Final Verdict: Ukraine, US & EU Proxies Collaborated To Shoot Down Malaysian MH17





The US Failed in Hiding What the World Now Knows About Flight MH17 Shootdown

By McLuhan Bernays for 5th Estate Media

Truth is always the first casualty of war.  Accordingly, the U.S. has been on a 13-year lying spree ever since 9/11 and Bush’s decision to invade Iraq “because it was doable” in the words of Bush administration officials.  In the Iraq War, as with Afghan War and every other U.S. invasion and occupation, every manner of war crime and crime against humanity that was committed or abetted by the U.S. was overlooked by the U.N. and the ICC.  Additionally, not only has the U.S. refused to abide by the ICC, it has likewise voted itself exempt from its strictures and the enforcement of international law.

It is painfully obvious that not only has U.S. influence corrupted the U.N and ICC so that international laws are made and enforced selectively, it has also made lying part of the institutional framework of these international organizations.  This is the reason for the protracted standoff between U.S. and Iran on the issue of the Iranian nuclear energy program.  In Washington truth is not recognized and good faith is not respected.

The US wants to be the world’s policeman, but it has become the type of cop that is an alcoholic wife-beater who stalks his girlfriend, will kill those who threaten to expose its corruption and protection of criminal rackets, shoots innocents out of rage for minor disagreements and creates long-lasting disputes and animosity by always siding with its partisans even when all evidence shows serious injustices to include mass murder being perpetrated against innocents.  It tries to fuel chaos by passing out weapons to those in dispute and then steals and strong arm robs from those who do not belong to its protection racket as it issues out IOUs printed on worthless paper for debts that it has no intention of honoring.  As it engages in all types of abuse everyone goes along because they fear what yet more chaos will be created if they buck the “system”.

Obama has said the downing of flight MH17 was “an outrage of unspeakable proportions”.  Perhaps that is why the media and US government are no longer speaking of it after it had been used as a propaganda tool against Putin and the Ukraine sepratists ad naseum.  Now that the US failed in hiding what the world already knows about Flight MH17, perhaps the EU will not be so eager to engage in economic warfare against Russia and understand why Russian-speaking Crimeans want nothing to do with the Kiev fascist government.  This type of ploy involving the killing of innocents is right out of Hilter’s Nazi Germany playbook.  The US should be internationally condemned for lying and encouraging more war on behalf of a criminal Ukraine government.

While German citizens denounce the US, especially after the US essentially stole all of their nation’s gold held in the US, the German people should not blame the US while they continually vote for Merkel who has made herself another poodle that belongs to the US master in much the same way Cameron and Blair sit up, shake paws and bark.  If Germany wants to be an enabler that march lock-step with the US as it did with Hitler, then the German people have only themselves to blame.  If the EU members want to tie themselves to raving lunatic imperialialsts with treaties reminicient of their pre-WWI entanglements, then let them suffer until they learn to stand on their own two feet.

The world now knows what happened to Flight MH17 even while it now acts as if the jury is still out and may never come back.  Flight MH17 was shot down by the Ukraine government who has hid the control tower tapes directing the plane over hostile terrritory.  It has hid the flight recorders.  It attacked with artillery barages the crash site to destroy evidence and then lied and said the rebels were preventing international access.  It deported all foreign air traffic controllers who were present during the shootdown.   It has relied upon the US to hide all the satellite intelligence imagery from an area that is the most surveilled place on the planet by national-level intelligence gathering assets tasked with monitoring possible missile launches, troop movements and artillery strikes.  The all-seeing eye of the US surveillance state knows exactly what happened when, and is now hiding the facts while it extolls the EU to wage economic war on Russia to protect the pertroldollar status and even be willing to attack Russia militarily for starting the BRICS investment bank and the Eurasian Trade Pact.

