Is Jefferson Morley just another CIA-controlled disinfo agent?
ED Note:
How can a former WashPo reporter ever write the truth about JFK?
Jefferson Morley: A Disinfo Agent at Work
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”—former Director William Colby (1975)
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The Daily Cavalier used the wrong title: this conspiracy was real. |
Indeed, I have been similarly incensed by Noam Chomsky, who, like Sabato and Morley, has abused his position to promote palpable nonsense about JFK and 9/11 alike. I published about them both here, “Noam Chomsky and Larry Sabato: Mainstream Purveyors of JFK disinformation” (30 December 2015), I have interviews on line you can access by searching for “Fetzer on Chomsky”, one of which is notable for showing Chomsky making the very assertions for which I fault him, confirming my characterization of him as a major purveyor of JFK disinformation:

I make that assertion because, once you know that there are more than 15 indications of the Secret Service setting him up for the hit; that the body was altered and the X-rays were faked during and following the autopsy held at Bethesda Naval Hospital; and that the home movies of the assassination, including especially the Zapruder film, was massively edited (removing, by my latest estimate, more frames from the original than we have in the extant film today), the range of viable alternative theories becomes dramatically restricted. None of these things could have been done by the KGB, pro- or anti-Castro Cubans or the Mafia. They are distractions from the real perps:
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From “JFKfacts” (17 December 2012) |
My suspicions about Jefferson Morley were initially aroused when he came out-of-the-blue with a new web site called “JFKfacts”, thereby implying that everything it published was true, and immediately declared that my first web site,, was “among the worst”, where, when challenged, he justified himself with the pseudo-explanation, “We include Assassination Science on our “Worst JFK Web sites” primarily because of Jim Fetzer’s claim that the Zapruder film was altered. This claim is not supported the facts or logic. The film is potent evidence of a shot from the front. That’s why it was suppressed for twelve years.”
Since The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003) with contributions from the leading experts on the film, including John P. Costella, Ph.D., David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., David Lifton, Jack White, David Healy conclusively demonstrates that the film had been massively revised (running 500 + xx pages in length), it was obvious to me that he was either completely uninformed about research on the film or else was disinformation. Consider, for example, that the blow-out at the back of the head is blacked out in earlier frames but can be seen in frame 374:
Indeed, the blow out closely corresponds to David W. Mantik’s determination of the area of the lateral, cranial X-ray that had been patched (“Area P”) to conceal the fist-sized defect reported in Assassination Science (1998), I knew that he could not possibly be on the up-and-up, especially when I had been doing lectures and interviews to report this discovery as one of the most important findings of our collaborative research on the assassination of JFK:
In other publications, I have explained how Morley and David Talbot appear to have deliberately sabotaged an investigation into the role of notorious CIA assassin, David Sanchez Morales, in Bobby’s death as well: “RFK: Outing the CIA at the Ambassador” (originally published in 2011), which is what you would expect of someone working for the agency. My skepticism about Talbot has grown exponentially with the publication of The Devil’s Chessboard (2016), which attempts to cast Allen Dulles as the crucial figure in the assassination of JFK, who appears to have been Lyndon Johnson.
What we discern in the conduct of notable representatives of the press such as Jefferson Morley, Larry Sabato, David Talbot and (even) the intellectual icon, Noam Chomsky, demonstrates that the public cannot place its trust in the mainstream media today, which attacks the alternative media as “fake news” when serious research exposes the opposite to be the case. And it provides further stunning confirmation of the observation to Congress by William Colby that the CIA owns everyone of any significance in the media, which is even more true today than it was in 1975.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota. If Jefferson Morley, Larry Sabato, David Talbot or Noam Chomsky take exception to my allegations, I would be glad to arrange for a public debate on the matter.