“PIZZAGATE:” How It Works Within An Authentic Global Narrative
December 9, 2016
From: Steve Boyle www.americannationalservice.com
The most recent alternative media analyses have resulted from the WikiLeaks disclosure of Podesta emails revealed to the New York Police Department (NYPD), the FBI, and the American public that suggest the existence of a large, well-organized, and huge and highly concealed cluster of American public and corporate officials who are participating in pedophile activities, including child kidnapping, child trafficking, and child torture , sacrifice, and murder.
At first, this notion is an unimaginable topic. It is simply beyond the American public’s imagination to comprehend because of the depravity, the parties suspected of being involved, and the truly evil and anti-human nature of the emerging evidence.
Now, let’s stop for a moment and try to put this entire notion in a worldly-wise and logical context before we do anything else, knowing that this will require the use of critical thinking as we enter a realm that is currently beyond the imagination of the vast majority of the public. Let’s first agree that using our critical thinking in realms that are beyond our current imagination has a clear precedent, namely, that all scientists, inventors, innovators, futurists, and long-range planners routinely are required to do the same in order to reach the series of discoveries that will allow them to advance their work that leads to societal progress. In other words, if they shut down their critical thinking when they entered realms that were beyond their current imaginations, there would be no societal advance of any kind.
With the precedent set by scientists, inventors, innovators, futurists, and long-range planners, we know we can engage our critical thinking right now on this ghastly pedophile topic, even though we will be entering a realm that is beyond our current imagination.
For example, I’ve spent the past six years trying to engage my critical thinking to research and write about “how the world actually works and who is pulling the strings at the top.”
Not to force my conclusions on you, but to simply explain my conclusions on this subject, I have determined to my satisfaction that our planetary home is organized and controlled by concealed global criminal enterprise in which, (i) most nation-states are vassals to be looted of their financial and physical resources; (ii) a few nation-states are in various stages of rebellion; and (iii) their oppressor are a deadly, depraved, and genocidal clique of dynastic British and European banking families headquartered in the City of London, who partner with the Jesuit Order of the Vatican, and are in league with junior partners from the betraying American Eastern Establishment banking families, among others. (for details, click on: http://wp.me/P6GDMS-I
Just a few more clarifying comments before we return to the relevance of PIZZAGATE:
The Objective of This Global Criminal Enterprise: To force the populations of all nation-states into its one-world government fantasy, to diminish their status to a feudal existence, and to reduce their populations by 90%.
Profit Generation: This global criminal enterprise makes astounding profits from four principal activities:
Fomenting all wars for war profiteering, namely, lending vast sums of money and supplying war material to all warring parties, hence the continuous war paradigm in which we live.
Owning the fraudulent global banking system, which is controlled by the criminal enterprise’s Bank of England and the American Federal Reserve.
Controlling the global narcotics trade monopoly.
Owning all the transnational and large national corporations that loot all of its captive nation-states and that escape taxation, tariffs, regulations, and oversight.
Organizational Dynamics: This global criminal enterprise maintains its control by means of:
- Their very long-range and time-tested planning process of developing deeply concealed schemes, which are stored far in advance to be periodically revised and improved before being launched.
- The use of its captive government of Israel to provide unparalleled intelligence and operational services to launch these concealed schemes on a timely basis to maximize the criminal enterprise’s effectiveness.
- The use of a sophisticated psychological warfare weapon,
which combines extraordinarily tight control of all global media, educational systems, and entertainment outlets (for details, click on: http://wp.me/p6GDMS-17N), intertwined to create a hermetically sealed environment of false reality to: (i) prevent the global public from discovering the concealed schemes before, during, and after their implementation; (ii) breaking down all the values, personal identities, and sense of solidarity of the global public (for details, click on: http://wp.me/P6GDMS-C2); (iii) using divide and conquer and mass murder false flag psyops to engineer a steady stream of war across the world; and (iv) to prevent the global public from discovering the ongoing global depopulation programs being used to diminish the world population by 90%. (For details, click on: http://wp.me/P6GDMS-15l
- The use of the U.S. military and allied military forces to enforce the implementation of the criminal enterprise’s concealed schemes.