The US lied about a Russian invasion when the Ukraine-Russian treaty allows 25,000 Russian troops in Ukraine in the same exact manner that the US claims it was granted permanent rights to maintain its eternal base now used as a torture chamber in Cuba.  The US claimed to have all this intelligence, but now has to even hide the flight recorder for fear the world’s people will all become aware that the US has tried to cause WWIII.  And, as Russia would not allow itself to be conquored after losing many tens of millions in WWII, any invader from NATO or the US can expect the deployment of defensive tactical nuclear weapons on Russia soil.  Should the war then escalate with invading forces using tactical nukes on Russian cities, you can expect to say goodbye to New York and D.C.  The world is allowing the US to place it on the precipice of nuclear annihilation while Western governmments are derelict in their responsibilties to the people.  Europe should understand that the US is playing an imperial game and is willing to wager the prosperity and lives of millions of foreigners on its bets they now serve to leverage.

What makes the U.S.’s position regarding the shoot down of Flight MH17 so reprehensible and hypocritical is that after supporting Saddam’s invasion of Iran and providing him chemical weapons during the 7-year Iran-Iraq War, in a case of open belligerency the U.S. then downed Iran Flight 655 killing 290 Iranians, including 66 children and 16 crew members.  An investigation of the shootdown of IR Flight 655 proved every single assertion made by the U.S. to be a lie.  This crime only added insult to the injury of the US providing Saddam with chemical weapons to wage an illegal war against Iran and kill over 600,000 Iranians.

The U.S said IR Flight 655 was in international airspace, but the black box proved the flight to have been in Iranian airspace.  The U.S. maintained the plane was descending toward its warship, the USS Vincennes, while the black box and recorded radar proved the plane was climbing.  The U.S. claimed the plane did not have its commercial beacon on, but an international investigation proved the transponder for commercial flights was operating, fully functional and was providing its signal.  The U.S. initially claimed to have been in international waters, but Admiral William J. Crowe Jr. finally admitted in Senate testimony that the U.S. was in Iranian territorial waters conducting a covert war against Iran to bolster Saddam’s war effort that was proving to be a losing cause in which Iran began to press its advantage. For this crime the U.S. refused to offer an apology and awarded the ship’s weapons officer military honors. This shootdown was just one instance of covert warfare the US has waged and continues to wage against Iran.  They destroyed Iranian oil platforms that were in the ocean.  They also assassinated Iranian retired generals and scientists, and the US funded and supplied various terorist groups inside Iran.

The US now uses social media as its evidence in assigning blame to the shootdown of MH17, but when literally dozens of people saw a missile take down TWA Flight 800, the US assured everyone it was not the US Navy that was conducting war games in the vicinity, but that the missile tracks were merely the illusion of conspiracy-minded goofs.  It was, according to the US, the result of a system failure that had never happened before nor since.  Even while key investigators and military whistle-blowers provided more and more evidence, the US media, the most self-censoring on the earth, excluded all evidence otherwise from the public’s consciousness.  It is now a joke and anyone who allows this charade to continue is more guilty than the US or Ukraine government because they are willing to place the lives of millions into harms way to allow the US to save face and to allow Ukraine to continue its slaughter of defenseless women and children.

Absent from Western media and US vitriole is any mention of the Ukraine government’s shootdown of a Russian passenger plane Siberia Flight 1812.  Do ahead an look it up.  In fact, I would bet my life that less than 10,000 people out of 330,000,000 Americans know about this fact, that is how controlled and propagandizing the US media has become.  This fact alone ought to make every EU politician expose and denounce the US’s psychopathic drive for global domination.  The entire world see the US as the greatest threat to human life, but it is unwilling to do anything about it.  Moreover, EU media seems to be following the same tack of becoming a propaganda tool of belligerant neo-imperialists.  The vibrant Euro-media informed Americans used to cherish is dead and gone.  Europeans need to ask themselves how this happened to them now before they laugh at the “ignorant, ugly Americans”.

How can the world all the US to determine for it that Crimea now needs to be attacked by a combined alliance of NATO, the U.S. and Ukrainian fascists spearheaded by the terrorist “Right Sector” after the downing of a commercial plane over which not only has blame not been determined, but for which the incident is now being purposely obscured by the US?  It is now assured that the attack was by Ukrainian forces.  The fact that Crimean defense forces did not have long-range anti-aircraft capability, and the fact that the Ukrainian military did, is muddying the U.S.’s propaganda narrative and still truth may once again become a casualty of war.  But, the exposed lies are not stopping Obama from being broadcast on every single U.S. news network 24/7 making baseless accusations backed by absolutely zero evidence even as the US hides evidence.

