Meet the Master Of Sorcery, Fakery and Deceit- Reviewing the Obama Years (Part 1)
Contributed by Bernie Suarez
In the following essays beginning with this one I intend to provide a birds-eye overview of the past 8 years which Barack Obama has been occupying the position of president of the United States. My aim is to highlight numerous events we were all witnesses to that suggest that Obama’s legacy in the eyes of humanity is one of supreme deception and fakery in a manner unprecedented and never before seen in a politician. My interest is not so much to focus on the politics, although that we will also do, but more so to focus on the psychological impact the Obama years have had on its target audience, the people of America and people and nation states around the world.
Few sorcerers and master deceivers throughout history have attempted, much less pulled off, what the master sorcerer Barry Soetoro, better known as Barack Hussein Obama, has done in his long 8 year reign as the person occupying the position of president. In other words this series of essays will seek to expose what I call the Obama administration psyop on all of humanity. Yes, all of humanity! We will discuss how the Obama psyop was implemented, who his masters were, what his (their) main goals were, what they did and didn’t accomplish and what Obama represents in the consciousness of all humanity and in the archives of American history.
I urge readers to put aside their political differences and listen carefully to the issues raised here. As I’ve already stated I firmly believe Obama is one of the master deceivers of our times and we should seek to put this information out as soon as possible in a manner that will encourage others to see this for themselves. This process, I believe will act as a form of psychological damage control and will help potentially begin the healing and recovery process as we all distance ourselves from this deceptive man. I will make my case as we go along but first let’s begin by looking at the lunacy of the times in which we live.
Here’s a fact no one can deny any longer. The current acting president of the United States “Barack Obama” posted a birth certificate short-form on the official website as official “proof” of where he was born. The single electronic document was the bases on which many Obama supporters and those believing mainstream media news and Hollywood propaganda rationalized what came to be known as the “birthers” name-calling mockery campaign. Remember that? In his famous “remember that?” speech seen in the video below Obama asks the same question only he’s mocking those silly “birthers”.
Why am I showing this? Because that entire delusion is now blown wide open and that document posted on the White House website as the ultimate “proof” of Obama’s birth place (remember that?!!) has now been proven to be 100% fraudulent. This conclusion has been made by Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona with the help of experts and investigators who had been working on this investigation for five years.
Curiously, mysteriously and perhaps frighteningly however the biggest surprise in this story is the mainstream media’s non-coverage of this otherwise historic and objective development given the implications it has on the legitimacy of the past 8 Obama years. Can you see where we are going with this in terms of mass mind control and sorcery?
Worse than just not covering this historic development (a mass mind control phenomenon we’ll discuss later) some mass media outlets did actually briefly mention the final determination by the investigation team but in a manner that dodges the objective evidence and purposely focuses then smears and discredits lead investigtor sheriff Joe Arpaio to make the story less believable somehow. This is propaganda comparable to the “Russia influenced the election” created by the now desperate Obama CIA mass media complex just before the December 19, 2016 electoral college voting that officially made Trump the 45th president of the United States.
The magnitude and significance of a sitting president who can’t even put to rest a simple birth certificate question is something everyone should stop and let sink in. Ask yourself, why are we dealing with an “internet” file to begin with?? Why was this even an issue to begin with? This is a very significant and very reasonable question in more ways than you can imagine. Why did it take five years to finally solve this puzzle? Was the timetable for the release of this final report on the birth certificate deliberate? Some of these questions are questions only Obama himself and his assistant liars and sorcerers can answer. Also, I believe this issue (of the phony artificially built electronic birth certificate) is a very symbolic reminder of just how fake and inauthentic Obama and his entire administration really was. With all that said, now let’s turn our attention to some of the other pieces of the puzzle that make up the Obama years of deception.
Obama ushers in era of mass legal propaganda and fiction
If any of this sounds crazy to you so far it’s because it is crazy. Sorcery is defined as (see bold emphasis):
the art, practices, or spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural powers through the aid of evil spirits; black magic; witchery.
And, black magic is defined as:
magic used for evil purposes;
As you can see, the spell put on the masses to believe the Obama delusions and lies of the past 8 years was magical or supernatural in nature and it was specifically designed for evil purposes (to purposely deceive the masses).
