PizzaGate Is A Giant Step For Investigative Journalism
PizzaGate Is A Giant Step For Investigative Journalism–Part I
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Just when it looked like investigative journalism was dead and buried, there came along PizzaGate, which is busting open a new era of cyber-sleuthing to expose and take down once-untouchable criminals in high office. This most heartening rebirth, with the surge by a vigilant posse of blogs and websites, is accomplishing what the late Aaron Swartz of reddit (prior to its new role as self-appointed censor) was attempting before he was cut down in his tracks with an “assisted suicide” ordered by murderous pedophiles.
The damning evidence gathered so far against the powerful Podesta brothers, who ran the Hillary for America campaign and served as advisers to Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton is crucial to demolishing the corrupt and unrepresentative Democratic National Committee and its bedfellows among so-called establishment Republicans. The foolhardy response of those high-level felons is to order an illegal cover-up and unconstitutional crackdown by America’s law-enforcement agencies, intelligence bureaus and NATO allies with the pretext of combating “fake news.”
Caught with their pants down, the panicked perverts in power, from the Bilderbergers who denied association with pimp Marc Dutroux to the predators of the Franklin child-abuse scandal, now dare to accuse truth-tellers of running “fake news” in a lame attempt to scare off angry fathers who want answers to why missing kids are outnumbering milk cartons at the supermarket. The next line of defense for the cowardly political class is to plant cookies from their own hastily assembled fake sites as if their crumbs are IEDs.
None of those namby-pamby tactics, like speaking in code words derived from pizza terminology, have deterred the online anti-pedophile crusaders, so the idiotic clandestine-ops bosses had to stage a phony lone-gunman attack on Comet Ping Pong Pizza. The assailant turned out to be an unemployed movie actor-writer named Edgar Madisson Welch, who previously appeared in the horror movie “The Bleeding” and worked as go-fer for “A Tale about Bootlegging”. This pathetic a ploy is yet another waste of newsprint and taxpayers’ money.
The trans-Atlantic war on “fake news”, as documented on the European side of the pond by Thierry Meyssan of Voltaire network, had to have been ordered by the Office of the President or it simply wouldn’t be involving NATO command, which has nothing better to do, for example, fighting the cutthroats of ISIS.
Instead of being the Mini-me of that criminal dictator Suharto from your Indonesian boyhood days, Barry, grow up and act like a real man for once in your life. And get ready for more stench out of the overflowing the sewer pipe, you own next time. Instead of trying to plug the streaming flow of facts, you’d better prepare for a safe retirement where you can feel at home, somewhere like Kenya. Never mind trying to protect Hillary and the Podestas, because they smoked their own chicken at Cheryl Mills’ Moloch Barbecue.
That White House email, now available for all to see at Wikileaks, promised Hillary Clinton a sacrifice to that ancient Canaanite idol, knowing full well that it’s not KFC and that the bull-headed demon demands burnt offerings with a child sacrifice. In this case, it may not be a metaphor, as will be explored later in this essay.
Scotland Yard stares across the Atlantic
One of the patently false claims from Hillary’s occult crackpots is that “Trump supporters” concocted the accusations against Podesta. Excuse me for raising inconvenient truths, but this entire episode was started by the London Metropolitan Police in 2013. Back then, Trump supporters did not yet exist, except at the Miss Universe contest.
As reported by ABC News in a video clip online, Scotland Yard released police artist sketches from witness accounts of two men who were spotted stalking the Portuguese vacation apartment where Madeleine McCann was abducted while her parents were away at a tapas restaurant. A bouncer at a tourist bar, along with other locals, recognized the pair as being Americans. Police notices are routinely filed with Interpol and, therefore, the FBI was obligated to run a facial-recognition check on the drawings.
Only three years later, starting this autumn, did whispers emerge that the two depicted suspects have a stunning resemblance to beefy Tony Podesta and brother John with the sad eyes. According to yet-unverified leaks from law enforcement, the Podestas were in Praia do Luz, southern Portugal, on the very day of 4-year-old Maddie’s disappearance in that seaside town. May 3, 2007, a date to remember.
Freud’s Tavistock as forerunner of MK-ULTRA
In Praia do Luz, the brothers stayed in the plush villa of Clement Freud, a British TV personality and parliamentarian who was accused postmortem of being an insatiable pedophile. His grandfather was psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, founder of the Tavistock Institute in London. That psychiatric research lab developed the theory of sexual pleasure behind the sadistic methods adopted by the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind-control assassination program (which are described in the Jason Bourne movies).
Immediately after Maddie was nabbed, the Podestas flew to Oxford, for some yet undisclosed meeting, perhaps to thank Clement for the hospitality in Portugal and to arrange the more complicated flight to the US, where there are strict immigration controls over children traveling without a parent or legal guardian.
Following Clement Freuds’s death in 2009, the British press carried accounts of several women, exposing him as a sexual predator of underage girls. At the BBC, Freud was a close friend of Jimmy Savile, the head of an organized pedophile ring.
Clement’s son Matthew Freud owns Britain’s most influential publicity company called Freuds, formerly Freud Communications. In an obvious giveaway, Freud hired the McCann’s spokesman, thereby muzzling their demand for a wider police probe.
Matthew Freud, until a recent divorce, was married to Elizabeth Murdoch, the daughter of Rupert. Her grandmother was Jewish, and the publishing empire News Corp. and The Australian are financed by the NM Rothschild Bank. Freud is a confidant of Lord Jacob Rothschild, David Cameron, Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson. In a step toward truthfulness in advertising, Freud should rename his PR firm as “Frauds”.
Podesta’s Girl Friday is a Rothschild watchdog
Now get this: Matthew’s former ace at Freud Communications, Sara Latham, was on the White House staff of Bill Clinton, a consultant to the Clinton Foundation and Microsoft, and she is the Chief of Staff for Podesta Associates and his liaison staffer to the Hillary for America campaign. Latham is the Rothschild watchdog over Podesta, the Clintons and the Democratic Party leadership. She is also a mentor to Chelsea Clinton.
Why then should anyone be surprised that Rothschild Bank has just set up its new U.S. headquarters in Chicago, the Podestas’ hometown now run by Mayor Rahm Emanuel? The Rothschilds are managing Bayer’s takeover of Monsanto and selling off the Green Giant division of General Mills. Not that any of this lucrative business would ever be blocked under the globalist trade regime in a belated response to the Rothschild dynasty’s role in provoking the British imperial aggression against the United States in the War of 1812 and the Civil War, which killed untold thousands of Americans and caused the burning of the White House. If your clan hates American democracy and openness so much, then why don’t you Rothschilds just stay out?
Payoff for the Portuguese caper
Now here’s the capper: In spring 2007 immediately before departing to Portugal to fetch a prize, Tony Podesta had purchased a 7-bath house with swimming pool in the Kalorama area of Washington D.C. for a mere $3.9 million. At exactly the same moment, for a cool $1.7 million, James Achilles Alefantis (the owner-operator of Comet Ping Pong Pizza) and his partner James Brock, the anti-Trump editor of Media Matters attack site, bought a 6-bedroom rowhouse in the same neighborhood as Podesta. That amounts to a pile of pepperoni, paesani.
A few years later, in early 2012, while the British police were starting to trace the Maddie McCann kidnapping to America, David Brock paid an out-of-court settlement of $850,000 to an ex-lover named William Grey, who threatened to tell all to law enforcement authorities. To raise the money to silence what he called “blackmail”, Brock sold his house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, at huge profit for more than $1 million to a realtor in McLean, Virginia, where coincidentally the CIA Langley headquarters is located. Oddly, the new owner tore down the valuable house but did not erect another structure, leaving the expensive lot empty. So that raises the obvious question: Were their little bodies buried below the basement?
