MENA COCAINE CONNECTION: When the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Ruled Arkansas
Political Succession and “The Bush-Clinton Nexus”: Permanent Criminal State. The Legacy of George Herbert Walker Bush
Permanent Revolving Door
By Larry Chin
Global Research

Global Research pays its respects to former president George Herbert Walker Bush who passed away in Houston at age 94.
At this juncture, it is important to address his political legacy.
Below is author Larry Chin’s September 2016 article together with a historical perspective and update.
Author’s update as of December 2, 2018
The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale.
- Decades of war, war crimes, and treason.
- Global narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud and financial looting.
- Mass murder, assassination; the extermination of political enemies and whistleblowers.
- The absolute criminalization of military and intelligence agencies, and the corruption of entire governments, across all political parties.
- Devastation and violence in every corner of the planet, from the killing fields of Asia to the Middle East and Latin America, to the United States itself.
- The institutionalization of terrorism, criminal cover-up and The Big Lie.
George Herbert Walker Bush was one of the greatest architects of suffering the world has ever known. His New World Order, a criminal empire that continues to poison and corrupt; its tentacles still oppressing to this very moment, as you read this.
Do not mourn George Herbert Walker Bush. Mourn his victims. Mourn what has been lost. Mourn what has been destroyed. Mourn what he took. Mourn the “thousand points of light” that he snuffed out.
Let historical truth fully expose who and what the Bush family are, and what they have done. Let the mainstream corporate media’s desperate attempt to sanitize the Bush record utterly fail.
President Donald Trump promises to Drain the Swamp. George Herbert Walker Bush, his family, and his legion of associates do not merely epitomize the Swamp. They are the Swamp. They are the Deep State. Here is what the Bush family thinks of Trump. Trump must continue to deliver on this promise.
The following article was published in September 2016. Now over two years later, its case remains intact.
At a spring 2016 Republican debate attended by the Bushes, George H.W. “Poppy” Bush, looked directly at Donald Trump and gave him the “throat slit” gesture. The Bushes want the Clintons back in the White House.
“Poppy” trusted them with Arkansas in the 1980s, and with the White House in the 1990s, and he can trust them with the marching orders again. A Hillary Clinton presidency guarantees that all the things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get done.
The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for more than 30 years. They and their colleagues have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial system, the financial markets, and the banks. Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywood—the shapers of The Big Lie.
The endless repeated cycles and recycles of Bushes and Clintons, the endless presence of Bush/Clinton operatives in all positions of power is by design. The administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have been a continuum, a line of succession, over which George H.W. Bush’s New World Order compatriots (including Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds) ultimately call the shots in relation to their political appointees, in all matters of importance. Most of Washington and much of the world, answers to them.
Iran-Contra: the family business
There would be no Clinton “dynasty” without the Iran-Contra.
Originally coined “Iran-Contra” (in reference to illegal arms sales to Iran in exchange for American hostages in Lebanon and arms to the Contra “freedom fighters” in Nicaragua), the moniker hides the fact that it became a vast and permanent criminal business and political machine that went far beyond then-current political concerns.
In The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider , Al Martin describes the Iran-Contra Enterprise that a vast operation that included (and was not limited to) drugs, weapons, terrorism, war, money laundering, criminal banking and securities fraud, currency fraud, real estate fraud, insurance fraud, blackmail, extortion, and political corruption that involved countless Washington politicians of both Republican and Democratic parties.
“Iran-Contra itself is a euphemism for the outrageous fraud perpetrated by government criminals for profit and control. Offhandedly, this inaccurate term entered history as shorthand for the public scandals of illicit arms sales to Iran coupled with illicit weapons deals for Nicaragua. The real story, however, is much more complex…When George Bush, [CIA Director] Bill Casey and Oliver North initiated their plan of government-sanctioned fraud and drug smuggling, they envisioned using 500 men to raise $35 billion….they ended up using about 5,000 operatives and making over $35 billion.” In addition, the operation became “a government within a government, comprising some thirty to forty thousand people the American government turns to, when it wishes certain illegal covert operations to be extant pursuant to a political objective” with George [H.W.] Bush “at the top of the pyramid”.
