Mainstream Media: The Mother of All Mass Deceptions




Mainstream Media: The Mother of All Mass Deceptions


Commentary:  We had an American free press, once.  It was envisioned by our forebears to be an independent American institution designed specifically to inform the American people of the over-reach of government, subversion of American principles and the U.S. Constitution, criminal practices of all kinds that erode American solidarity, and dangers posed by enemies, foreign and domestic.

The Imposter Arrives: The Takeover and Subversion of Our Free Press

We Americans have been in the dark for over 100 years because in 1915, J.P. Morgan, an agent working for the Rothschild family in the City of London who represented the concealed clique in America, was instructed to taking over the American free press.

Congressman Oscar Callaway entered the following statement in the U.S. Congressional Record, February 9, 1917, page 2947  to wit:

Mr. CALLAWAY: Mr. Chairman, under unanimous consent, I insert into the Record at this point a statement showing the newspaper combination, which explains their activity in the war matter, just discussed by the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. MOORE]:

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press in the United States.

“These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.

“This contract is in existence at the present time, and it accounts for the news columns of the daily press of the country being filled with all sorts of preparedness arguments and misrepresentations as to the present condition of the United States Army and Navy, and the possibility and probability of the United States being attacked by foreign foes.

“This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served. The effectiveness of this scheme has been conclusively demonstrated by the character of the stuff carried in the daily press throughout the country since March, 1915. They have resorted to anything necessary to commercialize public sentiment and sandbag the National Congress into making extravagant and wasteful appropriations for the Army and Navy under false pretense that it was necessary. Their stock argument is that it is ‘patriotism.’ They are playing on every prejudice and passion of the American people.”

Then, in 1948, with its illegal and un-Constitutional Operation Mockingbird, the CIA completely wiped out America’s free press, until the advent of public access to the Internet nearly 50 years later.

The Illegal CIA Operation Mockingbird:  Full Conversion of the U.S. and Worldwide Media To a Coordinated Psychological Warfare Weapon Against America and Other Targeted Nation-States

In 1948 a tightening of U.S. and worldwide media control was orchestrated by a  illegal, un-Constitutional and fraudulent shift in the use of America’s Central Intelligence Agency. There was an authorization by Congress to form an “Office of Policy Coordination (OPC),” directed by Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, from which covert operations were to be concentrated, which included:

“propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action (sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition, and evacuation measures), subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatening countries of the free world.”

This was the opening created by the clique to slip in entirely un-American and unconstitutional use of the media as a false reality propaganda machine that grew, despite several Congressional investigations and official “cease and desist” directives from Congress.  Frank Wisner referred to the illegal Operation Mockingbird as his “Mighty Wurlitzer,” after the giant pipe organs built and installed in theaters across the U.S. that acted as a one-man orchestra to accompany the first silent movies and carried the audiences along in emotional harmony with the script of the movie.  Let’s substitute key words to show how the Mighty Wurlitzer worked:  it carried the audiences (read the American public) along in emotional harmony with the script of each movie (read the high wall of false reality).

Hugh Wilford’s The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America, describes the psychological warfare to which the American public was subjected by the clique, using their “pipe organ,”—the CIA’s total control over the American media and the media’s complicity in presenting a false reality to the American public. (see

The CIA began building its false reality machine by, first, recruiting foreign media owners, editors, managers, reporters and writers to disseminate CIA propaganda.  But, covertly, this effort was expanded, based on a fraudulent cover story of anti-communist patriotism to the recruitment of: (i) American owners, editors, and reporters of news organizations; (ii) American magazine owners, editors and writers; (iii) American book publishers, editors and writers; (iv) American owners, managers and newscasters of television and radio stations; and (v) American movie studio owners in Hollywood, California.

