This radioactive psyop is way to explosive to be forgotten. It may provide the proof that could show how virtually every false flag shooting and bombing in America is conducted under the umbrella of Operation Gladio C by the U.S. Intelligence Community with NATO military oversight.
The American people owe Howell the opportunity to tell his story. If the leaked narrative about him being trained at the same CIA camp in Virginia as Omar Mateen is true, then the real back story is guaranteed to be a blockbuster (a certain block in Langley, VA, that is).

As of today, James Wesley Howell has been in jail 21 months without a trial.
He could expose the Deep State false flags once and for all. But cowardly Americans are afraid to get the truth. Every scam requires a willing dupe. We have 330 million people complicit in their own destruction.
Everyone is afraid of James Wesley Howell. His Public Defender quit her job.
21 months ago, June 12, 2016, Howell, 21, was arrested in Santa Monica CA with a small arsenal of weapons and bombs. A leaked story emerged that he was a CIA-sponsored “terrorist” assigned to attack the gay pride parade. (This was the same day as the Orlando nightclub attack.) He realized he was being double-crossed and surrendered to local police before he could be murdered.
In the 20 mos since his arrest, he has not been tried. No one has tried to get his side of the story or offer support. He has rotted in jail (location below article) while his trial is continually postponed. It is now scheduled for the autumn. Is there no one in LA with the courage to reach out to him? He didn’t actually commit any crime. 20-year-olds make mistakes.
(Updated from August 27, 2016)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
James Wesley Howell is the smoking gun that proves terror events worldwide are sponsored by intelligence agencies. He asked Santa Monica police for protection June 12, the morning of the Orlando “massacre.”
He told them he was supposed to bomb the gay pride parade but had backed out when he learned Omar Mateen had been killed in Orlando. He said he had trained with Mateen at a CIA camp in Virginia.
Police found items no freelance or ISIS terrorist would be able to assemble: “He had twenty-five (25) pounds of Shoc-Shot, an explosive used for blowing up targets by high-velocity bullets most likely to cause a crowd widespread panic, and a possible escape by assailants in smoke and mass confusion. The two components needed to make the Shock-Shot explosive had been mixed. Howell had an Anderson Manufacturing AM-115 .223- high velocity round caliber rifle. The rifle had a round in its chamber and additional rounds in a 30-round magazine attached to it. Another 30-round magazine was taped to the rifle. He had a .30-06 bolt-action rifle with a round in its chamber, and a high velocity .22-caliber Ruger semi-automatic pistol. He had a mass murdering commando assassin’s arsenal.”
The FBI swept in and took charge of Howell. Since then, there has been barely a word about his case in the media, proof that he was telling the truth. Most disturbing is that both the mass media and alternative media won’t touch this story. No lawyer or advocacy group has taken up his case. It proves that the American people are complicit in the charade that is the “war on terror.” They are accomplices at best; victims of Stockholm syndrome at worst.
Howell’s latest inmate information is below the comments.
He has pleaded not guilty. His Public Defender is Angelo Tarallo 310-727-6232
Other possible sources of information:
Law enforcement:
Sean Carney Assn’t District Attorney LA County Phone 213-257-2226 Email: [email protected]
FBI Spokesperson Laura Eimiller (310) 420-6441
Santa Monica detective Dereck Leone (310) 458-8949 who arrested Howell.
Mainstream Media who initially covered the story and went silent:
It is mind-boggling that NO ONE in the mainstream media has followed up on this case. It is heart sickening that no one in the alternative media has followed up, not even G. Edward Griffin who first headlined the story. He has since erased the story from his site. I have written 4-5 alternative media types and also didn’t get a reply.
Happy to see this article comes up on google under “James Wesley Howell.”
This is a sign that the country is paralyzed by fear. It remains for ordinary citizens to demand information from the authorities. If you live in Los Angeles, I’m asking you to visit James Wesley Howell and offer moral support. Other terrorist suspects get intense media scrutiny. The fact that Howell is being largely ignored suggests the leaked story may be correct.
Our fate is bound up in his. JWH is our best chance to prove that the government is waging a terror war against its own citizens. If he is allowed to “commit suicide” or slip down the memory hole, that war will continue.
Have we forgotten that more than 3000 innocent people died on 9-11? Their murderers have not been brought to justice. They are holding James Wesley Howell prisoner today. His life is in danger. How many more people must die before the real CIA terrorists are stopped?