Truth Bomb Dropped Live On BBC By British Ambassador Goes Viral
Baxter Dmitry
Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, refused to go along with the BBC propaganda on Syria and dropped a truth bomb live on air yesterday.
Fed up with the state sponsored propaganda from the very start, Peter Ford dispensed with niceties and disagreed on every level possible with the very first question put to him by the BBC host.
Referring to claims that Assad is responsible for the chemical attack in Syria, the BBC host said, “That’s a statement of fact, right?”
“It’s a myth,” Ford said, his voice thick with disgust for mainstream media idiocy and lies.
“It’s a statement of non-fact,” he continued, immediately rocking the host back on his heels.
“What’s needed is an investigation, because there are two possibilities for what happened. One is the American version, that Assad dropped chemical weapons on this locality. The other version is that an ordinary bomb was dropped and it hit a munitions dump where jihadis were storing chemical weapons. We don’t know which of these two possibilities is the correct one.
“Remember the run up to Iraq. The experts, the intelligence agencies, the politicians were convinced that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. They produced reams of evidence, photographs, diagrams. They were all wrong. It was all wrong. It’s possible that they are wrong in this instance as well. That they are just looking for a pretext to attack Syria.”
That was more truth than the BBC usually broadcasts in a week. Aware the truth quotient was way too high for his superiors’ liking, the BBC host went into damage control mode, and started reading from the same script CNN and MSNBC hosts use whenever a guest dares to go against the deep state approved narrative.
That’s right, the desperate mainstream media host accused Peter Ford, the former British Ambassador to Syria, of being a Russian operative.
But Ford was ready for that weak jab. Resembling a quiet, gentle man who has suffered one indignity too many, the former Ambassador launched into his counterattack like a man with nothing left to lose.
“I don’t leave my brains at the door when I examine a situation analytically. I try to be objective,” Fordham said. “And based on previous experience, including Iraq, we can see that we cannot take at face value what the so-called intelligence experts tell us when they have an agenda.
“Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations, seeing how successful and easy it is, with a gullible media, to provoke and lead the West into intemperate reactions.
If this interview was taking place on CNN, the satellite feed would have mysteriously dropped out by now and executives would be entering Peter Ford’s name in the ‘Never appearing on CNN again’ spreadsheet. But BBC haven’t learnt that trick yet, so viewers got to watch Ford rail against the phonies for a few more precious minutes.
“They [the rebels – Al-Qaeda and ISIS] will very likely stage an operation similar to what they did – and this was documented by the United Nations in August last year – they mounted a chlorine gas attack on civilians and tried to make it look like a regime operation.”
“It will happen and we will get all the warmongers coming to tell us that Assad is defying us and we most go in more heavily into Syria.”
By this point the BBC host realized he was dealing with a man who was hell bent on speaking the truth, and he could not and would not be bullied into silence with ridiculous accusations. He decided to give Ford the respect he should have had from the start of the interview.
“With your expertise – it’s worth saying, you are a former Ambassador to Syria – with your knowledge of Bashar al-Assad and his regime in that country, what do you think his reaction to this will be?”
Ford said: “Assad may be cruel, brutal… but he’s not mad. It defies belief that he would bring this all on his head for no military advantage, the site that was hit had no military significance, it made absolutely no sense. It angered the Russians. For no other reason, it’s simply not plausible.”
“We will all pay the consequences. The oil price will spike. There will very likely be more use, not less use, of chemical weapons, as a result of this. And, this is also important, the Russians and the Syrians will give less co-operation in the fight against ISIS.”