Against the Concealed Clique of Foreign, Dynastic Banking Families In the City of London
Where Are They? In the City of London.
by Stephen B. Boyle, Founder
American National Service
“The City of London Corporation, officially and legally the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, is the municipal governing body of the City of London, the historic centre of London and the location of much of the UK’s financial sector. In 2006 the name was changed from Corporation of London to avoid confusion with the wider London local government, the Greater London Authority.[1]
The corporation claims to be the world’s oldest continuously elected local government body. Both businesses and residents of the City, or “Square Mile”, are entitled to vote in elections, and in addition to its functions as the local authority analogous to those undertaken by the boroughs that administer the rest of London it takes responsibility for supporting the financial services industry and representing its interests.[2] The corporation’s structure includes the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, the Court of Common Council, and the Freemen and Livery of the City. ” (From Wikipedia)
“Persons of Interest” in Investigating the Clique of Foreign, Dynastic Families in the Global Narcotics Trade Monopoly
Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth
Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.
She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries, and who owns countries that are not her own domestic territory. This land ownership is separate from her role as head of state and is different from other monarchies where no such claim is made – Norway, Belgium, Denmark etc.
The value of her land holding. £17,600,000,000,000 (approx).
This makes her the richest individual on earth. However, there is no way easily to value her real estate. There is no current market in the land of entire countries. At a rough estimate of $5,000 an acre, and based on the sale of Alaska to the USA by the Tsar, and of Louisiana to the USA by France, the Queen’s land holding is worth a notional $33,000,000,000,000 (Thirty three trillion dollars or about £17,600,000,000,000). Her holding is based on the laws of the countries she owns and her land title is valid in all the countries she owns. Her main holdings are Canada, the 2nd largest country on earth, with 2,467 million acres, Australia, the 7th largest country on earth with 1,900 million acres, the Papua New Guinea with114 million acres, New Zealand with 66 million acres and the UK with 60 million acres.
She is the world’s largest landowner by a significant margin.
The next largest landowner is the Russian state, with an overall ownership of 4,219 million acres, and a direct ownership comparable with the Queen’s land holding of 2,447 million acres.
The 3rd largest landowner is the Chinese state, which claims all of Chinese land, about 2,365 million acres.
The 4th largest landowner on earth is the Federal Government of the United States, which owns about one third of the land of the USA, 760 million acres.
The fifth largest landowner on earth is the King of Saudi Arabia with 553 million acres.
You Have Now Gotten a Sense of the “Powers That Be” Who Are At The Top of the Pyramid of Power in the World
None of them are American. But that’s a clue that explains how power is accumulated, as follows:
It takes many, many centuries to accumulate great wealth and, therefore, geopolitical power—-America is only 240 years old, less than two and a half centuries.
It takes the old-line feudal structure to concentrated wealth in a very few hands, rather than allow it to spread. Monopoly control is critically important. The American Dream would be anathema to accumulating great wealth: too much competition, too much innovation, too many cooks in the kitchen.
It takes an environment in which taxation, tariffs, and regulations are heavily suppressed.
It takes control over the law of the land to make it possible to engage in large scale criminal activity that accelerates the rate of wealth accumulation, including massive fraud, enormous bribery, deep surveillance and blackmail, many versions of coercion, deadly violence, and, where necessary, assassination of government and public figures.
It takes complete control of all sources of information to prevent interruption of the wealth accumulation—total control of the media, entertainment and education such that these three information sources can be shaped into a psychological warfare weapon to surround the public with a high wall of false reality.
And it takes the creation of front organizations and fraudulent officials mistakenly seen by the public as in responsible control of public institutions when, in fact, these are obedient minions of the Powers-That-Be.
In this context, the clique of foreign, dynastic banking families at the very top have already installed their minions in positions of leadership in (i) nation-state governments; regional governments such as the European Union, and in an illegitimate global structure that has no public support. This includes the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of International Settlements, the World Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization. And these front groups and their carefully appointed officials routinely support the criminal interests of the Powers-That-Be and intentionally work against the public interest.
Moving From The Clique of Foreign, Dynastic Families of Great Wealth To Their Junior Partners—The Betraying American Families of the Eastern Establishment
John Jacob Astor (1763-1848), Astor moved to the United States after the American Revolutionary War, He entered the fur trade and built a monopoly, managing a business empire that extended to the Great Lakes region and Canada, and later expanded into the American West and Pacific Coast. John Coleman in his good book The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, p. 131 notes, John Jacob Astor made a huge fortune out of the China heroin trade …. it was the Committee of 300 who chose who would be allowed to participate in the fabulously lucrative China opium trade, through its monopolistic British East India Company (BEIC), and the beneficiaries of their largess remained forever wedded to the Committee of 300. Interestingly another Top 13 family, the Russell’s, was also one of the lucky ones to get a slice of the China heroin trade.
Samuel Cabot (1758-1819), John Cabot settled in Salem, where he was also a successful merchant. He was the founder of the main Cabot family of Boston. From lowly beginnings he became one of the wealthiest men in the colony, marrying Anna Orne of Salem and having nine children. Many of his descendants were involved in the mercantile trade and earned fortunes of their own from privateering, the slave trade and trafficking heroin. Shipping during the eighteenth century was the lifeblood of most of Boston’s first families, who usually got their start with the help of “The King of Shipping” Colonel Thomas Perkins. The first great merchant of the Cabot family was George Cabot, who left Harvard to become a cabin boy on a shipping vessel. He worked his way through shipping to become extraordinarily wealthy, reportedly making profits of $900,000 on a single ship. Cabot made his fortune like many first families through the triangle trade with Africa for slaves and also rum, and wine. He also was involved in smuggling during the American Revolution, along with many other first families. Samuel Cabot provided the next influx of money into the Cabot family by combining the first family staples of marrying money and working in shipping. He moved from Salem to Boston, and in 1812 married the daughter of merchant king Colonel Perkins. Seeing the opportunities in shipping that followed the war of 1812, Cabot became a partner in Perkin’s firm and died a millionaire.
Joseph Coolidge (1798-1879): His Augustine Heard agency got $10 million yearly as surrogates for the Scottish heroin-runners, Jardine Matheson during the fighting in China; his son organized the United Fruit Company; his grandson, Archibald Cary Coolidge, was the founding executive officer of the Anglo-Americans’ Council on Foreign Relations.
Warren Delano II (1809-1898): Chief of Russell & Company in Canton, (China); grandfather of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
John Murray Forbes (1813-1898): His heroin millions financed the career of author Ralph Waldo Emerson, who married Forbes’s daughter, and bankrolled the establishment of Bell Telephone Company.
John Cleve Green (1800-1875): Married to Sarah Griswold; gave a fortune in heroin profits to Princeton University.
Augustine Heard (1785-1868): Ship captain and pioneer U.S. heroin smuggler. In 1830, at the age of 45, Heard settled in Canton, China, where we became partner in the trading firm of Russell & Company., by then the leading American heroin dealer in China.[2] In 1834, he returned to Boston for health reasons, and managed his business from there. He also developed close ties with his nephews, the sons of his brother George Washington Heard, and developed a business relationship with them. Heard set up his own company, Augustine Heard & Co., in 1840 with Joseph Coolidge and John Murray Forbes, friends and partners who had remained in Canton. The firm became successful, and grew rapidly to become the third largest American firm in China.
Abiel Abbott Low (1811-1893): His heroin fortune financed the construction of the Columbia University New York City campus; father of Columbia University’s President Seth Low.
Thomas Handasyd Perkins, or T. H. Perkins (December 1764 January 1854), was a wealthy Boston merchant and an archetypical Boston Brahmin. Starting with bequests from his grandfather and father-in-law, he amassed a huge fortune. As a young man he was a slave trader in Haiti, a Maritime Fur Trader, trading furs from the American Northwest to China, and then a major smuggler of Turkish heroin into China.
Samuel Wadsworth Russell, (1789-1862), was an American entrepreneur and trader, and founder of Russell & Company, the largest and most important American trading house in China from 1842 to its closing in 1891. The profits made by Russell enabled him to found Russell & Company in Canton, China, in 1824. Dealing mostly in silks, teas and heroin, Russell & Company prospered, and by 1842, it had become the largest American trading house in China.
Russell Sturgis (1805-1887): His grandson, by the same name was chairman of the Barings Bank in England, financiers of the Far East heroin trade. (Sturgis was partners with Samuel Russell in a predecessor firm, Russell, Sturgis and Company of Boston and Manila. Warren Delano II was a junior partner in that same firm.”
Because of the extraordinarily profitable nature of the narcotics trade, it is likely that numbers of these American families continue to be engaged in the global narcotics trade, today. This phenomenon would explain the cloak of silence established by the American media and American education. Much like the organizational practices of the British and European old wealth families, the American families used joint ventures and extensive intermarriage to strengthen the secrecy, the control over their illegal activities, and the accumulation of their vast wealth. Moreover, the extreme profitability of this centuries-old business relationship—–in which the American narcotics families became junior partners with the dominant British narcotics families—–was the payoff to insure that these American Eastern Establishment families would secretly collaborate with the British to take over the American government and to destroy American principles of individual rights and government by the consent of the governed. Accordingly, a key part of doing the British families bidding was to develop the Ivy League of colleges and universities (and preparatory schools) that became a powerful network to educate and then place the Eastern Establishment families’ next generations in dominant positions throughout American government, education, and other key American institutions. Nowhere is this more evident than at Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia universities, where the American narcotics families, in particular, provided extraordinary amounts of endowment funding and, in return, received control over the policies of these institutions of learning, thus assuring the allegiance of these institutions to the British old-wealth families. The most extreme case was Yale University’s secret society, “The Order of Skull and Bones,” which has systematically turned out a procession of individuals aligned with the clique of banking families concealed objectives for America’s demise. Pull up pages 68-77 from the Perspective for details.
“Behind Every Great Fortune Lies A Great Crime?”
The Guggenheim Family, New York—-arrived in America in 1847
The Du Pont Family, Wilmington, Delaware—-arrived in America in 1800
The Du Pont family is an American family descended from Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817). The son of a Parisian watchmaker and a member of a Burgundian Huguenot family, and descendant of a minor noble family on his mother’s side, he and his sons, Victor Marie du Pont and Éleuthère Irénée du Pont, immigrated to the United States in 1800 and used the resources of their Huguenot heritage to found one of the most prominent of American families, and one of its most successful corporations, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, initially established by Éleuthère Irénée as a gunpowder manufacturer.
In 1802, Éleuthère Irénée du Pont established a gunpowder mill on the banks of the Brandywine Creek near Wilmington, Delaware. The location provided all the necessities to operate the mill: a water flow sufficient to power it, available timber (mainly willow trees) that could be turned into charcoal fine enough to use for gunpowder, close proximity to the Delaware River to allow for shipments of sulfur and saltpeter, the other ingredients used in the manufacture of gunpowder. There were also nearby stone quarries to provide needed building materials. Over time the Du Pont company grew into the largest black powder manufacturing firm in the world (from Wikipedia).
Prescott Bush is the father of George Herbert Walker Bush
Today, we are fighting this very same clique of dynastic banking families in the City of London as our forebears fought them all through the last half of the 1700s as they turn the economic screws on colonial Americans.
To sum things up, the “globalists,” “cabalists,” “Illuminati,” or whatever other term you choose, are actually just a small, concealed clique of foreign dynastic banking families in the City of London. This clique evolved from a class of “court lenders” to the European monarchies beginning in the long feudal era and gradually gained control of those monarchies by debt-dependency that carried through into the current nation-state political structure. Its junior partners are the extraordinarily wealthy American families of the American Eastern Establishment that had commercial ties with the British Empire, including its British East India Company’s international heroin trade.
There is a great deal of new information for some of our readers to digest in this section. And that is because the concealed clique owns and controls nearly all the information sources that reach the global public and have kept us as completely in the dark as possible for over 100 years. Therefore, it is necessary in this website to provide much of the blocked information, which can cause the reader “sensory overload.” Accordingly, it is important to keep drawing the reader’s attention back to what is ultimately most important, namely, that the grand scheme of this concealed clique—these “globalists”—has always been to carry out their long-planned “controlled disintegration” of all nation-states, with America and the European Union on the top of its list.
It is essential for the clique of foreign banking families to destroy the national sovereignty, the social solidarity, and the economies of the world’s nation-states as a pre-condition to being successful in moving the shattered national populations into its One World Government, and then “culling that herd” by up to 90%, from a current world population of seven billion (7,000,000,000) down to a total world population of approximately seven hundred million (700,000,000) by “slow-kill” genocidal techniques, some of which are already underway, as described in detail, herein.