The in-your-face lies and deception I’ve described so far is very typical of the twisted times in which we live and most people are not even aware they’ve been sucked into a very sophisticated level of sorcery and mass deception. Millions of Americans are still not aware that they are caught inside a fictional bubble playing itself out in lieu of reality. This 8 year fictional soap opera presented one fictional “story” after another as “reality”. A dilemma millions of Americans will have to reconcile and psychologically work their ways out of on their own without feeling like they’ve lost their minds. That’s because without the masses realizing this these stories became the norm even though these stories made no logical sense.
Many stories told to us by the sorcerers were not only fictional in nature but they simultaneously completely ignored the actual organic, concrete realities recognized by our own unconscious brains. These “stories” and events were stamped as real and genuine even though independent investigations and conclusions drawn from these events by independent journalists, honest truth seekers and researchers outlined convincing cases for these “stories” being outright fakery.
This clever and improbable skill at flipping reality on its head and bending and twisting any resemblance of truth while selling vicious lies as the truth is a masterful skill few could sell as Obama the sorcerer was able to sell to the masses the past 8 years.
This mass mind control and fictional reality was greatly accelerated during the Obama years in ways most people cannot wrap around their heads. Nonetheless as we conclude the Obama era and pull further and further away from the target many will realize the true nature of this very dark era packed with astounding levels of fakery and mass sorcery targeted all along at the minds of millions of Americans.
For the first time in American history we were introduced to the concept of Integrated Capstone Events (ICE), “active shooter drills” in schools across America, the concept of DHS being involved in school activities as well as the concept of “lockdown” as I’ve been writing about for years. The role of the “lockdown” introduced in 2013 during the Chris Dorner manhunt and later the Boston bombing “event” I suspect was primarily to control the environment during one of these staged events. After all, during a controlled event you can’t have people running around taking photos and videos and telling THEIR stories can you? We’ll get into specific examples of how “lockdown” was used effectively in these psyop events later in this series.
For the first time we were staring at so many DHS drills that on several occasions they seem to have gone live with crisis actors playing multiple roles. The narratives produced by the mainstream media while covering these events then seemed to change by the hour in order to conveniently fit the narrative desired by the deep state. For the first time in American history no one was allowed to chime in on what really happened or what they saw. Much more on this later.
In addition to all of this Obama also amended the 1948 Smith-Mundt act with the 2012 NDAA and made state propaganda legal yet most Americans have no idea of this much less the implications of this.
As I see it Obama, a master deceiver and sorcerer, was put in the White House using the “hope and change” psyop campaign which then acted as the trigger for this historic era of mass sorcery and deceit. The enemy followed a specific pattern of mass deception and followed through with a deliberate set of tactics with the intention of causing the most possible damage. This equates to mass sorcery by definition as I discussed earlier.
After the Obama inauguration in January 2009 the rest seems like a blur to many people only because the “stories” took on a supernatural or surreal quality to it and bizarre stories came at us at record speeds making it difficult to keep up with.
Ask yourself, can you remember any presidency when things happened so fast and so often? We had reportedly over 162+ mass shootings under Obama alone and many of us know that many of these were suspected of being staged at some level- meaning planned, orchestrated and executed by elements in the deep state.
During the Obama years we were told stories by his CIA controlled mainstream media that seemed so odd, so impossible and so fake that for the sake of sanity the masses chose to simply believe these stories or at least not question them to avoid being ridiculed.
In summary, the sorcerer and his sorcerers paralyzed America for 8 long years on the heals of the long and dark Bush years and we can only hope that America recovers from this mental assault. And as already mentioned, this necessary recovery process is the main purpose of these articles.
Moving forward I will peel away at various stories and try to appeal to truth seekers and honest researchers to consider the collective evidence that indicates that many stories of the past 8 years were what today we call fake news in every way shape and form.
The truth is that the Obama administration single-handedly changed the way millions of Americans think. He single-handedly wiped out the critical thinking portion of their brains and lulled them to such a deep sleep that they do exactly what he (they) says. This state of mass mind control was taken advantage of (if not orchestrated) by George Soros and others like the Hillary campaign, the DNC and the powerful players in Washington DC pushing the same global agenda. Call it mind control or call it outright corruption. With the Obama years it is difficult at times to distinguish the difference if there is any. The question one must wonder then is- does a state of radical out of control corruption represent an altered state of mind? I’ll leave that to readers to consider. When it was all done a new era of over-the-top corruption, propaganda and fictional reality was born.
In the next essay I will discuss how Obama ushered in what I’ve been calling the children of the new world order and a lot more. If this message resonates with you please share.