Until their recent separation, Alefantis and Brock operated the now-infamous Comet Ping Pong Pizza in the Chevy Chase area of Washington D.C., near the Maryland state line. Comet is the favorite hangout of in-house lawyers and staffers from the Center for American Progress, founded by John Podesta and funded by George Soros and Bill Gates. A pizza parlor is a public place that cannot be readily used as a crash pad for teenage boys. Chickens are taken home to roost, as inside 7-bathroom mansions with a heated pool where they can cavort without a lot of clothing before retiring to one of the bedrooms.
The upmarket for children
The next obvious question: When you have so much chicken in your backyard, why fly to Portugal for an English bird? This paradoxical point raises the many purposes and functions of pedophilia other than immediate gratification from young flesh.
In the closet of pedophilia as in a classroom, children are graded on their merits. Rowdy young lads will never get past being fresh meat for the gay bathhouses. Smarter ones with neat habits can be assigned as Senate pages, if they show some eagerness to please the powerful patricians despite the bad body odor and flaky skin of old age, for example, Dennis Hastert congressional leader from, here once again, Illinois. And the utterly useless kids just might be given to a cult for an upcoming sexual rite and a blood feast served up by one of Fat Tony’s favorite artist and chief torturer Marina Abramovic.
Then, at the top of the class are those exceptionally talented students with charismatic appeal, who are ideal as future movie stars or even might make a fine-looking president. Although by no means smart at math or homework, as an example, little Barry had an appealing smile and knitted his brow so cutely when he was serious. Athletic as a boy and mild as a girl, he was irresistible and therefore electable.
Since looks can be deceiving, and the ruling elite is mindlessly superstitious, natal astrology is the basis for predicting future prospects. In the case of Barack Obama, born allegedly in Honolulu on August 4, 1962, the birth signs are Sun in Leo (charismatic leadership); Aquarius ascending (visionary); Moon in Gemini (a dual emotional-sexual nature); and Uranus (inciter of rebellion). Remember “Change”, the revolution that birthed the Arab Spring and ISIS? That come out of Uranus.
Signs of a shaman-queen
Next, Madeleine McCann. Before gazing at her planets, let’s look at the lineage. Her father’s a physician and medical researcher (intelligent with focus on the corporeal). She is of Scottish descent, and the core cultural group in the USA is Scots-Irish. Now with a head’s up: Sun in Taurus (strong and durable as an ox Moloch and the Minotaur); Libra ascending (balanced judgment, just desserts); Moon in Libra; and her dominants are Venus (desirable, sensual); Jupiter (power) and Mars (aggressive).
This astrological combination of power and sexual attractiveness indicates that this little girl snatched from Praia do Luz can easily become the high priestess of a mystery cult or a respected political leader. Which is why the Controllers of the Cabal were willing to spend millions on acquiring her to establishing an enduring realm for the Illuminati. By the way, her point of departure, Praia do Luz translates as “shore of light”, auspicious for the Prince of Light, Lucifer.
The cult option would probably be something like the present-day Minoans, the worshipers of sexual power as symbolized by the Minotaur and the Cretan priestesses. Their rites are head underground in Crete, where Hillary Clinton spent time after her Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was violated and blood-sacrificed in Benghazi, the North African soil of Baal Hammon, the Carthaginian Moloch.
There’s huge political potential for the woman president who completes the feminization of American society, transforming the once-macho nation into an androgynous matriarchy, which is the goal of more radical feminists and other advocates of demasculation.
Rescuing the abducted
If she’s still alive, Madeleine McCann, along with the tens of thousands of child captives like her around the world, must be rescued, by force as required, from their Illuminati captors. Instead of being protected by U.S. law enforcement and the intelligence agencies pretending that the facts are fake, the Podestas should be arrested, robustly debriefed and sentenced to minimum of life with hard labor, perhaps tossing pizzas on death row.
These sorts of grotesque violations of human rights will not end until the secretive cabal including and surrounding the Rothschilds, Freuds, Goldsmiths and other Illuminati filth are confined to a remote prison without parole or possibility of escape, inside a retirement home like Devil’s Island. If justice is not served, then the alternative solution will have to be more like the outcome in Blade, the Wesley Snipes ninja epic, or Selene of Underworld. Law or action, take your pick.
This new Dark Age of captivity under demonic spells cause the deadly Ghostship cult fire that swept through a crowded Oakland warehouse. These sorts of felonies are not simply legal lapses of a secular nature. There are laws that apply to religion-related practices under the moral injunction that in civilized societies no preacher or cult leader is permitted to subject other humans to physical harm. This principle of law and ethics was incontrovertibly and irrevocably decreed in the 5th Century CE by the brilliant philosopher Saint Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo in Roman Africa. Forceful arrest by the state is ethically allowable to protect the weak, the helpless, the naive and ignorant.
His ethical-legal ruling signaled the beginning of the end for an era of pagan horrors under superstitious despots and heralded the age of voluntary and reasoned consent by citizens. We either stand with the rule of lawful reason or kneel in fear as abject slaves. Mothers, make your choice and take your stand, and fathers do what you must to protect the children from sadistic oppressors.
For parting shot about “fake news”, here’s an email from a staffer at the Sandler Foundation to John Podesta, who dropped something from his back pocket:
“Hi, John. The realtor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.”
Podesta replied: “It’s mine.”
How can anyone ever eat pizza again?
* * *
Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff? Part II
By Yoichi Shimatsu
In Part 2 of an ongoing series on Pizzagate, this investigation into the shadowy underworld of the political elite is making headway, despite the threat from a pedophile-infested Congress. The proposed hearings on alleged “fake news” is a blatant attempt to intimidate citizen sleuths and bloggers from digging out more toys for boys from their closet. Undeterred by menacing noises from politicians and intelligence agencies, online researchers are grimly digging ever-deeper into organized pedophilia. Knowing full well that it’s a shortened lame duck session, the politicians are just bluffing.
Before firing up the brick oven, anyone unfamiliar with the ingredients for an artisanal pizza can learn the lexicon from the researchers at 4chan and VOAT, who’ve cross-checked all references for accuracy. Here’s the Pizzagate Code:
– hotdog = boy
– pizza = girl
– cheese = little girl
– pasta = little boy
– map = semen
– dominoes = domination
– pillows = drugs
– chicken = a well-worn gay term meaning a youth, often a sex worker on the street
– to that vetted list, one could add sauce, apparently the code word for group sex.
Now to outline this follow-up on issues raised in Part 1:
– First, we probe recent revelations about Saudi ownership of the Chevy Chase tract under Comet Ping Pong pizza and its implications that the Podestas and Alefantes-Brock have been running a chain of safe houses used as child-sex brothels for foreign dignitaries. An official cover-up of Pizzagate supported by NATO member-nations’ intelligence services indicates that a sex-for-secrets operation was being run under a clandestine American-Israeli spying and blackmail operation.
– Next we revisit Rehoboth Beach, aka the Summer Capital for the Washington elite. The Delaware resort was a favorite hangout of that whack job David Brock, LGBT uberlord Barney Frank and gay-marriage propagandist Peter Rosenstein. In that same time-frame, Sussex County was also the spider nest of pediatrician Earl Bradley, who was convicted in 2010 of more than 100 counts of child molestation and rape of girls as young as 3 months old. The prosecutor in that case was Delaware attorney general Beau Biden, son of the Vice President, who suffered a medically improbable brain-tumor relapse in that same year. The synchronicity raises the troubling question: Was the younger Biden, a potential contender for the presidency, targeted for assassination by the pedophile mafia? If Brock feels paranoid, it’s for good reason since there may well be justifiable grounds for payback.
