FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger: Warn Police Of Airstrike-Inspired “Homegrown Extremists” & “Disgruntled Employee” Threats
While careful to note ‘no specific threats‘ have been found, it appears the FBI and DHS have decided it’s time to show why local police departments needed to be fully militarized after all. In the first bulletin, according to Bloomberg, US security officials warned federal and local police to watch for “homegrown violent extremists” who may be motivated to attack by airstrikes in Syria. In the second bulletin, the FBI and DHS assess thatdisgruntled and former employees pose a significant threat to US businesses due to their authorized access to sensitive information and the networks businesses rely on (no doubt inspired by today’s dreadful occurrences at UPS in Birmingham). It’s just a good thing all those local police forces have MRAPs, don’t you feel safer already? However, don’t forget, as The UK made clear, the definition of terrorist is a tricky one since even viewing ISIS propaganda constitutes a criminal offense.
Money well spent?
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It would appear so (as Bloomberg reports), as while the FBI, DHS didn’t offer details on possible threats, U.S. airstrikes in Syria may inspire terrorist plots, according to joint bulletin from Homeland Security Dept and FBI obtained by Bloomberg News…
U.S security officials warned federal and local police to watch for “homegrown violent extremists” who may be motivated to attack by airstrikes in Syria.
The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigationissued a joint intelligence bulletin today in which they said the strikes “may have temporarily disrupted attack plotting” by the Khorasan group, a militant network that includes former members of al-Qaeda.
An attack by that group and by the Islamic State, both of which were the targets in last night’s strikes, “are less likely near-term” though “plotting by these groups may accelerate,” according to the bulletin.
The alert, obtained by Bloomberg News, addresses no specific plots and encourages police to alert federal authorities of suspicious activity.
The U.S.-led airstrikes hit targets in Iraq and, for the first time, in Syria. U.S. officials said Khorasan has emerged in recent weeks as a more immediate threat to the U.S. than Islamic State.
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And finally, in case you were concerned, the definitive chart of identfying terrorists…
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It appears Ron Paul was right...
If we want to stop radical terrorists from operating in Syria and Iraq, how about telling our ally Saudi Arabia to stop funding and training them? For that matter, how about the US government stops arming and training the various rebel groups in Syria and finally ends its 24 year US war on Iraq.
There are 200 million people bordering the countries where ISIS is currently operating. They are the ones facing the threat of ISIS activity and expansion. Let them fight their own war, rather than turning the US military into the mercenary army of wealthy Gulf states. Remember, they come over here because we are over there. So let’s not be over there any longer.
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