Has John Key been Implicated in the #PizzaGate Child Sex Trafficking Ring?

[Featured image- John Key meets the pizza boy at the ‘gate’ to his Parnell mansion – sauce]
[Note- according to our own records, this article has had 1216 views as at 8pm Monday – all of our article view numbers are manipulated – don’t ask us how].
It has been revealed recently that John Key pledged $13.7 million of New Zealand tax payer’s money to the Clinton Foundation – with $7.7 million of the money already paid.
As John Key stood down last week, the #PizzaGate scandal was breaking across the US – based on leaked Hillary Clinton and John Podesta emails (her election campaign chairman) , the scandal seems to detail how the ‘elites’ of Washington DC use coded language involving “Pizza” to apparently discuss and organise child sex events & trafficking. There are apparently various terms relating to pizza used as code for the child abuse practices. “Cheese” seems to a common term used to describe some of what this gang are into.
The political establishment and the mainstream media that protects them were quick to denounce the scandal as “fake news” and even Wikipedia named it a “debunked conspiracy theory” within days, before it had even been investigated. ie, we are now watching a massive cover up in full swing.
Anyone who has read the emails can see clearly there is cause for concern and the emails clearly do not relate to ‘pizza’. Not to mention Podesta’s penchant for ‘art’ depicting cannibalism. There has since been an avalanche of information on strange connections, weird symbolism and various other incriminating data on the Pizza Gate allegations. Part of those allegations are that the Clinton Foundation is a front for an International child trafficking operation. Which apparently NZ, on the wishes of John Key ,is now helping to fund.
The immediate denunciation of the evidence and entire scandal by the mainstream media before any investigation had even been announced, using their “fake news” counterintelligence phrase, makes it clear that many of these media front people are part of the “club” also.
If we had real journalists in this Nation , they would probably be looking into the fact that John Key announced his resignation the very day after this scandal started to break.
The first thing we did was type “John Key” and “Pizza” into Google to see if there was any such strange encrypted messages. Below is what we found just on the first 2 pages of results:
Nothing to see here? Is it possible that some of the top brass in NZ media are also speaking in this coded child abuse language? Is it possible some of these ‘pizza’ boys are actually sex slaves?
Some speculate that the children who survive this ‘satanic’ child abuse are then groomed and mind controlled into top positions of politics and media, under new assumed names. Katy Perry being one example.
Interesting to note the name “Podesta” and the French owner of the Washington pizza place , his French name translates in English to “I love children”. Coded language and fake names seems to be the ‘Key’. Al Gore’s man made climate change lie is a classic ‘allegory’ and one wonders if the Patsy is finally Ready.
Perhaps someone should ask Josh Kilimnik from Pizza Hut who commented in the Herald article on behalf of Key’s local store – anyone seen a last name like that anywhere? Kill a what?? Perhaps the authorities should be looking into some of ‘Hell’ Pizza symbolism also?
Readers can decide for themselves.
We suggest readers also check out our recent article detailing the evidence of ‘elite’ organised child abuse rings in New Zealand . And a couple of related links below…
“1000 children missing” from Child Youth and Family – Radio NZ
“John Key’s killer paedophile joke disgusts victims’ family”
We at Media Whores are not drawing any conclusions – we just pride ourselves on joining dots and then asking the questions that the mainstream media clearly should be.
#PizzaGate #PizzaGateNZ? The coded “pizza” language used by these global satanic child abusers detailed below: