US Agrees To Global Gun Control Under UN Authority
School Shooting PsyOps Spawned By United Nations #Strong Cities Network
by Harold Saive
News Paradigm
KrisAnne Hall, Esq. Says Strong Cities Network is Unconstitutional (Bitchute)
UN language, “Violent Extremism” is Code Outlawing 2nd Amendment
Complete Document Here
OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools
JUDICIAL WATCH: DOJ Says Atty. Gen., Loretta Lynch Used Alias (Elizabeth Carlisle) to Conduct Official Business to Protect Security, Privacy.
Though the DOJ recently furnished the documents with Lynch’s fake name, the records were part of Judicial Watch’s original 2015 FOIA request. The records also show that then Assistant Attorney General John Carlin touted SCN at an event sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremist leftist group that helped a gunman commit an act of terrorism against a conservative organization. A year later Carlin would launch the Michael Flynn counterintelligence investigation and seek the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant now in question. (More Judicial Watch)
Illustrating how government hides information from the American public, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name to conduct official Department of Justice (DOJ) business in agency emails obtained by Judicial Watch. As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias Elizabeth Carlisle in emails she sent from her official DOJ account. In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.” (Complete article)
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name (Elizabeth Carlisle) to violate public records law in order to conduct secret Department of Justice business related to the United Nations #StrongCities Network.
Lynch claimed it was necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.” But these covert communications could have hidden the FBI’s plans to carry out fake shootings like Sandy Hook, Orlando, Pulse Nightclub, Parkland, Sutherland Springs, Santa Fe and others from the American Public.
Eric Holder Wants School Board to “Brainwash” Kids About Guns
The numerous incidents of obviously staged shootings and other violence revealed by investigative sources are most accurately referred to as “State Sponsored Psychological Operations”, or “PSYOPS”.
This article will attempt to demonstrate how Psyops of “violent extremism” in the case of school shootings are organized by the US State Department, FBI, DHS and US Military Psyops in collaboration with the United Nations #StrongCities and #ResilientCities Networks funded by taxpayer dollars and billionaire activists like George Soros. Review the complaint about #Resilientcites by DC lawmaker, Trayon White.
Career intelligence officer, Dr, Steve Pieczenik called out Sandy Hook and Parkland as FALSE FLAGS.
The 2012 NDAA now allows false propaganda to be inflicted on populations of the United States after congress allowed the Smith-Mundt Act to be removed (modernized) – a provision that had protected Americans against social control propaganda since 1948. Since the NDAA is a budget of the US military, it would be no surprise to see the involvement of the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC). Subordinate USACAPOC units are scattered around the country in various cities. For example, the 17th Psychological Operations Battalion is located at Camp Mabry in Austin, TX.
School shootings come under the category of “violent extremism” by SCN and DHS. Under current definitions, any person using a firearm to defend against alien assault or enemy invasion could be using “violent extremism” to protect life and property.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name (Elizabeth Carlisle) to violate public records law in order to conduct secret Department of Justice business related to the United Nations #StrongCities Network. Lynch claimed it was necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.” But these covert communications could have hidden the FBI’s plans to carry out fake shootings like Sandy Hook, Orlando, Pulse Nightclub, Parkland, Sutherland Springs, Santa Fe and others from the American Public.
Obama and Lynch were busted when Judicial Watch requested the records as part of an investigation into the Obama administration’s involvement in a United Nation’s international law enforcement coalition called Strong Cities Network (SCN). The purported mission of the global coalition was to build social cohesion and community resilience to counter violent extremism.The DOJ masterminded the agreement and Americans found out about the U.S.’s participation when Lynch announced it during a U.N. speech on September 29, 2015. Lynch referred to SCN as a “truly groundbreaking endeavor” and assured the notoriously corrupt UN world body that the Obama administration was deeply committed to the new initiative. “The government of the United States is fully invested in this collaborative approach and we have seen the value of empowering local communities by promoting initiatives they design and lead themselves,” Lynch said. (Source, JW)
Taking a lead from her predecessor, DoJ, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch began to enlist police departments, and school boards to brain-wash the public into thinking about guns and the second amendment “in a vastly different way” in order to set the stage for gun confiscation under the UN small arms treaty and UNODA – (United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs)
#Strong Cities Network is said to be sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremist leftist group that helped a gunman commit an act of terrorism against a conservative organization.
Evidence suggests the term “STRONG” was chosen as a double entendre; one meaning is obvious but the other in intended to memorialize long-time UN operative who provided the vision for Agenda-21, Maurice Strong. Was it a coincidence that Maurice Strong passed away in late 2015, just as the #StrongCities Network was launched?
The enlistment of otherwise incorruptible officials became possible when Trump was unbelievably elected President.
The atmosphere in the liberal camp went white-hot with infighting when the DNC sabotaged Bernie’s chance of getting his name on the ballot. Pushed ahead by George Soros, the outrage helped setup a movement of righteous anarchy with the formation of “Never Trumpers”, “Not My President” and the notorious Antifa group.
Loretta Lynch’s embrace of treason begins in the second paragraph of her address when she invokes the 9/11 False Flag to justify formation of a #StrongCities global police state.
