Tom Fitton: Media Disinterest in IRS Targeting Is Also Scandal





Tom Fitton: Media Disinterest in IRS Targeting Is Also Scandal


The lack of media coverage of the IRS tea party targeting scandal is a scandal in itself, says Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, the government watchdog that has broken many exclusives about the agency’s troubles.

Fitton’s group this week revealed how emails to and from former IRS official Lois Lerner do exist — despite the testimony of IRS officials that they were destroyed in a computer crash.

“It is a scandal, the lack of media interest in this,” he told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

“How many thousands of missing emails does it take to equal the equivalent of an 18-and-a-half minute gap in the Nixon tapes?” Fitton said, referring to the tape infamously erased by Richard Nixon’s secretary Rosemary Woods.

“The IRS [was] sort of lying from the beginning when they said they weren’t targeting people who were opposed to the Obama agenda or tea party groups. They said they weren’t doing it, and in fact, they were.

“This whole scandal started off with a lie, and now they’ve misled the American people about missing Lois Lerner’s emails by talking about hard drives falling on the ground or whatever and not disclosing they’ve got this catastrophic backup system.”