– Then, after his binge of pizza and pasta, Tony Podesta was served just desserts by his lovely wife Heather Podesta nee Miller who divorced him in 2014 and took the Kalorama 8-bedroom heated-pool mansion. No point crying over spilt map, paesano, since there’s still the arts center down in the tunnel of the old Red Line under Connecticut Avenue NW, right near Comet Pizza.You know the place. Don’t worry, Antonio, the pajama parties will be back when Barry Soetaro moves into his new mansion, and his will be bigger than yours, just a couple of blocks away in Kalorama right near James Alefantes’s (J’aime les enfantes) digs.
– The last section ties up loose ends, including the question of whether Alefantes is an actual surname as opposed to ”J’aime les enfants” (I love children, in French); and a peek into the strange family background of spirit-cooking artist Marina Abramovic.
DOJ cover for Saudi assets
The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?
The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.
The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.
Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.
Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.
Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.
IOUs from the UAE
It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).
This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.
The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.
By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.
High-class Brothels for Small Vices
Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:
“A ‘clinic’ on Paris’s Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that’s the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft.
“Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt’s pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”
Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.
For the jaded sheikh or defense minister, who’s seen and done everything, it’s no great thrill to watch naked lads sliding down the handrail of a staircase, a scene of degraded commercialized sex in the male brothel scene from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Instead of overt sexuality, what if your guests were invited to an informal pizza dinner at your home and discovered “the neighbor’s kids” skinny dipping in the heated pool? What more could you offer as a token of friendship than an invitation to a master bedroom with its own jacuzzi for each of the guests to share with a little companion?
Welcome to the family, make yourself at home. Help yourself to wine and the pantry and the kids. Oh, phone. Darn, there’s noise from the human rights crowd about Yemen, but another few million on top of the F-18 contract should be enough to handle Congress. We’ll deal with it in the morning. Ain’t she as cute as a doll? Wish I had a daughter like that. Enjoy the late night show, buddy.
Would the foreign dignitaries spot the hidden camera and microphone? Or are they too tantalized to notice? And that’s why intelligence services are pressing Congress crack down on fake news to protect their dirty little secret. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton agitates for children’s rights. It would be a comedy of hypocrisy if little kids were not being traumatized and dumped into landfills.
Beachside at the Summer Capital
Just one look at a snapshot taken in the year 2000 of Barney Frank as flatulent as Jabba the Hutt and the dumb grin on Peter Rosenstein’s face reveals the leering indecency of Rehoboth Beach. Leaning in, right next to The Barn, is a wide-eyed David Brock, with a black leather choker around his fat neck and the stare of an undisguised psycho. There’s astonishing resemblance to Charlie Manson.
Now nearly 17 years later, after he bet on the wrong horse, Brock’s pledging to raise bundles of cash to fund a “leftist Breitbart” that will thump Trump. If I recall correctly, Andrew Breitbart died mysteriously, collapsing on the pavement in LA. Go ahead, Davey, be the leftist Breitbart and drop dead, too.
An early death might actually come as a relief for the anxiety-ridden operative. As posted earlier at, Fox News reported: “Sussex County (Delaware) property records show (Brock) took out a $273,000 mortgage to buy the pale yellow colonial and carriage house for $606,666 in 1995. As the converted inn, built in 1793, continued to rise in value, Brock refinanced his loan on at least two occasions. Records show he had a $1.44 million mortgage on the property, as well as two more loans against the home totaling just over $500,000. Brock received $1,587,500 for the home on May 25, 2010, in a sale to McLean, Va.-based Vardell Realty Investments.”
The Fox News report, by Perry Chiaramonte, continued: “The Rehoboth Beach home was torn down months after Brock sold it, amid much community opposition, so the buyer could divide the parcel and build two homes. It remains a vacant lot.” It is beyond suspicious that a 207-year-old historic house, with more than $1 million in resale value, would be ripped down. Realtor Michael Vardell has kept an unusually low profile for a real-estate agent. His addresses varied from Charlestown, South Carolina, to Bethesda, Maryland, and McLean, Virginia, towns that are associated respectively with the U.S. Navy, Walter Reed Army Hospital, and the CIA. Was Vardell involved in setting up safe houses and disposing of the bodies?
The house sale was preceded by a property dispute with ex-partner William Grey. That legal conflict diclosed key dates about Brock’s relocation from Rehoboth Beach to the nation’s capital. In 2005 Brock started to date James Alefantes in Washington DC; in 2007 Brock removed some of his belongings to live with his new partner in D.C. while keeping his domicile with old partner Grey, and then in 2010 Grey filed a legal complaint against Brock, who by then had finished moving out the furniture.
How does Brock’s time-line correlate with the biggest sex-crime case in Delaware’s history? Perhaps not by coincidence, in 2004, the receptionist at a pediatric clinic in Lewes, just 7 miles from Rehoboth Beach, filed a complaint with Sussex County police over pedophilic acts committed by Dr. Earl Bradley against his underage patients from Dover, Delmar, Easton and Rehoboth Beach. There were other citations, including from a local police officer, as discussed in the Wilmington WBOC news article “Red flags consistently missed for accused pedophile doctor.”
In his Disney-themed office, the 6-foot 225-lb doctor forced more than 100 children to perform sex acts inside the Pinocchio exam room. After his arrest in December 2009, Bradley refused to cooperate with investigating detectives, and that raises the question of whether he was protecting accomplices in a child-sex ring. A police raid on his home turned up 13 hours of edited kiddie porn that he had recorded with a video camera.
Did David Brock leave town after receiving warnings about parental complaints against “America’s worst pedophile”? Did Dr. Bradley supply young children to woo his powerful and wealthy funders? Law enforcement was, no doubt, stymied and delayed by the code of silence within the local gay community in this Summer Capital, Washington’s vacation resort by the beach. To put another question right up front: Were there bodies more recent than the Revolutionary War buried under the colonial carriage house? Why else would that valuable historic structure, sold by Brock be demolished without any attempt at resale?
Beau Didn’t Jest
Pedophile influence and gay silence were so pervasive along the Eastern Shore that Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden refused to run as a shoo-in candidate in the by-election for his father’s vacated senatorial seat in order to prosecute Earl Bradley. The younger Biden, who in childhood was injured in the head-on car collision that killed his mother and older sister, understood that life is serious and not some meaningless game. He could not watch further harm done to innocent children. His undivided dedication, knowing the dark forces he was up against, resulted in 14 life sentences for the child rapist.
Before the verdict, however, Beau Biden suffered an unexpected relapse following earlier surgery for a brain lesion. He was then given massive radiation “therapy” at Bethesda hospital, and died of complications from a brain tumor in 2015. Current medical opinion indicates that brain tumors usually do not kill the patient if treated in time, and he was under close observation by his doctor. Beau Biden should still be alive and well. Something was rotten in Delaware.
Today, in hindsight after the Pizzagate scandal, the question needs to be raised. Was Beau Biden, with his clear path to the presidency, the target of a sophisticated medical assassination? According to columnist Maureen Dowd, Beau on his deathbed pleaded with his father to run for the nomination to prevent the corrupt Clintons from coming back to power.
Over the past year, the murder threats against candidate Donald Trump along with the suspicious deaths of Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, Joe Montano, Victor Thorn and John Ashe in campaign 2016, raises the matter of who’s running the assassination operation? To that query one might add: how does a paranoiac lunatic with armed bodyguards like David Brock, who was committed to a psychiatric ward in 2001, command so much donor money and political influence? Though not Jewish by birth, he was adopted into a Jewish family, which accounts for his identity crisis. Why should Washington be so afraid of him just because he stares like Charlie Manson?
