Does the Left know it has no hope in a civil war scenario?



Does the Left know it has no hope in a civil war scenario?

ANALYSIS: Why the treasonous Left will suffer a brutal loss in the coming civil war as power, water and food supply lines are cut by rural patriots defending America

by Mike Adams

(Natural News) Civil War Two is rapidly emerging as an inevitable reality, given that deranged Leftists have now convincingly demonstrated they cannot coexist with anyone else in a civil society. Left-wing operatives (lawmakers, fake news journo-terrorists and deep state actors) are lawless liars, frauds, hoaxers and destroyers of civilization. They steal elections, push fake news narratives, brainwash the public with deliberate lies and indoctrinate children with hatred for their own country. They are pedophiles, child traffickers, charlatans and tyrants. The Left, as I’ve said before, is a “suicide cult,” and they will not stop until they have criminalized, marginalized or mass murdered everyone who opposes their authoritarian rule. (Face it: Two years ago you wouldn’t have believed this, but now you know it’s true.)

As deranged and dangerous as Leftists have become, stopping them in a civil war scenario is tactically simpler than you might suppose, our analysis finds. That’s because Leftists are concentrated in cities, and every city is a death trap that depends on outside supply lines for its continued existence. To defeat the anti-American Leftist forces, pro-America forces don’t even have to enter the cities. They would only need to cut off the cities from rural America, which is where all the resources come from that keep cities alive.

DISCLAIMER #1: This article is an analysis of events that seem likely to occur. This analysis should in no way be interpreted as an advocacy of any actions of violence or sabotage against anyone. We hope for peace and pray that a second civil war in America can be averted. Yet we also realize that the deranged Left will stop at nothing and is incessantly pushing us all toward conflict. This article is an analysis of how that may unfold if it is not stopped beforehand.

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Stated plainly, rural America is where all the water comes from… it’s where the food is grown, the electricity is transported and the city sewage is dumped. Yet cities, run by delusional Leftists, seek to nullify the political power of rural America and rule over realAmerica as authoritarian tyrants. This can only happen if rural America continues to supply cities with the resources they need to function. That consent will likely be revoked in due course.

Last year, I released a documentary called Biosludged. This film documents the irrefutable fact that every city in America exports its human sewage sludge to rural areas outside the cities. That sewage sludge is dumped on farms, poisoning the countryside while allowing city liberals to pretend they are “recycling” by flushing their toilets. Cutting off the export of city sewage sludge to rural areas would cause cities to fester in their own steaming piles of human sh#t, and in cities like New York, those steaming piles would almost instantly flood into the streets, spreading e.coli, cholera and other diseases that would bring any city to its knees. In other words, if liberals had to deal with their own feces, their cities would collapse into Third World status. San Francisco already has a head start on that program, by the way, thanks to an endless stream of homeless people crapping all over the streets of that once-great city, which now resembles the urban sh#tholes of Haiti.

Run by liberals, every city will eventually collapse into Third World status. In a civil war scenario, that process can be rapidly accelerated by disconnecting cities from rural imports and exports.

Electrical substations that feed power to cities are the Achilles heel of liberal authoritarianism

DISCLAIMER #2: This is my analysis of what may come. I offer this as a warning, not as any form of advocacy for the actions described here. My hope is that this scenario can be avoided. Pray for peace. But be prepared for anything.

During Civil War Two, it would be a relatively simple matter for rural, patriotic Americans fighting for America and defending the Republic to take out the electrical substations that feed power to the cities. These substations are not even defended by anything more than chain-link fences in most cases, and they happen to be extremely vulnerable to sabotage which can disable delicate parts that require long wait times for resupply and repair.