- The dense infiltration of all key instututions of America and other captive nation-states by Israeli spies, Israeli dual-citizenship operatives, and NeoCons serving the Israeli government to usurp America’s self-determination.
- Evil and anti-human rituals for blackmail purposes to enforce organization discipline: The use of massively bribed and deeply blackmailed citizens of captive nation-states to gain control of all key nation-state institutions. To insure the tightest control over all treasonous Americans and treasonous citizens of other captive nation-states, they have all been required to participate in varying degrees in the criminal enterprise’s pedophile activities, including child kidnapping, child trafficking, and child torture, sacrifice and murder. These activities, in typical criminal enterprise manner, are fraudulently disguised as a satanic cult to lend a fake veneer of Luciferian religiousity, but the only authentic purpose is to maintain an ultimate level of organizational discipline, like the fake initiation and renewal rites of many other extreme secret societies, such as The Order of Skull and Bones at Yale University.
- An American Counter-Coup May Be Currently Underway: On November 1st, 2016, a spokesperson claiming to represent loyal American members of U.S. civilian and military intelligence agencies, the FBI and the New York City Police Department (NYPD) announced that its collective group had determined that the Clinton Election Campaign was engaging in criminal activity, was engineering a coup against the U.S. government, and was in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The spokesperson, Dr. Steve Pieczenik further announced that the group had already launched a counter-coup to prevent Hillary Clinton from taking power. The wording of the announcement implied that the members of the U.S. intelligence community had the backing of the U.S. military. For details, please click on this link: http://stevepieczenik.com/
Now We Can Come Back To Examine the Misleading Term “PIZZAGATE”
A context has now been established, namely, a world population severely oppressed by a concealed global criminal enterprise, within which there exists a large, well-organized, and highly concealed network of American public and corporate officials who are participating in pedophile activities, including child kidnapping, child trafficking, and child torture, sacrifice, and murder designed to enforce extreme organizational discipline.
Perhaps you can now understand that using the term PIZZAGATE has been grossly misleading because it trivializes both the global scope and the depraved and deadly full-scale attack on children all across the world.
Lesson Learned: A lesson to be learned is never to allow the criminal enterprise’s psychological warfare weapon to gain control of the language and wording of any contested issue. Now that the entire alternative media is under attack by the clique of foreign banking families in the City of London through their mainstream media and their bought and paid-for members of the U.S. Congress (consider HR 6393 for starters), it is well past the time to get organized and we must form a central unit to launch a counter-psyops to include gaining control of the language and terminology of all issues that are in play.
What Kind of Counter-Psyops Does the Alternative Media Need?
Well, let’s step back and look what where we are:
I believe the demise of the global criminal enterprise along with its deeply entrenched minions in America——America’s most deadly enemy——is now underway. Already leaving the globalists’ sinking ship are David Cameron (UK); Barack Obama (USA); Francois Holland (France); Matteo Renzi (Italy); John Key (New Zealand); and Martin Schultz (EU). And we hear unconfirmed reports that George Soros swims with the fishes, after which the bought and paid-for and bussed in Trump “protestors” stopped showing up.
Along with its desperate thrashings, this centuries-old global pestilence is now discharging huge black clouds of deception to cover the acceleration of its long-planned schemes to stampede the populations of the EU and America into a one-world government fantasy.
Do you think their latest “Russian-backed fake news websites” scheme——a global assault on troublesome Internet news and analysis websites——wasn’t already in place to closely follow Hillary’s coronation? Do you really believe the globalists just thought up that scheme in reaction to Hillary’s electoral defeat or the PIZZAGATE scandal?
Think about it. The dynastic British and European banking families stretch back to the 10th century Venetian Empire. These families were the “court lenders” to all the monarchies of the long feudal age from that time forward, during which they built the playbook on sophisticated intelligence operations, special operations, high political intrigue, skilled manipulation, divide and conquer tactics, fomenting war, deception, fraud, mass murder and genocide of indigenous peoples.
