Theodore Chuang, the Federal District Judge for the District of Maryland who halted most elements of President Trump’s travel ban executive order
Another Dirty Judge Cleaning Up Clinton Crimes
A citizens intelligence report by American Intelligence Media and Americans for Innovation.
Judge Theodore D. Chuang is a federal judge that seems to be more interested in thwarting the intent of the president than dealing with the rampant abuse of power and destruction of the rule of law by his corrupt chums in Washington.
If his name is somewhat familiar to you, this is the federal judge in Hawaii who attempted to block Trump’s travel ban in summer 2017. In his ruling, Chuang wrote that President Trump’s own tweets helped convince him that the latest policy is an “inextricable re-animation of the twice-enjoined Muslim ban” that Trump called for on during the campaign trail and would likely be found unconstitutional.
Although Chuang is in Hawaii, his office is part of Maryland District Court system. His ruling on the travel ban case was taken to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia where it was upheld. The Trump administration then went to the Supreme Court for a ruling where Chuang’s ruling, as well as other similar cases, were rejected.
Theodore Chuang is back in the news. This time he has been appointed as the judge over the first Uranium One criminal action. U.S. v. Lambert, 18-cr-00012 (D. Md. Jan. 18, 2018).
Former President of Maryland-Based Transportation Company Indicted on 11 Counts Related to Foreign Bribery, Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme
We call for Chuang’s immediate recusal or dismissal of this case. Not only has he shown his extreme political bias in the Trump travel ban ruling, he has no business being involved with the Uranium One case. He cannot possible comply with the Code of Conduct Canon 2 which dictates that he avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
Theodore D. Chuang’s Hopeless Conflicts of Interest
Let’s deep dive into Chuang’s biography and connect the dots of his questionable history as it relates to being able to rule on the Uranium One case in an impartial way.
On May 2, 2014, Theodore D. Chuang was appointed by President Barack Obama as a judge in the US District Court of Maryland.
On Jan. 10, 2018, Chuang was assigned as presiding judge presiding over the first Uranium One indictment.
Chuang attended Harvard Law School and edited the Harvard Law Review contemporaneously with Barack Obama. Given Harvard’s notoriously-known meddling in Russia and the biography that we now know of former economics professor Larry H. Summers, these associations with Obama administration principles taint his objectivity in ruling on a case that will involve so many Deep State players.
As we connected the dots with Chuang and the people, mentors, teachers, and contacts in his biography, the picture emerged looking like this:
Chuang cannot possibly avoid Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges Canon 2 in the Uranium One case due to his obvious conflicts of interest.
From Mueller to the Clintons, Holder to Lynch, they are all wrapped up in the U1 crime, and Chuang, who has been mentored and supported by these swamp players throughout his career, will most likely become their judicial protector.
The Uranium One case includes the suspected involvement of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, the U. S. State Department, Robert S. Mueller, III, James B. Comey, Rod J. Rosenstein, James P. Chandler, III, Loretta Lynch and Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Chuang’s Questionable Background Should Be An Immediate Dismissal From This High Profile Case
Chuang’s confirmation statement highlighted this case: US v. Simons et al, 97-CR-10334-GAO (D. Ma. Dec. 16, 1997).
Chuang collaborated with Microsoft to get an almost $1 million conviction of defendants accused of counterfeiting Microsoft Office software. This was one of the first cases managed by law professor James P. Chandler, III who had coached the White House and Congress on passage of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, Federal Trade Secrets Act and False Statements Accountability Act (legalizing lying to Congress and Courts) on Oct. 11, 1996.
Chandler was tasked with advising all US Attorneys, including Theodore C. Chuang, before bringing forward intellectual property criminal cases.
Chuang holds stock in Microsoft and Cisco. SENATE TESTIMONY: p. 6:
Chuang’s US Attorney co-counsel in US v. Simons was Ben T. Clements.
This case shows that Chuang was taking instructions from Deep State shadow government lawyer James P. Chandler, III who was also advising Robert Mueller, Bill and Hillary Clinton, James B. Comey, Rod J. Rosenstein, James A. Baker. These individuals were deeply embedded in the FBI, NSA, CIA counterespionage operations.
Between 1990 and 1994, Ben T. Clements was a partner at Hill & Barlow LLP, Boston, according to his public biographies.
Between 2005-2010, Ben T. Clements was chief legal advisor to Gov. Patrick L. Duval.
Note that Duval is deeply connected to the D.C. criminal cabal as we outlined in our article entitled: Mueller’s Pathetic Attempt to Overthrow Trump and Prepare His 2020 Successor Fails Miserably
Between 1986-1994, Patrick L. Duval was a partner at Hill & Barlow LLP, according to his public biographies.
Between 1988-1989, Robert S. Mueller, III was a partner at Hill & Barlow LLP, according to his Senate testimony.
Hill & Barlow LLP was a boutique law firm. Therefore, the insider relationships among Clements, Duval, Chandler & Mueller are unmistakable.
Chuang’s collaboration with Clements re. an intellectual property case advised by Chandler, in turn associates him with Clements, Duval & Mueller.
Between 2004-2007, Chuang was counsel at Wilmer Hale LLP in Washington, D.C. Robert S. Mueller, III was a partner at Wilmer & Hale LLP
Between 1993-1995, Robert S. Mueller, III was a “Senior Partner” at Wilmer Hale & Dorr LLP
On Apr. 27, 2009, newly appointed (Jan. 21, 2009) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered FBI Director Robert Mueller to deliver uranium samples to the Russians, thus implicating him directly in the Uranium One scandal.
Given Chuang’s intimate associations with Hill & Barlow LLP partners Mueller, Duval and Clements, and each of their intimate associations with James P. Chandler, III, shows these men to be a tight cabal within the Justice Department, State Department, FBI and with the Clintons.
Chuang is as Radioactive as Uranium One Treason
Chuang is clearly a Chandler/Mueller cartel pawn. He was mentored by Chandler, who was coaching the DOJ Criminal Division on prosecution of the new Economic Espionage Act of 1996 et al. He worked at the DOJ in the Criminal Division with Comey, Rosenstein, etc. Chuang worked at Mueller’s Wilmer & Hale LLP twice.
He clerked at the corrupt 9th Circuit in San Francisco.
Notably, he was at Wilmer Hale when they were handling the Richard C. Walker patents. Then he became counsel at DHS where Walker’s patent and Kappos/Chandler’s Eclipse Foundation and NIAC were being implemented to build the surveillance state.
If you have never heard the name Richard C. Walker, then read our expose on the man that holds monstrous patents that threatens human civilization: How They Plan to Control Everything in Your Life
Chuang is as corrupt as the masters he serves.
Chuang cannot possibly comply with the Code of Conduct, Canon 2 which dictates that he avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
He must be removed from the Uranium One case.
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