Rebel forces do not have the Buk anti-aircraft system (NATO designation SA 11), nor do they have the personnel capable of operating such a sophisticated piece of military hardware.  But, Ukrainian forces were caught on Russian imaging intelligence gathering surveillance equipment deploying this system near rebel-held territory.  This left Russia to question Ukraine as to why it was deploying such sophisticated anti-aircraft assets against rebels who have no air force and not a single plane. .

Here is why we will never know the truth about Flight MH 17: During the Syrian War against al Qaeda and al Nusra Front, Takfiri fighters claimed Assad used chemical weapons.  This claimed use by Assad would have meant that Assad decided to use chemical weapons in areas where he specifically invited international inspectors to prove he had not used chemical weapons while the inspectors were in the process of carrying out inspections.  When crude chemical weapons not of the specifications in chemical composition or delivery systems consistent with what was in the Syrian arsenal were used immediately after U.N. inspectors were deployed to those same areas, the U.S. then sought public support in waging war against Assad while foregoing preliminary yet conclusive scientific forensic evidence that it was not the Syrian military who had used chemical weapons.

When the U.N. investigation of chemical weapons usage began, its goal was to assign blame as al Nusra and al Qaeda claimed a Syrian war crime.  Yet, when it became clear and certain that the attack was proving more and more to have been a false flag operation by anti-Assad forces to garner U.S. attacks on Syria’s military, the U.N. suddenly changed the scope of its investigation from one of assigning blame to merely determining whether chemical weapons were used.  Suddenly, the U.N. did not seek to assign blame or investigate the crude ad hoc delivery system that was only capable of about a 2-kilometer flight trajectory in a launch from an area occupied by al Qaeda and al Nusra forces.  The purposeful dereliction of determining culpability was accomplished without a single mention of these facts in the U.S. media.  To this day 99% of Americans believe that Assad used chemical weapons in this false flag attack and U.S. politicians and media continue to promote this lie.

In the Ukraine, where the U.S. spent upwards of $6 billion USD to fund the fascist overthrow an elected government, foreign officials were caught on an intercepted phone call in which it was discussed that fascist snipers had killed unarmed police and then killed Ukrainians to make it look as if this was the government killing protesters and the fascist protesters defending themselves.

In the famous WikiLeaks’ release of the top secret Iraq War video that has come to be named “Collateral Murder” in which an unarmed camera crew was slaughtered and later a rescuer with his two children came under attack by the same U.S. helicopter crew, the helicopter gunner after being told they had killed children said, “Well, it’s their fault for bringing their kids to a battle.”  What battle is there when a helicopter attacks an unarmed news crew and then an unarmed Iraqi civilian rescuer and his two young children?  For exposing this war crime PVT Manning endured torture and is spending decades in a military prison while Julian Assange has spent years hiding in an embassy to avoid extradition to the U.S.

What does all this past history of the U.S. downing Iran Flight 655, the mistakem takedown of TWA Flight 800 by the US Navy. the Ukraine shootdown of Siberia Flight 1812, providing Saddam with chemical weapons to use against Iran, the UN engaging in purposeful dereliction in determining culpability for al Qaeda chemical attacks in Syria, the slaughter of Iraqi civilians in the “Collateral Murder” video and the fascist snipers killing Ukrainians and unarmed police have to do with the shootdown of Flight MH17?  It proves the U.S. does nothing but lie, kill and engage in war crimes and crimes against humanity with complete and utter impunity while even garnering EU support.  It also proves that just about everything that comes out of the mouths of U.S. government functionaries and media are lies.  It proves that the exact same crimes and collateral damage that the U.S. regularly engages in, which the U.S. demands the world disregard when committed by the U.S., are the exact same excuses the U.S. uses to promote, wage and escalate war against other countries when waging war is in the U.S.’s imperial ambitions even when the US knows that the nation it is attacking is innocent of any acts its seeks to falsely blame.  We now see the effects of bearing false witness as it assumes its place as another tool in the cornerstone of US foreign policy along with torture, murder, aggression, invasion and occupation.  How anyone could stand to look at someone so disgusting and obscenely reviling as Hillary Clinton as she laughs about waging war at the Council on Foreign Relations without being sickened amazes me.  She personally degrades every international organization even by only speaking with them.  She and Kerry ought to be turned away by every government with which they attempt to meet.

