Las Vegas shooting: An in-depth analysis
A detailed analysis of Las Vegas Metro Police Department (LVMPD) radio traffic proves that the legacy media is lying and covering up key details about the shooting and the shooters who, some of which, may still be on the loose
*The following post will be continually updated in real-time as we get intel.
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — The proof is in the pudding or so they say.
The following timeline documents real and actual events which occurred on the night of Oct. 1, 2017, and the early morning of Oct. 2, and how they all unfolded contradicting the official narrative that only one shooter, a 64-year-old man by the name of Stephen Paddock, shot and killed 58 people during the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival.
A timeline of the events as they occurred
(Key elements only)
[Begining of Transcript #1]

09:59 pm
- Security guard Jesus Campos was reportedly struck in leg by a bullet after the suspect, Stephen Paddock, fired a a few single shots followed by a 200-round volley of bullets through the door of room 135.
10:04 pm
10:05 pm
- Officer reports a 415A (Assualt/Battery with a Gun). “We got shots fired at Route 91 […] sounded like an automatic firearm.“
- Officer reports that he sees the shots coming from ‘Mandalay Bay halfway up.’
10:07 pm
- CP reports: ‘[…] many people down, stage left. Just be advised’
10:08 pm
- Officer reports that the gunfire ‘sounds like its coming from an elevated position.’
- Officer reports ‘multiple casualties.’
- “Control be advised: shots are coming from Gate 7” (This report verifies that a second active shooter may be firing from Gate 7)
10:10 pm
- Officer requests that Las Vegas Blvd. be ‘shut down between Russel Rd. and Flamingo.’
- Officer “159” reports that gunfire is coming from a window on the north side of the Mandalay, ’50 or 60th floor.’
- Officer “179SE” reports that ‘muzzle flashes are coming from the middle of the Mandalay Bay on the north side of the west tower by the casino on one of the middle floors.’
10:11 pm
- Officer reports that he is in the 31st-floor of Mandalay Bay and that he hears automatic gunfire one floor above him.’
- CP: All units be advised: Fully automatic fire from an elevated position, take cover.
- Officer reports a flashing about one-third to halfway up the tower of the Mandalay Bay.
- Units on Las Vegas Blvd. were taking fire and were subsequently directed to not proceed northbound.

10:12 pm
- Officer “166” reports a gunshot victim at ‘Gate 8.’
- Officer reports ‘one down with a gunshot wound to the leg on Reno and Giles, another female shot in the mouth.’
10:13 pm
- Officer reports 50-60 civilians are pinned down behind a wall at Mandalay Bay Rd. and Las Vegas Blvd. (Debris and bullet going over their heads.)
- Control reports ‘a gunshot victim at Gate 4.’
10:14 pm
- Officer reports that the shooter is ‘on about the 15th-floor of the Mandalay Bay facing the lot.’
- Report that an officer has been shot.
- “067SE” reports ‘multiple victims, shots fired right outside the medical tent.’
10:15 pm
- Control 224: ‘New CP location will be South Central Area Command.’
- Officer “169” reports his team has reached the 32nd-floor.
10:17 pm
- Gunshot wound reported on officer “15820.”
- Officer “751” reports ‘it’s been a while since he heard any shots.’
10:18 pm
- Control: ‘I got to gunshot victims at Gate 6 with gunshot wounds to the chest and head.’
- Officer “769” reports that he’s ‘taking fire from a very high floor and we think that it is possibly coming from the Mandalay Bay on the boulevard side.’
10:22 pm
- Officer reports a ‘strobe light‘ coming from the ‘eastside’ of Mandalay Bay.
- Officer “361” requests that a lieutenant set up another Command post on Las Vagas Blvd. and Tropicana.
10:20 pm
- Officer 235: “Control? We are getting from civilians that there are three shooters.”
- Officer reports that multiple eyewitnesses saw multiple people being shot and multiple shooters inside the concert venue.’
- Police start to set up a perimeter at Tropicana and Russell and lockdown the outer perimeter.
- 656 sets up a CP at ‘Tropicana and the boulevard.’
10:21 pm
- Report of a male victim with a gunshot wound to the shoulder ‘going into terminal shock.’
- Officer reports a ‘white car going the wrong way down Las Vegas Blvd. toward the Mandalay Bay.’
10:22 pm
- Officer confirms active shooter in room ’32-135 in the Mandalay Bay.’ (Paddock’s Room)
- “644D” reports multiple victims with gunshot wounds on the east side of the building at Reno just east of the boulevard on the east side of the church.’ Says that he has a “5-man team” with him to ‘provide cover for medical.’