Thus, most of the fabricated “news” coming from the clique’s control of nearly all information sources is devoted to masking the clique’s schemes and leaving the public unable to connect the dots back to the clique and its “controlled disintegration” objective. For example, the clique-controlled Federal Reserve System, under Fed Chairwoman, works only to carry out the controlled disintegration of the American economy. The seemingly endless mass shootings in America’s educational system are all the work of the clique’s Israeli Trojan Horse network described below and are designed to further demoralize the public and promote gun confiscation. Opening America’s border with Mexico to more illegal migration is all a disguised clique scheme to cause further disintegration of rule of law, of further disrupting job markets, of destroying America’s assimilation tradition, and causing further public confusion, distraction, and civil unrest. Creating an unthinkable degree of income inequality between the 99.99% of Americans and a .01% group of arch criminals, i.e., bankers, CEO’s, and their minions, is another key tool of the clique’s “controlled disintegration” operation.
The existence of the clique and the existence of its grand scheme of “controlled disintegration” of all nation-states are the central truths for the public to know before we can surround and eradicate this deadly global pestilence.
Let’s Look Carefully At the Clique’s Organization For Insights:
(use Zoom found in menu above left, if necessary)
The Clique’s Israeli Trojan Horse Command Network
The clique of dynastic banking families has developed a specific network of individuals who have infiltrated the U.S. government, its agencies, and all key American institutions, including the establishment media, American education, and the entertainment industry, among many other organizations that constitute the vital parts of our American society. This network is referred to as the clique’s “Israeli Trojan Horse” because the clique created its own nation—Israel—-on May 1, 1949 and proceeded to launch a deep infiltration of American institutions and those of many other nation-states to cloak and carry out its global criminality.
The Clique’s Trojan Horse: Israel, their NeoCons, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Israeli Lobby (AIPAC) Have Infiltrated the Pentagon
The Israeli government has had a sway over the U.S. government that is totally out of proportion, given the size of Israel’s population (approx. 7 million people) and its modest importance to America’s national interests. It’s a loose dot that needs connecting. As usual it is a “tell” of something that has been going on for quite some time—a concealed scheme of the clique to combine Israel, its American neocons, and the ADL for the purpose of moving its minions into the Pentagon to try to lock up control of the U.S. military. The most important part the clique’s strategy has been to force the American public to provide enormous financial support to Israel, particularly in a huge military buildup that already includes nuclear weapons. That is why U.S. foreign aid has been severely out of balance in favor of this tiny country of Israel. Since Since 2001 the American taxpayers have provided a yearly average of $2.7 billion of foreign aid, with $2.2 billion annually (over 80%) going to Israeli military costs.
The country that receives the next highest foreign aid is Egypt, with an annual average of $1.8 billion, of which an average of $1.3 billion (72%) was designated for Egypt’s military costs. The chart above proves my point. By piecing together several databases, it is clear that Israel receives more than double the amount of foreign aid from the U.S. taxpayers than any other foreign aid recipient. But, again, what does Israel offer to justify double the aid of any other country?
Israel’s purpose has always been to be: (i) the clique’s military fortress in the Middle East to protect its ownership interest in that region’s vast oil reserves” and, even more important, (ii) to have the Israeli government, its intelligence agencies, and its military become the active agent, working entirely for the clique in carrying out its concealed schemes and manufacture the high level of global fraud designed to cover these schemes. Accordingly, the Israeli Trojan Horse network is merely an extension of the concealed clique into American and all other nations the clique seeks to control.
This scheme started with the substantial funding provided by the clique to enable it to gain full control over the Israeli government at its inception on May 14, 1948. It was in the clique’s interest to construct a military fortress in the midst of its widespread oil holdings in the Middle East in an environment of very unfriendly Muslim populations. This has been the concealed scheme of the clique, namely, to improve its monopoly over the world’s oil reserves. The Iraq War gained them control over the fifth largest oil reserves; the rigged Arab Spring movement resulted in capturing Libya, with its tenth largest oil reserves. Now, Iran, with its 4th largest oil reserves, is next, with Israel’s dominant military machine—including nuclear weapons—breathing down their necks.
The reason this is a Trojan Horse story is because Israeli government officials enter America on false pretenses. Their cover story is that Israel needs that high level of financial assistance because it is beleaguered by unfriendly Arab countries that would like to drive the Israeli population into the sea and only a strong defense will deter attacks on Israel. This a patently false because Israel has nuclear weapons and an unparalleled military machine funded by the U.S. taxpayer, and the full retaliatory might of the U.S. military behind that, if needed. None of their Arab neighbors have such an overwhelming military machine. Operating behind this charade, the Israeli Trojan Horse inserts throughout the U.S. government and its institutions, (i) undercover spies (Americans and Israelis), and (ii) it finances and directs a visible set of Americans—deceptively referred to as New Conservatives (nicknamed: neocons) as if they were an authentic American interest group. My research indicates they are no such thing. Instead, they are an unconstitutional presence in our military and State Department, under the control of the clique of families and are here to fill important positions inside the Pentagon, as well as in the State Department. In other words, the Israeli Trojan Horse is just another fraudulent scheme of the clique of families. Its real purpose is to gain full control of the use of the American military to serve its interests. And as happens from time to time, when the Israeli Trojan Horse and its spies and neocons attract criticism, the clique’s Anti-Defamation League (ADL), headed by Abe Foxman, swings into action to smear those asking legitimate questions with accusations of anti-semitism and hate crimes, which, in turn, triggers American politicians to come to the full support of Israel for fear of voter retaliation. The Israeli Trojan Horse includes its all powerful American lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which has locked nearly all members of the U.S. Congress and the Administration under its control through massive bribery, otherwise known as campaign finance funding.
Digging down into the clique’s “intrigues, within intrigues, within intrigues,” my research indicates that one of their schemes currently underway is to foment a war between the U.S., on one side, and China and Russia on the other side. Fomenting war has been a central part of the clique’s playbook since their inception: it is immensely profitable to them, it destabilizes rival powers, and a nuclear war with China and Russia would also serve the clique’s world de-population plans, as mind-boggling as it seems. In this current scheme, Iran is the pawn. The Israeli government, under clique-installed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has demanded that Israel and the U.S. jointly bomb Iranian nuclear facilities to prevent the Iranian government from developing nuclear weapons. That is the distraction that the clique has created with its controlled media smokescreen. Meanwhile, its three-headed terrorist organization—Mossad, SIS, and the CIA—is waging a covert, special operations war within Iran, assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists, blowing up Iranian facilities, arming ethnic separatist groups on Iran’s borders, and carrying out cyber-warfare against Iranian nuclear facilities. My research indicates that the U.S. military sees and understands this machination, and has expressed to President Obama and Congress its unwillingness to get drawn into a war in Iran, which could escalate to include Russia and China. Of course, Israeli Trojan Horse is working behind the scenes within the Pentagon to force a U.S. military confrontation with Syria and Iran, that has blown up in their face.
Commentary: When subjected to public scrutiny, some of the members, junior partners, and minions of the foreign clique of dynastic banking families mentioned herein try to hide behind authentic Judaism and deceptively claim anti-semitism and hate crimes at work. These individuals who pretend to be Jews are impostors and are not Jews in any way. The colossal destruction and enormous loss of life (to Gentiles and Jews alike) left in the wake of clique schemes have proven irrefutably that they don’t have a religious or humanitarian bone in their bodies, only the instincts of lower-order criminal psychopaths; the last dregs of a dying feudal era that originated in early Venetian dominance of European monarchies and populations.
Of course, we only hear from the clique-controlled media about Israeli spy activities in America when Israeli spies are caught. Their names are few: Stewart Nozette (2009), Ben-ami Kadish (2008), and Jonathan Pollard (1987). But what about the visible element of the Israeli Trojan Horse; who are these neocons?
(Persons of Interest: Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld)
Forces well outside any political system envisioned by the Founding Fathers control America, forces capable of side-stepping or overruling any elected official or any law, up to and including, even especially, the Constitution of the United States of America.
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor, on January 14, 2011
A little over 2 weeks ago, John Wheeler III, former Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, a man whose Washington resume put him in contact with presidents, was found in the back of a garbage truck. Two weeks later, there is no police investigation, no cause of death, no questions from the press, just silence, deafening silence.
Nothing is said of Wheeler’s career, a high profile Vietnam veteran, a man much admired, even loved. Work, bio-chem warfare, nuclear programs, now totally blacked out. All that remains is a moment or two of video, very inexplicable, Wheeler, the consummate disciplined professional drifting in what seems to be an LSD induced haze. There, the curtain was drawn, the door was closed, no further cover story, no prepared lie, the imagineers responsible for such things caught off balance, this time at least.
John Wheeler was clearly, The Man Who Knew Too Much.
Wheeler was also a contractor, part of the army of private citizens that now control everything that the Department of Homeland Security does not. We call this privatization.
Privatization, another word for parallelization put control of most defense and intelligence functions into the hands of unaccountable no-bid private contractors, invariably politically partisan and many uniquely willing to engage in criminality on a level heretofore unimagined.
What the marriage between a private sector, tasked with the most sensitive functions of national security, those requiring the most oversight, those subject to the most hideous abuses and an administration no longer clearly in control of the reins of government, have done to the world is a disaster, unique even by 20th century standards.
The largest military power in the history of man would become a defacto mercenary force, virtually seizing Central Asia, pre-staging it for systematic enslavement, for stripping it of resources. The economic model is amazing in scope. $300 billion a year are spent in Afghanistan. $200 billion of that is stolen. The only result of America military action? Destruction of the region, impoverishment of America and $65 billion in heroin production.
Wheeler death leads us down several avenues. They twist, they turn, they interweave, but they all end up one place, one inexorable place, another factoid making up the mosaic, the pattern revealing the fact, now unavoidable to so many, that a secret government exists. Government may be the wrong word, as chaos is hardly government and chaos is where that mosaic is taking us. A senseless and almost childish alternative reality has been created by the press and pop culture, groups that Helen Thomas would tell us are one in the same.
Hiding behind a veil of secrecy, protected by Kafkaesque bureaucracies, one upon another, shielded by a total breakdown of societal responsibility, each sector, be it pubic education, finance, news and media, government and defense, each more complicit than the last, an overwhelming hunger for truth and a feeling of solidity, of believability has driven millions to follow conspiracy as the new religion.
Even that, itself, is now managed, Wikileaks and its press partnerships, the alternative media drowned in a cacophony of rubbish, co-opted, infiltrated, influenced and bought.
Since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, there have been continual whispers about a shadow government running the United States. This cabal is said to have taken America into Vietnam, its most disastrous war and planned, with Israel, the false flag USS Liberty attack in 1967 to push America into invading the Middle East.
The first undeniable public signs of a shadow government came to light under Reagan with Iran Contra, when a White House based group, selling arms to our enemies, running drugs on a massive scale, was discovered. Dozens of top officials were tried, convicted, some convictions were overturned on manufactured technicalities, others, including a Secretary of Defense, received presidential pardons. The claim was fighting communism in Central America. The truth, the communists left power after losing free elections, ones the communists, themselves held, while our patriots, the secret government, filled our cities with crack cocaine by the ton, lined their own pockets and built an organization that would later be used to rig elections and derail America freedoms.
Normally, the shadow government is never spoken of. We saw the hand of a shadow government when, then ˜first lady Hillary Clinton talked about a vast right wing conspiracy. She was immediately crushed by the press for this and her attempt to break the stranglehold the pharmaceutical industry has on congress, one recently re-instituted with vigor. It was the shadow government that unleashed Monica Lewinsky and later used private financing to impeach President Clinton.
Hillary, in an act of incredible bravery, had stepped on the real third rail of American power. No, it isn’t the typical sacred cow, Israel. Today we say that Carter was anti-Israel but it was Reagan that had the character to stand up to them, a power long disappeared from American politics.
Hillary threatened the pharmaceutical industry, then at the height of its influence. Today, with up to 40% of America military forces on anti-psychotic medications, the dream of mind control and MK Ultra has been exceeded beyond any but the wildest imagination. With typical side effects being suicidal ideation, chemical castration, tremors, delusion, loss of will, loss of judgement, loss of employability, generations of zombies walk, drive, stumble, many in a semi-dreamlike state, through America’s 21st century landscape.
Censorship and secrecy are needed less and less as pharmacology and dumbed down public education takes its inevitable toll.
The shadow government gained form in 2000. The Republican nomination was rigged, John McCain was crushed by manufactured scandals, all with one purpose, to put the team of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, cohorts since the Nixon years, into power. The vehicle was the hapless dupe, George W Bush.
The 2000 election, rigged voting machines, a strict construction Supreme Court picking a president based on a wildly liberal interpretation of the constitutions equal protection theory, was the opening salvo in a war, the globalists against humanity. Implementation of the agenda began with 9/11 and the phony terror wars.