Most of the operation’s insiders and whistleblowers place George H.W.Bush as one of its top architects, if not its commander. It was carried out by CIA operatives close to Bush since his CIA directorship and even stretching back to the Bay of Pigs. These included Oliver North, Ted Shackley, Edwin Wilson, Felix Rodriguez, and others. Iran-Contra was a replication of the CIA’s Golden Triangle drug trafficking in Southeast Asia (operations also connected to Bush) but on a larger scale and sophistication, greater complexity, and far-reaching impact that remains palpable to this day.
In George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Webster Tarpley wrote that,
“many once-classified documents have come to light, which suggest that Bush organized and supervised many, or most, of the criminal aspects of the Iran-Contra adventures.”
Tarpley further points out that George H.W. Bush created new structures (“special situation group”, “terror incident working group” etc.) within the Reagan administration—and that
“all of these structures revolved around [creating] the secret command role of the then-Vice President, George Bush…The Bush apparatus, within and behind the government, was formed to carry out covert policies: to make war when the constitutional government had decided not to make war; to support enemies of the nation (terrorists and drug runners) who are the friends and agents of the secret government.”
This suggests that George H.W.Bush (who prior to his appointment as Vice President headed the CIA) not only ran Iran-Contra, but much of the Reagan presidency. Then-White House press secretary James Baker said in 1981,
“Bush is functioning much like a co-president. George is involved in all the national security stuff because of his special background as CIA director. All the budget working groups, he was there, the economic working groups, the Cabinet meetings. He is included in almost all the meetings.”
Hundreds of insiders, witnesses and investigators have blown the lid off of the Iran-Contra Enterprise in exhaustive fashion. These include the investigations of:
Mike Ruppert (From The Wilderness, Crossing the Rubicon), Al Martin (The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider), Gary Webb (Dark Alliance), Rodney Stich (Defrauding America, Drugging America), Terry Reed (Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA), Stew Webb (and here), Dois “Chip” Tatum (The Tatum Chronicles) (summarized here), Pete Brewton (The Mafia, the CIA and George Bush) and Daniel Hopsicker (Barry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and America’s Secret History), among others. The accounts of Barry Seal, Edward Cutolo, Albert Carone, Bradley Ayers, Tosh Plumley, Bill Tyree, Gunther Russbacher, Celerino Castillo, Michael Levine, Trenton Parker, Russell Bowen, Richard Brenneke, Larry Nichols, William Duncan, Russell Welch and dozens more implicate the Bushes, the Clintons and the CIA.
As described by Mike Ruppert,
“it stood, and still stands today, isolated and immune from the operating principles of democracy. It is autonomous and it operates through self-funding via narcotics and weapons trafficking. To quote [former CIA director] William Casey it is ‘a completely self-funding, off-the-shelf operation.’ It, in fact, dictates a substantial portion of this country’s foreign, economic and military policy from a place not accessible to the will of a free people properly armed with facts.”
CIA deep cover agent pilot Chip Tatum, a key Iran-Contra player who flew drugs into Mena and Little Rock in Arkansas, worked alongside CIA pilot and drug smuggler Barry Seal. Seal was one of the central operatives, whose CIA career and work in Mena are detailed in Daniel Hopsicker’s Barry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and America’s Secret History. It is believed that Seal was subsequently murdered by the Medellin Cartel, on the order of Oliver North and the Bushes, to prevent him from testifying about his activities. Before he was killed, Seal provided Tatum a list of Iran-Contra “Boss Hogs” who controlled the drug trade. The Pegasus File summaries Tatum’s activities, and features the “Boss Hog” list. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton feature prominently.
Then-Governor Bill Clinton managed the Arkansas operation in conjunction with the Bushes, Oliver North, Barry Seal and other deep cover operatives. Hillary Clinton was also a key player.
From Rodney Stich’s Drugging America:
“Mena became famous in the 1980s for the arms and drugs shipping through this western Arkansas airport by the CIA and other government agencies. It involved Oliver North, Vice President and then President George Bush, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and others who became involved in covert activities…My CIA sources indicate that the profits from drug sales far exceeded what was needed for these [black] operations. They report that most of the profits are hidden in offshore financial institutions, and much of these funds come back in well-disguised forms and corporations, acquiring properties and businesses of all types…My CIA contacts described Bush’s heavy involvement in Central American operations in which drug trafficking constituted a major role.”