Fat Tony Craves Pizza
Tony Podesta must prefer pizza over his wife’s home cooking. His charming spouse filed divorce papers in 2014 without uttering a single public comment on her reasons for separation. Why would a woman leave one of the most successful men in Washington politics, who enjoys making meals for friends and actually has any interest in art? Maybe his taste for pasta in art, those paintings of young studs, might have had something to do with her decision.
By any standard, Heather Miller ex-Podesta is an attractive woman and obviously witty and intelligent. But instead of minding the homefront, Tony’s been off with his new flame, an eccentric older woman named Marina Abramovic, also a great cook at least in spirit. Her blood pudding is legendary by now.
Spirit Cookery with a Crock Pot
The one possibly fake news item, from the vast online propaganda factory in Macedonia as uncovered by unnamed “intelligence sources”, is a post in Serbian language about Abramovic’s distinguished maternal grandfather Varnana Abramovic. Marina’s mother is Rosic (here is that Rosy Cross reference), the child of Varnana, who was the Orthodox Church Patriarch of Serbia 1930-37. He reported made pro-Nazi comments then, but apparently did not join the German invasion of 1941. Petar was his name at birth in August 1889, when the Balkans were still part of the Ottoman Empire.
The post at VOAT by “BrickInTheWall” ran an online translation of “Residents of Pljevljima”, copied here with grammar corrections: “Slight and short with a high-pitched voice, Varnava, it was rumored, liked to wear women’s clothing, throw wild parties in the monastery, and take boys to his bed. . . . The head chaplain of the Tsar’s Navy, Father Gyorgy Shavelsky, even claimed Varnava had sexually abused and then murdered a beautiful young altar boy at Kolomna. The body was later discovered lodged under the waterwheel of a mill.” The flour from that mill must have been quite suitable for spirit baking.
The account grows stranger. “Varnava and Rasputin met in one of the capital’s (Moscow) salons, and though they did not become friends, the two men of similar backgrounds apparently realized they could be of use to each other: Rasputin could help advance Varnava’s career, while Varnava could defend Rasputin against attacks from within the ranks of the church.”
The account has the ring of authenticity, although its factual correctness cannot be verified short of flying to Belgrade to consult a historian, unless of course you’re Snopes, the Ministry of Truth’s doublespeak experts at Bureau 1984. Although Serbia is bordered by the Macedonia of cyber-disinfo, it makes zero sense for Vladimir Putin to waste human resources on anything this arcane and obscure. Spirit cooking is not at the top of the Russian agenda, and who really cares about Grandpa Varnana?
So where’s the fake news, if all other items garnered in Parts 1 and 2 of this review of Pizzagate are verified by reports from before the 2016 election campaign? The claim about fake news must be fake. Hillary, you and your intelligence lackeys are hopeless nitwits and pathetic liars. You’ve lost the recount and you’re starting to lose your mind, so why not just take Huma to Comet Ping Pong for some nice hot cheesy pizza? Mmmmm . . .
Alefantes the Greek
There’s been suggestions that James Alefantes is a pseudonym based on the French “J’aime les enfantes” (I love children). The phrase was printed on a T-shirt he wore in a photo taken inside Comet. That remarkable coincidence was first noticed by Alefantes himself, and he wore it proudly. If Hillary had been elected, Pedophile Pride Day might have someday become a national holiday.
On his paternal side, James Alefantes aka Jimmy Comet is a fourth-generation Greek-American (his mother has an Irish surname) whose great-grandfather Achilles Raptotasios was born in Greece in 1880 and immigrated to American after the 1910 census and before the birth of a son in January 1915.
In 2012, GQ named Alefantes as the 49th most powerful man in Washington D.C., impressive for a pizza tosser, especially when considering there are 80 male Senators and 404 Congressmen. What’s he got that they don’t?
Here’s GQ rationale: “restaurateur and bon vivant” Alefantes is No.49 thanks to the “liberal twenty-somethings in khakis” who eat at Comet Ping Pong and the “more established progressives” who flock to Buck’s Fishing & Camping. “If you don’t know him, you aren’t wearing your scarf right.”
Remember, John, a handkerchief with a map won’t get you better service from waiters at the Comet, even if it’s folded neatly into your back pocket. If you fail to stylishly loop your Dolce & Gabbana cashmere scarf or a sporty Merino from Banana Republic, Jimmy Comet is going to call up one of his boys to whip you with a wet noodle before you’re allowed to order hotdogs for your Arab guests. Bon Apetit!
* * *
PizzaGate Is A Giant Step For Investigative Journalism–Part I
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Just when it looked like investigative journalism was dead and buried, there came along PizzaGate, which is busting open a new era of cyber-sleuthing to expose and take down once-untouchable criminals in high office. This most heartening rebirth, with the surge by a vigilant posse of blogs and websites, is accomplishing what the late Aaron Swartz of reddit (prior to its new role as self-appointed censor) was attempting before he was cut down in his tracks with an “assisted suicide” ordered by murderous pedophiles.
The damning evidence gathered so far against the powerful Podesta brothers, who ran the Hillary for America campaign and served as advisers to Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton is crucial to demolishing the corrupt and unrepresentative Democratic National Committee and its bedfellows among so-called establishment Republicans. The foolhardy response of those high-level felons is to order an illegal cover-up and unconstitutional crackdown by America’s law-enforcement agencies, intelligence bureaus and NATO allies with the pretext of combating “fake news.”
Caught with their pants down, the panicked perverts in power, from the Bilderbergers who denied association with pimp Marc Dutroux to the predators of the Franklin child-abuse scandal, now dare to accuse truth-tellers of running “fake news” in a lame attempt to scare off angry fathers who want answers to why missing kids are outnumbering milk cartons at the supermarket. The next line of defense for the cowardly political class is to plant cookies from their own hastily assembled fake sites as if their crumbs are IEDs.
None of those namby-pamby tactics, like speaking in code words derived from pizza terminology, have deterred the online anti-pedophile crusaders, so the idiotic clandestine-ops bosses had to stage a phony lone-gunman attack on Comet Ping Pong Pizza. The assailant turned out to be an unemployed movie actor-writer named Edgar Madisson Welch, who previously appeared in the horror movie “The Bleeding” and worked as go-fer for “A Tale about Bootlegging”. This pathetic a ploy is yet another waste of newsprint and taxpayers’ money.
The trans-Atlantic war on “fake news”, as documented on the European side of the pond by Thierry Meyssan of Voltaire network, had to have been ordered by the Office of the President or it simply wouldn’t be involving NATO command, which has nothing better to do, for example, fighting the cutthroats of ISIS.
Instead of being the Mini-me of that criminal dictator Suharto from your Indonesian boyhood days, Barry, grow up and act like a real man for once in your life. And get ready for more stench out of the overflowing the sewer pipe, you own next time. Instead of trying to plug the streaming flow of facts, you’d better prepare for a safe retirement where you can feel at home, somewhere like Kenya. Never mind trying to protect Hillary and the Podestas, because they smoked their own chicken at Cheryl Mills’ Moloch Barbecue.
That White House email, now available for all to see at Wikileaks, promised Hillary Clinton a sacrifice to that ancient Canaanite idol, knowing full well that it’s not KFC and that the bull-headed demon demands burnt offerings with a child sacrifice. In this case, it may not be a metaphor, as will be explored later in this essay.
Scotland Yard stares across the Atlantic
One of the patently false claims from Hillary’s occult crackpots is that “Trump supporters” concocted the accusations against Podesta. Excuse me for raising inconvenient truths, but this entire episode was started by the London Metropolitan Police in 2013. Back then, Trump supporters did not yet exist, except at the Miss Universe contest.