The mechanism of entropy, corruption, economic collapse and the drug empire in Afghanistan, there is little doubt anymore. Forces well outside any political system envisioned by the Founding Fathers control America, forces capable of side-stepping or overruling any elected official or any law, up to and including, even especially, the Constitution of the United States of America.
Normally, the shadow government covers its tracks well, as members of the 9/11 Commission have been shouting from the rooftops for years. Even when it doesn’t, secrecy and censorship step in, always protecting the public from the problems created by, well, created by censorship and secrecy.
In August 2007, at least 6 nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from America’s nuclear inventory, location unknown, something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible misinterpretation of orders, no mistake, no wrong label issue. These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are red herrings.
Nothing is more controlled, more secure, more restricted, more classified, more protected than the nuclear arsenal of the United States. However, on that fateful day in 2007, a half dozen or more, hydrogen bombs, were plucked out of a secure bunker with no paperwork, no orders, nothing.
This is the military. People are jailed for losing flashlight batteries.
They were loaded into the weapons bay of a B-52 long range bomber for transport to places unknown, for purposes unknown. The plane had no orders, was part of no mission, operated under no legal command structure, in fact, the moment the weapons were loaded, was no longer an American plane at all. A mission, even under the most innocent possible circumstances, that would have required the knowledge of the President and his staff, certainly the Joint Chiefs of Staff and likely the National Security Council as well, seems to have authorized itself, out of thin air.
Though the plane later landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, there is no evidence supporting this as the intended destination, far from it.
The theft, hijacking, you pick the term, these are the best two so far, happened outside the command authority of the United States government, contravening all protocols for the storage, handling and deployment of nuclear weapons. The incident was also a violation of treaties requiring America to safeguard her stockpile of nuclear weapons, not just from environmental disasters but, as with this incident, from a mutiny by members of the military and civilian branches of our government, acting outside authority, acting as civilians, an act of piracy, mutiny, an act of insurrection.
All the things Israel warns America about every day, radical groups in Iran and Pakistan getting control of nukes really happened, but not with Muslim radicals and not in the Middle East, it happened here at home. The radicals were Christians, of a sort at least, possibly intent on Armageddon, maybe planning to sell the weapons to Iran or North Korea or, more likely, tucking them away for a rainy day.
The Minot-Barksdale incident demonstrated, not only that a secret government exists but it is capable of waging, not only foreign policy but of mounting a credible thermonuclear threat to the world.
When a planeload of nuclear weapons is hijacked by an extremist organization tied to the highest levels of power in America, we might ask, why then? What was going on in America in August 2007? Did something happen then? Why were 6 nuclear weapons stolen at the exact same time America suffered the largest financial collapse, became the victim of the largest financial crime in world history? Is this a coincidence?
We know these things for sure:
This was the 11th hour, the last minutes of the 11th hour, the last chance to begin a war with Iran. Iraq had been temporarily stabilized by massive bribes paid out under General Petraeus’ Sunni Awakening program, a “band-aid” fix that would soon come apart, Afghanistan had become a hopeless quagmire and the public had turned on President Bush, giving him the lowest approval ratings of all time, leaving his presidency failed and discredited.
What had begun as a minor mortgage crisis had revealed a deeper disease, the toxic derivitives schemes that would collapse America’s entire financial system. Only 5% of the mismanaged funds were mortgage related, 95% was a massive Ponzi scheme by banks that had taken to creating wealth out of thin air, underwriting the entire American economy, bond and stock markets, corporate earnings, pension plans, all backed by nothing at all. The money most American’s thought they had wasn’t even the counterfeit trash spewed by the Federal Reserve. It was, in fact, imaginary, soon to be gone, poof!
How could 6 nuclear weapons, providing this was the only theft, something we may never learn, be used to cover the crimes of America’s entire financial community? What use of weapons of mass destruction would have changed the public’s perception, a public increasingly suspicious of the other great coincidence of all time, 9/11?
Were weapons to be taken outside the country to attack others or to be brought back, a container in a seaport, a vending machine in a stadium, atop a missile, brought home? For years, the front men for the secret government, the ones easily recognized, had done little but prepare America for such an eventuality. With $12 trillion dollars missing, would the incineration of an American city be enough?
Professional law enforcement personnel, where such things still exist, look at any criminal act in three stages, Means, Motive and Opportunity. Means and motive are not obvious at all, not unless one is willing to accept that top commanders of the United States Air Force are traitors.
Let’s take a second to examine a frightening trend that may have led to this seeming vulnerability. How could the United States Air Force have been infiltrated with commanders loyal to power structure outside any accepted norm? What kind of values would make this possible? To understand the breakdown in command in the Air Force, we must look at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.
Several months ago, Veterans Today was contacted by a delegation of officers candidates attending the Academy. They told us that the Academy was run by a religious cult, known as Dominionists. This group, this cult, violent, predatory, accused of brain washing recruits, tormenting, intimidating, is rapidly gaining total control of the officers corps of the United States Air Force. Their agenda is a strange version of Evangelical Zionism, subservience of women, bizarre beliefs in nuclear apocalypse and, worst of all, a total disregard for Constitutional authority and legal command structure.
Is this group capable of stealing nuclear weapons which might be used against the United States? The only answer is a resounding Yes!
Can the beliefs of a bizarre religious cult constitute motive for nuclear theft? Does this cult have enough means and opportunity to attempt this kind of operation, one possibly meant to bring about a nuclear apocalypse and trigger the “end times” as required by their beliefs?
What American has proven to the world, at least those nations with a free press and a people still capable of critical thinking is that, not only is the nuclear arsenal of the United States the most vulnerable, those guarding it are the most radicalized and the most prone toward acts of terrorism.
America’s nuclear arsenal has been guarded by a Taliban for decades. What could the motive for this be?
An American B-52 was forced to land and hand over its cargo of nuclear weapons at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana and 80 Air Force personnel were forced to resign. Problems with discipline were listed as the reason. The Air Force calls the incident a bent spear, a simple violation of procedure.
Despite the public whitewash, the bent spear was clearly, not only a broken arrow but as Senator Levin indicated, no breach of nuclear procedures of this magnitude has ever occurred. Senator Bill Nelson called it sloppy. What it wasn’t was the first time such a thing has happened.
In 2006, what we are told were nuclear fuses for the Minuteman III missile were sent to Taiwan, packaged as helicopter batteries.
At that time, the Minuteman was undergoing major upgrades, not only in safety mechanisms but in targeting capability also. The fusing units that were available for shipment weren’t simply fuses, they were designed to upgrade our aging fleet of Minuteman missiles, America’s state of the art targeting technology for our most important deterrent system.
What really happened? Certainly not what we were told. Does Taiwan have the technology, having adapted it to systems they have purchased elsewhere, nuclear triggers, perhaps they have one or more of the nuclear weapons believed to be missing from the Israeli-South African arsenal? Did they keep the technology or sell it to China or India? Was this another accident,?
In October, 2010, 50 Minuteman III missiles, 1/9th of those in America’s arsenal, went walkabout for 45 minutes, under the control of, well, we don’t really know. We only know that the official government of the United States didn’t have them, enough megatonage to turn Europe into a cinder.
A month later, an ICBM was launched from a submarine 35 miles off Los Angeles. The US claimed it was an airplane, a weather balloon but missile technicians identified it as a large ICBM, unknown origin, unauthorized and, as with the murder of John Wheeler III, something Americans are asked to overlook, forget, pretend never happened.
Normally, hubris, the ego that makes criminal sociopaths want their work appreciated, whether it is looting banks or raping and murdering busloads of small children, has negative consequences. When Vice President Cheney established a special operations command inside his own office, one that directed military and intelligence operations without budget approval or legal oversight of any kind, he was demonstrating the hubris of a criminal psychopath.
Look at the legality, even by Alberto Gonzales standards.
It is one thing for a nation state to resort to torture, kidnapping or even acts of military aggression, backed by attempts at justification such as those seen in 2003 by Colin Powell at the United Nations. Powell lost his career, the respect of the world and America was branded a rogue nation and aggressor.
When an elected official, such as the Vice President, an office tasked with attending funerals and, in actuality, nothing else, begins, not only formulating policy outside the office of the presidency but conducting military operations on its own authority, an authority that does not exist, no law, certainly not the constitution, then the individual holding that office is in insurrection against the government of the United States.
The vice president can’t order kidnappings, killings by the dozen, maybe hundreds or more, can’t command troops in the field, the vice president is the Commander in Chief of nothing whatsoever. There is no command authority of any kind, real or implied, in that office nor can any be assigned or transferred there unless the President of the United States is incapacitated.
The 25th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1967, contains the following language:
Section 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro-tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
Outside of these specific circumstances, the Vice President acts in an advisory capacity only with no authority other than that outlined in the Constitution, which specifies that the Vice President presides over the Senate and may cast tie-breaking votes if and when circumstances dictate.
The issue of Vice President Cheney is only germane based on his public assumption of clear presidential and super-presidential authority, extra-constitutional authority, during the administration of George W. Bush. The actions involved, aggressive war, operation of secret prisons, assassinations and more are capital crimes as outlined during the Nuremberg War Tribunals and subject to international jurisdiction.
Do these acts, the ones Cheney (and Rumsfeld) publicly acknowledge, the ones we can prove, combined with coincidences, so many of those, give adequate reason for us to assume a conspiracy, a secret globalist cabal, is acting in place of the intended government of the United States? Has the brush of history, itself, left little room for assumptions otherwise?
Link to article:
Commentary: This is as far as the “alternative media” will go to describe how the world actually works. The writer, Gordon Duff, alludes to a “shadow government” that rules America and engages in extreme criminality and extreme unconstitutional behavior, but he cannot or will not connect the dots he mentions herein to anyone higher than the members of the Bush administration. Nonetheless, it is certainly plausible to suggest that the Bush family is, and has been, a junior partners with the concealed clique of foreign dynastic banking families, a relationship which goes back to the 1930s, when President George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a partner with Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. in the 1930s. This firm and the Union Banking Corporation, which Prescott Bush later founded, participated in financing Hitler’s Third Reich, as did the clique. Another tell of the Bush family connection with the clique was that Prescott, his son, George H.W. Bush, and his grandson, George W. Bush were groomed at Yale and also at Yale’s Skull and Bones secret society, which were, and continue to be, training grounds for clique minions in America. This treasonous Bush family relationship with a foreign enemy power—the clique—would fully explain all the odd circumstances described in Gordon Duff’s piece, particularly the ability for the clique to install Richard Cheney—-who was far more experienced that George W. Bush—-as Vice President with presidential powers. And it would explain the infiltration of the Air Force top hierarchy with clique minions as well as how the nuclear weapons could be stolen for nefarious purposes. In fact, it is plausible that the nuclear weapons were destined to be dropped on Iran to end its own nuclear program and to force regime change that would immediately result in Iran’s new government joining the clique’s fraudulent global banking system. A common thread between America’s enemies is their refusal to be part of the clique’s suffocating control of the world’s financial system. History has proven that refusing to participate practically guarantees enormous political pressure, espionage, economic disturbances, weather catastrophes, destruction of nuclear plants (Fukushima) and war, if necessary.
The Clique’s Sophisticated and Time-Tested Psychological Warfare Operations Headquartered at The Tavistock Institute
Americans have never heard of Tavistock Institute because the concealed clique wants to beat your brains out and assault your minds from all directions with their advanced psychological warfare operations and keep you from knowing what’s happening and where it’s coming from. Well, here it is and here’s what it’s doing to you.
Americans know practically nothing about the clique’s unparalleled proficiency in combining media, entertainment, and education to create a psychological warfare weapon of extraordinary power. Accordingly, you may have a hard time accepting the existence of this compartment of the clique’s organizational structure and you might be asking:
“What psychological warfare is being waged against Americans? I don’t know what he’s talking about?”
The answer: The information you receive from your position inside this high wall of false reality is not just passive messages to keep you dumbed down and grazing; it includes a powerful and steady psychological barrage coming at you from all angles. What psychological warfare? Well, how about assassinations of our high public officials? Multiple wars? Bribing all U.S. officeholders to run the government like a theater of the absurd? Engineering financial panics? Getting everyone into debt up to their eyeballs and many losing their homes? Wouldn’t that be psychological warfare? Wearing down the sense of solidarity of the American people, wearing down your belief in government derived from the consent of the governed, wearing down your belief in your individual rights, the media steadily chipping away of your value system, the widespread use of narcotics, the excessive sexuality and shock-value depravity displayed in the “entertainment” industry, and the explosion of Internet pornography that eliminates personal intimacy and loving relationships, wearing down your personal identity, an exploding divorce rate, wearing down your family bonds, wearing down your faith in your religion, wearing down your sense of morality, wearing down your belief in yourself, and wearing down any sense of trust that has always been the most fundamental bond that holds a society together. That’s psychological warfare.