10:23 pm
- Control reports that Mandalay Bay security confirms shots fired on floors 29and 32.
- Officer reports his team is emerging on the 32nd floor by the “dead officer.”
- Officer reports that a security guard on the 32nd-floor has also been shot by the suspect.
10:24 pm
- An officer on the 32nd-floor: “We will need the 29th-floor [cleared as well]. It sounds like it’s confirmed there are at least two shooters.”
- “715Z” requests that someone go to the “camera room to keep an eye on that 32nd-floor.”
10:25 pm
- CP: “All units make sure that your vehicles are locked citizens are trying to go into them and grab shotguns.”
10:26 pm
- CP: “We have units staging at the boulevard and Tropicana.”
10:27 pm
- A report of multiple casualties “stage right on the concert floor.”
- Traffic spotted headed northbound on Las Vegas Blvd.
10:28 pm
- Temporary medical triage set up on the southwest corner of Tropicana and the boulevard.
10:29 pm
- A report that an officer just north of “the event” suffered a “gunshot wound to the head.”
- Reports of “multiple people running across runways” at McCarran International Airport.

10:31 pm
- Officer reports a ‘black Chevy dually pickup truck headed the wrong way on the boulevard. “Ripped out of the parking lot,” as witnessed by another officer.
10:33 pm
10:35 pm
- An “8-man element” clears the casino floor of Mandalay Bay.
10:40 pm
- Pedestrian reports ‘older white male with black fatigues and a black bag went into a white motorhome by the Motel 6 (Corner of Cobalt and Tropicana on the south side.) Witnesses say he came from the area of the shooting.
- East side of the lower roof cleared. Employees still on the upper roof.
10:42 pm
- A civilian stole a patrol car.
- Officer reports that he’s being ‘overtaken by citizens who are trying to take patrol cars.’
10:43 pm
- Multiple casualties reported at Giles and Alibaba.
10:45 pm
- Around 20 dead bodies reported in the venue.
- Casualties reported inside the Mandalay Bay.
10:59 pm
- Officer reports that a man in a maroon shirt and black short did not listen to his orders. He was headed to the Delano.
11:00 pm
- Report of active shooters headed down the escalator from New York New York to the Excalibur.
[End of Transcript #1]
11:03 pm
- Report: ‘Many subjects were down […] shooter at the front desk of New York New York.’
11:04 pm
- Officer reports that a male suspect got out of a white Ford super-duty dually truck and ran north with a rifle and hid in the bushes. 20-30 years of age. (Transcript #3)
11:05 pm
- Control: ‘Please be advised there is a woman with a gunshot wound to the head at the Tropicana.’ (Transcript #3)
[Begining of Transcript #2]
11:10 pm
- Harrah’s is ‘Code 4.’
11:12 pm
- Excalibur is clear.
11:15 pm
- ‘Suspect armed with a rifle.’
11:16 pm
- [What sounds like fully-automatic gunfire can be heard over an open mic with a fast cycle rate, possibly an MP5 9mm]
- ‘Bellagio is hearing a lot of shots being fired. A suspect is inside.’
11:18 pm
- Officer: ‘Bellagio is going to be negative for a 415A and that’s per security.’
11:19 pm
- The third floor of the Mandalay Bay is clear.
11:20 pm
- (Officers reportedly breach suspect’s room)
11:21 pm
- Officer: ‘Female wearing camo, Air Force related dress uniform, she has short blonde hair with a cover on braid — with another female wearing a black top and blue jeans — they took off running after they passed me.’
11:23 pm
- Officer: ‘Newer model black Monte Carlo arrived at 22:13 (10:13 pm) at the valet in front of the Luxor. Four males got out.’ (Possible suspects)
11:26 pm
- Officer: ‘Possible suspect in a trash can. An officer is pulling him out.’
11:28 pm
- Officer: ‘Taking 3 into custody’
- Officer: ‘2 females, possibly armed with weapons, they threw something to the ground.’
- Person spotted ‘laying down by a power box.’
11:29 pm
[Transcript #3 starts here]
11:34 pm
- Control: ‘Woman is calling in saying that a shooter is on the 7th-floor of the garage at the Mirage.’
11:40 pm
- Medics report that they are taking fire at the Tropicana. (Transcript #3)
- ‘Zebro-Twenty has one suspect down.’