The hypocrisy of the U.S. is turning the entire world against it.  The U.S. bemoans its lack of support in waging more wars when it is exactly the waging of wars that has gotten the U.S. government in a position in which it believes it must spy on its allies as even its allies seek to distance themselves from U.S. calls to war.  The more the U.S. attempts to act unilaterally, the more the rest of the civilized world continues to balance themselves against its onslaught.  While Obama seeks to blame Putin for this tragedy, the truth is that the Malaysian flight can again be directly attributed to years of providing a multi-billion dollar U.S. intervention into Ukrainian politics specifically for the purpose of overthrowing an elected government. What ought to amaze the world is that the U.S. is willing to risk nuclear war over a piece of land that was historically part of Russia and only became part of the Ukraine when it was seceded to the Ukraine by the USSR as a reward for them joining the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union. One has to ask what right the Soviet Union had to surrender Russian land and people to Ukraine. Surely if Israel can steal all of Palestine, the Russian Crimeans have the right to have their land and people repatriated with mother Russia.  It should be noted that the Ukrainian fascists now in power are direct blood descendants of the Ukrainian fascists who fought with the Nazis against the Russian people. The Right Sector boasts of this fact and has stated its intended goal is ethnic cleansing of Russians from Ukraine.

There is evidence on YouTube that the supposed intercepted script for this shootdown, that Ukrainian officials claim is authentic, has been proved to have been pieced together and was accidentally released prior to the incident by the Ukrainian government.  The initial posting was deleted to hide the fact that it was a staged forgery and it was removed prior to the shootdown.  However, the post and the date/time stamp was cached and Ukraine was caught red-handed posting what now is looking like a false flag event.  The video is located here:  This video proves that the U.S. does not care about the truth, but instead has decided to blame Putin and begin a coordinated propaganda campaign in order to get the EU to line up behind the U.S. in sanctioning Russia.  Calls to sanction Russia over Crimea have so far been resisted by European business interests but most politicians are more concerned with power than the viability of their constituents’ businesses.  The fact is that Putin has everything to lose and the U.S. has everything to gain by the plane shootdown, which ought to make the entire world suspicious. And, Putin is not stupid like Washington politicians and rarely works against the interests of his nation and does not betray their trust for Western banking concerns.  If the Ukrainian fascists will snipe and murder their own protesters to promote their political agenda, they are surely willing to shoot down a foreign plane to blame it on Russia, and the U.S. is surely willing to sponsor this lie to get EU support.  This atrocity has too many layers of plausible deniability that could not have existed without prior coordination, but it is the hiding of information by the US that is now the most telling.  Those who understand US modus operandi can see right through the lies and propaganda.   It is very likely that this is a CIA plot because it is Putin who is blocking the U.S.’s “New World Order”.  As the U.S. seeks to send in a task force of its choosing to survey the crash site, Putin begs for an international investigation to preserve and expose the facts.  He does not seem like a man with anything to hide.

It remains to be seen if the video exposing this transcript as a forgery is real or not, but more and more mainstream media outlets are beginning to take notice even as they continue to march lockstep with Obama.  The fact that the U.S. has not addressed the video speaks for itself.  But, what is provable is that the U.S. lies incessantly and will use any incident to promote or escalate war.  As the Washington elites escalate war, they feign outrage as they blame others for the carnage they have wrought.  Seriously, can anyone in the world now trust the U.S. as it maintains its drive for global domination?  Does anyone think psychopathic people like Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Bush or Cheney have one shred of integrity?  The political class in Washington exudes malevolence. The world needs to understand that cooperating with such malevolent people is not in its interests and usually leads to even greater unforeseen tragic events borne not by the U.S. government or its people, but by the people of other nations whose interests do not lie in global domination.