I was recently thinking of writing a fiction novel about the likely tactical scenarios that would unfold in an actual modern civil war. In my research, I ran across this outstanding article from Matt Bracken, a patriot and Trump supporter who has reached many of the same conclusions that I’ve reached on all this. At, Bracken writes:

And once this vicious civil war is in full swing, the odds are high that the power grid itself will become the target of ten thousand attacks. In such a fluid crazy-quilt battlespace as an all-out dirty civil war, shared infrastructure lines will run through both friendly and enemy territory. Every faction will have a veto on their downstream enemy’s power grid and water supply. Food supplies that today are trucked from hundreds or thousands of miles away will disappear in this dangerous environment. Brainwashed Dunning-Kruger Democrats and their FACLI reinforcements might not enjoy living around evil and oppressive white devils very much today, but they are going to enjoy life without electricity, food, and clean drinking water even less. They will discover that it’s much easier to turn Minneapolis into Mogadishu than the reverse.

Bracken calls it a “dirty civil war,” and by that, he means it’s messy and chaotic. What Bracken recognizes is that cities rapidly become uninhabitable without power, water and food. And cutting off those supply lines to the cities is a relatively simple matter for determined patriots working to take their country back from the left-wing traitors who are trying to overthrow America (and destroy it with illegal immigration and massive, coordinated voter fraud). Disabling or denying the access of upstream dams, municipal-scale water pumps, electrical infrastructure, railways and even bridges is not technically that difficult for determined forces fighting to defend America against domestic enemies (i.e. lawless Leftists).

Imagine Los Angeles in a sustained power grid outage. Imagine no EBT cards (food stamps), no air conditioning and no wifi. In 48 hours, L.A. collapses into a war zone, with police vastly outnumbered by armed gangs that go door to door, robbing, killing, raping and pillaging. This is what liberal policies have demanded, of course: No police protection. No firearms for self-defense. No prosecutions of criminals if they happen to be minorities (Jussie Smollett, anyone?). Without a power grid, Los Angeles collapses into something far worse than Venezuela. It becomes a cesspool of filth, lawlessness and violence, which is exactly what Leftists eventually produce when they are in charge of cities, states or nations. Cutting off the power to Los Angeles would merely accelerate the process that’s already under way thanks to left-wing California policies that are rooted in lawlessness, socialism and authoritarianism.

Lunatic left-wing cities like Los Angeles are especially vulnerable given their dependence on large water volumes pumped over a mountain, using very high electrical power that’s brought in from remote locations. What happens to Los Angeles when power, water and food are cut off? The scenario is well described by Bracken:

What will happen inside the blue hives that are presently organized as DemSoc vote-harvesting plantations, when the EBT system collapses? When no electricity, food or water is flowing in to sustain their populations? This dystopian dynamic is likely to occur in some cities or regions earlier than in others, and this will lead to the imposition of extremely harsh measures, including martial law and food rationing in other parts of the country. Alternatively, where government control is weak, local vigilantism will become rampant.

But history is clear: no matter how draconian the emergency decrees, new laws will not by themselves restore the power grid, or purify and pump the water, or get the food supply chain moving again. That will require the end of the civil war and a return to civility and the normal rule of law. Civil War Two will be brutal in every corner of America, but it will be absolutely catastrophic for the inhabitants of the blue hives when their sustenance is cut off. The Dunning-Kruger Democrats and the FACLI immigrants will not be able to eat socialist slogans or drink officially-sanctioned racial hatred.

The upshot of all this? Don’t be in a liberal city when Civil War Two gets under way.

By the way, this exact same scenario also unfolds in the aftermath of an EMP weapon or solar flare that takes out the power grid. So what I’m actually describing here is not only a civil war scenario; it’s also a warning about America’s vulnerability to EMP weapons launched by foreign adversaries like Russia, China or North Korea. We’ve already covered the belief that North Korea already possesses orbiting nuclear warheads that pass directly overhead the United States every few hours and can be dropped into a trajectory, then detonated to produce a disastrous EMP effect that could take down most of the major cities in America.