No, you’re not giving these dynastic banking families nearly enough credit. If Hillary had won the 2016 presidential election, CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times and all the rest of the motley MSM crew would be standing by with the plans to launch their global barrages to embed this long-planned “fake news” false narrative in the minds of the global public. I believe that the worldwide extermination of the alternative media is what Hillary and the DNC had in store for us sometime early in the first half of 2017. The surprise Hillary defeat and the PIZZAGATE scandal probably caused the globalists to advance this new false narrative by perhaps six months, but it was already on the shelf waiting to be launched. Matt Drudge caught wind of the concealed scheme in 2015—-see bottom of this piece for details. And when everything went wrong for Hillary and PIZZAGATE surfaced, the globalists just pulled their fake news false narrative off the shelf and shoved it into the breach of their global psychological warfare weapon (see image below) for immediate use.
And here it came, just a little earlier than the globalists had planned in their concealed scheme to take over the global Internet:
October 30th, 2016
Even before the November 8th Presidential Election, Brian Stelter of CNN launched this network’s “fake news” attack on Internet news and analysis websites that do not conform to the globalist-controlled “mainstream media” false narratives.
After the Presidential Election, Judith Donath reinforced the CNN false narrative of fake news on the Internet.
PLANNED FALSE NARRATIVE BARRAGE #2—-The Washington Post Psyop Weapon
November 24, 2016
Martin Baron, Executive Editor
Excellent rebuttal of article: http://theintercept.com/2016/11/26/washington-post-disgracefully-promotes-a-mccarthyite-blacklist-from-a-new-hidden-and-very-shady-group/
Other rebuttals followed from The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Fortune, Bloomberg, and many more.
Martin Baron and Owner, Jeff Bezos
It was the preposterous 200 website blacklist prepared by an anonymous, poorly documented and amateurish group, “PropOrNot’s,” that triggered the outrage:
This Blew Up In The Washington Post’s Face: The aftermath amounted to a harsh rebuke to The Washington Post as well-described in The Intercept article by Glenn Greenwald (see link above). And on December 7th, 2016, an Washington Post editor’s note was added as described by Zero Hedge:
“It was the closest the Washington Post would come to formally retracting the story, which has now been thoroughly discredited not only by outside commentators, but by its own editor.
The appended note in question:
‘Editor’s Note: The Washington Post on Nov. 24 published a story on the work of four sets of researchers who have examined what they say are Russian propaganda efforts to undermine American democracy and interests. One of them was PropOrNot, a group that insists on public anonymity, which issued a report identifying more than 200 websites that, in its view, wittingly or unwittingly published or echoed Russian propaganda. A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot’s list, and some of the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group’s methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings regarding any individual media outlet, nor did the article purport to do so. Since publication of The Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.’
“As The Washingtonian notes, the implicit concession follows intense and rising criticism of the article over the past two weeks. It was “rife with obviously reckless and unproven allegations,” Intercept reporters Glenn Greenwald and Ben Norton wrote, noting that PropOrNot, one of the groups whose research was cited in Timberg’s piece, “anonymous cowards.” One of the sites PropOrNot cited as Russian-influenced was the Drudge Report.”
PLANNED FALSE NARRATIVE BARRAGE #4—-Barack Obama Reinforces The Psyop
Now it’s getting preposterous: Brian Williams, the disgraced former NBC anchor, who was shifted to MSNBC, is now the preposterous MSNBC cheerleader of the “fake news” false narrative, after getting caught lying about having the helicopter he was riding in shot down in Iraq in 2003, which was debunked by U.S. military personnel on the other helicopters involved in the same military operation. For details, click on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Williams
PLANNED FALSE NARRATIVE BARRAGE #6—-Hillary Clinton Reinforces the Psyops
Hillary Clinton attended Senator Harry Reid’s retirement ceremony on December 8th, 2016. She used the occasion to help further develop the false narrative of “fake news” in order to destroy Internet websites that provide independent news and analysis, particularly after the grotesque display of fake news by all the members of the “mainstream media” that is an integral psychological warfare weapon of the deadly and depraved global criminal enterprise.
It is unmistakable to more and more Americans that the mainstream media is entirely untrustworthy, dangerous to our national security and unable to carry out the function of the Fourth Estate, as established in the U.S. Constitution. The “mainstream news” is an impostor that must be eradicated and replaced with a new American free press, which is already surfacing on the Internet.