Meet the Master Of Sorcery, Fakery and Deceit- Reviewing the Obama Years (Part 2)
Truth and Art TV article
Contributed by Bernie Suarez
Ironically as 2016 comes to an end we are all staring at a reality entirely turned upside down. As mentioned in part one, Obama’s birth certificate short form is now proven 100% fraudulent, arguably the biggest story of the century given the implications, yet completely ignored by those in control of the mainstream media narrative while those very people in control of the corporate media simultaneously created and recently acted on a “fake news” psychological operation which itself was admittedly based on a number of “fake news” stories created by the very entities claiming “fake news” is a problem. Confused? The end result is that reality if fake and fakery is reality!This is the second in a series of articles dedicated to the Obama years which at the time of this writing in late December 2016 actually continues to get worse even as Obama’s days come to an end. In the first part of this article series I discussed how the Obama administration particularly focused on turning reality on its head and making astounding levels of fakery the norm. Ultimately this is the main theme of this series but I will explore different angles and examples of this agenda throughout.
As I mentioned in part one, given the technology and spread of information of today one could make the argument that Obama, the front man for this historic global disinformation and deception imposed on humanity, is THE master deceiver of all time. We have witnessed a level of deception which amounts to no less than outright sorcery on a mass scale. To understand this argument for “sorcery” of course you have to have some level of values, morals and a strong sense of right and wrong as well as an understanding for the meaning of the term. I leave it to the reader to reconcile these arguments after delving deeper into the facts surround Obama the sorcerer.
In this segment I want to discuss other details of the Obama years including his attempted masterful manipulation of the social-cultural mindset particularly of the younger millennials, all along as he (Obama) set his eyes from day one on things like:
1– Globalization- (Obama acted as president of the world instead of the US)
2– Out of control reckless spending and destruction of America’s reputation
3– Catering to transnational mega corporations while taking away jobs domestically and undermining the American middle class
4– Pushing the Neocon PNAC plans for global domination with illegal wars in the Middle East and around the world
5– Undermining our own immigration laws then calling those against this crime “haters”
6– Promotion of a collectivist mindset which ignored the inherent rights of the individual
7– Pushing a sophisticated mass media propaganda strategy for stifling and criminalizing the pursuit of truth, free thought, independent journalism and what many today call alternative media and independent investigative journalism.
8– Pushing one of most sophisticated propaganda geopolitical campaigns throughout history to create then prolong the perception of the existence of his proxy armies using various deceptive names in the Middle East (ISIS, “rebels”, Al-Nusra, ISIL, “moderate rebels”, etc)
9– Unleashing an era of astounding fakery and politically charged outright staged events employing crisis actors, federal agencies working together to protect these events, new levels of secrecy, threats against truth seekers investigating these events and much more.
10– Accelerating drone warfare and assassinations of American citizens and journalists and persecuting whistleblowers instead of honoring them.
This list can get very long and we’ll touch on some of these items later on in this series but the point I want to get back to is that while all of these things were happening Obama was working on molding the minds of his (mostly young) followers. This highly sophisticated strategy he/they (Obama and his criminal administration) employed gave birth to a new class of citizens I’ve been referring to as the “Children of the New World Order“.
These people as I see it represent seeds planted by (Obama the great deceiver) which are intended to last much longer than his reign as president (warning!). When this is all over I believe that Obama will be recognized not as just a man but a concept or phenomenon. This idea of the “Obama phenomenon” has probably not dawned yet on most truth seekers. Don’t look now, but Obama has been traveling all over the world giving “farewell speeches” boldly selling his new world order ideology and attempting to cement his words and his final impressions into the minds of his followers. The sorcerer knows exactly what he’s doing!
Obama, as I see it, is not only THE master deceiver and sorcerer of our times but he represents a phenomenon which will for many years to come act as a thorn on the side of those who wish to see small government and those who wish to see America restored to the degree to which it opposes the ideology of globalization and the new world order plans. Obama, in other words, is now the iconic first president of the new world order! More on this later.
Obama’s war on truth and the rise of the children of the NWO
The narratives and the zeitgeist of the times in which we live are ordinarily determined by the stories and ideas that people share, express and believe at that time. This makes sense, does it not? People normally focus on that which is actually happening and that which is happening begets, triggers and sparks conversations and the cycle repeats. This is the reality of who we are (as humans) and how and why we communicate. At least this is the realm in which humans were designed to communicate. Within the realm of reality and purposeful communication, right?
