The Flat Earth Psyop & Life Cycle of Planet Earth

The Formation & Dissolution of a Planet

And the truth about the Flat Earth Psyop

. Learn about the life cycle that a planet goes through as it journeys through the Cosmos back to the Central Sun. Earth is now in the stage of oblation.

Anne O
Super Sonic Universal

“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”

— Pythagoras

“The whole Universe is based on rythm. Everything happens in circles and spirals.”

— John Hartford

“Everything in nature takes its form from the sphere, the cone, and the cylinder.”

— Paul Cezanne

The Flat Earth Psyop & Non-Spinning Earth Theory

FLAT EARTH ‘THEORY’ Demonstrates The Alarming Gullibility Of People Everywhere

“The Flat Earth Theory is not a theory at all; rather, it is a meticulously engineered hoax that is zealously advanced on the Internet by a rogue government black operation known as the Flat Earth Society.  Their central goals and purposes are numerous and by no means mutually exclusive.

However, there is one goal in particular that reigns absolutely supreme on their “deliberate agenda of disruption”:  To so discredit every other truth movement by infiltrating them with their utter babble.  In this fashion the Flat Earthers seek to bring down the real truthers by the mere association with their fallacious and preposterous drivel.

The Millineum Report

The flat earth theory is a psyop. According to insiders, it was actually developed by DARPA as a tracking project targeting the alternative community; a manufactured distraction that many have fully embraced. You can read all about how various psyops like this are executed in the United States Army Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Field Manual:

Field Manual (FM) 3-05.301 presents tactics, techniques, and procedures for implementing United States (U.S.) Army Psychological Operations (PSYOP) doctrine in FM 3-05.30, Psychological Operations. FM 3-05.301 provides general guidance for commanders, planners, and PSYOP personnel who must plan and conduct effective PSYOP across the full spectrum of operations.

FM 3-05.301 is a guide, not a regulation. As such, the tactics, techniques, and procedures it presents should not limit creativity or imagination…”

As for the non-spinning earth theory, this may stem from a variety of sources, including people’s personal misinterpretation of various religious and historical texts. The fact remains, the earth is indeed spherical and it definitely spins. It’s part of Natural Law to understand these things. The greatest genius’s of our time certainly did otherwise they could not have accomplished what they did. Here are some quotes from Nikola Tesla’s book, The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, that clearly show his truthful comprehension of the shape of earth:

“I was confident, however, that with properly designed machinery signals could be transmitted to any point of the globe, no matter what the distance, without the necessity of using such intermediate stations.”

“That communication without wires to any point of the globe is practicable with such apparatus would need no demonstration, but through a discovery which I made I obtained absolute certitude.”

“My measurements and calculations have shown that it is perfectly practicable to produce on our globe, by the use of these principles, an electrical movement of such magnitude that, without the slightest doubt, its effect will be perceptible on some of our nearer planets, as Venus and Mars.”

“Its practical consummation would mean that energy would be available for the uses of man at any point of the globe, not in small amounts such as might be derived from the ambient medium by suitable machinery, but in quantities virtually unlimited, from waterfalls.”

“Men could settle down everywhere, fertilize and irrigate the soil with little effort, and convert barren deserts into gardens, and thus the entire globe could be transformed and made a fitter abode for mankind.”

Unfortunately, with internet addiction off the charts, many have lost touch with nature and can no longer intuitively discern basic fundamental Truths. If you have found you may be one of them and want to continue to move forward in your life authentically, then you need to be honest with yourself and admit that you’ve been bamboozled. This is not easy for many but a very self -strengthening process that we all go through since we are all learning. Some are wrong about some things and right about others. The important thing is that we forgive one another and recognize that we’ve all been there before – in a place of ignorance believing something that wasn’t true.

There is perhaps no greater Internet-wide PSYOP than the CIA-directed Flat Earth Conspiracy (FEC). This covert black operation has London’s notorious Tavistock Institute written all over it.

The Millennium Report has posted extensively on this extremely effective PSYOP since its inception. We have felt compelled to address it one last time because of a number of prominently configured truth-tellers who either subscribe to the FEC utter nonsense or who provide a safe haven to discuss their absurd and distracting ‘theories’.

How is it that some major alternative news websites even host the ridiculous ramblings of Flat Earther — unless they, themselves, have been set up to do so? If ever there was a universal hot-button issue on the World Wide Web that ought to send up big bright RED flags, any website or blog that takes this mental diarrhea seriously is it. Unless they are totally exposing the FEC for the wacky (yet contrived) insanity that it truly is, why even go there.

No one is saying that the current scientific paradigm that involves both astrophysics and astronomy is not full of holes. Nor is there any reason to stop questioning every aspect of those various disciplines of modern science which have been shown to fall short — some woefully short of the mark. However, the FEC was designed from the get-go to take any rational discussion into a completely irrational direction.

— The Millenium Report

Some of the confusion may also lie in the fact that at a planet’s initial stage of development, a spiral plane is formed – so in this sense, flat earthers are partially correct but only for a particular stage of earth’s life that is literally ages and ages away from where we are now. So it is simply not true to say that the earth is flat. It would be like a grown man walking around believing he is still a fetus in his mother’s womb…or like claiming a huge oak tree with a massive canopy is just a small sprout.

Non-spinning believers, however, are completely wrong. Motion and spin are the foundation of all matter:

Walter Russell was a friend and fellow genius to the great inventor, Nikola Tesla. You can learn more about their relationship in my other recent substack article John Trump’s Analysis of the Tesla Papers & the Future of Energy

So What’s the Truth?