PLANNED FALSE NARRATIVE BARRAGE #7—-U.S. House of Representatives Tightens the Noose Around the Neck of Internet Websites Offering News and Analysis
The Duplicitous Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), Co-Sponsor of HR 6393:
PLANNED FALSE NARRATIVE BARRAGE #8—-A False Flag Deception In Washington, D.C. on December 4th, 2016
Commentary: Doesn’t this entire array of “mainstream media” lies and deception start to look entirely predictable, all the way down to the almost obligatory “false flag deception” to complete the creation of a full-fledged false narrative?
Please click on the start button above.
“Pizzagate” Explodes After Man Arrested In Comet Restaurant Shooting
Pizzagate took a turn for the even more bizarre on Sunday, as a man with an assault rifle walked into Comet Ping Pong to “self-investigate” the Baltimore, Maryland, pizza parlor that internet conspiracy theorists say is at the center of an international child sex ring run by prominent Democrats. 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch, of Salisbury, N.C., reportedly fired the rifle at least once inside the restaurant but no one was injured.
As HeatSt.com reports, Washington, D.C., police arrested the man Sunday afternoon, after restaurant employees saw a man, described as being in his early 20s and carrying an “assault rifle,” work his way through the dining room and then attempt to enter the staff work area at the back of the building.
The Washington Post noted that the incident caused panic, with several businesses going into lockdown as police swarmed the neighborhood after receiving the call shortly before 3 p.m.
Police said 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch, of Salisbury, N.C., walked in the front door of Comet Ping Pong and pointed a firearm in the direction of a restaurant employee. The employee was able to flee and notify police. Police said Welch proceeded to discharge the rifle inside the restaurant.
The man told police he had come to the restaurant to “self-investigate” the election-related conspiracy theory.
Police said in addition to the assault rifle, they also recovered two firearms inside the restaurant; an additional weapon was recovered in Welch’s car. Bomb-sniffing dogs and at least one armored vehicle were present at the scene.
He has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.
DC Police Press Release on the arrest…
October 7, 2015
A preliminary list of particulars could include, but not be limited to, the following:
Come to agreement on an authentic global narrative of how the world actually works and who is pulling on the strings from above so that they are working together from the same page as they plan for taking the offense.
Form a team to gain control and coordinate the language and terminology of all contested issues to avoid getting preempted and disadvantaged by the globalists’ psychological warfare weapon. Eliminate the misleading “PIZZAGATE” term that continues to be perpetuated. Provide an accurate term for this depraved and deadly phenomenon that depicts its global scope and its enormous danger.
Come to agreement on a common encryption system to use for communication among all allied websites.
Connect with the U.S. intelligence network, FBI, and LAPD that is engaged in the counter-coup and holds the WikiLeaks material pertaining to the globalist’s depraved and deadly behavior.
Begin coordinated Internet free press investigations of “persons of interest” involved in the Washington, D.C.-centered pedophile, child kidnapping, child trafficking, and child abuse, torture, sacrifice, and murder, leading to grand jury hearings.
Begin coordinated Internet free press investigations of “persons of interest” beginning with the globalists’ psychological warfare components, namely, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC and other mainstream media accomplices.
Begin coordinated Internet free press investigations of “persons of interest” of the six mega-corporations that own and control the globalists’ psychological warfare weapons described above.
Begin coordinated Internet free press investigations of “persons of interest” among the dynastic foreign banking families in the City of London, their junior partner American banking families of the betraying Eastern Establishment, and all their minions deeply embedded in key American institutions, starting with the U.S. Congress, the Administration, and all of its Agencies.
What Do I Mean About Unforeseen and Bitter Surprises?
Could This Be A “Tell?”
Trump Picks Goldman President Gary Cohn To Be Chief Economic Advisor
Dec 9, 2016
It appears that vampire squids are quite adaptable to living inside the swamp that Trump promised to be draining.
Following the appointment of former Goldman partner Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary, NBC News reports that Goldman Sachs President and COO Gary Cohn has been selected as National Economic Council Director.
Donald Trump has offered Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn a key economic post, which would add to the administration another veteran of the powerful firm he bashed during his campaign, sources close to Cohn told NBC News.