The phenomenon I’m about to discuss however, is a communication-filtering, anti-humanity sophisticated machinery that existed long before the Obama years, but which was exponentially weaponized against humanity and truth during the 8 years of his illegitimate presidency.
This communication machinery represents the interest of the ruling elite and it is a machinery we (most of humanity) had accepted for far too long as a legitimate platform of honest and factual human communication. I’m talking of course about the corporate mainstream media news machinery and more specifically how Obama took an already dangerous, controlled and lying mainstream media and made things unimaginably worse. We’re talking about a media who had cooperated with the September 11th 2001 black op coverage but had shown some cracks as the horrific and failed Iraq war dragged on during the Bush years, as CIA torture programs were revealed and as the 2004 election fraud and much more were revealed in the pre-Obama years. The mainstream media was bad then but no one could have predicted how much worse things were going to get under Obama.
We know that statistics now show that under Obama confidence in mainstream media has dropped significantly to an all time low. These (linked) statistics were put out around April of 2016, well before the massive Wikileaks and Project Veritas Action revelations that officially and by all practical means ended mainstream medias perception of legitimacy and respectability for good.
Notice I said “perception” because whatever “legitimacy” mainstream media had all these years was just that, a perception, nothing more. So in some ways we can say that the propaganda hurricane that ate up America during the Obama years was so intense that it triggered what is now appearing to be the slow and impending death of mainstream media. Not without a good fight though, right? Unfortunately this awakening and realization of mainstream media’s demise is only being realized by the minds of some not all people. For now we’ll focus on the damage done to the millions of minds who have up to now fallen for the mass sorcery and deceit.
Just imagine quantitatively speaking how much propaganda would have been needed to trigger the current downfall of the mainstream media. A lot! Obama somehow managed to weaponize the mainstream media in a way never before seen in American history and following the Bush years that was no easy task. Taking a look at just the domestic news component (here in America) of the Obama phenomenon propaganda (MSM) machinery the purpose was to:
1– Make people angry at each other not at the government he represented
2– Encourage and fuel hatred and division by constantly instigating and chiming in on controversial “news” topics particularly race issues.
3– Disarm the American public and demonize anyone who stands by the US Constitution including the second amendment as domestic terrorists.
4– Polarize the masses and foster a young generation of whiny uneducated people who not only look to government for “protection” and “safety” (since they are apparently the only ones who should be trusted with weapons) but more importantly a generation of people who equate firmness in character or opinions, who equate a desire to preserve America and its traditional values, who equate conservative (specifically Christian) values and differences in political opinions to “harassment” and even “hatred” and bigotry!
And as Obama’s inspired and loyal domestic followers were busy expressing their dissent for what they consider old fashioned pro-America racist “haters” and promoting their own “kumbaya” collectivist values which perfectly ignored Obama’s global and domestic wars on humanity Obama himself was pushing for globalization, expanding his presidential powers, undermining America by letting immigrants ignore immigration laws, recklessly pushing America toward world war 3 and he was creating, aiding and arming terrorists in the Middle East to create a phony war on terror against his own ISIS in order to carry on with the Neocon PNAC plans of global domination (Libya, Yemen, Syria invasions and destruction etc).
This so far is just a brief overview of some of the Obama “accomplishments” of the past 8 years. All along, sucking all of this in and believing every “story” and every piece of propaganda dished out by the Obama “ministry of truth” information machinery was a new group of young Americans referred to earlier. I’m referring to his followers and believers who were completely blind to his propaganda tactics unto the very end because many of them were never able to fathom that this betrayal could possibly be.
The “Children of the new world order” are a curious new breed of young Americans who do whatever the oligarchs want them to do because they (the oligarchs) have a massive network of platforms by which they disguise themselves (, Democracy Now, Hollywood celebrities etc).
Sadly, as they (the children of the new world order) take action they honestly believe this is their own action. They fail to see the bigger picture to say the least because they’ve been trained to “not believe the other side”. Their profound disconnect to American history, their ignorance, their lack of application of moral standards, their lack of sense of right versus wrong, their tendency to be easily emotionally manipulated and their unwillingness to research topics on their own instead of discounting the information or quickly attributing it to “right versus left” political arguments are all major hallmark of this new class of Americans who came into existence during the Obama years.