Mena, Arkansas was the key transit points for cocaine coming into the United States from Central America, and weapons going the other way. The Rose Law Firm, of which Hillary Clinton and Webster Hubbell were senior partners, negotiated contracts for the CIA in Mena, Arkansas, and helped set up numerous fraudulent CIA fronts for cocaine and weapons transit. The very structure of the Arkansas state government was altered to accommodate the Enterprise. The Clinton-created Arkansas Development and Financing Authority engaged in money laundering on a mass scale.
The operation was byzantine, a network of connected government agencies, subsidiaries, and shell companies and corporations can be seen in the diagram provided by whistleblower Stew Webb:
Progressive Review (1998)
Quoting the congressional testimony of Internal Revenue Service Agent William Duncan, who spent several years investigating drug-related activities in Arkansas under the Clintons and their operatives:
“…the Mena Arkansas Airport was on important hub-waypoint for transshipment for drugs, weapons. The evidence details a bizarre mixture of drug smuggling, gun running, money laundering and covert operations by Barry Seal, his associates, and both employees and contract operatives of the United States Intelligence Services. The testimony reveals a scheme whereby massive amounts of cocaine were smuggled into the State of Arkansas.”
Far from staying background, Clinton liked direct involvement. CIA asset and Air Force veteran Terry Reed described his experience in Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. Reed trained Contra pilots at the Mena and Nella airports in Arkansas, and worked with Seal. According to Mike Ruppert in Crossing the Rubicon,
“[Reed’s] chief threat to the CIA and the American political establishment was that he could connect the Clintons, the CIA, Oliver North, Bill Casey and the drug running through the Mena, Arkansas, Intermountain Airport all into one package.”
In his book, Reed describes a meeting held in an ammunition bunker outside of Little Rock attended by Bill Clinton, CIA operative (and Bush associate) Felix Rodriguez, and Clinton Security Chief Raymond Young.
Iran-Contra’s whistleblowers, and investigators (many of whom are mentioned above) have been threatened, discredited, kidnapped, jailed, and some, such as Barry Seal, murdered.
The Clintons have gone to great lengths, (e.g Vince Foster), to maintain their cover-up of their CIA Arkansas operation. And George H.W. Bush famously and laughably insisted that he was “out of the loop”. This, even as the passage of time, increasingly available evidence, and the damning testimonies of his own former operatives have amply placed him as Iran-Contra’s boss. In the words of former CIA agent Phillip Agee,
“Bush was up to his neck in illegal drug running on behalf of the Contras.”
All attempts to prosecute were largely unsuccessful—blocked, stalled, or given a “limited hangout” treatment. As written by Mike Ruppert, one of many Iran-Contra whistleblowers, in Crossing the Rubicon:
“Iran-Contra was effectively ‘managed’ by Lee Hamilton in the House [of Representatives] and John Kerry (among others) in the Senate throughout the late 1980s to conceal the greatest crimes of the era, crimes committed by a litany of well-known government operatives.”
Kerry would go on to become the Democratic nominee for President in 2004, and is now the Secretary of State.
The Clintons’ collaboration with the Bushes and the CIA made possible their rise to prominence. Their entry to the Washington was the reward and payoff for their fine service in Arkansas from the 1970s through the 1990s.
Cathy O’Brien (author of Trance Formation of America) claims to have witnessed and overheard meetings as far back as the early 1980s in which George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton planned to pass the White House between the two of them, and between their respective political clans, thereby maintaining the New World Order for the long term.
Iran-Contra as blueprint
The Iran-Contra Enterprise’s overseers, criminal associates and beneficiaries, to this day, remain at large, with most enjoying massive illegally-obtained wealth, privilege, and highest political and corporate positions. The imperial positions of the Bush and Clinton clans exemplify this.
The operation, in essence, evolved and metastasized into ever-more modern and sophisticated incarnation with even more global reach. New names, new banks, new drugs, new wars, same blueprint. It is not a “deep state” or a “shadow state” but a Criminal State that operates “in broad daylight”. It is the playbook of the New World Order. It is globalization at its finest.
The world is in flames. Corruption is rampant. The CIA is more powerful than ever. Terrorism, drugs and weapons flow freely through more geostrategic hot spots than ever. This is a “golden age for drug trafficking”. All of it can be traced back to Iran-Contra, the Bushes, and the Clintons.