The very best image to show the source of the psychological warfare is this monster cannon that is laying down barrage after barrage after barrage of mind-warping lies upon lies, deceptions, distractions, and thick clouds of fraud, all to prevent you from discovering the concealed schemes that their minions have constantly running below the surface and out of your sight and hearing. Imagine that this monster cannon is the finished product of the clique intertwining its media, education, and entertainment sources to lock you behind a high wall of false reality. As long as the clique can continue to fire that monster cannon at you 24/7, you will always be completely ignorant of the real world that lays beyond the high wall.
Therefore, it is vitally important for us to silence this cannon, round up all those who operated this weapon, bring them to justice, and for those guilty of treason, crimes against humanity, and other conspiracies, they must be deported from our country and incarcerated in solitary confinement for life. Moreover, the same sentence must be applied to all those in the future who try to subvert our U.S. Constitution.
Let’s Get An Understanding of This Psychological Warfare Weapon; and That Its Mission Is To Force a Change In Our Identities:
And let’s be clear—–The clique’s media, education, and entertainment sources are assaulting the American people 24/7 specifically to force a change in our personal identities—–to become submissive, unthinking, and dis-emplowered, all to fit us as worker bees into their one-world government—–those few of us who don’t become a depopulation statistic after 90% of the world’s population is eliminated.
First, my research indicates the existence the Tavistock Institute headquartered at 30 Tabernacle Street in London. My research also indicates that Dr. John Coleman is a reliable source on the subject of the Tavistock Institute. He was a British intelligence officer for the British MI6 until he left to write a body of work consisting of eight books and many monographs about the power structure of the world. In this clip he talks about the Committee of 300 at the top. I have found that his work is supported by the same level of substantial research and real world connections as that of the Executive Intelligence Review, which I also respect. In his book, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations—Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America (2005), Dr. Coleman states the following:
“The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was unknown to the people of the United States before I exposed its existence in my 1969 monograph. Up to that time, Tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at Wellington House. (pull up: ) Tavistock began as a propaganda-creating and disseminating organization centered at Wellington House, where the original organization was put together, with the intent of shaping a propaganda center that would break down the stiff public resistance being encountered to the looming war (WWI) between Britain and Germany. The project was given to the Harmsworth brothers, Lord Rothermere and Lord Northcliffe; and their mandate was to produce an organization capable of manipulating public opinion and directing that manufactured opinion down the desired pathway to support for a declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany.” (this is an example of “fomenting war.”)
“Funding was provided by the British royal family, and later by the Rothschilds to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. Arnold Toynbee was later selected as Director of Future Studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). Two Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays, were appointed to handle the manipulation of British and American public opinion in preparation for the entry of the United States into WWI, and to brief and direct President Woodrow Wilson, while Toynbee concentrated on changing British public opinion. From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House grew into an organization that was to shape the destiny of German, Britain and more especially the United States; a highly sophisticated organization able to manipulate and create public opinion through what is commonly termed, ‘mass brainwashing.’ In 1921, Wellington House operations were transferred to the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations…..During the course of its evolvement, Tavistock expanded in size and ambition…….In this endeavor the members of the board consulted with the British royal family and obtained the approval of the ‘Olympians’ (the inner core of the Committee of 300) to formulate a strategy (to foment WWII).
Funding was provided by the monarchy, the Rothschilds, the Milner Group and the Rockefeller family trusts. In preparation for changing and reshaping public opinion for the second time in less than twelve years, by unanimous consent of the board, Spengle’s massive book Decline of the West: Volume I, Form and Actuality (1945) was adopted as the blueprint for a new working model to bring about the decline and fall of Western civilization necessary to create and establish a New World Order inside a One World Government.”
Coleman’s study of the Tavistock Institute sheds light on the clique’s installation of Woodrow Wilson as President of the United States (1913-1921) and the causes of the current diminished condition of America’s middle class. He wrote:
“The resounding success of Wellington House and its enormous influence on the course of American history began before 1913. Wilson had spent almost a year tearing down the protective trade tariffs that had defended the American domestic markets from being overwhelmed by ‘free trade,’ essentially the practice of allowing cheap British goods made with cheap labor in India, to flood the American market.” Remember that governments protect their key domestic industries from that too much foreign competition by imposing tariffs (fees) on imports in those sensitive industries.
“On October 12, 1913 Wilson signed a bill that was the beginning of the end of the unique American middle class.…The bill was described as a measure to ‘adjust tariffs,” but it would have been accurate to describe it as a bill to ‘destroy tariffs.’”
“Such was the hidden power of Wellington House that the vast majority of the American people accepted this lie, not knowing or realizing that it was the death knell for American commerce that would eventually lead to NAFTA, GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (these are international trade treaties and a fraudulent global organization that weakened the American economy and the American middle class). Even more astonishing was the acceptance of the Federal Income Tax Act that was passed on September 5, 1913, to replace trade tariffs as the source of revenue for the Federal Government. A tax on income is a Marxist doctrine not found in the U.S. Constitution anymore than the Federal Reserve Bank is found in the Constitution.”
Note: Please start this video at the 6:00 minute mark.
This examination of the propaganda and psychological warfare produced by the Tavistock Institute reveals a core deception, namely its effort to conceal its actual objective of a creating a feudal one-world government under the control of a tiny, elite clique and mask it as a socialistic form of government, namely, a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of resources. All three Tavistock schemes were misrepresented as socialistic, “for the common good” changes, which were contrary to American principles established in the U.S. Constitution. The three schemes were:
- Breaking down nation-state protections such as removing tariffs in the name of “free trade” of commerce for all the world’s populations working in common.
- The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 as protecting the world’s financial system (America’s financial system, included) from violent swings and financial panics.
- The Revenue Act of 1913 as an example of a natural initiative of everyone pitching in to cover the operational costs of government.
These fundamental Tavistock schemes were steps to prepare America for an undisclosed purpose and they shed light on the comment made to Norman Dodd, the Director of Research of the Reece Committee by Rowan Gaither, head of the Ford Foundation in 1953:
“The substance was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.” (Ford Foundation helping form the One World Government in 1953—see pg. 758 of Prospective)
How Effective Is Tavistock In Propaganda and Psychological Warfare?
Coleman states that America has been a primary target of the clique-controlled Tavistock Institute and its Wellington House predecessor since the early 1900s and it has conditioned the American population to participation in every war since World War I. Coleman also states that the Tavistock Institute has used psychological warfare to weaken American principles, morality, and solidarity. How is this carried out? (Please slow down and absorb these chilling Tavistock Institute revelations).
Coleman wrote:
“The Tavistock Clinic in London was where Sigmund Freud had settled when he arrived from Germany……Tavistock Institute was established…for the purposes of mind control and public opinion-making, and to establish, on a carefully-examined scientific basis, at what point the human mind would break down under subjection to prolonged bouts of psychological distress……Tavistock’s chief theoretician, Dr. Kurt Lewin (right), came to the United States to organize the Harvard Psychological Clinic, the MIT Research Center for Group Dynamics, the Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan……Moreover, a large number of influential people at top policy levels were trained in Dr. Lewin’s theory of topological psychology, which is to this day the most advanced method of behavior modification brainwashing.”
In what you read next, I suggest you open your mind to the possibility that all Americans—including you, our next generation—have been the target of Lewin’s deep behavior modification program.
Coleman continues:
“Tavistock’s ‘Long Range Penetration and Inner Directional Conditioning’ developed by Dr. Kurt Lewin…is primarily a program where thought control is practiced on mass groups…..The Lewin doctrine is not easy for the layman to follow. Basically, Lewin said that all psychological phenomena occur in a domain defined as psychological phase space. This space is composed of two interdependent fields, the environment and the self.
The concept of controlled environment arose from the study that if you have a fixed-personality (one susceptible to being predictably profiled), and if you want to elicit from this personality a particular type of behavior, then all you have to do is control the third variable of the equation and thus produce the desired behavior. This was the norm in social-psychology formulas. MI6 uses it in almost every type of situation involving negotiations, army counterinsurgency operations, and labor negotiations. And diplomatic negotiations used it apparently until the 1980s.”
“After 1960, Tavistock changed the equation by placing greater emphasis on the technique of controlled environment, not the behavior, but the desired personality. What Lewin set out to accomplish was far more drastic and permanent; altering the deeper structures of human personalities. In short, what Lewin succeeded in doing was to move beyond ‘behavior modification’ to ‘identity change.’ (slow down—let this sink in)
This is where you have to dig in and exercise your introspection. Suspend your disbelief for a moment and consider that we all may be surrounded by a high wall of engineered false reality much like the film “Matrix” portrayed. In what ways, if any, has your behavior, and perhaps even your identity, been changed by this false reality?
“Identity change was adopted by the nations of the world. Nations worked to acquire a ‘new personality’ that would change the way the world looked at them. The theory relied upon the original formulations of two Tavistock theoreticians, Dr. William Sargent’s theory in his Battle for the Mind–A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing (1997), and Kurt Lewin’s own work on “personality regression.”
“Lewin observed that:
‘…the inner self of the individual displays certain reactions when under tension from the environment. When there is no tension, then the normal inner self of a person is well differentiated, balanced multifaceted, versatile….When a reasonable amount of tension is applied from the environment, then all the various abilities and faculties of the inner self go on alert, ready for effective action. But, when an intolerable amount of tension is applied, then this geometry collapses into a blinded, undifferentiated soup; a primitive, a regressed personality. The person is reduced to an animal; the highly differentiated and versatile abilities disappear. The controlled environment takes over the personality.’
Coleman continued:
“It will come as no small surprise to learn that Lewin and his team founded the Stanford Research Center, the Wharton School of Economics, MIT, and the National Institute of Mental Health among scores of other institutions fondly believed to be ‘American’ institutions. During the course of years, the Federal Government contributed millions upon millions of dollars to Tavistock and its expanded web of interlinking institutions, while corporate America and Wall Street came up with matching amounts. What has come out of this is what Tavistock called ‘a three-system response’ (i.e.) how population groups react to stress resulting from ‘contrived situations’ that become crisis management exercises. What we have in the U.S. and Britain is a government that creates a situation viewed by its citizens as a crisis, and government then manages that ‘crisis.’ An example of a ‘contrived situation’ was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. The attack on Pearl Harbor was ‘contrived’ as previously explained herein with the transfer of Rockefeller cash to Richard Sorge the master spy, and then to a member of the imperial family to prompt Japan to fire the first shots so that the Roosevelt administration could take the United States to war…..Tavistock played an enormous role in crafting the massive wave of anti-Japanese propaganda that swept the United States into the war in Europe via war against Japan.”
Here the “intrigue within the intrigue” was to contrive a war with Japan as a means to pull the American public, against its will, into joining the war in Europe, already fomented by the clique of foreign banking families, to serve its purposes to deal with its arch-rivals, i.e. by defeating Germany and substantially weakening Russia.
“Another example is the more recent Gulf War when the hue and cry was raised about Iraq’s alleged stocks of nuclear and chemical weapons, the so-called ‘weapons of mass destruction’ (WMDs)…..In short, the two Western leaders (Bush, Jr. and Blair) were caught out in a web of lies…..(and with) at least 1 million Iraqis and more than 3,800 American servicemen dead and 25,999 wounded….with the cost… of October 2005 exceeding $550 billion…..a state of affairs that demonstrates the power of the Tavistock Institute’s long range penetration and inner conditioning’ treatment of the American people, that would cause them docilely to accept such a turgid, horror-filled situation without ever taking to the streets in rage. On the other hand, the American people may very well be going through one of the three phases of what Dr. Fred Emery, at one time the senior psychiatrist at Tavistock, described as social environmental turbulence.”
That “social environmental turbulence” is exactly the phenomenon the global public, and in particular, the American public, are experiencing right now. See if this following explanation provides an insight about our current situation.
Emory wrote:
‘Large population groups manifest the following symptoms when subjected to conditions of violent social changes, stress and turbulence which can be divided into well-defined categories. Superficiality is the condition that manifests itself when the threatened population group reacts by adopting shallow sloganeering, which they attempt to pass off as ideals.’ (the slogan “Support Our Troops” masking our “preemptive wars.”)
Coleman continues:
“Very little ‘ego investment’ takes place making the first phase a ‘maladaptive response’ because, as Emery stated, ‘the cause of the crisis is not isolated and identified and the crisis and tension is not abated, but continues for as long as the controllers want it to last.”
