The Pilgrims Society: The Missing Link Between Big Pharma, Big Hospital, Big Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control




The Pilgrims Society: The Missing Link Between Big Pharma, Big Hospital, Big Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control

The True Source of Today’s Medical Tyranny

Charles Savoie

The “Money Trust,” proven in 1913 to exist by the Pujo Committee of Congress, has multiple “by invitation only” groups its members belong to.  This is the lead group, which is sponsored by history’s biggest landowners, the Windsors, the British Royal family.  Big Pharma is under direct control of The Pilgrims Society.  The quote comes from the Review of Reviews, New York, May 1902, see pp 555-558—


“A Secret Society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world.”
— Last Will & Testament of diamond monopolist Cecil Rhodes


Elmer Holmes Bobst (Pilgrims 1969) headed Warner Lambert Pharmaceutical and was a mentor of President Nixon.  Edmund T. Pratt, chairman of Pfizer, was in the leaked 1980 roster.  There are many such examples in the New York and the London branches of this secret society.  The London members especially descend from the original Big Pharma kingpins who ran the old opium “trade” in China in which at its peak they had 45 million opium addicts, many pressed into addiction at gunpoint.  Much of that money must have been seed capital for today’s Big Pharma.

The Department of Health & Human Services is run by a CFR member and the CFR founded in 1921 is a direct Pilgrims subsidiary—the Centers for Disease Control is under the Direction of Health & Human Services therefore, the CDC is indeed under Pilgrims Society control.  The vaccine agenda is clear.  The Pilgrims Society cartelized medicine long ago, and when vaccine victims need hospitalization, hospital chains they own like Hospital Corporation of America—suck people’s finances dry.  In the 1902 article they speak of “seizing” and “absorbing” wealth.  They use government power to bankrupt the public and they always control the President irrespective of party.

After I posted in January 2011, the secret organization responded in June 2011 with and in 2012 they ridiculed my conclusions about them***  They insist that their only purpose is to promote good relations between England and America—and to do THAT—they must keep most of their identities in the dark?  100% chance Bill Gates is a member.