The ultimate con that has been played on the world has been the illusion of a political system; of political parties and a democracy. In fact, the world is ruled by a criminal apparatus disguised as a political system. This apparatus serves no purpose except the continuation of itself. It exists to protect and expand a vast racketeering operation that has enjoyed control and power for generations.
Permanent criminal state, endless revolving door
A smooth line of succession, generation after generation, passing power and profits as seamlessly as possible through time is imperative. A Hillary Clinton presidency ensures this.
Every occupant since JFK has been a criminal insider, beginning with Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, both of whom were likely involved with the Kennedy assassinations and willing beneficiaries of the wars and crimes that followed.
“Poppy” Bush was the real power behind the Ronald Reagan administration, while the actor fronted for it. From Bush himself, the “charming” and then unknown Clintons took on the role, which was passed back to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, then back to the so-called neoliberals (Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry, etc.), and on and on.
Elections are rigged. “Contestants” are chosen based on propaganda purposes. Those deemed the most effective actor for any given period are chosen in advance. The consistent trick has been to stack the deck with figures who are unified behind the most important New World Order agendas, posing as opponents. George H.W. Bush versus Bill Clinton was a lie. George W. Bush versus John (Skull and Bones) Kerry was a lie. Barack Obama versus John McCain and Mitt Romney, the same. Those who were not fully on board, such as Al Gore, were dealt with and removed.
This kind of clever and successful charade was what the Obama campaign was about in 2008 and again in 2012. But even the most fervent and delusional Obama fans today know and feel that it was a fraud. There was no “change”. Obama, the obedient and malleable corporatist, was given a limited puppet role. The New World Order was careful to place Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in charge of foreign policy, and a right-wing Republican opposition to prevent any independent action on Obama’s part. The 2007 financial collapse by the outgoing Bush-Cheney administration and its banksters not secured major loot for the Bush syndicate, but ensured that Obama would be saddled with a weak economy.
Despite the fact that the Obama administrations have faithfully continued and expanded the Bush-Cheney agenda, Obama has been abused by his Bush-Clinton handlers anyway. The Bushes and Clintons are racists. The Clintons in particular hate the Obamas, and the Obama-Clinton working relationship has been frosty since Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 nomination to Obama.
The ideal plan for 2016 was to stack the deck again, with another fake contest, this time between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Unfortunately for the Bushes, Donald Trump is enormously popular, and his campaign attacks on all three Bush plants (Jeb, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio) were effective. So tarnished is the Bush name as a public product that Jeb was forced to withdraw his bid, despite huge elite backing. Thus, the George H.W. Bush throat cut gesture aimed at Trump.
This leaves Hillary Clinton, who has aggressively sought the world’s highest public office for her entire life. She is hell-bent on getting it. She is fully supported by all of the leading neocon fascists, the Saudi royal family, Netanyahu, the CIA, and Wall Street, and all of the empire’s overseas criminal partners.
Power and perversion
What even knowledgeable outside observers might perceive about the Bushes and Clintons, the truth is more brutal. This brutality is the threat that a Bush-endorsed Hillary Clinton White House promises.
Leading members of the Criminal State are genuine psychopaths and sociopaths. Their violence and perversion is not simply private “dirty laundry”, but sickness that manifests in public action, with worldwide impact.
Cathy O’Brien (author of Trance Formation of America) is another whistleblower who has spoken out about her unfortunate personal experience with the CIA, the Bushes and the Clintons in Mena.
(O’Brien, who continues to speak out about her experience and CIA psychological operations, was allegedly rescued by former CIA operative Mark Phillips. It is not known if Phillips remains her handler, and if her story is being used as a limited hangout. Barbara Hartwell has also exposed the same criminality and more, from the perspective of a former CIA operative of rank.)
Whistleblower Stew Webb has fought the Bush-Clinton machine for decades, and his work helped break the S&L, HUD, and Denver Airport scandals, and major aspects of Iran-Contra.
Hillary Clinton: wolf in wolf’s clothing
Hillary Clinton is not a progressive, but a neocon war criminal of the highest order. Among her closest friends and allies are Henry Kissinger, John McCain, and the Bushes, with Daddy Bush as her godfather.
