Democrat Response to Trump Border Security Speech Proves They Are All Traitors to the American Republic
And here’s why:
DEEP STATE PLOT: A Massive Treasonous Conspiracy Subverts America via Open Borders and Illegal Aliens
TREASON: Democrat Resistance to the Border Wall and Immigration Law Enforcement is Nothing but Naked Subversion of the American Republic by Closet Communist Traitors
Not only that, it represents:
For a much more detailed elaboration of this fact, please read:
The Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History
What follows are just a few of the reasons why the traitors insist on open borders and no immigration law enforcement:
• Plentiful and cheap labor for Corporate America at a time of extreme international economic competition
• Stream of needed military recruits for the U.S. Armed Forces who are guaranteed a fast track to citizenship
• Illegal drug revenues are deposited in the large banks that are too big to fail
• Illegal human trafficking generates huge profits and feeds the appetite of the power elite
• Illegal arms trafficking produces illicit profits for both corporations and government
• Democrats use illegal aliens, economic immigrants and war refugees to rebuild their shrinking base
• New World Order globalist cabal cynically uses illegal immigration as the cudgel of multiculturalism just as they destroyed Europe
• DACA and anchor babies are systematically used to dilute the U.S. population descended from European ancestry.
• Operation Gladio use the open borders to sneak across terrorists cells who will carry out false flag terrorist attacks upon being triggered
• Gladio is also stealthily building a secret army, nationwide, of foreign mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other-soldier-of-fortune wannabes
• … … … this is a truncated list and only represents some of the most influential drivers of illegal immigration and open borders
(Source: “THE OPEN BORDER”: A Highly Organized Conspiracy to Undermine
the Territorial Integrity and National Sovereignty of the American Republic)
State of the Nation
January 8, 2019