“The second phase of the crisis reaction (since the crisis is continuing), is fragmentation, a condition in which panic strikes, social cohesion falls apart with the result that very small groups form and attempt to protect themselves from the crisis with little or no regard for the expense or cost to other fragmented, small groups. This phase Emery calls passive maladaptation, while still failing to identify the cause of the crisis.” (credible reports, or actual events, of bank runs, food shortages, radiation contamination, hyperinflation, infectious diseases, economic collapse).
“The third phase is when the victims turn away from the source of the induced crisis and the resulting tension. They take fantasy trips of internal migration, introspection and obsession with self. This is what Tavistock calls disassociation and self realization. Emery goes on to explain that the passive maladaptation responses are now coupled with active maladaptive responses. Emery states that over the past 50 years, experiments in applied social psychology and resultant ‘crisis management’ have taken over all aspects of life in America and the results are stored in the computers in major ‘think tanks’ such as Stanford University. The scenarios are taken out, used and revised from time to time and, according to Tavistock, the scenarios are in operation at the present time.
Commentary: Translated this means that Tavistock has the majority of the American people profiled and brainwashed. If any part of the American public is ever able to identify the cause of the crises that have washed over this nation in the past seventy years, the social engineering structure build by Tavistock will come crashing down. But that has not yet happened. Tavistock continues to drown the American public in its sea of created public opinion Let’s call it a ‘high wall of false reality.’ But here is a paradox: failing to discover the cause of crises confines us to Emery’s maladaptation phases, but when the actual cause of the crisis is presented, the majority of the general public will intensely ridicule it and will attempt to shut down any rational discourse that contradicts the false reality. My research indicates this is a programmed response engineered by Tavistock.
The Tavistock Institute’s Contribution to the Concealed Clique’s Playbook
My research indicates that the clique of families operates from a standard playbook that goes far back to the Roman Empire and has been perfected ever since by Venetians, Genoese, Byzantines and others of later European monarchies and then perfected by the practices of the British Empire. Definitions of Machiavellian behavior in most dictionaries use expressions such as ‘Byzantine intrigues’ or ‘he has the most Byzantine mind in politics’. There was a reason.
In my description of the clique’s standard playbook, I summarize it by referring only to massive bribery, coercion, violence and assassination. The Tavistock Institute contributes much more detail to the playbook and it could truly be called byzantine, i.e. reflecting literally millenniums of experience in grand deception and population control. According the clique’s standard playbook includes the following tools of their trade by general category:
Maintenance of Strict Secrecy: The strict secrecy of the existence of the clique of families and their concealed schemes is one of Tavistock Institute’s most impressive skills. It is accomplished by:
- Creation of a high wall of false reality by strict control over all media, all education, and all entertainment; in other words, maximum information control that is beyond the comprehension of the general public.
- Strong repression of the occasional emergence of critical thought expressed in public.
- Creation of “secret societies” to recruit clique minions, such as The Order of Skull and Bones.
Grand Deceptions
- Within that high wall of this false reality a fraudulent belief is constructed to suggest that war, famine, pestilence, political upheavals, assassinations, large scale corruption, looting, and the like are a natural part of life, in the same category as unavoidable weather events and not the intentional work of a concealed group of criminals.
- To disseminate information through its propaganda branches—media, entertainment, and education—to present fraudulent perspectives as if they were natural, evolutionary “changes in the times,” e.g., (i) globalization; (ii) the American economy “advancing” from a manufacturing-based to an “information-based economy;” and (iii) “trickle-down” economics.
- To disseminate information through its propaganda branches to bring about public acceptance of war in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
- To create a new mass fear (terrorism) that secretly facilitates concealed clique schemes, i.e., the fraudulent 9/11 attack on the World Trade buildings in New York City. Pull up:
- To secretly orchestrate a fraudulent series of Arab Spring uprisings to overthrow troublesome dictators to solidify clique control of the Middle East.
- To secretly send clique-controlled mercenary forces in Syria to attack the Syrian government and to disseminate fraudulent information through the clique’s propaganda branches of Syrian government atrocities (which atrocities were actually committed by the clique-controlled mercenary forces) as a stepping stone to fomenting a war between the U.S. military vs. Russia and China.
- To gain concealed control of the nomination and election processes of nation-states.
- To engineer concealed control of nation-state financial affairs by attaching clique private banks (mis-named as “central banks”) to nation-state banking systems .
Psychological Warfare
- The takeover of American education by the Carnegie Endowment and Rockefeller Foundation beginning in the early 1900s: (i) to shift the thinking of our next generations away from American principles of individual rights and government by consent of the governed and (ii) to dumb down education by corruption of curriculum, teaching methodologies, and the subverted organization of the learning process.
- Orchestrated shocks to the American public: the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King; fomenting and prolonging the Vietnam war (1965-1975); the “controlled disintegration” of the American economy which is now in its advanced stage.
- The media barrage of false and twisted information designed to confuse, disorient and disempower the American public, including orchestrated inflammatory issues such as liberal vs. conservative beliefs; abortion vs. right to life; gun rights vs. gun control; gay marriage vs. traditional values; socialism vs. capitalism; big government vs. individual responsibility; Social Security/Medicare vs. deficit spending, and so on. This tactic of “divide and conquer” has its time-honored place in the clique’s standard playbook.
- Massive bribery and coercion in the nomination and election of American officials that undermines the American public’s sense of solidarity.
- Fraudulent polling that misleads the public and undermines confidence.
- The concealed selection and grooming of clique minions to take the highest positions in American government who are simply fraudulent figures with no legitimacy. There are countless examples of the American public observing this illegitimacy.
- The federal government’s inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina in which an entirely inexperienced lawyer in charge of FEMA had to be replaced by the head of the U.S. Coast Guard.
- The grooming of Barack Obama for president by the Rockefellers in which his birth certificate and Selective Service documents have been found to be forged, and his Columbia University diploma and transcript are unavailable. The public knows that important information is being suppressed. And Obama’s heavy reliance on teleprompters as well as his inadequate performance in debates now suggests that he is a fraudulent and inadequate figure being told what to say and do on behalf of the clique. The very idea of a Rockefeller-delivered fake U.S. president is a corruption well within the definition of psychological warfare.
- The orchestration of “random shootings” by seemingly deranged individuals has become a subject of public attention. In other words, beginning with the public awareness that President Kennedy was not killed by a lone gunman, as was officially claimed, there has been a growing awareness that these more recent shootings may actually be arranged to cause general fear and a sense of public disempowerment. The CIA’s MK-ULTRA Project of testing and developing drug-impaired, mind-controlled persons has provided considerable support to this growing public perception (see page 107 of the Perspective).
Orchestrating False Flag Crises
After its probable involvement with the fraudulent 9/11 attack, the Tavistock Institute’s contribution to the clique’s playbook would not be complete without its capacity to orchestrate false flag crises that spread fear in the minds of whole populations as justification for installing martial law, including, but not limited to:
- Orchestrating hyperinflation by the reckless use of more “quantitative easing.”
- Orchestrating a fake, world-wide food shortage.
- Orchestrating a fake series of deadly weather events, using HAARP technology.
- Orchestrating an epidemic.
- Setting off a tactical nuclear device in a heavily populated area of the U.S.
The most telling part of Dr. Lewin’s work is this commentary which needs repeating. Coleman wrote:
“After 1960, Tavistock changed the equation by placing greater emphasis on the technique of controlled environment not the behavior, but the desired personality. What Lewin set out to accomplish was for more drastic and permanent: altering the deeper structures of human personalities. In short, what Lewin succeeded in doing was to move beyond ‘behavior modification’ to ‘identity change.’
Lewin observed that:
‘…the inner self of the individual displays certain reactions when under tension from the environment. When there is no tension, then the normal inner self of a person is well differentiated, balanced multifaceted, versatile….When a reasonable amount of tension is applied from the environment, then all the various abilities and faculties of the inner self go on alert, ready for effective action. But, when an intolerable amount of tension is applied, then this geometry collapses into a blinded, undifferentiated soup; a primitive, a regressed personality. The person is reduced to an animal; the highly differentiated and versatile abilities disappear. The controlled environment takes over the personality.’
Coleman continued:
“It is this Lewin ‘technique’ that is used on the captives held at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in defiance of international law and the U.S. Constitution. This gross misconduct of the Bush administration at the camp is beyond the pale of normal Western Christian civilization, and its acceptance by a docile American public, might be the first sign that the American people have been so changed by Tavistock’s ‘long range penetration and inner-direction conditioning,’ that they are now ready to descend to the level of the New World Order in a One World Government where such barbaric ‘treatment’ will be regarded as normal and accepted without protest.”
But before we contemplate the possibility of this barbaric eventuality, let’s stop and consider the impact of the Tavistock Institute’s past and current efforts to apply considerable tension to our environment in America.
As surreal as this topic seems, we need to look at ourselves and the American public in general for any signs of identity change. We know what earlier tensions have caused: the rising divorce rate; the advent of two-income families and the impact on family life; marrying later; the rising income inequality; and the disintegration of the middle class.
New tensions affecting identity?: the economic plunge, the colossal level of corporate fraud, over-the-top political gridlock and corruption, a deep suspicion of the media, the lack of public outrage—-all suggesting a growing public passivity and shock fatigue. Is identity change among Americans underway?
Coleman continued:
“Tavistock was founded as a research center for British Special Intelligence Service (SIS) by its founder Brig. Gen. John Rawlings Rees (left)…..It was Rees who launched the method of controlling political campaigns, as well as mind control techniques, which continue to this very day…..Lewin fled Germany when it became apparent that the (Nazi party) would take control. Lewin rose to become Tavistock’s director in 1932. He played a major role in preparing the American people for entry into WWII.”
“What was it that made the Rees method so successful? Basically, it was this: The same psychotherapy techniques used to cure a mentally sick individual could be applied in the opposite direction. It could also be used to make healthy people become mentally ill. Rees began his long series of experiments in the 1930s using British Army recruits as test cases. From there Rees progressed to perfect mass brainwashing techniques, which he was later to apply to countries slated for change. One such country was the United States, which remains the focus of attention of Tavistock. Rees began applying his behavior modifications techniques against the American people in 1946.
”Few, if any, realized the extreme threat which Rees posed.”
“The British Army Psychological Warfare Bureau was set up at Tavistock through secret agreements with (Winston) Churchill, well before Churchill became prime minister. The agreements gave the British Special Operations Executive, commonly known as the SOE, full control over the policies of the U.S. Armed Forces, acting through civilian channels, and which invariably, became official U.S. Government policy. That agreement is still firmly in place, as unacceptable to patriotic Americans today as it was when established. It was the discovery of this agreement that led General Eisenhower to issue his historic warning about powers accumulated in the hands of the ‘military industrial complex.’ So that we fully understand the influence of Tavistock in the daily political, social, religious and economic life of Americans, allow me to explain that it was Kurt Lewin, the second in command who was responsible for founding the following American institutions, many of whom were responsible for making profound changes in U.S. foreign and local policies:
The Harvard Psychological Clinic
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
The Committee on National Morale
Rand Corporation
National Defense Resources Council
The National Institute for Mental Health
The National Training Laboratories
The Stanford Research Center
The Wharton School of Economics
The New York Police Department
The FBI (British subject, Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield ran the FBI’s Division Five
counter-intelligence during WWII)
The CIA (The British participated in the formation of America’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942, which became the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1947.”
Coleman continued:
“….every aspect of America’s way of life, its customs, its traditions, its history, are examined to see if they can be subjected to change. Every aspect of our psychological and physiological life is constantly under scrutiny at Tavistock’s U.S. institutions. Their ‘change agents’ work tirelessly to change our way of life and make it look as (if) such changes are merely ‘changing times’ to which we must adapt. These forced changes are to be found in politics, religion, music, the way news is manufactured and reported, the style of delivery of the news readers. The outcome, the net result of these experimental programs determine how and where we shall live in the present and the future, how we will react to stressful situations in our national and personal life, and how our thinking on a national level regarding education, religion, morals, economics and politics can be channelled in the ‘right direction.’”
“We, the People,” have been and are being endlessly studied at Tavistock’s institutions. We are dissected, profiled, thought-read, and the data entered into computer data banks for the purposes of shaping and planning how we will react to planned future shocks and stressful situations. All this is done without our consent and in gross violation of our constitutional rights to privacy.”
Another perspective of Tavistock is described by L. Wolfe in 1997 in The American Almanac:
“Rees and a cadre group of Freudian and neo-Freudian psychiatrists, applied wartime experience of psychological collapse, to create theories about how such conditions of breakdown could be induced, absent the terror of war. The result was a theory of mass brainwashing, involving group experience, that could be used to alter the values of individuals, and through that, induce, over time, changes in the axiomatic assumptions that govern society.”