Contrary to her manufactured image, she is not a populist liberal, and is the opposite of a motherly or sisterly figure who cares about children and the disadvantaged and the poor. She is a racist and a pathological liar. One can make a strong argument that she, not Bill, has been the criminal brains of the Clinton apparatus.
The entire Clinton image is a lie, one of the countless frauds played on the American masses. Former Clinton insiders such as Larry Nichols attest to it.
Hillary Clinton’s mental instability, anger, re well known to those who have worked in the Clinton administrations in Arkansas as well as in the White House, and in more recent tenures as New York senator and Secretary of State. These include former Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne and many others.
Following her criminal CIA activities in Arkansas to her co-management of the Clinton White House tenure, Hillary became New York senator. As senator, she facilitated the Bush/New World Order agenda faithfully. Hillary Clinton supported Bush-Cheney’s Patriot Act and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
After a failed 2008 presidential bid that exposed her viciousness, Hillary Clinton joined the team of Bush/New World Order figures who served as the handlers of front man-puppet Obama. As suggested by probes into Clinton’s emails, and evidence from Wikileaks, the Hillary Clinton State Department ran foreign policy as its own shadow government apparatus, likely beyond the control of Obama, and engaged in illegal activities over all objections from the Obama faction. The discussion about whether or not Clinton followed “correct security procedures” is a red herring and distraction: Hillary Clinton ran her own secret foreign policy cell, with her own communications network.
The Clinton Foundation is a criminal apparatus, a classic secret call that exemplifies the kind of activity upon which the Clintons and Bushes thrive. Its business includes CIA black ops, the funding of terrorists (ISIS), the destabilization of nations, war provocations, extra-judicial political assassinations, currency fraud, money laundering, and treason.
Hillary Clinton has been a leading force in the creation and funding of Islamic terror and ISIS, having enthusiastically set loose the CIA, Al-Qaeda in Libya and the Islamic State across the Middle East and into Syria. She is set to deliver Syria to the jihadists if elected.
She took particular relish in toppling Libya and the torture and murder of Gadhafi. She laughed sadistically when asked about the killing:
Clinton’s CIA Benghazi operation was directly out of the Iran-Contra playbook: a covert arms deal funnelling weapons to vetted anti-Assad Syrian terrorist groups and Al-Qaeda.
Terrorists? Arms? Dead people? Cover-up? Treason? Hillary Clinton says:
Hillary Clinton plans to destroy Russia.
It was Hillary Clinton whose actions helped install a puppet government integrated by Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, towards a full-blown war with Russia. The vicious Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, has played a key role in these crimes. Nuland is likely to be tapped for a cabinet position in a Hillary Clinton administration.
Leader of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Party SvobodaOleh Tyahnybok (Left) with Victoria Nuland, Former PM of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk
Hillary Clinton famously claimed that she is under attack from a “vast right-wing conspiracy”. In truth, Hillary Clinton is a right-wing conspiracy.
A campaign of fraud
The New World Order’s insistence on a Hillary Clinton presidency is desperate. She is reviled and even disliked among Democrats. Even actress Susan Sarandon has given up on her. Clinton and the Democratic National Committee destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign with blatant fraud.
The Clinton campaign is rigged and scripted propaganda, played for the camera. Entire faked videos of supposed campaign rallies, and even green screen fakery. Paid seat fillers to fill empty venues to create the appearance of a huge crowd. Use of electronic ear transceivers to help cheat during debates. Lies about Russian hacking, and other forms of interference. Every dirty trick imaginable.
An elaborate cover-up continues to attempt to deny the fact that Clinton has been gravely ill for many years, likely suffering from likely neurological damage, possibly Parkinson’s disease (unconfirmed) , and a host of other problems. She is escorted by a Secret Service handler, a full medical team and vans full of hospital equipment (including anti-seizure devices). The cover-up is unconvincing. Yet Hillary Clinton is still trotted out as the Establishment choice.
If she is forced to quit her campaign, the Clinton-Bush crime syndicate will concoct another way to anoint another approved stooge or puppet to replace her—be it the neocon Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, or even Michelle Obama. But the Bushes want Hillary, and it is Hillary the world will get.