From 1953 forward, a very large number of media figures began participated in the false reality propaganda effort, some of whom were induced by covert money, gifts and/or coercion. The most notable organizations to join the illegal, un-American, and unconstitutional Operation Mockingbird were the Washington Post, the Washington Star, the New York Times, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, United Press International, Newsweek Magazine, the New York Herald Tribune, the Miami News, the Chattanooga Times, the Christian Science Monitor, Scripps-Howard News Service, the Louisville Courier-Journal, Copley News Services, Time Magazine, Life Magazine, ABC, NBC, CBS, RKO Pictures, Paramount Pictures, and Twentieth Century Fox.  Key individuals who joined Operation Mockingbird included Philip Graham, Henry Luce, William Paley, Ben Bradlee, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Fred Friendly, John Ford, Cecil B. DeMille, Darryl Zanuck, Howard Hughes, James Reston, Joe Alsop, Stewart Alsop, Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson, Walter Lippmann, Ed Morrow, Hal Hendrix, Barry Bingham Sr., James Copley, and Joseph Harrison.  A number of these individuals were already long associated with and worked for the clique, including Walter Lippmann, William Paley, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Joe and Stewart Alsop, Henry Luce, just to name a few.

Efforts to rein in the CIA’s un-constitutional practices began in 1955 when President Eisenhower formed the 5412 Committee to define approved covert activities.  By 1961, the CIA was covertly responsible for articles by Virginia Prewitt and editorials by Time-Life that challenged President Kennedy’s position on Cuba.  In a series of episodes, the CIA attempted, and sometimes succeeded, in interfering with the publication of books and release of documentaries such as Invisible Government, by David Wise and Thomas Ross; The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, by Alfred W. McCoy; and a documentary by Edward Yates, among others.

The CIA’s un-constitutional activities inside the United States during the 1961-1968 period finally came to the surface in the findings of the 1975 Church Investigations under Congress’ “Select Committee To Study Government Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities.”  These findings included:

Over 50 U.S. journalists were employed directly by the Agency (CIA).  Many more maintained close relationships and were being paid regularly for their services or received occasional gifts and reimbursements.

Because the CIA would not provide the names of its media agents or the names of the media organizations with which they are connected, and because CIA payments to media sources were undocumented, there was a presumption that the known degree of the CIA’s subversion of the American media was just the tip of the iceberg.  (Carl Bernstein, who reported on the Watergate scandal, claimed in a Rolling Stone Magazine article in 1977 that over a 25-year period over 400 American journalists secretly carried out CIA assignments.)

In the Church Investigation’s followup “Otis Pike Report,” the concern was expressed that the CIA’s practice of undocumented expenditures could be a sign of financial corruption, which was later borne out in the CIA’a drug-running to finance the illegal Iran/Contra operation.

E. Howard Hunt of the CIA arrange for books to be reviewed by certain writers in the national press.  And he arranged for a CIA writer under contract to write a hostile review in the New York Times of a book troublesome to the CIA.

The Church Congressional Investigation concluded that:

“In examining the CIA’s past and present use of the U.S. media, the Committee finds two reasons for concern.  The first is the potential, inherent in covert media operations, for manipulating or incidentally misleading the American public.  The second is the damage to the credibility and independence of a free press, which may be caused by covert relationships with the U.S. journalists and media organizations.”

Give some consideration to the possibility that the clique controls a sufficient portion of the U.S. media—through covert bribery and coercion and by the direct concentrated ownership of the media by the clique’s transnational corporations—to have gained control of public opinion in America.

In other words, from an intelligence service that was formed after World War II, the CIA has been corrupted—as so many other American institutions—and has become an important part of the construction and maintenance of a false reality.

Thus, in the 1961-1968 period, the Kennedy/Johnson Administrations had to contend with not just a rogue CIA, but a CIA entrenched inside the U.S. government—much like the clique’s private bank— Federal Reserve—that routinely worked against the social and economic interests of the American people.


In spite of layers upon layers upon layers of media deception that have accumulated for over the the last 100 years, what’s happening in 2016?

2016 has become the year in which the veil of deception is lifting because many among the America public are beginning to engage their critical thinking process.  However, the veil of deception is still shielding the full extent of the deep global-wide criminality that exists.  In other words, we are seeing the first glimpse of this deep criminality and depravity, but once the veil is lifted fully, our conventional perspective of the world will shift in a frightening manner and we will finally know the existential risk we all are facing.  And then we can start taking action against the concealed clique of foreign banking families in the City of London, treasonous media that works for them, and all the other clique minions in America who have sold out their country.

— Steve Boyle