11:41 pm
- Officer reports 1000-1200 people sheltered in place inside the Michael Jackson Theatre at Mandalay Bay
- Officer reports ‘negative shots fired at the Tropicana.’ (Transcript #3)
11:43 pm
- Officer reports 30 citizens sheltering in place at the southwest corner of the fairgrounds.
11:45 pm
- Control requests update on ‘possible device at the Luxor.’ (Transcript #3)
11:46 pm
- Report of shots fired at the Ceasar’s Palace and the Bellagio. (Transcript #3)
11:47 pm
- Floors 1-5 have been cleared at Mandalay Bay.
11:48 pm
- Report of ‘a guy with a gun at the Paris. Security is trying to point him out but we can’t find him.’ (Transcript #3)
11:49 pm
- Bellagio security confirms ‘negative shots fired. No one is going in and out and they are locking it down.’ (Transcript #3)
11:50 pm
- Pavilion inside the Tropicana secured.
11:51 pm
- Strike Team of 6 arrives at the Tropicana. (Transcript #3)

11:53 pm
- Officer reports that a ‘WFA grabbed a silver extinguisher and placed it behind a slot machine at 23:55 (10:55 pm).’
- Officer: ‘We have intel — shots fired at Harrah’s. Need confirmation.’
- Reports of shots fired at Planet Hollywood. (Transcript #3)
11:54 pm
- Officers request that the Luxor be checked for ‘shots fired.’
- Report: ‘Subject ran across the roof at the front of the Tropicana.’ (Transcript #3)
- Strike Team 13 arrives at the Paris. (Transcript #3)
11:55 pm
- Report: ‘Negative shots fired at New York New York.’ (Transcript #3)
11:56 pm
- Zebra-Twenty finds a credit card in the shooter’s room which bears the name “Marilou Danley” on it. (Transcript #3)
11:58 pm
- Strike Team deployed to Harrah’s
- Zebra-Twenty finds an address associated with the credit card and the suspect. “1372 Babbling Brook Court
11:59 pm
- Report of a male walking into the Bellagio employee entrance with a rifle. (Transcript #3)
- 4th-floor of Mandalay Bay is clear. (Transcript #3)
12:09 am (Oct. 2)
- Officer gets a report of a ‘white male wearing a black t-shirt who is going into clubs armed with and clearing them out.’ Last seen at Chateau.
12:11 am
- Officer reports ‘no casualties at Tropicana.’
- Possible suspect on 4th-floor Mandalay Bay
12:17 am
- Reports of gunshot victims at Reno and Giles
- Officer: ‘One in custody at the Motel 6.’
12:18 am
- Officer: ‘Shots fired at the Aria. A bunch of people are running but nobody actually heard the shots’ (Transcript #3)
12:20 am
- Report of Active Shooter on 4th-floor of Mandalay.
12:21 am
- Strike Team enters casino floor to sweep it (Mandalay Bay).
12:22 am
- Report of a “413” (Person with a Gun) by the Motel 6 trailer unit
12:29 am
- Officer requests a Strike Team to Gate 4 of the venue.
- Officer: ‘We have a suspect who we are not yet able to take into custody.’
- Strike Team 22: ‘We are in route.’
12:32 am
- Report: Bally’s security saying they have one detained — saying that he was involved in this. Negative weapons were found on him.
12:33 am
- Officer: ‘White male in custody at Bally’s, no weapon.’
12:36 am
- Report: Encore and Winn on lockdown. No more areas of concern.
12:40 am
- Zebra 50 requests that ‘6 EMTs meet Zebra units in the Mandalay Bay lower valet and team up with them to clear floors and assist with medical.’
12:43 am
- ‘Reports of shots fired at New York New York’
- Force Pro 6: ‘We don’t have any shots fired.’
01:01 am
- Officer: ‘Vehicle at Luxor has been cleared. It is not a bomb.’
01:05 am
- Officer reports that ‘most of the Tropicana is secure.’
01:06 am
- More people found inside concert venue after it was cleared.
01:15 am
- Officer: ‘People are still getting into the venue crime scene — lockdown the inner perimeter.’
01:29 am
- Report: Woman claims to have video of a shooter.
01:41 am
- Report: ‘2 WMA running northbound from Four Seasons’
01:42 am
- Unit making contact with the 2 WMAs
02:23 am
- The airport is open.
RELATED: Condensed audio of the first hour or so after the shooting started:
MUST WATCH: More key audio with eyewitness video and commentary
Read more about the Las Vegas Shooting