Loretta Lynch Assumed a Fake Name to Avoid Being Discovered Working With United Nations Foreign Agents in Order to Develop Corrupt and Unconstitutional Domestic Law Enforcement Policies under the global#StrongCities Network. The scheme enlists school officials and Law Enforcement to enact staged school shootings deceptively promoted by Propaganda News sources as Genuine Events.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name to conduct official Department of Justice (DOJ) business in agency emails obtained by Judicial Watch.
As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias Elizabeth Carlisle in emails she sent from her official DOJ account.
In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”
Obama and Lynch were busted when Judicial Watch requested the records as part of an investigation into the Obama administration’s involvement in a United Nation’s international law enforcement coalition called Strong Cities Network (SCN). The purported mission of the global coalition was to build social cohesion and community resilience to counter violent extremism.The DOJ masterminded the agreement and Americans found out about the U.S.’s participation when Lynch announced it during a U.N. speech on September 29, 2015. Lynch referred to SCN as a “truly groundbreaking endeavor” and assured the notoriously corrupt world body that the Obama administration was deeply committed to the new initiative. “The government of the United States is fully invested in this collaborative approach and we have seen the value of empowering local communities by promoting initiatives they design and lead themselves,” Lynch said. (Source, JW)
This begs the question of how many other government officials use fake names and whether those aliases are searched when agencies process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
By removing the protection of the Smith-Mundt Act, the NDAA , as passed in 2012, allows the government and media to fabricate false events and narratives as social control propaganda. The result is that TV News and Print media can no longer be trusted or distinguished from Russia, where domestic propaganda is a principal government activity.
For the purpose of this article, the NDAA opens the door for creation of staged school shooting and related false flag events. We now see domestic policies on constitutionally protected gun rights rushed through the Florida legislature based on sensational fake shootings that are not investigated, then followed by a march into the Florida capitol by an insurgency of subversive crisis actors. Use your imagination as to what may be coming next. (More)
Max Keiser Explains Draconian NDAA
Loretta Lynch Announces Strong Cities Network
“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration,” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch. “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.” (More)
Strong Cities Network:
Did the UN just install a global police force?
Amanda Warren Activist Post Mon, 05 Oct 2015
While people were in a daze of reverie following the lunar eclipse and the Pope’s U.S. visit, a very important yet overlooked announcement was made by the Department of Justice.
“Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism” rang the bell to usher in a global-local initiative to ferret out extremism at the local level – yes, in the United States. Symbolically, it could also signal a turning point when it comes to local authorities and their treatment of the residents at large. Indeed, it is a global enmeshment that most Americans are either a) in the total dark about, or b) going hysterical over, if they’ve heard about it.
Honestly, either of those reactions is understandable when you start digging into the announcements and its sponsors only to find the typical convoluted, global-psycho-babble that signals to the astute that they are about to lose their rights and be perceived as domestic terrorists. But can anyone really say for sure? Of course not. Not when the message is written in Newspeak gibberish.
What is the Strong Cities Network and why did some U.S. cities join up?
On the face of it, SCN is to strengthen the bond between cities in the U.S. and global cities in the fight against violent extremism, internationally and at the local level. It will funnel help to local authorities of those cities which hop on board. What’s not well understood US citizens and gun lobby groups is the unconstitutional impact of the UN treaty where gun ownership and unalienable right to self protection is targeted for elimination by constant harassment under the UN agreement.
From the press release:
“While many cities and local authorities are developing innovative responses to address this challenge, no systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale.” (More)
#StrongCitiesNetwork is a Subversive United Nations Agenda
False Flag School Shootings an SCN Agenda to Promote Gun Control.
The Strong Cities Network is run by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a UK charity with registration number 1076660.
Launched at the United Nations in September 2015, the Strong Cities Network (SCN) is the first ever global network of mayors, municipal-level policy makers and practitioners united in building social cohesion and community resilience to counter violent extremism in all its forms.(ie: gun Control)
SCN Linked to Institute For Strategic Dialog (ISD)
Led by ISD (Institute for Strategic Dialogue, UK) and comprised of more than 100 cities, the SCN builds collaboration between mayors, political actors and frontline teams to tackle polarisation, hate and violence in local communities in every major global region. The network catalyses, inspires and multiplies community-centric approaches and action to counter violent extremism through peer learning and expert training (ie: Mass Casualty Drills). It operates with a set of fundamental principles, agreed by all members, that protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in all aspects of its work to prevent violent extremism.
Officially adopted by the UN in 2015, the Strong Cities Network concept was enacted in 2001 – long before it was adopted by the ISD. The Strong Cities “franchise” can actually be traced to the 9/11 False Flag.event. (NewYorkCityStrong)
Another rabbit-hole theory alleges Lance Armstrong’s “LIVESTRONG” motto takes the credit. Until 2012 “every red-blooded man and woman sported a yellow wristband with the words LIVESTRONG in relief. The iconic yellow band created wildfire support for Lance Armstrong’s fight against cancer and cancer research.” (Forbes) Despite the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency report that found Armstrong had participated in an elaborate doping scheme the already popular “Strong” theme was adapted to Sandy Hook in the same year and the Boston Marathon bombing in April 15th, 2013.
