VAXXED! De Niro’s Vaccine Truth Film ‘Godfathered’ by the Medical Mafia and Big Pharma
VAXXED! Robert De Niro Mysteriously Backs Away From Screening Vaccine Truth Film At Tribeca Festival
SOTN Editor’s Note:
The whole world was just treated to the raw political power and breath-taking speed that is regularly exerted by the medical-pharmaceutical cartel whenever their super-vaccination agenda is threatened.
When a famous actor like Robert De Niro can be intimidated into withdrawing his film that exposes the truth about the global super-vaccination agenda, you know the concerned vaccine manufacturers and government agencies went full bore to stop its release.
Really, just how long does this criminal vaccine cabal believe that they can impose such an inherently destructive and deadly vaccine regime on the nation … and expect to get away with it?
No entity under the sun has the right or lawful authority to arrogate power unto itself to harm or injure, sicken or infect, paralyze or kill the people of this nation. Not only is such conduct by the state a serious breach of the social contract, it represents a profound violation of the public trust. Vaccination programs therefore break the inviolable bond between the citizenry and the government.
Most importantly, the systematic administration of state-mandated childhood vaccines constitutes a highly dangerous and deadly criminal enterprise. Those government officials and corporate co-conspirators responsible for this ongoing chemical assault ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
(Source: Attorney Exposes Super-vaccination Agenda, Lays Foundation For Lawsuits Against Government And Big Pharma)
The Internet now provides access to volumes of high integrity, peer-reviewed scientific research that proves conclusively the highly consequential truths about vaccines and their safety. The vaccination schedules which are routinely administered to infants and young children are especially dangerous and have been described as “Barbaric, Insane and Fraudulent”. (Source: SUPER-VACCINATION AGENDA Being Foisted On The USA 24/7)
In fact, many government whistleblowers, corporate insiders and health officials have stepped out of the shadows over the past few years and revealed different aspects of this ongoing medical conspiracy to deliberately deceive, and inflict great harm on, the American people. What follows are exposés from just a few of those brave souls.
NURSE WHISTLEBLOWER: Serious Vaccine Damage Happening To Infants Routinely In Hospitals
Super-Vaccination Agenda Exposed By PhD Immunologist
22,000 Nurses Refuse *Mandatory* Vaccinations
5 1/2 month-old infant dies after 8 vaccines IN ONE DAY—> ‘SIDS’ Put On Death Certificate
THE VACCINE CONSPIRACY: U.S. Government Colludes With BIG Pharma To Poison The America People
Perhaps it’s time to hold those government officials, corporate lobbyists and medical practitioners accountable for their criminal actions. Certainly they know that there are (and will be eventually) severe consequences for systematically poisoning the children of America.
VIDEO: VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe (Trailer)
The article posted below ought to (i) give many serious reason to pause and deeply contemplate this continuing public health disaster, as well as (ii) motivate those who are aware to unify around this life-threatening issue post haste.
State of the Nation
March 28, 2016

Robert De Niro (left) has come under fire for championing a highly controversial film about vaccination. The star has an autistic son, Elliot (centre) with his wife Grace Hightower (right)
Vaxxed: How did they threaten Robert De Niro?
De Niro talked to Congressman about censored Vaxxed film
by Jon Rappoport
March 27, 2016
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
“On July 26, 2000, the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association published a review by Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Dr. Starfield’s review, ‘Is US health really the best in the world?’, concluded that, every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. That’s 2.25 million killings per decade.” (Jon Rappoport, The Starfield Revelation)
This is explosive.
This is about a film no one can see, because it exposes lunatics and destroyers in the vaccine industry.
Here is a quote from the Vaxxed producer and director, after their film was just axed from Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Festival (as reported by Jeremy Gerard, see: “‘Vaxxed’ Filmmakers Accuse De Niro, Tribeca Film Fest Of ‘Censorship’ In Wake Of Cancelation,” 3/26/2016):
“’To our dismay, we learned today about the Tribeca Film Festival’s decision to reverse the official selection of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,’ said Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree (the director and producer, respectively). Robert De Niro’s original defense of the film happened Friday after a one-hour conversation between De Niro and Bill Posey, the congressman who has interacted directly and at length with the CDC Whistleblower (William Thompson) and whose team has scrutinized the documents that prove fraud at the CDC. …” (emphasis added)
Okay. So here is the sequence…
One, De Niro, who has an autistic child, decides to screen Vaxxed at his Tribeca Festival. It’s a film that reveals lies and crimes, and shows there is a causative connection between vaccines and autism.
Two, pressure is applied to De Niro, so he meets with Florida Congressman Bill Posey, who lets him know the film is right on target. Posey knows, because he and his team have many pages of documents from CDC researcher, William Thompson, who blew the whistle on vaccine-autism fraud in 2014.
Three, De Niro decides he’ll not only screen the film, he’ll introduce it himself, live, onstage.
Four, out of the shadows emerge people who put the screws to De Niro. What do they tell him? His career in film will end? His annual Tribeca Film Festival will go down the toilet? The medical treatment his autistic child is receiving will be cut off? He and family are now “not safe?”
Five, De Niro backs away and cancels the showing of Vaxxed.
He’s been taught a lesson. Don’t go up against the medical cartel. Keep your mouth shut. Suffer in silence.
Think about this. You can see a film about US drone strikes killing innocent civilians. You can see a film about criminal surveillance of the entire population. You can see a film about the CIA overthrowing foreign governments. You can see a film about mega-corporations spewing chemicals into towns, where children are born with defects and adults are dying of cancer.
But you can’t see a film that suggests a vaccine could be causing autism.
That’s too hot.
That strikes at a secret too big to tell.
That torpedoes a monopoly that must be protected, no matter what.
Censored. Blacked out.
To boil down the background: In 2014, long-time respected CDC researcher, William Thompson, made a statement asserting that he and several esteemed colleagues had lied about a key study they authored 10 years earlier.
The study actually revealed a connection between the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and the onset of autism in young black boys—but that part of the study was censored.
In fact, Thompson said, he and his colleagues sat in a room at the CDC, brought in a garbage can, and threw out those pages of research. That’s right.
But Thompson kept copies of the pages. Congressman Bill Posey and a few other people have those pages.
Thompson says, through his lawyer, that he will not speak to reporters. He’ll work with Congress, if an investigation is mounted. But there is no indication Congressional hearings will ever be laid on.
Because this story is too big.
This is the subject of the film, Vaxxed. The betrayal of the people by the Centers for Disease Control.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the prospect of Vaxxed being shown at Robert De Niro’s own festival—with him on stage introducing it—raised alarms at the CDC. Loud ones.
There is a very good chance that the CDC reached out to someone, who in turn reached out to De Niro and whispered in his ear and caused the actor to pause for thought.
He paused, and decided to turn around. He decided the risk was too great. He laid down his sword, such as it was, and went dark.
First Amendment? Never heard of it.
We now live in a country where the government decides, when it needs to, how to “protect the population” from “dangerous information.”
In this case, the Hippocratic Oath is turned inside out. It becomes: “First, do harm.”
Vaccines can cause autism? Well, sure, but don’t tell people that. Lie and keep lying, and keep calling it science.
Who cares how many children are destroyed?
Protect the medical monopoly.
Protect the vaccinators.
Don’t let a film see the light of day.
But it will. One way or another, it will be shown and people will see it and then they will know.