Historic fakery and the masking of reality
In part one of this series and at the start of this article I touched on the simultaneous dishing out of fakery and portraying it as “real” news while at the same time treating real and very significant developments as “fake”, unimportant or not happening at all. Let’s continue digging into this Obama masterful and deceitful phenomenon.
Today I’m amazed by what I observe to be astounding examples of purposely ignored otherwise historic topics and stories occurring even as we speak. The example made earlier (part 1) about the now 100% proven fraudulent Obama birth certificate file sitting for years on the White House website is worth bringing to light again because this single issue is perfectly capable of creating a massive wave of awakening. People just need to wrap their heads around the reality and implications of this development.
Consider for a minute that right now the sitting president is caught red-handed posting a proven fraudulent document on the website. This is fraud under any and all circumstances. Don’t believe it? Let’s do an exercise together. Close your eyes for a minute. Relax and meditate for a short while. Now think to yourself, imagine if you just applied for a federal job. You think you did well in the interview. You know it’s a competitive position. You submitted your resume and other documents required for the job screening. Then the day comes when you are told you are hired. But then imagine something strange happens six months later. A full background check however now reveals that some of your documents were fraudulent. The boss calls you into her office in an attempt to get an explanation. Do you think you are now in trouble? Do you think you will get to keep your job? This is exactly the situation with Obama right now only so far no one is calling him into their office.
This official development now calls into question every single law passed by what is now very likely a verified fraudulent and illegitimate presidential era. Some might say, well Obama has his real birth certificate with him and the one on the site was accidentally put there. Not so fast! We’re still talking about an act of fraud with the intent to deceive the masses for years.
You would think, that alone would be the story of the century and all of humanity would be following these developments very carefully. You would think that everyone would pick up this story and want to be the one who breaks it open even further, yet amazingly none of this is happening! Sadly, that genuine pursuit of real stories, real news and reality itself is emphatically missing in those committed to believing mainstream media. This “masking of reality” phenomenon is important to note as we will be continually referring to this incredible phenomenon mastered by Obama, the master sorcerer, and the rest of his criminal administration.
The ruling elite have clearly waged an ugly war on reality. As I see it, in some ways the people of America are speechless, having endured a long ugly presidential election season. A country inundated with mainstream media fake news, lies and propaganda coming from all directions. Sadly many Americans including some in the alternative media have not truly grasped or have been hesitant to grasp how sophisticated and aggressive the Obama administration became in the information war and how deeply it committed to staging fake events.
As a result of this war on reality the stories NOT getting attention are the REAL stories that deserve to be the symbols and key turning points of our times. There are many examples of these curiously silenced and censored stories which we must revisit and re-examine for the sake of sanity and restoration of the human psyche. Once we revisit and reconcile the truth of many of these past events we’ll begin a healing process and only then we’ll be able to look back to today’s “news” and realize that this “silence on reality” tactic has slowly become the norm and has played a key role in turning reality itself upside down on its head.
I will continue my breakdown on the Obama years in subsequent articles particularly focusing on this historic fakery and masking of reality and we’ll point out one stunning example of fakery and deceit after another to make this argument.
Ultimately we must ask, was Obama even capable of telling the truth? Why and how was he chosen as the president of the United States? And how can we guard against the next “Obama”? Also, will the majority of humanity ever truly wrap its head around the Obama phenomenon and call it out for what it was? How will this man be portrayed in the history books? Will the Obama phenomenon live for years? People are already posing these questions and it is the purpose of this series to get the ball rolling in uncovering the past 8 years of sorcery and mass deceit which frankly reached so-called “biblical proportions”.
And speaking of biblical proportion, here’s a verse from the Christian Bible which I believe interestingly resembles Mr Soetoro’s years.
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2- Thessalonians 2:1-12
Admittedly I’m not particularly religious but I do believe we are dealing with an era of strong mass delusion and an era of very strange not-well-understood opposing forces of truth versus lies, creation of life versus destruction of it, good versus evil and freedom versus slavery. Since the Bible and many other religious books were written so long ago, passages like this showing interesting parallels in our world today should at the very least interest readers and historians alike suggesting no less that throughout history the notion of mass delusion and of leaders implementing mass delusions was a concern back then as well.
Either way, make of this what you will. The Obama phenomenon is very real and moving forward we’ll have to continue our awareness of it lest it comes back to haunt us. Much more on the Obama years in this continuing series.
Meet the Master Of Sorcery, Fakery and Deceit- Reviewing the Obama Years (PART 2)