In a despicable act of mendacity the U.S. media used a picture of a rebel taken from a video to claim looting and trophy picture taking.  The leader who when after picking up a stuffed teddy bear and placing it next to other objects and after taking off his hat, bows his head and makes a Christian Catholic sign of the cross while bemoaning the incident and stating he can’t wait until the world finds out the truth about who shot down the plane.  The U.S. media used a still photo taken from a video of this incident to claim separatists were looting and taking “trophy pictures”.  This clearly demonstrates the U.S. media is pining for war in a most disgusting, vile, opportunistic and corrupt manner.  The Western media continues to prove to be nothing more than a tool for the elite to control the masses and get the masses to support their own extermination.  The network media is hopeless and worse than useless.  Proof of this media deception regarding the propaganda campaign directed against the American people and the supposed “looting” shows the entire incident and is provided here: Western Media Perverts Truth

The Russian government has provided open detailed Russian military briefings that were being conducted at its highest levels of government which include detailed Russian imagining intelligence (IMINT) products.

The Russian government has answered all the questions put to it, yet it has asked the Ukrainian government to answer these questions for which it has so far refused to respond.  Here are the questions are the Russian government has asked the Ukraine government:

1. Ukrainian authorities immediately identified the militia as the perpetrators of the tragedy. What is the basis of such findings?

2. Could official Kiev to report all the details of using [BUKs] in a war zone? Most importantly – why these systems are deployed there, as the militia no planes?

3. What are the causes of inactivity of Ukrainian authorities on the formation of an international commission? When such a committee will work?

4. Are the armed forces of Ukraine international experts to present papers on accounting for missiles, air-to-air and ground-to-air ammo and anti-aircraft missiles?

5. Whether these funds objective control on the movement of the Ukrainian Air Force aircraft on the day of the tragedy brought international commission?

6. Why Ukrainian air traffic controllers allowed deviation of the route of the aircraft to the north side of the “anti-terrorist operation zone”?

7. Why was not completely closed to civilian aircraft airspace over the combat zone, especially because in this area there was no solid field of radar navigation?

8. Could official Kiev to comment on reports in the net, ostensibly on behalf of the Spanish air traffic controllers working in Ukraine, which shot down over the territory of Ukraine “Boeing” was accompanied by two Ukrainian military aircraft?

9. Why Security Service of Ukraine has begun without international representatives work with recordings of talks with Ukrainian crew dispatchers “Boeing” and Ukrainian radar data?

10. How were the lessons from previous similar disasters Russian Tu-154 in 2001 in the Black Sea? Then the leaders of Ukraine until the last minute denied any involvement of the Armed Forces of the country to the tragedy until irrefutable evidence showed no guilt official Kiev.

The U.S. refuses to release any information and makes an utter mockery of the Americans’ intelligence.  Yet, this is the nonsense and embarrassment the U.S. State Department’s spokeswoman Jen Psaki has dumped on the American people to keep them informed:

 The U.S. refuses to release any information and makes an utter mockery of the Americans’ intelligence. Yet, this is the nonsense and embarrassment the U.S. State Department’s spokeswoman Jen Psaki has dumped on the American people to keep them informed: See U.S. State Department Briefing Here

 While the State Department claimed they had no intelligence to show that it could have been a Ukraine BUK anti-aircraft system (SA 11) that shot down Flight MH-17, Russia has provided detailed intelligence to show the U.S. is lying as they have even more detailed intelligence. If Obama’s State Department is  caught lying he ought to be impeached and John Kerry fired.

The US has the most sophisticated image intelligence with satellites orbiting that are recording in real time 24-hours a day.  They have been closely monitoring all Russian troop movements and those of Russian separatists in Crimea.  The U.S. knows exactly when and from where any missile launch took place.  It would have been able to provide immediate proof if it had actually been Russia or even Crimeans who launched the BUK missile at Flight MH17.  This is not conjecture, but comes from an American military oficer who served in intelligence.  Not only would they have been able to monitor, record and track the launch of the BUK missile, but it would have been able to monitor the movement of the missile system back to Russia if it had actually been Russia that fired the missile.  The US was able to tell that the Ukranian soldiers had been drinking beer and were in Ukrainian army uniforms.  The US is now trying to state that it was Crimeans dressed up as Ukrainian soldiers without providing one shred of evidence.  Would you believe a single word coming out of Obama’s, Kerry’s or Clinton’s lying mouth?