As reported by ABC News in a video clip online, Scotland Yard released police artist sketches from witness accounts of two men who were spotted stalking the Portuguese vacation apartment where Madeleine McCann was abducted while her parents were away at a tapas restaurant. A bouncer at a tourist bar, along with other locals, recognized the pair as being Americans. Police notices are routinely filed with Interpol and, therefore, the FBI was obligated to run a facial-recognition check on the drawings.
Only three years later, starting this autumn, did whispers emerge that the two depicted suspects have a stunning resemblance to beefy Tony Podesta and brother John with the sad eyes. According to yet-unverified leaks from law enforcement, the Podestas were in Praia do Luz, southern Portugal, on the very day of 4-year-old Maddie’s disappearance in that seaside town. May 3, 2007, a date to remember.
Freud’s Tavistock as forerunner of MK-ULTRA
In Praia do Luz, the brothers stayed in the plush villa of Clement Freud, a British TV personality and parliamentarian who was accused postmortem of being an insatiable pedophile. His grandfather was psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, founder of the Tavistock Institute in London. That psychiatric research lab developed the theory of sexual pleasure behind the sadistic methods adopted by the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind-control assassination program (which are described in the Jason Bourne movies).
Immediately after Maddie was nabbed, the Podestas flew to Oxford, for some yet undisclosed meeting, perhaps to thank Clement for the hospitality in Portugal and to arrange the more complicated flight to the US, where there are strict immigration controls over children traveling without a parent or legal guardian.
Following Clement Freuds’s death in 2009, the British press carried accounts of several women, exposing him as a sexual predator of underage girls. At the BBC, Freud was a close friend of Jimmy Savile, the head of an organized pedophile ring.
Clement’s son Matthew Freud owns Britain’s most influential publicity company called Freuds, formerly Freud Communications. In an obvious giveaway, Freud hired the McCann’s spokesman, thereby muzzling their demand for a wider police probe.
Matthew Freud, until a recent divorce, was married to Elizabeth Murdoch, the daughter of Rupert. Her grandmother was Jewish, and the publishing empire News Corp. and The Australian are financed by the NM Rothschild Bank. Freud is a confidant of Lord Jacob Rothschild, David Cameron, Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson. In a step toward truthfulness in advertising, Freud should rename his PR firm as “Frauds”.
Podesta’s Girl Friday is a Rothschild watchdog
Now get this: Matthew’s former ace at Freud Communications, Sara Latham, was on the White House staff of Bill Clinton, a consultant to the Clinton Foundation and Microsoft, and she is the Chief of Staff for Podesta Associates and his liaison staffer to the Hillary for America campaign. Latham is the Rothschild watchdog over Podesta, the Clintons and the Democratic Party leadership. She is also a mentor to Chelsea Clinton.
Why then should anyone be surprised that Rothschild Bank has just set up its new U.S. headquarters in Chicago, the Podestas’ hometown now run by Mayor Rahm Emanuel? The Rothschilds are managing Bayer’s takeover of Monsanto and selling off the Green Giant division of General Mills. Not that any of this lucrative business would ever be blocked under the globalist trade regime in a belated response to the Rothschild dynasty’s role in provoking the British imperial aggression against the United States in the War of 1812 and the Civil War, which killed untold thousands of Americans and caused the burning of the White House. If your clan hates American democracy and openness so much, then why don’t you Rothschilds just stay out?
Payoff for the Portuguese caper
Now here’s the capper: In spring 2007 immediately before departing to Portugal to fetch a prize, Tony Podesta had purchased a 7-bath house with swimming pool in the Kalorama area of Washington D.C. for a mere $3.9 million. At exactly the same moment, for a cool $1.7 million, James Achilles Alefantis (the owner-operator of Comet Ping Pong Pizza) and his partner James Brock, the anti-Trump editor of Media Matters attack site, bought a 6-bedroom rowhouse in the same neighborhood as Podesta. That amounts to a pile of pepperoni, paesani.
A few years later, in early 2012, while the British police were starting to trace the Maddie McCann kidnapping to America, David Brock paid an out-of-court settlement of $850,000 to an ex-lover named William Grey, who threatened to tell all to law enforcement authorities. To raise the money to silence what he called “blackmail”, Brock sold his house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, at huge profit for more than $1 million to a realtor in McLean, Virginia, where coincidentally the CIA Langley headquarters is located. Oddly, the new owner tore down the valuable house but did not erect another structure, leaving the expensive lot empty. So that raises the obvious question: Were their little bodies buried below the basement?
Until their recent separation, Alefantis and Brock operated the now-infamous Comet Ping Pong Pizza in the Chevy Chase area of Washington D.C., near the Maryland state line. Comet is the favorite hangout of in-house lawyers and staffers from the Center for American Progress, founded by John Podesta and funded by George Soros and Bill Gates. A pizza parlor is a public place that cannot be readily used as a crash pad for teenage boys. Chickens are taken home to roost, as inside 7-bathroom mansions with a heated pool where they can cavort without a lot of clothing before retiring to one of the bedrooms.
The upmarket for children
The next obvious question: When you have so much chicken in your backyard, why fly to Portugal for an English bird? This paradoxical point raises the many purposes and functions of pedophilia other than immediate gratification from young flesh.
In the closet of pedophilia as in a classroom, children are graded on their merits. Rowdy young lads will never get past being fresh meat for the gay bathhouses. Smarter ones with neat habits can be assigned as Senate pages, if they show some eagerness to please the powerful patricians despite the bad body odor and flaky skin of old age, for example, Dennis Hastert congressional leader from, here once again, Illinois. And the utterly useless kids just might be given to a cult for an upcoming sexual rite and a blood feast served up by one of Fat Tony’s favorite artist and chief torturer Marina Abramovic.
Then, at the top of the class are those exceptionally talented students with charismatic appeal, who are ideal as future movie stars or even might make a fine-looking president. Although by no means smart at math or homework, as an example, little Barry had an appealing smile and knitted his brow so cutely when he was serious. Athletic as a boy and mild as a girl, he was irresistible and therefore electable.
Since looks can be deceiving, and the ruling elite is mindlessly superstitious, natal astrology is the basis for predicting future prospects. In the case of Barack Obama, born allegedly in Honolulu on August 4, 1962, the birth signs are Sun in Leo (charismatic leadership); Aquarius ascending (visionary); Moon in Gemini (a dual emotional-sexual nature); and Uranus (inciter of rebellion). Remember “Change”, the revolution that birthed the Arab Spring and ISIS? That come out of Uranus.
Signs of a shaman-queen
Next, Madeleine McCann. Before gazing at her planets, let’s look at the lineage. Her father’s a physician and medical researcher (intelligent with focus on the corporeal). She is of Scottish descent, and the core cultural group in the USA is Scots-Irish. Now with a head’s up: Sun in Taurus (strong and durable as an ox Moloch and the Minotaur); Libra ascending (balanced judgment, just desserts); Moon in Libra; and her dominants are Venus (desirable, sensual); Jupiter (power) and Mars (aggressive).
This astrological combination of power and sexual attractiveness indicates that this little girl snatched from Praia do Luz can easily become the high priestess of a mystery cult or a respected political leader. Which is why the Controllers of the Cabal were willing to spend millions on acquiring her to establishing an enduring realm for the Illuminati. By the way, her point of departure, Praia do Luz translates as “shore of light”, auspicious for the Prince of Light, Lucifer.
The cult option would probably be something like the present-day Minoans, the worshipers of sexual power as symbolized by the Minotaur and the Cretan priestesses. Their rites are head underground in Crete, where Hillary Clinton spent time after her Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was violated and blood-sacrificed in Benghazi, the North African soil of Baal Hammon, the Carthaginian Moloch.
