It’s a full-scale weather war against the American people!
USA under constant assault from geoengineering weather weaponry in 2019.
Important Updates 5/24/19 – But NOW they only Block the SUN… they rain and snow on EVERYONE!
by Cynthia
Bows and flows of Angel hair, and ice cream castles in the air, and feathered canyons everywhere. I’ve looked at clouds that way. – Joni Mitchell
When I was a child, back in the “OLDEN DAYS” when things moved at a slower pace, we had a game we used to play. We would lie in the grass and stare up at the sky. As the fluffy clouds floated by, we would watch to see what shapes we could find in them. “LOOK, LOOK, there goes a… ” Our skies looked so different back then. The clouds were easy to read and good predictors of what weather was heading our way. There were, at that time, only four types of clouds: cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and nimbus. The skies were usually blue unless there was a storm brewing. Nothing like the skies of today.
OHHH, Mercy, Mercy Me-e, Things ain’t what they used to be… where did all the blue skies go? – Marvin Gaye
How often do you look at the sky? I mean really look at the sky. If you are over 50 years old, you are probably quite alarmed. The sky does not even resemble the sky we once knew. Is this a natural phenomenon or something much more sinister? Did you know that they have officially named 12 new types of clouds? They are teaching school children that these types were always there, they just had not been named yet. HOGWASH!! These types of clouds are not natural and did not exist until current times. They are manufactured through science and geo-engineering. What is the reason? Where is this heading? You know that clouds are a major factor in weather.
Sadly only those of us who are over 50 years old, still remember the world the way it used to be. Today’s society has been so bombarded with unnatural, unreal, bizarre images, they have become at home with them. They see the world as it is today, and to them it is normal. They are constantly being told this is normal. This is the way it has always been…NOT!!! The WIERD, UNNATURAL, ABSURD, TWISTED, BIZZARE, FREAKY, TECHNOLOGICAL, MANUFACTURED world of today, is SICK!
Update 6/2/19
Published on May 29, 2019
Update 5/24/19
OK, Folks! It is the latter end of MAY, and this next video was filmed in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! Keep watching, you will see folks in winter coats and you will see the heavy flow of snowflakes falling.
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