The silencing and suspected murder (alleged, yet to be fully investigated) of current and former insiders, whistleblowers and investigators continues to add up stretching back to the 1990s, which is topped in notoriety by the mysterious murder of Clinton insider Vince Foster during the Bill Clinton presidency. In recent months, Seth Rich, Joe Montano, Shawn Lucas, and John Ashe each died under suspicious circumstances. Each possessed information exposing criminal activities of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic National Committee.
Trump: threat or compromised noise maker?
Is Donald Trump in any way a viable alternative to Bush-Clinton? He has offered relatively little in the way of specifics, along with many ideas that are divisive and as dangerous as some of Clinton’s.
Nevertheless, Trump represents a threat if some of his public statements on the big issues are in any way genuine, and as long as he uses the campaign as a bully pulpit for these views. Trump takes issue with the course of the current war, and supports negotiations with Russia. He has dared mention some of the past Clinton and Bush crimes, and is reportedly supported by a large number of military flag officers and intelligence operatives who oppose Clinton-Bush. Many of the Republicans hate him, and the Bush faction wants him gone.
It is not clear if Trump is simply another short-term distraction like Ross Perot, one that the criminal syndicate will ultimately corral and control through bribery or physical threat. Perot was a serious presidential challenger in 1992, until he and his family were threatened. Perot withdrew. Mike Ruppert, who worked on the Perot campaign. In Crossing the Rubicon, he wrote
“ I was greatly disappointed by Perot’s sudden withdrawal…which I later concluded had to do with assuring a Clinton victory. It was only later that pieces fell together for me which suggested that Perot had led us all on a wild goose chase in a campaign that he never intended to win.”
Bill Clinton was to take the reins from the Bushes in that fake election.
When will the Bush-Clinton enforcers convince Trump to bend to the will of the syndicate? Has this already taken place? The Bush throat-cut gesture suggests that a friendly deal will not be made. But Trump is a businessman.
Trump’s choice of Mike Pence as vice presidential running mate should crush all hope for those who believe that a Trump White House would be free of the Bush poison. Pence is a super conservative neocon, who has supported all things Bush. He supported the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, is pro-torture (opposes the closing of Guantanamo Bay), and supports war in the Middle East. He supported the toppling of Libya, and thanked Hillary Clinton for doing it. He supports globalization and free trade agreements, supported NAFTA and CAFTA. He is a corporatist who opposes banking and campaign finance reforms, who praised the Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case that made “corporations people”. (i.e. corporate personhood)
If indeed Pence is Trump’s designated handler and control agent, that is the end of the idea of Trump as an agent of change.
End game
The next president will likely be a criminal, in a long line of criminals, or a puppet that is controlled by these same criminal forces. There is no way that the New World Order will permit a government that is not crawling with its own members, infested with Bush and Clinton operatives.
This is a virtual certainty, barring a total revolution that sees all members of the New World Order removed from power and punished, the CIA and other criminal entities shut down, an international cease fire, and an end to all wars.
Elections are Fake
Humanity faces an unprecedented crisis with little effective means to stop what is coming. There are no elections: votes do not and will not count. Elections are fake, and this one is no different. Elections are digitally hacked, rigged, and scripted, rigged the way they have for decades. There is no real choice in this charade anyway. One candidate is clearly and emphatically criminal. The other is not trustworthy and may be compromised.
This is the most dangerous hour the world has faced. This is end game, with the future of the planet at risk.
The final moves on the “Grand Chessboard” are before us: all of the Middle East and Central Asia, the world’s last reserves of oil, are in play, Syria is on the edge, Russia is under attack, and nuclear holocaust is a terrifying possibility. War with Russia and China are no longer “unthinkable”, but being planned in earnest.
A Hillary Clinton White House guarantees war, and a triumph for the Criminal State.
Stopping or at least slowing down the New World Order criminal machine is the urgent priority. The resistance must therefore be expressed by other means.
It will require creative and devastating work on behalf of Wikileaks and others who possess damning information to bypass the Bush-Clinton propaganda organs, directly to the minds of people. Even then, will people care? Will they understand?
Let us recall the words of John F. Kennedy from a tragically prescient 1961 speech that helped trigger his own murder:
“The word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. It depends on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice.
“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined, and its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no secret revealed.
“I am asking your help in the tremendous task of information and alerting the American people.”
Let these words serve as the call to action.