While this plane crash is a tragedy, past history has shown what the U.S. response is when collateral damage occurs as a result of U.S. wars. Do you  imagine that whatever excuse would be given and accepted by the U.N., NATO and the American people if it was a U.S. shootdown will be given the same consideration if this incident proves to be a mistake of an civilian airline pilot bringing his passengers to a battle?  But, if Washington’s military tradition holds true, whoever shot this plane down and killed hundreds of civilians will also end up becoming a decorated military hero as did Lieutenant Commander Scott Lustig for his shootdown of IR Flight 655 and the slaughter of 290 innocent Iranians on IR Flight 655.

If you want to terrorize the elite and political class sign up at “World  Beyond War” and end their reign of terror.

Please post links to this article on social media.



After the false claim of a self-defense force leader taking trophy shots and looting a teddy bear where the video actually showed a man making the sign of the cross and stacking belongings, another false news story was released that Ukrainian seperatists were looting bodies.  David Cameron even went on international media to make the claim and condemn the act. However, it was suddenly discovered that the picture of the supposed bodies being looted is actually disaster workers sorting IDs used to ship recognizable bodies via refigerated freight trains to their place of origin.  One can liken this propaganda to the crazy “Qadaffi is giving Viaga to Rape Brigades” nonsense used to turn a no-fly zone into a six-month NATO bombing campaign, or the Saddam is killing babies to steal incubators meme used by liars in the Kuwait royal family to get the U.S. to invade Iraq.


Russia and Crimean separatists have complained that the black box flight recorders, which the Malaysian representatives stated would not be handed over to the U.S., have in fact been handed over to the U.S.  Also, after Crimean defense forces allowed international access to the crash site, the Ukrainian military has begun attacking the crash site of MH17.  Many speculate this is being done to hide the Ukrainian government’s complicity in the shootdown.  It still remains to be seen why the Ukrainian government routed Flight MH17 over a war zone while also having it descend to a height susceptible to shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles.


Information regarding Ukrainian government’s redirect of MH17′s flight path into a war zone where they had BUK missiles deployed his covered here:


Russia Today did an excellent media piece on Ukraine having already sold off key industries to interests in the US and the EU.  It has already sold its interests in the pipeline running through Ukraine to western energy interests.  The fascist government has sold off key industries and the only thing Ukraine will be allowed to export into the EU will be eggs.  There is no plan for the long-term development of the country and the fascist regime is simply cashing in on selling off all available assets while leaving the nation and its people completely destitute.  The uprisings that are to come will pale in significance to current protests once the people of the Ukraine realize how they were used by their leaders and the West to enrich the US and the elites selected by Washington while impoverishing themselves.


Malaysian Government Admits It Knows Ukraine Government and CIA Colluded In Shootdown of Flight MH17

Great article exposes what the Malaysian government thinks regarding the assertion that Flight MH19 was shot down by the Ukrainian airplane with an air-to-air missile and not by the rebels with an SA11 Buk missile.  It exposes why the US media has not demanded accountability due to the the government’s refusal to provide one piece of evidence from SIGINT, IMINT, crash experts’ analysis, flight recordings, plane transmissions,  radar recordings, physical evidence from the crash site that was attacked by the Ukraine government with artillery only to destroy evidence, the deportation of a spanish air traffic controller, and the Russian intelligence products which nobody has refuted that now proves the US was lying about everything as it was demanding trade embargos and seeking the positioning of NATO forces on the Russian border.

It also exposes the prank played on the mainstream media regarding the fake green screen beheading of James Folye that was done to show how the media makes news out of nonsense when it seeks to get propaganda to support US attacks while an ignorant and gullible population believes everything the media tells them.  The entire US media establishment was publicly exposed as a bunch of fools.