“It appears that the central focus of the concealed power’s Tavistock organization was to develop means by which to break down the psychological resiliency of the individual, which extended to weakening the family unit, religious faith, national patriotism, and personal honor. This effort became know generically as “behavioral science,” and even extended into exploring ways to alter sexual behavior to further a sense of personal detachment from human bonding.” (There’s the clique- engineered porn scheme that propelled the explosion of the existing porn industry).
The Tavistock Institute’s Propaganda/Psychological Warfare Channels in America
While this may appear to be tedious, it is vitally important that we grasp that the clique of families fully control the channels which the Tavistock Institute use to surround the American public with a high wall of false reality.
There are three channels: the (mainstream) media, American education, and the American entertainment industry:
An important part of this presentation of how the world actually works is that there are specific individuals who are key players in the tightly controlled Tavistock channels of propaganda and psychological warfare aimed at the American people.
We must get past the faceless networks and organizations that maintain the high wall of false reality and identify the actual individuals responsible for the gross deception and disorientation to which the American public is subjected on a daily basis.
The CIA Gives the Term “Rogue” a Whole New Meaning; Media Control, Psychological Operations (PsyOps) and Mind-Control
Before you delve into the deeds and substantial misdeeds of the Central Intelligence Agency, please understand that it is more than likely that the clique had complete control over a cabal of senior CIA personnel (referred to as The Secret Team) from the CIA’s inception in 1947. There were far too many circumstances in which CIA carried out operations as if they were working for some other authority than the U.S. government. Just a few oddities will suffice to explain this supposition:
- The CIA routinely ignored legal instructions from the U.S. Congress.
- The CIA routinely ignored demands from Congress for documents and other information about its activities.
- When the U.S. Congress cut off funds to the CIA to prevent it from continuing certain disapproved activities, the CIA developed its own source of funding—illegal narcotics trafficking—which entailed moving narcotics from growing areas in a region encompassing parts of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand (The Golden Triangle) and selling the goods in America and elsewhere.
- In another arrangement, to cover its operating expenses, the CIA smuggled narcotics out of Nicaragua and sold them, in some cases, to drug dealers in Los Angeles.
- Without authority, the CIA sold large quantities of weapons to Iran, and sent the cash paid by the Iranians to the Contras, a band of mercenaries who the CIA was paying to overthrow the Nicaragua government.
- When President Kennedy asked the files on Extraterrestrial Activity, the CIA Director, Allen Dulles, refused to comply, saying that the President was not cleared for that level of classified documents. The President fired Dulles, but was assassinated before the files became available.
The Illegal CIA Operation Mockingbird: Full Conversion of the U.S. and Worldwide Media To a Coordinated Psychological Warfare Weapon Against America and Other Targeted Nation-States
Another “tell” surfaced in 1948 when a tightening of U.S. and worldwide media control was orchestrated by a fraudulent shift in the use of America’s Central Intelligence Agency. There was an authorization by Congress to form an “Office of Policy Coordination (OPC),” directed by Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner, from which covert operations were to be concentrated, which included:
“propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action (sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition, and evacuation measures), subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatening countries of the free world.”
This was the opening created by the clique to slip in entirely un-American and unconstitutional use of the media as a false reality propaganda machine that grew, despite several Congressional investigations and official “cease and desist” directives from Congress. Frank Wisner referred to the illegal Operation Mockingbird as his “Mighty Wurlitzer,” after the giant pipe organs built and installed in theaters across the U.S. that acted as a one-man orchestra to accompany the first silent movies and carried the audiences along in emotional harmony with the script of the movie. Let’s substitute key words to show how the Mighty Wurlitzer worked: it carried the audiences (read the American public) along in emotional harmony with the script of each movie (read the high wall of false reality). Hugh Wilford’s The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America, describes the psychological warfare to which the American public was subjected by the clique, using their “pipe organ,”—the CIA’s total control over the American media and the media’s complicity in presenting a false reality to the American public. (see
The CIA began building its false reality machine by, first, recruiting foreign media owners, editors, managers, reporters and writers to disseminate CIA propaganda. But, covertly, this effort was expanded, based on a fraudulent cover story of anti-communist patriotism to the recruitment of: (i) American owners, editors, and reporters of news organizations; (ii) American magazine owners, editors and writers; (iii) American book publishers, editors and writers; (iv) American owners, managers and newscasters of television and radio stations; and (v) American movie studio owners in Hollywood, California.
From 1953 forward, a very large number of media figures began participated in the false reality propaganda effort, some of whom were induced by covert money, gifts and/or coercion. The most notable organizations to join the illegal, un-American, and unconstitutional Operation Mockingbird were the Washington Post, the Washington Star, the New York Times, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, United Press International, Newsweek Magazine, the New York Herald Tribune, the Miami News, the Chattanooga Times, the Christian Science Monitor, Scripps-Howard News Service, the Louisville Courier-Journal, Copley News Services, Time Magazine, Life Magazine, ABC, NBC, CBS, RKO Pictures, Paramount Pictures, and Twentieth Century Fox. Key individuals who joined Operation Mockingbird included Philip Graham, Henry Luce, William Paley, Ben Bradlee, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Fred Friendly, John Ford, Cecil B. DeMille, Darryl Zanuck, Howard Hughes, James Reston, Joe Alsop, Stewart Alsop, Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson, Walter Lippmann, Ed Morrow, Hal Hendrix, Barry Bingham Sr., James Copley, and Joseph Harrison. A number of these individuals were already long associated with and worked for the clique, including Walter Lippmann, William Paley, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Joe and Stewart Alsop, Henry Luce, just to name a few.
Efforts to rein in the CIA’s un-constitutional practices began in 1955 when President Eisenhower formed the 5412 Committee to define approved covert activities. By 1961, the CIA was covertly responsible for articles by Virginia Prewitt and editorials by Time-Life that challenged President Kennedy’s position on Cuba. In a series of episodes, the CIA attempted, and sometimes succeeded, in interfering with the publication of books and release of documentaries such as Invisible Government, by David Wise and Thomas Ross; The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, by Alfred W. McCoy; and a documentary by Edward Yates, among others.
The CIA’s un-constitutional activities inside the United States during the 1961-1968 period finally came to the surface in the findings of the 1975 Church Investigations under Congress’ “Select Committee To Study Government Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities.” These findings included:
- Over 50 U.S. journalists were employed directly by the Agency (CIA). Many more maintained close relationships and were being paid regularly for their services or received occasional gifts and reimbursements.
- Because the CIA would not provide the names of its media agents or the names of the media organizations with which they are connected, and because CIA payments to media sources were undocumented, there was a presumption that the known degree of the CIA’s subversion of the American media was just the tip of the iceberg. (Carl Bernstein, who reported on the Watergate scandal, claimed in a Rolling Stone Magazine article in 1977 that over a 25-year period over 400 American journalists secretly carried out CIA assignments.)
- In the Church Investigation’s followup “Otis Pike Report,” the concern was expressed that the CIA’s practice of undocumented expenditures could be a sign of financial corruption, which was later borne out in the CIA’a drug-running to finance the illegal Iran/Contra operation.
- E. Howard Hunt of the CIA arrange for books to be reviewed by certain writers in the national press. And he arranged for a CIA writer under contract to write a hostile review in the New York Times of a book troublesome to the CIA.
The Church Congressional Investigation concluded that:
“In examining the CIA’s past and present use of the U.S. media, the Committee finds two reasons for concern. The first is the potential, inherent in covert media operations, for manipulating or incidentally misleading the American public. The second is the damage to the credibility and independence of a free press, which may be caused by covert relationships with the U.S. journalists and media organizations.”
Give some consideration to the possibility that the clique controls a sufficient portion of the U.S. media—through covert bribery and coercion and by the direct concentrated ownership of the media by the clique’s transnational corporations—to have gained control of public opinion in America. In other words, from an intelligence service that was formed after World War II, the CIA has been corrupted—as so many other American institutions—and has become an important part of the construction and maintenance of a false reality.
Thus, in the 1961-1968 period, the Kennedy/Johnson Administrations had to contend with not just a rogue CIA, but a CIA entrenched inside the U.S. government—much like the clique’s private bank— Federal Reserve—that routinely worked against the social and economic interests of the American people.
The CIA’s Illegal MK-ULTRA Project: Going Further Into Psychological Warfare
The April 1953 creation of the MK-ULTRA Project was an illegal, covert CIA operation running from 1953 through the late 1960s, focusing on the use of LSD and other narcotics for the purposes of mind control and illegal and violent human actions guided by hypnosis, including assassination, torture, and interrogation techniques. The Project was funded in part by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation. More than 150 individually funded research sub-projects were sponsored by the Project. Investigative efforts by Congress were hampered when, in 1975, the CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of all the relevant files. Speaking from the U.S. Senate, Senator Ted Kennedy stated:
“The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens ‘at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.’ Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to ‘unwitting subjects in social situations.’ At least one death, that of Dr. Olson, resulted from these activities. The (CIA) itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.”
While the CIA officially claims that it has ended the Project, Wikipedia, using CIA veteran and critic Victor Marchetti as a source, states:
“….that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA was abandoned a ‘cover story.’ This CIA practice of keeping their operations and the funding sources secret from Congress, and, if necessary, from the President and Administration officials, was a serious problem for the Kennedy Administration and the Johnson Administration because, essential, the CIA had already turned into a “rogue” agency with no accountability.”
Even when funding to the CIA was cut off by Congress, it could receive funding from narcotics operations, from corporate foundations like the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and “siphoning funds intended from the Marshall Plan. This use of CIA resources to develop mind control of populations is a natural extension of psychological warfare applied to populations, their governments and their institutions since the formation in the early 1920s of their Tavistock Institute in London led by John Rawlings Rees.
This is a real war being waged on the American people and over a long period of time. Incredible damage and debris has come to the surface that can be recognized by the public. A major impact on us is the perpetual false reality created by the concealed clique’s-controlled media, but there is also a second more deadly weapon in play: it is the Tavistock-designed psychological warfare features used to break down the psychological resiliency of the the American people. As the stress of the psychological warfare expands and intensifies, and as more and more bad economic news looms, and as more and more war threats and violent episodes arise, the American public gives the appearance of apathy no matter how atrocious the rising provocations.
The question is asked more and more frequently: when is the American public going to react and demand immediate solutions instead of remaining seemingly passive?
One answer is that the public is suffering from massive psychological fatigue and has no energy or passion or indignation left from which to draw the will to fight for their rights. This possibility suggests that American’s are not indifferent, or passive, but rather they are overwhelmed by sensory overload, disinformation, and the sense of a barrage that never seems to end.
And the most troubling aspect of this kind of warfare is that the use of psychological warfare on the American people and our next generations has been an attempt to create a phenomenon referred to as “mass psychosis” throughout our society. A psychosis is defined as:
“A severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.”
The high wall of false reality that surrounds us can lead to mass psychosis and contact can be lost with external reality until some authentic event or revelation punctures that fake scenery and we get a glimpse of ‘external reality.’ There are several wake-up moments coming up when the clique can no longer hold back the external reality of: (i) the actual Fukushima radiation impact on the world, (ii) the inevitable national hyperinflation moment, and (iii) the public’s discovery of the clique of foreign banking families, their heavy global infiltration and their centuries-old, massive global criminality.
