Mercenary Doctors Are Pushing the Transgender Agenda For Big Bucks
Transgender surgery is rooted in the idea that doctors can cure mental illness by permanently maiming patients
by: Ethan Huff
Natural News
(Natural News) Attempting to alter one’s gender through sex reassignment surgery has become the new “holy grail” of the LGBTQ mafia, which seems to have adopted an almost fetish-like obsession with trying to completely abolish the natural order of things. And yet, in their never-ending quest towards “self-actualization,” this group’s transgender members, in particular, are actually pursuing their own demise (whether they realize it or not) by inadvertently trying to institutionalize gender insanity through body-maiming medical quackery.
It might not be politically correct to say so, but transgenderism is a definitive mental illness that requires treatment in the form of counseling, emotional support, and even nutritional therapy – not going under the knife to try to physically look like the opposite sex. This has been confirmed by Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, who’s on record as stating that it’s “biologically impossible” to truly change one’s sex.
And yet, this is precisely what a group of alt-left “medical professionals” from the Drexel University College of Medicine is attempting to normalize by forming a so-called “Transgender Fellowship Training Program” at Hahnemann University Hospital where the school’s courses are taught. Reports indicate that the program will be the first of its kind – the result of what those who work in the field say is a major “spike” in requests for gender reassignment surgery.
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“These are complex procedures, so we want to ensure patients have access to compassionate, capable surgeons who can help make their transitions successful,” says Dr. Kathy L. Rumer, a cosmetic surgeon who heads the school’s Transgender Surgical Program. Dr. Rumer has reportedly already performed more than 400 sex reassignment surgeries, from which she’s presumably made a substantial amount of money.
It was once considered acceptable to pull teeth as a “treatment” for mental illness
While it’s certainly profitable for folks like Dr. Rumer to expand access to transgender reassignment surgery, is it actually beneficial for those receiving such surgeries? Hardly. But that hasn’t stopped the political correctness brigade from forging ahead in trying to make sex reassignment surgery available to everyone who wants it, regardless of the long-term consequences.
Keep in mind that while those demanding such surgeries are convinced that this is the solution, or “cure,” for gender dysphoria, their mental illness actually prohibits them from seeing the truth that it’s actually not. Dr. McHugh and others continue to warn the transgender community and its enablers that sex reassignment surgery doesn’t fix the problem, and that many transgenders end up regretting the decision to “change sexes.” But how many of them are listening?
It’s all reminiscent of the late Dr. Henry Cotton, who in the early 1900s attempted to treat patients with mental illness by surgically removing their teeth. At the time, Dr. Cotton was convinced that all forms of mental illness stemmed “from disease and infection polluting the brain.” So his solution was to pull his patients’ teeth until they became “cured” of their particular mental affliction.
When this didn’t work, he continued to remove other body parts like tonsils, adenoids, and even people’s colons. It was the epitome of medical quackery, and yet it was accepted at the time because enough people apparently believed it worked. This is exactly what we see taking place today with those who are afflicted with gender dysphoria, many of whom are being falsely led to believe that removing their sexual organs and recreating their bodies will make them feel normal.
“People who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa,” warns Dr. McHugh. “Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.”
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