So as you’re reading this warning here, keep in mind that civil war is only one of the many scenarios that could produce these results. Again, my hope is that we can avoid all this, but things like space weather are completely outside of human control and thus cannot be stopped no matter what we do here on Earth. The sun, it turns out, is the great fusion-powered “societal reset” machine in the sky. Sooner or later, a massive solar flare strikes our planet and fries all the electronics. NASA says the odds of that happening are roughly 12% every decade, or put more simply, about 1% every year. Government research reports estimate a die-off rate of up to 90% of the U.S. population in the months following a grid-down solar flare event or EMP weapon detonation. Most of those deaths would occur in the cities.

Why socialism eventually leads to authoritarianism and cannibalism

Leftists can’t eat their socialist slogans, but in the right circumstances, they will likely turn to eating each other. Cannibalism is, of course, exactly what the deranged, anti-American Leftists have set up for themselves since they work diligently to destroy the free market system that delivers food abundance in the first place. AOC’s “Green New Deal” — a horrendously idiotic plan that would collapse the food supply and lead to mass starvation— might simply be called the Cannabalism Diet Plan for Socialists.

After the residents of Los Angeles have eaten all the zoo animals, stray squirrels and pet dogs, they will of course begin to kill and eat each other. It is the way of the Left to destroy themselves, usually while claiming to be victims of a hate crime. The secret is to make sure that you and I don’t get caught up in the suicide pact that Leftists will roll out across America. Ideally, their self-destruction could be largely limited to Democrat-controlled cities so that they only destroy themselves.

This is precisely what Leftists have brought upon themselves, by the way. They have worked overtime to demonize, marginalize, de-platform and scapegoat everyone who dares oppose their authoritarian demands. In doing so, they have forfeit their right to participate in a civil society. History reveals that radical Leftism always ends up in mass violence and even genocide carried out against political opponents. What Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are doing right now to silence conservative speech is just the warm-up. What they really want is to slaughter all conservatives in the name of “social justice.” Again, Bracken chimes in with some astonishingly appropriate thoughts:

I am instead observing that before every notorious genocide, the same pattern of marginalizing and demonizing a designated scapegoat population has occurred. Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Today in the United States, a possible future genocide remains far down the track and around the curve, well out of sight, and beyond the power of most Americans to even imagine. But the historical record is clear. Broad social approval of class- or racially-based scapegoating is a necessary precursor stage to eventual genocide, and a combination of both variants was clearly seen in the Covington case.

Why you need to relocate out of left-wing cities before the 2020 election

If you are still living in a left-wing city, you may only have about 18 months to get out or risk being caught up in the battles that might follow the 2020 election. That election is sure to be contested, no matter who wins or loses. If Trump wins re-election, the deranged Left goes “full lunatic” and starts bombing buildings, executing Trump supporters in the streets and setting fire to government buildings. (They are already physically attacking anyone who wears a MAGA hat. This is just the warm-up to what’s coming.)

If the Democrats win, it can only have been accomplished through massive voter fraud, Big Tech censorship, media collusion and illegal ballot harvesting carried out across the country… and the pro-America forces will not accept that outcome, either, since every Democrat win is now only achievable through massive fraud. (See the scientific proof that Google already helped Democrats steal congressional seats in the 2018 mid-term elections.)

The day after Election Day in 2020 is the day America fractures. There is no more coexistence with the Left in America, for Leftists have already decided they will never accept the outcome of any election they don’t win. They reject the rule of law; they despise facts that don’t fit their delusional thinking; they have zero tolerance for a diversity of ideas; and they are seething with hatred for their own country and wish to see it overrun and destroyed economically, politically, culturally and geographically. Leftists are a cancer on society, and sooner or later, they must be eliminated from all positions of influence and power.