There’s huge political potential for the woman president who completes the feminization of American society, transforming the once-macho nation into an androgynous matriarchy, which is the goal of more radical feminists and other advocates of demasculation.
Rescuing the abducted
If she’s still alive, Madeleine McCann, along with the tens of thousands of child captives like her around the world, must be rescued, by force as required, from their Illuminati captors. Instead of being protected by U.S. law enforcement and the intelligence agencies pretending that the facts are fake, the Podestas should be arrested, robustly debriefed and sentenced to minimum of life with hard labor, perhaps tossing pizzas on death row.
These sorts of grotesque violations of human rights will not end until the secretive cabal including and surrounding the Rothschilds, Freuds, Goldsmiths and other Illuminati filth are confined to a remote prison without parole or possibility of escape, inside a retirement home like Devil’s Island. If justice is not served, then the alternative solution will have to be more like the outcome in Blade, the Wesley Snipes ninja epic, or Selene of Underworld. Law or action, take your pick.
This new Dark Age of captivity under demonic spells cause the deadly Ghostship cult fire that swept through a crowded Oakland warehouse. These sorts of felonies are not simply legal lapses of a secular nature. There are laws that apply to religion-related practices under the moral injunction that in civilized societies no preacher or cult leader is permitted to subject other humans to physical harm. This principle of law and ethics was incontrovertibly and irrevocably decreed in the 5th Century CE by the brilliant philosopher Saint Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo in Roman Africa. Forceful arrest by the state is ethically allowable to protect the weak, the helpless, the naive and ignorant.
His ethical-legal ruling signaled the beginning of the end for an era of pagan horrors under superstitious despots and heralded the age of voluntary and reasoned consent by citizens. We either stand with the rule of lawful reason or kneel in fear as abject slaves. Mothers, make your choice and take your stand, and fathers do what you must to protect the children from sadistic oppressors.
For parting shot about “fake news”, here’s an email from a staffer at the Sandler Foundation to John Podesta, who dropped something from his back pocket:
“Hi, John. The realtor found a handkerchief. I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.”
Podesta replied: “It’s mine.”
How can anyone ever eat pizza again?
* * *
It Takes A Spillage…Of Blood…To Awaken PizzaGate – Pt 3
By Yoichi Shimatsu
It takes a spillage, of buckets of blood by the “patron saint of fear” Marina Abramovic, to alert online vampire hunters to her elite coven of collaborators. The Village of the Damned includes, for starters, the go-to Podesta brothers, high-priestess Hillary Clinton, pizza server James Alefantes (j’aimes les enfantes), boy-abuse artist Biljana Djurdjevic:, Holocaust architect Daniel Libeskind (Yiddish for “I love child”), Daniel Askill (no translation required) director of the Sia music video with images of caged children, and the horned succubus Rem Koolhaas.
The fusion of avant-garde art and sexual abuse of children has opened our eyes wide to the Instagram collection of Comet Pizza, sickening photos that owner James Alefantes desperately tried to remove. The fetishist images about child abuse are now archived online thanks to crowd-searching, which is realizing the potential of new media that the early generation of cyber-idealists believed the Internet was meant to realize.
Contrary to the transparent lies from forked-tongue Hillary and her vile pedophiliac supporters in the CIA, Pizzagate is being constantly fact-checked not only by moderators but by everyone who posts new information. In my humble opinion as an old-school journalist, let the findings and opinion flow freely, because even an outlandish claim might just contain a kernel of fact. An accurate picture will filter through over time.
The struggle for truth is reaching criticality. With less than five weeks to go in the countdown to either an illegal coup d’etat or a normal transfer of presidential authority, the tiniest nugget of fact could have the greatest effect toward blocking the traitorous CIA attempt to overthrow the American system of governance. This is not Allende’s Chile, Henry, or Saddam’s Iraq, W, or Gadhafi’s Libya, Hillary.
Accusing others of using your own dirty tricks of disinfo, subversion and treachery doesn’t wash in American society. You know very well that the Russians didn’t do it and that the leaked emails came from honest individuals inside your dishonest organization. You murdered Seth Rich, but you can’t kill everyone.
An Explosive Koan
Here, in Part 3 of an ongoing series on Pizzagate, the theory of simultaneity, also known as synchronicity, as advocated by late composer John Cage and inspired by the I-Ching, provides the modus operandi for this investigation. The simplistic fast-food way of explaining it: There are no coincidences when everything is happening now.
The Zen motorcycle maintenance guide to the theory is like a koan: The Now, this tantalizing slice of the time-space continuum, operates like the piston of an internal combustion engine at its moment of greatest compression. All it takes is a flick from the spark plug to explode, converting the fuel-air mix into a rush of hot exhaust gases. Boom! Past become future. Satori, it all suddenly starts to make sense. Pizzagate is the spark that burst the toxic mix of child-sex and corruption of the dictatorial ruling elite, thereby reversing the pendulum back toward genuine democracy.
This series is meant to be read horizontally, because each of the various topics is augmented by the newest revelations or through resurrecting details that were disregarded earlier. So let’s kick-start another lap of the motocross with this list of topics:
– a brief summary of the CIA-drafted “fake news” legislation to impose sweeping censorship against the alternative news and permanently enshrine the cock-and-bull squat issued by the likes of the intelligence-controlled and Amazon-managed organ of state propaganda called The Washington Post.
– the locations of safe houses operated by Comet Pizza owner James Alefantes likely used to provide child-sex services to high-level targets of the CIA and White House;
– Tony Podesta’s clientele from Qatar and Saudi Arabia and the procuring of child sex slaves in exchange for access to the White House, Pentagon and federal government;
– the Martha’s Vineyard cheese pizza, pasta and dominoes parties (with underage girls, boys and S&M domination) hosted by John Podesta’s patron Herbert Sandler and a Swiss bio-engineering billionaire, who are major funders of the Center for American Progress (CAP), the group mostly closely linked with the Comet Ping Pong Pizza pedophile ring.
CIA Coup against the U.S. Constitution
The CIA-drafted bill that was rubber-stamped by the House of Representatives on November 30 is called H.R. 6393: Intelligence Authorization Act for 2017. Treasonous intelligence officials on the Saudi payroll orchestrated the mainstream media’s “fake news” hysteria to stampede congressmen into passing the bill, which would create a Stasi-esque totalitarian police-state.
Sweeping censorship of the media, including the alternative media, blogs and discussion boards, is outlined in section 501 clause (A)1, that would set up an inter-agency spy committee to “counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence over peoples and governments.” Note the plural here. This is an imperial decree that will subordinate every allied nation to a long night of falsehood and deception.
Prohibited activities include:
– establishment or funding of a front group (this apparently includes any group such as a cultural travel tour or Russian literature club, even those that are not subsidized by Russians nor reflect their official ideology of Orthodox Christianity.)
– covert broadcasting (?? this is a throwback to shortwave radio as in the Cold War; hey, you fossils, this is the age of the Internet and smartphone.)
– media manipulation (you mean publicity firms will have to start telling the truth?)
– disinformation and forgeries (so Julian Assange is accused of forging thousands of emails inside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London?)
– funding agents of influence (like the $500,000 speaking fee Renaissance Capital paid to Bill Clinton in Moscow during UraniumOne deal?)
– Incitement and offensive counterintelligence (Alex Jones, take your meds, no inciting gunmen to storm pizza parlors, and be smart and drive defensively, OK?)
– assassinations (you got to be kidding, this from the exploding Cuban cigar guys? Do as I say not as I do in Dallas.)