Still unexplored is the quiet intent to memorialize the life of globalist, Maurice Strong who died in 2015, the same year as the inception of the SCN.
Maurice Frederick Strong (April 29, 1929 – November 27, 2015) was a Canadian oil and mineral businessman served as Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. As head of UNEP, Strong convened the first international expert group meeting on climate change. (Wiki)
Cities that sponsor staged shootings are Branded as “#Strong Cities”. For example, Marjory Stone Douglas high school event was branded as #ParklandStrong
The Colorado Aurora theater shooting in 2012 was immediately branded as “#AuroraStrong” . By the way, Colorado is also listed as a member of the UN’s SCN charter.
#StrongCitiesNetwork – A Growing List of Staged “Violent Extremist”
The Colorado Aurora theater shooting in 2012 was immediately branded as “#AuroraStrong” Colorado is also listed as a member of the UN’s #SCN charter.
More examples on #SCN ‘branding”:#SandyHookStrong, #OrlandoStrong #BostonStrong, #NewYorkCityStrong and others.
Noah Pozner Died Twice?
VIDEO: Peshawar, Pakistan is a #SCN member, but the validity of the 2014 shooting at the Army Public School was seriously questioned when a picture of the child victim, “Noah Pozner” – who allegedly died at Sandy Hook school in 2012 – was heavily promoted as a Peshawar school shooting victim – Huzaifa Huxaifa – two years later. Noah’s alleged father “Lenny Pozner” has never provided an explanation.
Having no other place to go, Snopes had to admit they were baffled that a photo of Noah Pozner was resurrected to represent Huzaifa Huxaifa in Pakistan, two years after he allegedly died at Sandy Hook elementary school.
Fellowship of the Minds 1/7/2015: BBC admits but will not investigate why pic of Sandy Hook’s Noah Pozner is among Peshawar massacre victims (Archive.org)
Unconstitutional UN Proceedings
(Refer to KrisAnne Hall’s VIDEO comments on this illegal proceeding)
NY Mayor, Bill De Blasio Introduces Loretta Lynch to Announce #SCN
Launched in September, 2015 as part of the Leaders’ Summit in NY with the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights and the US Attorney General, the SCN is the first global network of municipal-level leaders involved in building community resilience and social cohesion to counter violent extremism. It builds on CVE capacity building ISD is currently delivering across Europe. The SCN Steering Committee consists of 25 mayors and governors from across the globe, including New York, London, Kano and Beirut.
Transcript of Loretta Lynch Speech 9/29/2015
As of March, 2019 there was no Wikipedia entry for “Storng Cities Network”
In 2015, the U.S. Agreed To Gun Control Under UN Guidelines
Obama Signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty in 2015 With Draconian Implications to the 2nd Amendment.
“The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty that passed in the General Assembly today would require the United States to implement gun-control legislation as required by the treaty, which could supersede the laws our elected officials have already put into place,” said Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., who sponsored the nonbinding budget amendment 53 Senators voted for.
As John Lott points out, under the ATT each country will be obligated to “maintain a national control list that shall include (rifles and handguns)” and “to regulate brokering taking place under its jurisdiction for conventional arms.”
The new background check rules approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee include just those rules — a registration system and a record of all transfers of guns.
Coincidence? We think not.
- US Agrees To Global Gun Control
- Beware The STRONG CITIES NETWORK (New America)
- Member Cities: Strong Cities Network
- “Boston Strong,” the phrase that rallied a city. How’d we find a unifying phrase so fast? It’s been evolving for years.
- New York City Strong (9/11 False Flag)
- Institute for Strategic Dialogue, UK (ISD) Publications – With the assistance of Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, ISD helped train over twenty peacebuilding CSOs in online counter-narrative creation. (trolls/censorship/FB, Twitter and Youtube account termination)
- JUDICIAL WATCH: DOJ Says Atty. Gen. Used Alias to Conduct Official Business to Protect Security, Privacy
- 9/29/2015: Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Announces the Launch of Strong Cities Network at the UN General Assembly
- 9/29/2015: VIDEO Loretta Lynch Announces the Launch of Strong Cities Network at the UN General Assembly
- 4/4/2013: U.S. Agrees To U.N. Global Gun Control
- #StrongCitiesNetwork : UN Agenda to Create Global Police Force
- DC Lawmaker Warns “Resilient Cities” is a UN Takeover
- Loretta Lynch Caught Using Fake Name To Conceal Collaboration With Foreign Agents
- UN Quietly Advancing International Gun Confiscation
- U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans
- UNODA – United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs
- UN Programme of Action for the USA (PDF)
- October 24th is the United Nations Day of Shame, the Birthday of the UN
- United Nations Formed By Alger Hiss, a Convicted Soviet Spy
- Maurice Strong – WIKI
- Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
- FBI – Violent Extremism in High Schools – FBI Office of Partner Engagement
- Constitution 2020
- Article V Constitutional Convention