HORROR: Toronto Hospital Preps Assisted Suicide For Children, Might Not Inform Parents
The Daily Wire
The oft-mocked “slippery slope” arguments from conservatives with regard to euthanasia are terrifyingly coming to fruition in Canada.
Last month, a group of medics from Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children outlinedtheir plans for administering “medically assisted suicide” for patients under the age of 18 in the “near future.” The paper, published in the British Medical Journal, asserts their commitment to “patient confidentially” with such hypothetical children, stating that there will likely be cases where a “capable” child patient could undergo the “assisted suicide” without parents being informed first.
“This article explores the ethical challenges of providing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in a paediatric setting,” reads the paper’s abstract. “More specifically, we focus on the theoretical questions that came to light when we were asked to develop a policy for responding to MAID requests at our tertiary paediatric institution.”
“While MAID is currently available to capable patients in Canada who are 18 years or older—a small but important subsection of the population our hospital serves—we write our policy with an eye to the near future when capable young people may gain access to MAID,” the paper affirms, adding, “By providing a record of our in-progress thinking, we hope to stimulate wider discussion about the issues and questions encountered in this work.”
And parents might not be notified about their child’s “decision” to have doctors kill them.
“Usually, the family is intimately involved in this (end-of-life) decision-making process,” says the paper. “If, however, a capable patient explicitly indicates that they do not want their family members involved in their decision-making, although health care providers may encourage the patient to reconsider and involve their family, ultimately the wishes of capable patients with respect to confidentiality must be respected.”
Canada has been glamorizing euthanasia for some time now. In April, for example, Canadian outlets gushed over an elderly couple who both underwent medically assisted suicide. The natural progression would be to target another vulnerable group: children.
As The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh argued, “The culture of death is a cancer that spreads and consumes and never stops. It whittles away at life on both ends of the spectrums, until only the fittest and healthiest are safe.”