Kanye West Cancels Gigs After Psychiatric Eval For Mentioning Pizzagate




Kanye West Cancels Gigs After Psychiatric Eval For Mentioning Pizzagate

‘Pizzagate’ Spurs ‘Endless’ Harassment of DC Pizzeria, Ensnares Kanye West

By Emily Zanotti
Heat Street

“Pizzagate,” the notorious conspiracy theory that’s taking the Internet by storm, broke through to the mainstream on Tuesday.

A story in the New York Times declares that Comet Ping-Poing, the DC pizzeria that Reddit, 4Chan and Twitter think is a front for a high-powered pedophile ring, is in fact “not a child trafficking site.”

The investigation continues unabated, however, and now even ensnares famous rapper Kanye West, who suffered a “psychiatric episode” Monday and had to be taken into protective custody.

Internet sleuths introduced the world to Pizzagate just before the Presidential election, using “code words” found in John Podesta’s stolen emails, various social media postings from Comet Ping-Pong, and the Internet’s wealth of knowledge.

According to believers, Podesta, Podesta’s brother, Hillary Clinton, the owners of Comet Ping-Pong and hundreds of other DC power-brokers are involved in an underground child sex trafficking ring that reaches far and wide.

The pizzeria’s owners flatly deny to the NYT that they are operating an international pedophile ring from their store front in Baltimore, and claim that they are just “real people caught in the middle of fake news.” In return, they say their 40 employees have received “endless” death threats over the phone, email and social media, they’ve been approached and filmed by amateur investigators.

On Yelp, the Internet review site, a war is raging between Comet Ping Pong’sregular customers and one-star reviewers claiming to like the pizza but abhor the child sex ring. Good crust, fresh toppings, great service, reviewers say, but a little heavy on the garlic, a bit expensive and a tad too close to sex crimes, it seems.

But while mainstream news sources decry Pizzagate’s hold on the American psyche, its champions continue to dig deeper. On Tuesday, as Kanye West was escorted from his trainer’s LA home and taken for inpatient psychiatric evaluation, he instantly became part of the Pizzagate scandal.

Social media flooded with claims that West had mentioned Pizzagate in his 40-minute rant Monday night and that his subsequent hospitalization was a result of his desire to educate the population.


Videos of the concert do not show Kanye speaking about Pizzagate, but Internet sleuths claim videos have been removed. They’ve also unearthed a photo of Kim Kardashian posing with artist Marina Abramovic—recognizable as the alleged “#SpiritCooking” artist mentioned in Podesta’s stolen emails.

It’s difficult to tell if users are serious about Kanye’s connection or adding to the confusion. But one thing is for certain: Pizzagate goes on.
