The LAEO Envisions a New Paradigm for Oil Spill Response Systems
TMR Editor’s Note:
The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO) is perhaps the single greatest mover and shaker in the world where it concerns creating desperately needed oil spill response systems.
Not only did the LAEO move mountains during the BP Gulf oil spill, they continue to educate and enlighten governments and NGOs everywhere regarding safe and effective oil spill response.
The LAEO’s hard work and careful attention to the environment has inspired folks throughout government and corporate alike. Their adherence to the highest standards of integrity have distinguished them as the premier go-to organization in the USA for accurate research and effective oil spill remediation protocols.
The following page from one of LAEO’s website contains a wealth of information and experience concerning oil spill response systems. Parked at each link is a veritable treasure trove of valuable information and data.
The Millennium Report
2016 Oil Spill Response Systems–A New Perspective
The currently expressed goal for oil spill response plans and their action is to “prevent the release of oil into navigable waters and adjoining shorelines, and to contain discharges of oil.“But consider this: What if the goals were different, what if the objective/standard was: “rapid toxicity elimination, emulsification and solubilization [contained on the surface, keeping oil off shorelines, beaches and out of the water column or sediments] followed by rapid and complete removal/biodegradation of oil pollutants from the environment.“Given that this objective is now achievable, will there be decision-making changes re spill response and planning? The good news is, first-response approaches and options have expanded. |
That said, recent investigative and scientific reports illustrate that despite billions spent over decades to maintain our oil and hazardous chemical spill response system with high-level scientific support programs, the system is deficient.
What are the gaps and why?
As covered in a widely circulated paper entitled A Call for a Twenty-First Century Solution in Oil Spill Response, better technologies and systems are available for ocean and shoreline spills, but, under a different scientific premise, outside the current pattern of thinking in this field. |
To explore new data on best-available technology for biodegradation of oil spills, download the complete analysis and information at: DOWNLOAD HERE: 2015 REVIEW OF OIL SPILL RESPONSE SYSTEMS PROMPTS NEED FOR CHANGE IN 2016The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization’s Science and Technology Committee is forming a US/CAN research consortium to develop standards, document and publish further peer reviewed literature to advance knowledge in this field. LAEO is looking to collaborate with industry, academia and oil spill response professionals on these research projects and asks that you contact their Science and Tech Project Coordinator at:[email protected] |
A Canada Deepwater Drilling spill
would link to
US Waters |
The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization. Cooperative Ecology is a critical part of our thinking, we hope to work with all stakeholders in finding best achievable solutions for ocean and fresh water pollutants – Because, None Survive Alone!
We receive no funding from manufacturers of clean up products or oil spill response systems we advocate for to ensure our Science and Tech Committee reviews remain independent.
Further Educational Links and Documents:http://protectmarinelifenow.org/knowledge-base |