When a planet like earth is first created, it is spun into a disc-like mass as it spirals and expands into a perfect sphere:

“During this process, the balance poles which control all matter move gradually toward the pole of rotation. When the sphere is perfected, as it finally is at carbon, the two poles coincide with the pole of rotation and the equator of the perfected sphere is 90 degrees from the wave’s axis. Likewise, the wavefield becomes a true cube. Likewise, any element that has reached it’s true sphere status will crystallize as a true cube. Likewise, any divider pair of elements which unite as one on wave amplitude — such as sodium and chlorine — will crystallize in the true cube shape of its wavefield.” — Walter Russell

After a certain period of time, as the planet begins to age, the central part of that sphere starts to collapse at the equator creating more of an oblated sphere or oval – this is where Earth is now:

“A sphere has but one focal point and center but and ellipse has two. During the prolation of elliptical spheroids to spherical form, the two east-west foci draw closer to the center of gravity. As spheres oblate to elliptical spheroids, the east-west poles extend away from the center of gravity as depolarization draws the north-south poles closer together.” — Walter Russell

“Conversely, as true spheres oblate, the two balancing poles move away from the pole of rotation and toward the wave axis, until depolarization is completed and magnetic poles disappear in the plane of the wave axis.” — Walter Russell

It then dissolves into a spiral nebulous form as seen below only to rise again once the natural reversal occurs, and the cycle continues in one direction eternally…

Regarding below Walter Russell drawing from his book Atomic Suicide:

“In observing the opposite directions in which the arrows in the nebulae diagrams point, do not be confused into thinking that the many masses are turning in opposite directions. Every unit in all of them turns in the one direction which is common to all Nature. The opposite directions of the arrows indicate direction of increase and decrease in electric potential, which is the way all things live and die,

“Verily, the sphere — which carbon is — has arisen from it’s resting place to stand up and go into action in a divided three-dimensional universe of change for just a little while before lying down to rest in the undivided universe of stillness.”

— Walter Russell

Electric Us…Electric Universe

We live in a Rythmically-Balanced Electric Universe of Projected Sound & Light:

“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create this universe. And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitudes to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void both matter and motion.”

— Walter Russell

“The heartbeat of the Universe is eternal. So long as the universal heartbeat continues, every divided pair, and every unit of every divided pair, will reappear to express life as surely as it will again disappear in eternal eternal repetitions to express death.

‘Work’ is not performed by the attraction of matter for matter , nor because of a condition of matter such as heat which is presumed to be energy. ‘Work’ is performed soley because the electric current, which divides a motionless condition into two unbalanced conditions, sets up two oppositely straining tensions of unrest which must move to release those tensions.”

— Walter Russell

The Universal Law of Reciprocity & Equal Opposites

This is actually how the Real Laws of Thermodynamics truly operates:

“The compressed condition of this universe is exactly equal to the expanded condition. The compressed condition is gravitation. The expanded condition is radiation. Gravitation and radiation are equal opposites. Each is helpless without the other. In fact, each condition is possible to produce without simultaneously producing the other. Heat is the effect of multiplied resistance to the compression of gravitation. Cold is the effect the opposite strain of resistance to the evacuation, or emptiness, which results from the expansion in radiation.

— Walter Russell

“There is as much cold in the great expanses of space as there is heat in the compressed suns in all of this universe.

Centripetal spirals multiply gravity to form the nuclei of burning systems, and centrifugal spirals divide gravity to radiate nuclei into dissipating systems.

Matter contracts into solids by “squeezing” space out of it. This draws its particles closer together and decreases its volume. Matter expands by “swallowing” space within it. This thrusts each particle farther apart.”

— Walter Russell

Planets are actually the offspring of the Sun:

“An atomic, solar, or stellar system is one which has reached maturity as a united pair, and has begun to propagate generations of ‘off-spring’, which, in turn, propagated generations of their own. All atomic systems are discharging, depolarizing, expanding systems in Nature. Depolarization alone, produces multiple systems. It is because of this fact that the ‘expanding universe’ deluded so many observers.” — Walter Russell

“This wave universe is divided into wave fields. Each wave field is an electric battery which is forever being charged by centripetal polarizing power of gravitation and discharged by the centrifugal depolarizing power of radiation.

The north-south poles control generation into form. The east-west poles control degeneration of form back to its source. When true spheres have been generated , the four poles unite then REVERSE their directions. Prolation then ceases and oblation begins .

The universe of EFFECT is dual. It is a divided universe in which each positive half of every effect is balanced by its negative opposite half. For each hot sun, there is an equal cold vacuity awaiting in space to born another sun. Tides when lowering are simultaneously rising, and day cannot come without balancing night.”

— Walter Russell

“Every action in nature is voided as it occurs, is repeated as it is voided, and is recorded as it is repeated.”

— Walter Russell

It may be confusing to hear that motion travels in one direction previously in this article, and then just above, you read that direction is reversed. When direction is reversed, it signifies a pole shift not a change in the direction of motion in general. A great way to understand this is to consider the spiraling motion that water takes when a toilet is flushed. If you look at the toilet bowl from above, the water appears to be spiraling down. Now flip the bowl over and the water will appear to be spiraling up. The water in the toilet bowl has not changed directions; what has happened is that the perspective has been reversed due to turning the bowl on it’s opposite side. This is simply the dual nature of electric polarity.

It also may help to consider the spiral. I’ve always loved them! Look at the one below. Although it appears to change direction as the spirals move horizontally back and forth, the one direction of the spiral motion does not change as the arrow indicates. In the below video, Our Solar System is a Vortex, you can you to see this in motion. It’s really fun and interesting to watch. There’s just one statement about the speed our solar system travels through the space that is considered a “scientific consensus” but that, of course, does not mean it is true. From what I’ve learned, I think the speed our solar system moves through space is variable:

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“I just got kicked out of a flat earth group on FB. All I did was asked if the 6 foot social distance has pushed anyone off the edge of the earth yet.” — YT comment