Stop trying to appease these insane, deranged, mentally ill lunatics and start thinking about where you want to be when Civil War Two gets underway. If you’re caught in a liberal city — Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Austin, Baltimore, New York, etc. — you will likely experience a rapid collapse of infrastructure as rural America fights back by cutting off supply lines to the cities. As an additional outcome, cutting off the power to cities that host the server farms which run the tech giants will simultaneously result in persistent outages across Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Apple and all the other technology companies that are presently at war with America and have been waging a two-year assault on the First Amendment, Second Amendment and basic constitutional rights.

Every server farm that runs the left-wing censorship infrastructure across the ‘net is hosted in a liberal city. Every server farm relies on the constant supply of electricity to function. And every left-wing media outlet that continues to wage psychological terrorism against America by broadcasting poisonous lies 24/7 is also based in a liberal city and needs a constant supply of electricity to continue to operate.

DISCLAIMER #3: Note that I am not advocating violence of any kind, nor am I suggesting anyone take action to sabotage the power grid and plunge liberal cities into darkness. Instead, I am warning that this tactic appears to be an obvious, inevitable outcome if the deranged Left continues to push America into a civil war that we all hope to avoid. Remember, in all-out war there are no rules. Presently, conservatives who are being vilified, censored, defamed, violently attacked, smeared and bullied are still being polite. But there is likely a point beyond which conservative America says enough is enough; it’s time to defend the border, arrest the traitors, dismantle the tech giants, deport the illegals, protect the integrity of elections and defend our constitutional republic. That day is probably not far off, given the current behavior of the lawless Left.


How we might still avoid the worst case civil war scenario

To avoid a civil war, the radical Left needs to apologize to America for pushing the Russia collusion hoax. Censorship of the tech giants needs to be immediately lifted. The fake news media (NYT, CNN, WashPost, MSNBC, etc.) needs to close down and cease operations. The deep state operatives who tried to carry out a political coup against America need to be arrested and tried for treason. And Barack Obama and Hillary Clincon need to be among them, for they are the evil masterminds behind the entire plan to inject deep state spies into the Trump campaign and create collusion in order to overthrow our democracy.

It’s time for the Left to apologize in shame, for Adam Schiff to resign from Congress and for the tech companies to pay reparations to all those they have economically sabotaged over the last two years. Every journalist who pushed the Russia collusion hoax should offer an on-air apology and then permanently resign from “journalism.” Flynn and Stone should be pardoned by the President, and the military police should arrest the deep state traitors like James Comey who attempted the coup in the first place. For attempting to overturn the will of the people and thwart democracy, Democrats should be barred from all elections for the next four years. If all that happens, we just might be able to avoid a civil war.

Yet it seems unlikely that the lunatic Left will ever apologize for what they have done to shred the rule of law in America, which is why I fear things are going to continue to snowball toward the 2020 election, after which an outbreak of “Civil War Two” seems increasingly likely. At the moment, we still have a window of opportunity to avoid it, but there’s zero evidence the radical Left is interested in coexistence. Yesterday, Facebook just announced that all pro-America patriots would be banned on its platform if they happen to be white. Facebook has now officially designated “white nationalism” as “hate speech” in its latest attempt to silence patriotic voices and smear people with false claims of bigotry. This is just another sign that the only long-term solution to stopping Facebook will likely be played out in a civil war scenario, where Facebook meets the reality of a grid-down scenario. Without electricity, Facebook can’t censor anyone, since everyone is offline.

Pray for America. Pray for peace. But prepare for all-out war, because it’s the most likely scenario at this point, given that the lawless Left has zero intention to operate in a civil manner and play fair in a diverse society. Leftists demand authoritarian rule and the complete destruction of their political opponents. The very basis of their demands are incompatible with civil society and must be halted if America is to survive as a sovereign nation.

Once Civil War Two begins, and conservatives decide to fight back, the scenarios described in this article will happen with shocking speed. Leftists will find themselves outgunned, outsmarted and living in Third World conditions. The cities will implode. Political correctness will collapse. Survival will be the only game that matters.
