OMG!!! ‘Super-Deadly’ Covid Variants Are Popping Up All Over The Place! What are we going to do?!?!?!?!
Actually the real question here is: What do the Plandemic perps really want US to do?
Get one of the exceedingly dangerous and
deadly Covid injections—THAT’S WHAT!
What better way to scare all of humanity into the pen of annual Covid vaccination compliance than to regularly fearmonger about the latest and worst COVID-19 variant ever to have been started by a superspreader … … … and “coming to a theater near you”.
Do you see how they are directing this global, real-time, horror flick?
Now here’s a freeze frame from the mainstream media’s never-ending horror show:
Let’s be clear: there have been pandemics and epidemics, plagues and scourges for eons. Variants and mutations have occurred from time immemorial.
For example, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 went around the globe with a fury of affliction. Eventually, every person on the planet either caught it or was exposed to it. Likewise, the longer the Spanish Flu lingered globally, the weaker it got until herd immunity was reached and it was reduced to a completely neutralized public health threat.
Now, fast forward to the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020. No other pandemic in recorded history has ever evolved in the manner that the transparently manmade COVID-19 pandemic has…not even remotely similar to this utterly fabricated and staged, orchestrated and choreographed “disaster movie”.
Which means that this is all stealthily staged melodrama… with the explicit intention of stampeding every human being into the corral of Covid vaccine conformity.
In this way, no one ever has to be afraid about being exposed to the supposedly ‘super-deadly’ coronavirus that barely even exists, if it even does at all.
This devious strategy forms the basis of their enforcement MO. Instead of the government making Covid shots mandatory, they will let the populace demand that everyone get their annual jabs.
In this quite cunning fashion, a new franken-variant will be forever pushed out into the pandemic marketplace that will sufficiently scare the Dickens out of fearful populations everywhere in order to coerce their consent.
KEY POINTS: This is by no means “Informed Consent” because the CIA’s Mockingbird Media has so saturated the mass media sphere of influence with disinfo, misinfo and false info regarding all things having to do with both COVID-19 and the many fake Covid vaccines. It’s as though Big Pharma is formulating a different flavor (read: lethal vaccine) for every type of person out there. In other words, if you don’t like the mRNA injection, you take the DNA shot. Or, you can take the AstraZeneca jab and die of a blood clot. Then there is the supposedly traditional vaccine from Russia that everyone is fighting over supplies are in such demand. The pro-vax crowd now feels like a kid in a candy store never realizing this kind of candy is downright fatal and/or disease-causing.
It ought to be clear to every resident on Planet Earth that the Coviteers mean serious business—Big Pharma business like never before.
Not only are the predatory billionaires on the way to becoming trillionaires, they are doing so at the great expense of virtually all of humankind. See: Global Billionaires’ Wealth Increase By $4 Trillion During The Pandemic
It’s now evident that the power elite have full intention to milk this Covid cow until 95% of humanity is either dead or irreversibly debilitated as per the Georgia Guidestones (see photo below).
This is exactly why the entire planetary civilization has been treated to an increasing onslaught of MSM fake news stories pertaining to the ‘much dreaded’ COVID-19 variants. As follows:
Canada ski resort has largest outbreak of P1 Covid variant outside Brazil
When will we reach herd immunity? As COVID-19 variants multiply, the race has become ‘a little harder’
Health officials say double-mutant coronavirus variant likely to arrive in Hawaii
Chinese COVID-19 vaccine maintains protection in variant-plagued Brazil
British variant of COVID now dominant in Cyprus: health ministry
What to Know About COVID-19, Variants, and Children
Mutant South African Covid-19 variant can ‘break through’ the Pfizer jab, study finds
RACE AGAINST VARIANTS: Local health officials urge COVID-19 survivors to get vaccinated
South African COVID variant can ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine: study
Health officials say COVID-19 vaccine is the solution to variant strains
CDC: UK variant is the most dominant COVID-19 strain in the country
135 new COVID-19 cases in Manitoba, possible variant exposures at Winnipeg Costco, No Frills
COVID-19 variant found in California accounting for more than half of Hawaii cases, DOH says
Study showing COVID variants can weaken vaccine
Navajo Nation reissues weekend stay-at-home order due to rise in COVID-19 cases, new virus variants
Alaskans letting down their guard, not COVID-19 variants, likely responsible for rising case counts
CDC: COVID-19 cases on the rise – fueled by virus variants and young adults
Maps: How a coronavirus variant tore through Michigan
State health officials discus UK COVID-19 variants’ impact on children
First case of COVID-19 P.1. variant reported in Shiawassee County
COVID-19: A year on, India’s situation grimmer with ‘more infectious’ variants, surge in cases
Florida reports 6,817 new COVID-19 cases as CDC warns latest wave could be due to spread of variants
LUCIRA COVID-19 Test Kit Identifies Viral Variants
COVID Variants Driving Up Case Counts On Cape Cod
Health officials: Mississippi has first COVID-19 case involving Brazil variant
COVID-19 vaccines effective against California coronavirus variant: study
More contagious COVID-19 variants could be to blame for rise in cases, CDC says
U.S. reports over 20,000 coronavirus variants infections
Official: COVID-19 variants likely spreading across Idaho
Erie County’s COVID-19 cases rise for second straight week as variant spreads
Do you see what we mean, folks?
The franken-variants are here … what are we going to do?!?!?!
Whatever you do, don’t submit to the much more perilous Covid franken-jab.
State of the Nation
April 6, 2021
Special Note
Although very few medical researchers, epidemiology investigators and coronavirus sleuths are aware, what we are all witnessing is an ongoing series of Gladio-coordinated bioterrorist attacks being sponsored by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis. This is why Israel was totally locked down and more intensely vaccinated than any other country on Earth. It’s also why the United Kingdom has imposed the most draconian Covid response within the world community of nations. And, it’s why so many American Big Pharma companies have rolled out more different types of vaccines than any other Medical-Industrial Complex. See: Look out, people, here come “THE VARIANTS” ! ! !
OPERATION COVID-19 is a much more complex international criminal conspiracy than anyone knows. The captivating psyop carried out in Wuhan, China in January of 2020 completely captured the world and made folks everywhere believe an utterly false “coronavirus” narrative. What happened there was a full-blown biological attack on the Wuhanese with a highly sophisticated bioweapon that targeted various Chinese bloodlines. However, the series of bioterrorist attacks that followed worldwide utilized different variants of the COVID-19 bioweapon, each bioengineered to mutate in vivo so that the fabricated pandemic would go on ad infinitum. That means that the Covid bioweapon variants launched in Milan, Tehran, New York City and Guayaquil, Ecuador were all subtly different biological attacks against different targeted populations, each one producing its one unique symptom set. In this way, the forever-mutating pathogenic microorganisms that constitute the COVID-19 bioweapon will plaque humanity into perpetuity with one variant after another. This entirely bioengineered state of affairs worldwide then sets the stage for a global vaccination regime which will require an annual Covid injection that keeps the populace up to date with the current strains of COVID-19 that are still being released to this very day. Which also permits the Covid bioterrorists to manufacture consent for a Digital Green Certificate, COVID-19 Vaccine Passports, Immunity Certificates, Green Passports and other documents that prove an up-to-date vaccination status. That’s the short story.
(Source: OPERATION COVID JAB: The Stealthy Genocidal Scheme to Depopulate the Planet and Enslave Humanity)