westminster and Whitehall– and all their affiliates, especially the Government of Scotland which has been used for a lot of banking and legal chicanery.
People also need to know that the Government of France is largely influencing –and also being used behind the scenes—by the Monarchist powers to cause trouble in a secondhand fashion.
Britain uses the US, Scotland, and other countries as puppets for its bullying and cheating, but works with France to promote the same.
The end result is the same– the only difference is that the French are more aware of it, so they protest — like the Yellow Vests.
This is the difference between “Patsies” who are being commandeered or used unwittingly and partners in crime. Britain and France have long associations all the way back to the Dark Ages and have often been ruled by the same powers— so they work together in ways that would astonish many people and are not the “Natural Enemies” they pretend to be.
Just notice that for many years Jacob Rothschild controlled the Bank of France and Nathan Rothschild controlled the Bank of England and you will see how “hand and glove” they actually are.
France has also been the Holy See’s Ace in a Hole for centuries. Most of its investments outside Italy are centered in “Loyal France” and Spain is where they keep their private bank accounts.
The Holy See uses France the same way the Brits manipulate the US.
This sets up a situation where the sanctimonious criminals— Britain and the Holy See— sit back and appear to be innocent, when in fact they are the ones responsible for the problems in the first place. They are invariably the source of 90% of the trouble on Earth.
And it needs to end.
We all need to wake up, expose their “Hidden Hand” — the Secret Societies they have run through the Office of the Pontiff and now propose to orchestrate through the resuscitated “Holy Roman Empire”– and keep the focus of exposure on them.
It’s like monitoring a nasty little kid who is always causing trouble. You have to watch everything they do and all the kids they influence in order to keep them all in line.
You have to identify the ringleaders before you can sit on them.
Now we all know that it is not the Americans that are causing any of this and that the “US” is a puppet being run by Britain, it is a lot easier to make sense of what has gone on in the world.
Britain has used “the US” as a siphon to drain America dry and supply itself with abundant cheap mercenaries.
Now that the Americans are waking up, the Schemers are trying to move their operations to China and use the Chinese in the same way–abundant cheap mercenaries under British and Holy See control.
Via a combination of co-option and pay-offs they intend to set up Hong Kong inside China just as they set up the District of Columbia in “the US”.
This forms a safe base of operations for them inside and associated with the country they are targeting.
Over time they confuse the identity of Hong Kong with “China” in the same way they have confused the identity of “the US” with America. This then allows them to undermine the actual Chinese government and gain access to the labor and credit and resources of the Chinese People. They will try to do to China what they have done here.
And they will try to use China and its young men to bully and rape the rest of the world, just as they have misled, used and abused the Americans.
It behooves every thinking being on the planet to see what these Vermin are doing and expose it so that they are cheated out of their aims.
Russia needs to play a crucial part in this exposure because no other nation can. America is just waking up and the rest of the world is at a hopeless disadvantage.
As more people recognize the horrors of Commercial Feudalism and the plans of Britain and the Holy See to impose this on the whole world via manipulation of China, they will be blocked by many countering forces both inside and outside China.
Once fully awake, the American People will be outraged by the mistreatment and Breach of Trust they have suffered at the hands of these criminals— and they will have no trouble assisting the rest of the world in putting an end to these self-interested and diabolical Monarchist crime syndicates.
Enough is enough.
We now know which governments are actually responsible and who the criminals are. We have identified the source of the problem and it’s not Russia.
We have exposed the intention of the Vermin to move into the Middle East and foment trouble there via their misleading propaganda and funding of ISIS. We have identified their parasitic tentacles seeking to “set up shop” in China and run a “US v. America” style national identity theft scheme via a similar “Hong Kong v. China” set up.
It is time for the entire world to wake up and put an end to the parasites’ activities— see through them and end them.