As NBC adds, Cohn, Goldman’s president and chief operating officer, has been offered the directorship of the National Economic Council and assistant to the president for economic policy, the sources said. It is unclear if Cohn will accept the post, but he reportedly had discussions late last month about leaving Goldman.
Trump’s Treasury secretary pick Steven Mnuchin and senior advisor Steve Bannon also worked at Goldman Sachs, which Trump repeatedly attacked on the campaign trail. As a reminder, Trump cited Goldman as evidence that corporate and financial interests have influence over politicians and criticized former opponent Ted Cruz for taking a loan from the firm.
Goldman Sachs President, COO Gary Cohn has confirmed President-elect Trump offered him post of National Economic Council Director and assistant to president for economic policy, NBC News said, citing sources.
* * *
As in the case of Hank Paulson, the question is whether this appointment enables Cohn to dump his massively overbought $210 million worth of Goldman stock tax-free? If so, Cohn just saved over $80 million on taxes just by becoming officially a part of the US administration, instead of merely running the country from the shadows.
Rothschilds Caught Orchestrating US Election Outcome

The U.S. Presidential election was rigged even before the first ballot was cast. The Rothschilds were up to their old tricks – funding both sides of the war in order to fuel chaos, derive maximum profit, and ensure they retain ultimate influence when the new order emerges.
Everybody knows Hillary Clinton was the establishment’s candidate of choice, backed by the Rothschilds and the New World Order. But what is less well known is that Donald Trump is also a Rothschild creation and actor, playing a part in the great sham that is the Illuminati’s fake election, designed to keep control of the people in this supposedly “democratic” society.
Political analysts have been saying that Trump’s tilt for the presidency has been “thirty years in the making.” This makes more sense than they realise. Thirty years ago members of the Rothschild family saved Trump from bankruptcy and took him under their wing. They recognised his potential as a “man of use” and “colourful front man” for a secretive organisation that prefers to keep itself in the shadows.
Consider how Trump built his wealth – and who supported him during his booms and busts.
“In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International. Resorts International has a sordid history which began in the early 1950’s when it evolved from a CIA and Mossad front company which had been established for the purpose of money laundering the profits from drug trafficking, gambling, and other illegal activities. On October 30, 1978, The Spotlight newspaper reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and one Baron Edmond de Rothschild.”
“In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.”
“Trump soon became a household name, with his colorful personality and his insistence upon naming a variety of luxury hotels, apartment houses and other commercial ventures after himself. But while the name “Trump” appeared in the headlines, the names of the real movers behind Resorts International – Rockefeller and Rothschild – remained hidden from public view.”
This was detailed in a Bloomberg article from March 22, 1992.
The same Wilbur L. Ross, still Jacob Rothschild’s right hand man, came out in support of Trump’s nomination in March 2016, also reported by Bloomberg – and now he has been tapped to be Trump’s Secretary of Commerce.
In another move to fill out his economic team, Trump nominated Steven Mnuchin to be his Treasury Secretary. That’s the same Steven Mnuchin who spent 17 years working at Goldman Sachs, an investment firm that has produced multiple secretaries of the Treasury, before taking the helm of Trump’s fundraising operation this year.
Mnuchin also worked with the man who broke the Bank of England. Billionaire globalist George Soros hired him in 2003 to start a new business, Dune Capital, focused on buying risky debt.
If the links aren’t obvious enough, consider the fact that Jacob Rothschild’s son, Nat Rothschild, even dated Ivanka Trump.
Both major party candidates are controlled by the globalist powers that be. You have Hillary Clinton sacrificing chickens and preparing to pay her penance to the Rothschilds. Meanwhile, Trump appears to have been bought long ago. He was made by the Rothschilds. He is paying his penance by appointing senior Rothschild men to key posts in his administration.
Either way, American citizens didn’t have a choice in this election. The Illuminati have been working behind the scenes for decades creating the actors that played the roles.
This was Illuminati’s plan all along. To have both candidates operating under their interests whilst systematically pitting the entire nation against each other, creating the chaos they need to push their New World Order agenda closer to completion.
Baxter Dmitry