The Committee of 300: More About the Clique’s Global Command Structure and Its Key Clique Minions
The Top Minions Working for the Foreign Clique of Dynastic Banking Families: Persons of Interest for Investigation
Our research has located two separate lists (which overlap) of “persons of interest” in connection with the investigation of top minions of the clique of dynastic banking families. One source is the respected researcher, Dr. John Coleman who has a large body of work including his book: The Committee of 300 (pull up:
This is a second list of the Committee of the 300
Derived from:
Order of 300, Order of the Garter
Membership List (2010) With Wikileaks
Members Who Are Royal Families Connected To Monarchies
Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom – Monarch of the British Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of Church of England, head of International Freemasonry, head of the Order of the Garter, head of Committee of 300, owns 1/6th of worlds landmass,
Philip Duke of Edinburgh – husband of Elizabeth II, a German-Danish royal, patron of over 800 organizations, globalist, racist, has spoken publicly in favor of mass genocide and depopulation, Freemason, alleged to have given order to murder his grandson’s mother Princess Diana
Charles Prince of Wales – heir to throne of British Commonwealth, pushes “sustainable development” globalist and monetary manipulation of 3rd world countries in particular resource extraction and population control at United Nations and hundreds of NGO’s, Freemason, connected to murder of his first wife Princess Diana,
William Prince of Wales – Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, second in line to throne of British Commonwealth, educated at Eton College, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, descendant of several powerful royal dynasties,,_Duke_of_Cambridge
Andrew Duke of York – 2nd son of Elizabeth II, 4th in line to throne of 16 countries, connected to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein,,_Duke_of_York
Edward Earl of Wessex – Third son of Elizabeth II,,_Earl_of_Wessex
Anne Princess – daughter of Elizabeth II,,_Princess_Royal
Edward Duke of Kent – Duke of Kent, First Cousin to Elizabeth II, Grand Master of Freemasons in England and Wales, President of Scout Association,_Duke_of_Kent
Michael Prince of Kent – British Royalty, 1st cousin of Elizabeth II, grandmaster of two masonic lodges,
Richard Duke of Gloucester – Duke of Gloucester, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_Duke_of_Gloucester
Alexandra Ogilvy, Lady Ogilvy – Princess of UK, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_The_Honourable_Lady_Ogilvy
Camilla Duchess of Cornwall – 2nd wife of Prince of Wales,,_Duchess_of_Cornwall
Albert II King of Belgium
Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
William Waldorf Astor – 4th Viscount Astor, heir to Astor dynasty, Eton graduate, sits on House of Lords,,_4th_Viscount_Astor
Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands – Queen of Netherlands, head of Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome
Hassanal Bolkiah – Sultan of Brunei, net worth $20B, British Higher education, connected to Royal Dutch Shell, honorary Admiral of the Royal Navy of UK
Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg – Duke of Mecklenburg,_Duke_of_Mecklenburg
Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden – King of Sweden, close cousin of Elizabeth II,
Carlos Duke of Parma – Dutch royalty with many titles, and head of several orders, Knight of Malta,,_Duke_of_Parma
Christoph Prince of Schleswig-Holstein – Prince of Schleswig-Holstein,_Prince_of_Schleswig-Holstein
Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano – Duke of Paliano
Constantijn Prince of the Netherlands – third son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,
Constantine II King of Greece – last King of Greece,
Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Naples – Prince of Naples, Duke of Savoy, member of P2 masonic lodge, accused by a court of murder,,_Prince_of_Naples
Ernst August Prince of Hanover – Prince of Hanover and married to heiress to throne of Monaco,,_Prince_of_Hanover
Franz Duke of Bavaria – Duke of Bavaria, co-heir of House of Stuart,,_Duke_of_Bavaria
Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau – Prince of Orange-Nassau, second son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,
Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia – Prince of Prussia,,_Prince_of_Prussia
Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein – Prince of Lichtenstein, owner of LGT Banking Group, net worth $7.6B,,_Prince_of_Liechtenstein
Harald V King of Norway – King of Norway,
Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg – Duke of Luxembourg, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order,,_Grand_Duke_of_Luxembourg
Juan Carlos King of Spain – King of Spain, many other titles,
Leka Crown Prince of Albania – Prince of Albania, heir to King of Albania,
Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este – Belgian royalty,,_Archduke_of_Austria-Este
Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou – Duke of Anjou, claimant to defunct King of France,,_Duke_of_Anjou
Mabel Princess of Orange-Nassau – wife of 2nd son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,
Margherita Archduchess of Austria-Este – Wife of Archduke of Austria-Este,_Archduchess_of_Austria-Este
Margrethe II Queen of Denmark – Queen of Denmark,
Michael King of Romania – King of Romania, 3rd cousin of Elizabeth II, connected to communism,
Moritz Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel – Prince of Hesse-Kassel,,_Landgrave_of_Hesse
Charles Napoleon – head of Imperial House of France,
Dom Duarte Pio Duke of Braganza – Duke of Braganza,,_Duke_of_Braganza
Stefano Massimo Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci – Scion of Massimo dynasty and Italian royalty,, Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano – Massimo dynasty and royalty,
Francesco Ruspoli 10th Prince of Cerveteri – Italian royalty,,_10th_Prince_of_Cerveteri
Karel Schwarzenberg – Prince of Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg,
Sigismund Grand Duke of Tuscany Archduke of Austria – Grand Duke of Tuscany and Archduke of Austria, Grand Master of the Order of Saint Joseph,,_Grand_Duke_of_Tuscany
Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha – Prime Minister of Bulgaria, ex-Tsar of Bulgaria, cousin of Elizabeth II (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Dynasty),
Sofia Queen of Spain – Wife of King Juan Carlos of Spain, Princess of Greece and Denmark, cousin of Elizabeth II,
Maria Vladimirovna Grand Duchess of Russia – Grand Duchess of Russia, Oxford-educated, disputed heiress to Empress of Russia and to head of Romanov dynasty, Dame Grand Cross Sovereign Military Order of Malta,,_Grand_Duchess_of_Russia
Otto von Habsburg – Archduke of Austria, ex-Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, ex-Head of Imperial House of Habsburg, Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece, ex-Vice President of International Paneuropean Union, ex-European Parliament, played a role in Eastern European revolutions against Communist rule, deceased
Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange – Prince of Orange, Prince of Netherlands, heir to throne of Kingdom of Netherlands, eldest son of Queen Beatrix, head of House of Amsberg, cousin of Elizabeth II, member of Global Water Partnership established by World Bank, UN and Sweden, member of Raad van State, member of many international orders,,_Prince_of_Orange
Members Who Are Americans (the training grounds for clique minions are marked in bold)
Steve Ballmer – CEO of Microsoft, net worth $15.7B—-
C. Fred Bergsten – US economist, author, and political adviser, and member of globalist think tanks, ex-US Treasury Department
Ben Bernanke – Chairman of US Federal Reserve,
Donald Berwick – head of US Medicare, medicaid, connected to Obamacare, Professor at Harvard Medical School, several British Titles
Lloyd Blankfein – CEO Goldman Sachs, connected to Rockefeller,
Michael Bloomberg – Mayor of New York City, net worth $22B, owner of Bloomberg Media,
David L. Boren – US Presidential Advisor, ex-Governor of Oklahoma, ex-US Senate, ex-chairman of Intelligence Committee in Senate,
Warren Buffett – Owner of Berkshire Hathaway, Net Worth $44B, profits off of American impoverishment, connect to Gulf of Mexico disaster as owner of Nalco which manufactured Corexit, a toxin still dumped in the Gulf, connected to 911,
George H.W. Bush -ex-US President, ex-US Vice President, father Prescott Bush connected to Nazis, international banking, big oil and drug trafficking, ex-CIA, connected to JFK and RFK assassinations, connected to 911 and both Iraq wars, head of an international terrorist crime family, Yale, Skull and Bones and 33rd degree Freemason
Cynthia Carroll – CEO of Anglo American platinum mining,
Wesley Clark – US general, ex-Supreme Allied Commander Europe in NATO, Rhodes Scholar, involved in Balkans, connected to Waco, ran for US President,
Bill Clinton – ex-US President, ex-governor of Arkansas, Rhodes Scholar, Yale, involved in Balkans, involved in sheltering bin Laden, connected to Bush family, connected to international drug trafficking, connected to Rockefellers and Rothschilds, Freemason, connected to technology transfers to China,
Abby Joseph Cohen – US economist, Goldman Sachs, ex-Federal Reserve, Chairman of Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Trustee of Cornell University,
Gary Cohn – President and COO of Goldman Sachs
William C. Dudley – President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, ex-Goldman Sachs,
Martin Feldstein – American economist, Professor at Harvard, ex-advisor to Reagan,
Stanley Fischer – American-Israeli economist, Governor of the Bank of Israel, ex-Chief Economist of World Bank, Bilderberg
Bill Gates – ex-CEO Microsoft, net worth $61B, allowed unfettered surveillance of MS Windows, connected to globalist depopulation efforts through vaccines,
Timothy Geithner – US Treasury Secretary, ex-President New York Federal Reserve, connected to TARP bailout theft,
Al Gore– ex-VP of USA, ex-US Senator, educated at Harvard, father was a senator connected to Armand Hammer – a communist Soviet, Nobel Peace Prize for pushing Global Warming,
Alan Greenspan – ex-Chairman of US Federal Reserve, Knight Commander of the British Empire,
Carla Anderson Hills – Co-chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, executive committee member of Trilateral Commission, ex-HUD secretary, pushes North American Union,
Richard Holbrooke (deceased) American bureaucrat, presidential advisor, connected to Vietnam,
Walter Isaacson – CEO of globalist think tank Aspen Institute, Managing Editor Time Magazine, Chairman of Broadcasting Board of Governors, connected to Katrina,
John Kerry – US Senator, Presidential Candidate, Yale, Skull and Bones, family wealth from Heinz ketchup and the opium trade before that, Freemason, false heroics in Vietnam,
Paul Krugman – American economist and globalist propagandist, educated at Yale and London School of Economics, CFR,
Anthony Lake – Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),
Arthur Levitt – ex-Chairman of SEC, advisor at Carlyle Group,
Joe Lieberman – former American-Israeli Senator, connected to 911, connected to Patriot Act, connected to many tyrannical laws,
William Joseph McDonough – vice chairman of Merrill Lynch, ex-President of NY Federal Reserve, ex-First National Bank of Chicago, CFR
Mack McLarty – ex-White House Chief of Staff under Clinton, CEO of McLarty Companies, board of directors Arkla Gas, National Petroleum Council, connected to Kissinger,
Rupert Murdoch – Australian-American media mogul, owner of NewsCorp and Fox, accused by courts of bribery, wiretaopping , libel, lying, insider trading, freemason, connected to Norway mass shooting, connected to 911, connected to illegal Iraq War,
Colin Powell – ex-US Secretary of State, retired general, ex-Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, ex-National Security Adviser to Reagan, connected to both Iraq wars,
Susan Rice – US Ambassador to United Nations, ex-National Security Council, Rhodes Scholar, connected to Clinton,
Stephen S. Roach – A senior executive at Morgan Stanley, professor at Yale and Jackson Institute for Global Affairs,
David Rockefeller Sr. – patriarch of Rockefeller family, net worth $2.9B, owner Chase Manhattan Bank, owner of Exxon Mobil, connected to CIA, connected to Kissinger, admitted head of a globalist cabal, strict control of much of US media, Trilateral Commission,
David Rubenstein – co-founder Carlyle Group, net worth $2.6B, CFR, presidential advisor to President Carter,
Robert Rubin – ex-US Treasury Secretary, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-Citigroup, Co-chair of CFR, executive board at Harvard, ex-board of directors of NYSE, board of trustees Carnegie Corp. and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, connected to Enron,
Stephen A. Schwarzman – co-founder Blackstone Group, net worth $4.7B, Yale, Skull and Bones, also educated at Harvard, ex-Lehman Brothers,
Sidney Shapiro – Chinese/American, member of China’s People’s Political Consultative Council,
Olympia Snowe – US Senator, worked for William Cohen, connected to Rockefeller, helped acquit Bill Clinton during impeachment, supported Kosovo war, Afghanistan and Iraq, pro-abortion,
George Soros – Hungarian-American Chairman of Soros Fund Management hedge fund, net worth $20B, chairman of Open Society Institute, attended London School of Economics, globalist and speculator in currencies tied to numerous economic upheavals and contrived revolutions especially in Eastern Europe,
Arlen Specter – US Senator, educated at Yale, ex-Federal Judge, devised “single bullet theory” in Warren Commission JFK assassination coverup, professor at University of Pennsylvania Law School, helped push Iraq war and Patriot Act,
Ernest Stern – ex-Managing Director of World Bank, ex-Director JP Morgan, member of Group of 30, Director of Center for Global Development, on Board of Overseers International Center for Economic Growth,,
Tom Steyer – founder of Farallon Capital Management hedge fund, Board of Trustees Stanford University, connected to Warren Buffett, educated at Yale, ex-Goldman Sachs, connected to Robert Rubin, ex-Morgan Stanley, connected to Hillary Clinton,
Joseph Stiglitz – Economist, author and professor, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of World Bank, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for a technique called screening used to extract private information from another economic agent, founder of globalist think tank Initiative for Policy Dialogue, professor at Columbia University, member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, ex-professor MIT, Yale, Stanford, Duke, Oxford and Princeton, chair of President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Clinton,
Dr. James Thomson – ex-President and CEO of RAND Corporation, ex-National Security Council, CFR, member of globalist think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies, director of AK Steel Corporation, Encysive Pharmaceuticals, and Object Reservoir,
Paul Volcker – ex-Chairman of the Federal Reserve, ex-Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under Obama, educated at Princeton, Harvard, and London School of Economics, Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Fellow, connected to end of the dollar gold standard in US, ex-chairman of Wolfensohn & Co., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission, member of Trust Committee of Rockefeller Goup, Inc. ex-Chase Bank,
John Walsh (deceased) – ex-US Comptroller of Currency, ex-executive director of Group of 30, ex-staff of US Senate Banking Committee, ex-US Treasury Department, helped implement Basel III in US,
Marina von Neumann Whitman – ex-Director Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Professor at University of Michigan, and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, board of directors at Peterson Institute, ex-VP of General Motors Corp., ex-Council of Economic Advisors, ex-board of Trustees Princeton University,
Neal S. Wolin – US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, National Security Council under Clinton, educated at Yale, executive assistant to 3 CIA directors, member of Brookings Institution, CEO of Hartford Financial Services Group, CFR
R. James Jr. Woolsey – ex-head of CIA, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, also educated at Yale, member of many globalist foundations, think tanks and NGO’s, ex-chairman of Freedom House, Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq war, tied to global warming scam, employee of Lux Capital, co-founder US Energy Security Council, accused of profiting from Iraq War and a crusader-like zealousness for conflict with Islam,,_Jr.