– terrorist acts (like the stuff from the clandestine ops experts who wrote the handbook).
What hypocritical finger-pointing! Why oh why did the CIA authors of this travesty of security legislation target ONLY the Russians?
Answer: Because the Chinese, the Saudis and Qatari sponsors of ISI, the Cubans and the North Koreans ALL SUPPORTED HILLARY CLINTON and wished that Donald Trump would go away at sunrise like a nightmare.
Gentlemen of the Agency, let’s get down to facts rather than these wild fantasies. How many American servicemen have been killed by jihadist militants funded and trained by Saudi Arabia and Qatar? Now, how many Americans have been shot dead by Putin? Which then is the greater security threat? If you cannot list the Saudi and Qataris in your intelligence bill, then you are deluded cowards, fools and liars.
The fear and loathing doesn’t end there. No, at the very bottom of this insane document is the CIA love letter to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.
Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, consistent with the protection of sources and methods, shall submit to the congressional intelligence committees a report on reprisals made against covered contractor employees.
To cut through the jargon, CIA clandestine operations command is being given little less than six months to take out the whistleblowers before Congress considers new rules prohibiting murderous attacks against truth-telling former agents.
“Reprisal” is defined in the text as: “The term reprisal means the discharge or other adverse personnel action made against a covered contractor employee.” A covered contractor is an external agent hired by any intelligence agency. “Adverse personnel action” leaves little to the imagination. George W. put it so much more succinctly: Wanted Dead or Alive.
I frequently mention that the Jason Bourne movies accurately portray the murderous paranoiac mindset of the U.S. intelligence agencies and the White House security crowd, and now the proof’s in print, thanks to this congressional travesty of law.
The unconstitutional ‘fake news” law is nothing less than a green light to powerful insiders to abduct, rape and murder innocent children with immunity from arrest or complaint. Only 30 brave representatives voted against it. Even these admirable legislators have so far failed to introduce a censure motion against President Obama’s fawning advisers and bag-men John and Tony Podesta for their personal involvement in crimes against children.
Comet Ping Pong Safe Houses
Part 2 in this series delved into the mystery of the demolition of David Brock’s home, a 200-year-old heritage house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, which happened in the same time frame as the trial of arch-pedophile pediatrician Earl Bradley. Brock sold that house for more than a million dollars, but had earlier purchased it for a little more than half that amount. A reader contacted me to take a closer look at the initial purchase price of $606,666.
Numero 606,666. What to make of that figure? I’ve heard of $9.99 sales but never a $6.66 for condoms at CVS. OK, there’s a 6 missing, so no Royal Flush. Take a breath and don the logic cap, Doctor Strange. Gee, whiz, the previous owner was a Satanist, and so’s David Brock? It’s a no-brainer, doc.
The Eastern Shore of Delaware and Maryland are a haven for Satanists of all shades, from tame nature-loving wiccans and entry-level LaVey churches to drug-crazed heavy-metal maniacs. As if there aren’t already enough fans of Lucifer inside this One Nation Under God, the State Department is resettling Yazidi devil-worshipers in the last four states that are accepting Syrians, including Pennsylvania and Delaware. As more leads crop up, we’ll get back to flushing out David Brock and other horned bipeds with tails.
Meanwhile, it turns out that James Alefantes, the pizza shop guy, owns way more property than his BF surfer buddy Brock. First off, there’s the Pegasus museum under development by Castellum Alefantes LLC on 11th Street NW in D.C. The land is apparently still owned by a Russian emigre named Boris Tochilin, who has since moved to Dumfries, Virginia.
Then, there’s the big rowhouse in the Embassy Row area on California Street in Kalorama, formerly shared with ex-partner David Brock.
Next in McLean, Virginia, the hometown of the CIA and George Bush Center for Intelligence, Alefantes owns four buildings: 6513 Brawner, 117 Randolph Road, 49 Chain Bridge Road, and another on 7703 Dearborn.
At Harrisonburg, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley, a town with a lot of schools and a heavy concentration of sex offenders, near the West Virginia state line, there are two addresses: 1352 Bradley Drive and 148 W. Wolfe Street.
Washington D.C. in the Northwest quadrant, four properties: 1536 Swann, 1404 P ST, 3334 N ST, 455 Massachusetts Avenue, and 2022 Columbia Road (near Dupont Circle).
Finally, in New York’s Upper East Side: 145 E 48th ST #29F.
Mama Mia! That’s a lot of pizzas sold, eh? Too bad John Gotti’s not around cause he knew how to deal with Satanic pedophiles who aren’t telling the truth about what they’ve been up to or where they get their money.
An astute comment at VOAT: Could imply an intelligence link. If Alefantis is running a pedo ring for CIA it would explain his power and the united elite opposition to pizzagate as well as his casualness about the whole affair. He knows he’s protected.
Perfectly stated, thanks for that. The truth will out, just give it some more time.
Tony’s Arab Pedophile Clients
In Part 2, I suggested that Tony Podesta’s connection with pedophilia was probably linked to his lobbying for wealthy and powerful foreign dignitaries. His huge house in Kalorama was a giveaway. In less than a week since that essay,, crowd-searching has dug up up all sorts of the dirt, like a former neighbor who recalls that Tony Podesta’s previous home by a lake had a vault below the basement. That’s better than sound-proofing.
While John Podesta was obeying his rightwing Zionist paymaster Herb Sandler, brother Tony worked the other side of the street with big clients from the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Starting in October 2012, the Podesta Group lobbied for Golden Pass LNG facility in Sabine Pass, Texas, to export fracked gas from the U.S. to foreign markets. The project is financed by the Qatar investment authority under the supervision of Prince Hamad bin Abdul Al-Thani.
In 2005, a court in the Czech Republic convicted the Qatari prince for sex with 15 underage girls. He managed to evade sentencing by returning to Qatar, where after a brief investigation, local authorities released him. Then in 2001, the Czech courts issued an arrest warrant, for which he never appeared nor extradited.
In November 2014, he was appointed Deputy Emir. Under his brother’s leadership, Qatar has been the major financier for the Muslim Brotherhood and arms supplier to ISIS, another pack of pedophiles. The Clinton Foundation has admitted receiving $1 million from the Qatar royals. Hillary Clinton as secretary of state during the Arab Spring was a frequent visitor to Doha, where she requested funds for her pet projects. (Of course, Congress was never alarmed by the fake news generated by the Hillary team, which overthrew U.S. allies and led to the deaths of untold numbers of U.S. special forces fighters and aid workers across the Islamic realm since the Arab Spring.
Even the pro-Hillary Huffington Post admitted that the Podesta Group receives $140,000 a month from the Saudi government and that lobbyist Tony Podesta is a registered foreign agent for Saudi Arabia, a society notorious for its tolerance of child rape.
A Black and White Handkerchief
This series on Pizzagate has so far given short-shrift to the infamous “handkerchief” email from Susan Sandler, daughter of a wealthy Jewish banker, to his paid lackey John Podesta. Since there’s still puzzlement among many visitors to reddit, 4chan, VOAT and other posting sites about that message, we’re doing the decryption.
In the late summer of 2014, retired banker Herb Sandler was plotting how to recruit Swiss biotech billionaire Hanjoerg Wyss to become a donor to the Center for American Progress. (CAP), Podesta’s nonprofit legal arm. Sandler invited Wyss to visit his villa at Martha’s Vineyard without informing him that John Podesta would just happen to be there.
The players among the Martha’s Vineyard set include:
– Herb Sandler, owner of the Golden West subprime lender that caused Wachovia Bank’s failure in 2008 and its merger into Wells Fargo with a $25 billion federal bailout.
