Gender Crazyland Just Got Crazier
GENDER MUDDLE: Newborn baby may be the first to be registered ‘gender unknown’ because its mum insists only the tot can decide what sex it wants to be
Kori Doty, who identifies as a ‘non-binary trans person’, wants Canadian authorities to issue ‘non gendered’ birth certificate for eight-month-old child
By Mark Hodge
The Sun
A PARENT who identifies as a “non-binary trans person” is demanding their baby is given the world’s first “gender unknown” birth certificate.
Canadian Kori Doty, who has a moustache and claims to be neither male or female, has been fighting to keep Searyl Atli’s gender off government records since giving birth last November.
INSTAGRAM/HOMOSTEADFARM – Kori Doty says Canadian birth certificates should not specify gender
GENDER FREE ID COALITION – The child already has a health card in British Columbia which does not state its gender
Doty, who prefers to be referred to as “they” rather than “he” or “she”, told CBC they are “raising Searyl in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are.”
They added: “I’m recognising them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box.”
Doty is trying to get British Columbia to issue the child with a birth certificate which does not have a gender marker.
But while the Canadian province has sent the baby health cards with an “undetermined” gender, authorities have refused to issue the certificate.
Doty’s lawyer says BC only issues birth documents which have a male or female designation.
And while another Canadian province, Ontario, says it is reviewing its policies to include non-binary genders, critics claim such children could be become a target for bullies or discrimination.
The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal is helping Doty fight to get all government documents to accommodate non-gendered people.
Doty said: “When I was born, doctors looked at my genitals and made assumptions about who I would be, and those assignments followed me and followed my identification throughout my life.
“Those assumptions were incorrect, and I ended up having to do a lot of adjustments since then.”