NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of a solar flare – as seen in the bright flash on the right side – on Sept. 10, 2017. The image shows a combination of wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light that highlights the extremely hot material in flares, which has then been colorized. NASA/SDO/Goddard
‘Seven Massive Solar Flares Have Erupted From Furious Sunspot In Seven Days’
Gov’t: Radiation Storm Warning — Newsweek: “Massive solar flares… Extremely intense… Very significant event… Scientists bewildered” — CBS: Monster flare causes radio blackouts — Concern for nuclear plants (VIDEO)
By ENENews
Newsweek, Sep 13, 2017 (emphasis added): Seven Massive Solar Flares Have Erupted From Furious Sunspot In Seven Days — The sun blasted out seven massive solar flares in as many days in an extraordinary period of space weather that has sparked stunning geomagnetic storms above the earth. Between September 4 and September 11, NASA observed seven flares, all classed in its strongest “X” category, with the most impressive registering at X9.3, a very significant event. The latest, at X8.2 also a significant flare, peaked at 12:06 p.m. EDT on Sept. 10. It prompted warnings of possible radio blackouts from the Space Weather Prediction Center, which also issued a geomagnetic storm warning for Wednesday and Thursday. The X9.3 solar flare was named by NASA as the strongest so far in the current solar cycle… These events have been extremely intense…
CTV, Sep 13, 2017: Most powerful solar flare in a decade triggers storm warning — Since last week the sun has been spewing out a steady stream of solar flares causing the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center to issue a geomagnetic storm warning…
NOAA, Sep 13, 2017: S1 Radiation Storm Warning extended
Space.com, Sep 11, 2017: Monster Solar Flare Marks 7th Powerful Sun Storm in 7 Days — The sun fired off yet another powerful solar flare yesterday (Sept. 10), its seventh in seven days… The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) released a statement that warned of strong, high-frequency radio blackouts and navigation-system disruption… There are three categories of solar flares, and Sunday’s was the highest classification: an “X” event. Two of the other recent flares were also X-class, including Wednesday’s (Sept. 6) X9.3 flare, the strongest solar blast in 12 years… Like many powerful flares, Sunday’s was accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME), a huge cloud of superheated solar plasma…
Asahi Shimbun, Sep 9, 2017: Awesome solar flares a reminder of the sun’s fearful power… The monster solar flares that occurred earlier this week raised concerns about potential damage to communication satellites and GPS… Some experts warn about the possible occurrence of gigantic solar explosions known as super flares. Kazunari Shibata, a foremost astrophysicist, points out in his publications that such an event may not only render television and the Internet useless, but also cause nuclear power stations to lose electricity…
CBS News, Sep 7, 2017: Biggest solar flare in a decade causes radio blackout — A massive, X9.3-class solar flare blasted from the sun at 8:02 a.m. EDT (1202 GMT). Early Wednesday morning, the sun released two powerful solar flares — the second was the most powerful in more than a decade… The last X9 flare occurred in 2006 (coming in at X9.0). According to SWPC, the flares resulted in radio blackouts: high-frequency radio experienced a “wide area of blackouts, loss of contact for up to an hour over [the] sunlit side of Earth,” and low frequency communication, used in navigation, was degraded…