– Hans Wyss, founder of Synthes bio-engineering prosthetics producer until a court ruling on the deaths of three patients in a human experiment
– Rob Mnookin, Harvard Law School expert on foster parents, child custody and gay adoption, and director of the Earl Warren Institute (as in the Warren Commission whitewash of the Kennedy assassination). His male partner is named Dale.
– Steve Philips and his wife Susan Sandler(Herb’s daughter), a CAP senior fellow and author of Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority.
The first reference from Wikileaks collection of Podesta emails is an August 8 invitation from Sandler to Wyss for the upcoming Labor Day holiday: I will be at Martha’s Vineyard, arriving August 23, departing September 2. My daughter, Susan, her husband Steve and a family friend will be with me. Will you be at the Vineyard at any time during that period, and, if so, would you like to get together?
John Podesta is the unnamed “family friend”.
On August 11 a response came from Debbie, who emails photos of her lovely and quite normal grandchildren. This elderly lady who could be a staffer for Wyss is obviously not clued into the pedophile parlance “grandchildren and children” refers not to family progeny but to one’s stable of adult and child partners for group sex. Hans later replied that he was available on the 24th and 25th. He came for the party held on the 26th.
On the day after, August 27, Rob Mnookin emailed: Thank You Dear Herb, A short note to say how much Dale and I enjoyed last night. What a stimulating evening, thanks no doubt to the Sandler rules and the fantastic company. What a pleasure to see Susan again, and meet Steve, Mary and John, and Hans.
Note: “Sandler rules” and “stimulating company”, possibly referring to sex toys in a touchy-feely game of blindfold domination. The next get-together was a bit rougher under the Podesta rules.
On September 1, the day before Sandler’s departure, the ex-banker, daughter Susan and John Podesta hired a realtor named Kate to drive them to inspect rental properties. They visited a large rental home “at the end of the road” on Kuffie Point, which juts into Lake Tashmoo, along with considering other houses located by a park, facing the yacht club and at Stonewall Beach, all with minimal neighbors and out of hearing range of public places. Why seek out such isolated places?
At around 4 p.m., the realtor dropped the trio off at the “Field house”, probably one of the larger rentals on Field Club Drive. The guest list for the end-of-summer party is not mentioned. On happy ending is that ever since the morning-after email exchange, savvy Kate was suddenly able to open her own interiors business instead of flogging rentals.
From Kate. Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:04 AM To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject: You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it. I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house. Safe travels to all Kate
Question: How really difficult is it to find pillows in a sparely decorated vacation rental?
Susan immediately emails John Podesta, adding the extra code word “pizza”: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it. Susaner
Why the big fuss over a handkerchief? How can a handkerchief be pizza-related? Why is the handkerchief on the kitchen island counter if the party-goers were slicing pizza on it? Are napkins or paper towels not included in a luxury resort home? And as one visitor to VOT put it: Who still uses a handkerchief in this day and age?
The answers come from the same code used at Comet Pizza back in Chevy Chase. The handkerchief worn in a back pocket of jeans or shorts originated in the gay movement of the 1970s to identify one’s preferences in sexual roles, and soon got kinkier with the rising popularity of bondage, domination, sadomachism, golden showers (yellow) and coprophilia (brown).
Pizza: Underage teen girl
Map: Semen
Handkerchief: Colors refer to types of sexual acts
Black: sadomasochism and bondage
White: sex with underage minors
Black and White Handkerchief: torture of a child and sexual abuse
Dominoes: domination, often hands-on or with riding crops as in Madonna videos
Pillows: pills, in this case date-rape drugs
Domino’s pan pizza was not on the dinner menu. The main course was an underage girl delivered to the party. Drugged into semi-consciousness, she was put on the kitchen island, and probably taped down by the arms so as not to fall to the floor. Then the slapping and flogging with the Podesta rules, followed by oral sex and penetration, topped off by ejaculating on her, which accounts for the next morning’s sticky mess or “map”.
As the guest departed in the early morning, the passed-out girl was left as is on the butcher block. Podesta tiptoes out, hails Uber and leaves behind his little sex slave for someone else to deal with. Kate returns and after an initial shock, is peeved that a naked girl covered with semen and red welts was left behind like a bag of garbage. If this discovery is reported by the housekeepers, then that means a pile of hush money for the local police.
Susan forwards the message. John Podesta, the presidential adviser and boss of the most politically correct lobby on gay issues and women’s rights, answers curtly, “It’s mine”. No doubt he’d treat a pet dog better than a homeless girl. So what then happened must have been a big IOU of appreciation from Susan when she phones Kate to tell the girl to wash up and dress, and to put her on a plane back to Washington DC, where one of the female staffers from Comet Pizza will pick her up at Dulles Airport. His conscience cleared, Podesta’s back to human rights advocacy and lobbying for clients.
On Christmas Eve 2014, a package is delivered to Herbert Sandler, who is a Jew who celebrates Hannukah earlier in the month. I was sent by John Podesta. Now try to pick up the odd elements in the thank-you note: To: CC: Date: 2015-12-24 21:42
Subject: Re: Cheese
Sandler, Herbert <> wrote: > Mary and John > >
I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them. Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well. I miss you both Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Herb > > > > Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta? >
OK, for the benefit of the slow pokes, the first sentence states “when changing strategies that have been long in place”, indicating a break in the accustomed game plan, the game being dominoes. “Pasta” is a code word for underage boy. “Sauce” is about group sex. The gift of cheese is therefore an insider joke, since “cheese” is a code word for preteen girls. Return of “my children and grandchildren” is a pun, since in code it also can mean his team of adult and child partners for group sex.
Doubting Toms still don’t believe? Then what does his PS mean? “Do you think I’ll do better playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta?” If you can tell me how anyone can play dominoes on top of a bowl pasta or a plate of cheese, I’ll buy you a Domino’s pan pizza with extra anchovies, because it really stinks. Remember this inhumanely diabolical discussion was being held on Christmas Eve. If that’s not blasphemy, what is?
Permissiveness Opens the Gates for the Pedophiles
After combating American and European diplomats who predate on children in the poorest nations, including Cambodia and Myanmar, I am truly encouraged and even thrilled to witness the tidal wave of online outrage against high-level pedophiles and their pimps like the crew at Comet Ping Pong. A new sense of hope follows upon years of listening to the hypocrisy of fakers and falsifiers like Hillary Clinton who dares say that It Takes a Village to raise a child yet allows the village children to be abducted and raped by her closest associates.
As a journalist and former editor, it is even more galling to see headlines like the one at The New York Times, “Pedophilia: A Disorder Not a Crime” or TIME’s “We Need to Make It Easier for Pedophiles to Seek Help”. When was the last time a pedophile recanted voluntarily when there’s not even a Pedophile Anonymous program like there is for alcoholics, you hopelessly deluded idiots? The fact is, that under the groupthink of a politically correct regime, cigarette smoking is punished more rigorously than the raping a child under 9 years of age.
A fact of life in the caste system of a so-called multicultural society is that some ethnic groups and geographic regions are more accepting, even encouraging of pedophilia. In a upcoming essay in this series, the core belief system behind organized pedophilia will be traced back through history to its roots.
Much of the global expansion of the pedophile subculture is due to an undercurrent inside the intelligence agencies, which has seeped into the military, police and political class. These moral retards are now trying to suppress the online movement against sexual abuse of children with HR 6393, which has next to nothing to do with national security but is all about protecting pedophiles.
The First Amendment is at stake over this cleaving issue. If an unconstitutional coup does proceed as threatened, then the foresight and wisdom of the Founding Fathers in drafting the Second Amendment will be proven again in our lifetime. Remember always that it is an honor to fight what is clearly right and nothing can be more precious to defend than your children.