Robert Zoellick – President of World Bank, educated at Harvard, ex-US Department of Treasury, ex-Executive VP of Fannie Mae, ex-Professor at US Naval Academy, ex-White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bush 41, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq War, ex-head of globalist Center for International Studies, ex-advisory board Enron, ex-member of Executive Office under Bush 43, helped bring China into WTO, heavily promoted the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), tied to legal attempts by WTO to force Genetically modified foods in the European Union, promotes globalism,
Members Who Have Connections With the Chinese Government
Anson Chan – Chinese politician involved in British rule of Hong Kong
Margaret Chan – Director-General of World Health Organization, ex Hong Kong government,
Norman Chan – Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Chris Patten – chairman of BBC Trust, last Governor of British-held Hong Kong, ex-MP, connected to Pope Benedict,
Sidney Shapiro – Chinese/American, member of China’s People’s Political Consultative Council,
David Wilson – Baron Wilson of Tillyorn, ex-Governor of Hong Kong, ex-Chairman of Scottish Hydro Electric, member of Board of British Council, Knight of the Thistle, President of Royal Society of Edinburgh,,_Baron_Wilson_of_Tillyorn
Harry Woolf – Baron Woolf, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, ex-Master of the Rolls, ex-judge in Hong Kong,
Sarah Wu – Director General of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (London),_London
Robert Zoellick – President of World Bank, educated at Harvard, ex-US Department of Treasury, ex-Executive VP of Fannie Mae, ex-Professor at US Naval Academy, ex-White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bush 41, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq War, ex-head of globalist Center for International Studies, ex-advisory board Enron, ex-member of Executive Office under Bush 43, helped bring China into WTO, heavily promoted the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), tied to legal attempts by WTO to force genetically modified foods in the European Union, promotes globalism,
James Wolfensohn – ex-President of World Bank Group, educated at Harvard, ex-director J. Henry Schroder & Co investment bank, ex-Salomon Brothers executive, founder of Wolfensohn & Company, chairman of International Advisory Board of Citigroup, member of International Advisory Council for China Investment Corporation, trustee of globalist Brookings Institution, trustee of Rockefeller Foundation, CFR, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, globalist Aspen Institute, knighthood of the Order of the British Empire, connected to Rothschilds,
Members Who Are in the Irish Government
John Bruton – ex-PM of Ireland,
Brian Cowen – ex-PM of Ireland, helped cause Ireland capitulation to IMF and EU,
Niall FitzGerald – Irish Businessman, ex-CEO of Unilever, member of World Economic Forum, connected to Merck, Bank of Ireland and Prudential,
Patrick Honohan – Governor of Central Bank of Ireland,
Mary Robinson – ex-President of Ireland, ex-United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, received Presidential medal of Freedom for knowing when to talk and when not to as it refers to human rights,
Members Who Are Connected With the Vatican
Carl A. Anderson – 13th “Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus”, sits on council at Vatican Bank “
Giovanni Lajolo – President of the Governate of Vatican City State, Cardinal emeritus President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City,
Vincent Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster, head of Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, connected to abuse of boys,
Adolfo Nicolas – 30th Black Pope, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), head of largest male order of Vatican,
Chris Patten – chairman of BBC Trust, last Governor of British-held Hong Kong, ex-MP, connected to Pope Benedict,
Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) – 265th Pope, ex-Hitler Youth, participated in Vatican II, head of Inquisition at Vatican, covered up untold number of abuse cases allowing them to continue and the perpetrators to remain unpunished, covered up Native Canadian Holocaust (by UK and Vatican) discoveries
Javier Echevarria Rodriguez – Spanish Roman Catholic Bishop, Head of Opus Dei,
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi – Italian Banker, President of the Vatican Bank,
Members Who Are Russian Oligarchs
Pyotr Aven – Russian Oligarch with close British ties
Leonard Blavatnik – Russian Oligarch living in London, net worth $10.1B, owner of Access Industries, connected to Harvard and Tel Aviv University,
Patokh Chodiev – Uzbek Oligarch living in London, net worth $3.3B, involved in mining, oil, gas, and banking
Oleg Deripaska – Russian Oligarch, net worth $16.8B, CEO of Basic Element, CEO of United Company RUSAL aluminum, connected to Rothschilds,
Mikhail Fridman – Russian Oligarch, net worth $15.1B, member of Russian CFR, founder of Russian Jewish Congress,
Alijan Ibragimov – Kyrgyzstani Oligarch, mining, oil and gas in Kazakhstan,
Lev Leviev – Bukharian-Israeli Oligarch, net worth $12B, diamond mining in Angola, and Palestinian settlements,
Alexander Mashkevitch – Khazak-Israeli Oligarch, metals and gas in Khazakstan, connected to ENRC,
Mikhail Prokhorov – Russian Oligarch, ex-owner of Norilsk Nickel, ex-chairman of Polyus Gold, ex-President of ONEXIM GROUP $17B iunvestment fund, net worth $13.2B,
Members Who Are of the Foreign Clique of Dynastic Banking Families
Benjamin de Rothschild – Swiss Banker, descendant of French branch of Rothschild dynasty,
David Rene de Rothschild – chairman of Rothschild Continuations Holdings, French branch of Rothschild dynasty,
Evelyn de Rothschild – British financier, partner at N M Rothschilds and Sons, ex-Director De Beers, ex-Director IBM UK, ex-director Daily Telegraph, knighted by Elizabeth II,
Jacob Rothschild – 4th Baron Rothschild, Chairman of RIT Capital investments, Eton education, ex-chairman N M Rothschild & Sons, Council for the Duchy of Cornwall of Prince of Wales, Advisory Board of Blackstone Group, ex-Chairman of BSkyB Television, Director of RHJ International,
Leopold de Rothschild – British financier, ex-employee of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co., Morgan Stanley, partner at N M Rothschilds and Sons,
Nicky Oppenheimer – South African chairman of De Beers diamond mining, shareholder in Anglo American mining, net worth $6B,
Joseph Safra – Syrian-Brazilian banker, Owner of Safra Group, net worth $11.4B,
Moises Safra (deceased) – Syrian-Brazilian banker, co-founder Banco Safra,
Isaac Sassoon – born into Sassoon dynasty of London, Sephardic Rabbi, author,
James Sassoon – Commercial Secretary to the Treasury in UK Treasury, House of Lords, adviser to UK PM David Cameron,
Max Warburg – Owner of M.M. Warburg and Co. , scion of Warburg banking dynasty,
Michel David-Weill – French Investment banker, ex-Chairman of Lazard Freres, director of Groupe Danone foods, Commander of the Legion of Honor, Commander of Ordre des Arts et des Lettres; Kenneth M. Jacobs – CEO of Lazard Freres, controlled by the David-Weill family—-
Members Who Are Top Spokespersons For the Clique
Zbigniew Brzezinski – head of Trilateral Commission, former US presidential advisor, involved in globalist think tanks and propaganda, connected to 911, connected to bin Laden, connected to illegal war in afghanistan, ex-Harvard, member of CFR, former head of Amnesty International,
Henry Kissinger – ex-US Secretary of State, Bilderberg, CFR, Bohemian Club, Nobel Peace Prize, connected to Vietnam and Cambodia, involved in Chile mass murder, connected to Balkans, accused by courts of war crimes and terrorism,
FULL LIST OF COMMITTEE OF 300 (as of 2010)
Abdullah II King of Jordan – Important imperial puppet in Middle East, British-educated, American wife
Roman Abramovich – Russian Oligarch, $12B net worth, major British ties
Josef Ackermann – Swiss Banker and CEO Deutsche Bank
Edward Adeane – British trustee, Eton graduate, private secretary of Prince of Wales
Marcus Agius – British-Maltese financier, Group Chairman Barclay’s Bank, sits on board of BBC, married to daughter of Edmund de Rothschild
Martti Ahtisaari – ex-president of Finland, 2008 Nobel Peace Prize, involved in UN action in Kosovo,
Daniel Akerson – CEO General Motors, formerly CEO of MCI, General Instrument, Nextel, joined Carlyle group in 2003,
Albert II King of Belgium – King of Belgium, same dynasty as Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia – heir to King of Yugoslavia,_Crown_Prince_of_Yugoslavia
Giuliano Amato – ex-PM of Italy, V.P of convention which drafted EU Constitution
Carl A. Anderson – 13th “Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus”, sits on council at Vatican Bank “
Giulio Andreotti – ex-PM of Italy, accused in court of mob ties and murder
Andrew Duke of York – 2nd son of Elizabeth II, 4th in line to throne of 16 countries, connected to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein,,_Duke_of_York
Anne Princess – daughter of Elizabeth II,,_Princess_Royal
Nick Anstee – 682nd “Lord Mayor of the City of London” connected to Arthur Andersen accounting scandal, director of int’l law firm SJ Berwin
Timothy Garton Ash – British historian, Professor at Oxford, European CFR, winner of “George Orwell Prize”
William Waldorf Astor – 4th Viscount Astor, heir to Astor dynasty, Eton graduate, sits on House of Lords,,_4th_Viscount_Astor
Pyotr Aven – Russian Oligarch with close British ties
Jan Peter Balkenende – ex-PM of Netherlands, puppet of Queen Beatrix, head of the Bilderbergs and cousin of Elizabeth II
Steve Ballmer – CEO of Microsoft, Net worth $15.7B, #5 on Jerusalem Post’s “World’s Richest Jews”
Ed Balls – British politician, Fabian society,
Jose Manuel Barroso – President of the European Commission, ex-PM of Portugal, former Maoist,
Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands – Queen of Netherlands, head of Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome
Marek Belka – ex-PM of Poland, former IMF, former head of National Bank of Poland,
C. Fred Bergsten – US economist, author, and political adviser, and member of globalist think tanks, ex-US Treasury Department
Silvio Berlusconi – ex-PM of Italy, $5.9B net worth, accused by courts of mafia collusion, false accounting, fraud, corruption and bribery
Ben Bernanke – Chairman of US Federal Reserve,
Nils Bernstein – Danish National Bank
Donald Berwick – head of US Medicare, medicaid, connected to Obamacare, Professor at Harvard Medical School, several British Titles
Carl Bildt – ex-PM of Sweden, involved in Balkans, globalist instigator, Club of Madrid
Sir Winfried Bischoff – chairman of Lloyds Banking Group, ex-CEO of Citigroup,
Tony Blair – ex British PM, connected to illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, accused of war crimes,
Lloyd Blankfein – CEO Goldman Sachs, connected to Rockefeller,
Leonard Blavatnik – Russian Oligarch living in London, net worth $10.1B, owner of Access Industries, connected to Harvard and Tel Aviv University,
Michael Bloomberg – Mayor of New York City, net worth $22B, owner of Bloomberg Media,
Frits Bolkestein – Dutch politician involved in EU directives and globalism initiatives
Hassanal Bolkiah – Sultan of Brunei, net worth $20B, British Higher education, connected to Royal Dutch Shell, honorary Admiral of the Royal Navy of UK
Michael C Bonello – Governor of the Central Bank of Malta
Emma Bonino – EU minister, ex-EU Parliament,
David L. Boren – US Presidential Advisor, ex-Governor of Oklahoma, ex-US Senate, ex-chairman of Intelligence Committee in Senate,
Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg – Duke of Mecklenburg,_Duke_of_Mecklenburg
Charles Bronfman – Owner of Seagram liquor, net worth $2B, Canadian Jew, founder of a Zionist charity,
Edgar Bronfman Jr. – ex-CEO of Warner Music Group, member of Bronfman dynasty
John Bruton – ex-PM of Ireland,
Zbigniew Brzezinski – head of Trilateral Commission, former US presidential advisor, involved in globalist think tanks and propaganda, connected to 911, connected to bin Laden, connected to illegal war in afghanistan, ex-Harvard, member of CFR, former head of Amnesty International,
Robin Budenberg – head of UK governmental body that oversaw the bailouts
Warren Buffett – Owner of Berkshire Hathaway, Net Worth $44B, profits off of American impoverishment, connect to GUlf of Mexico disaster as owner of Nalco which manufactured Corexit, a toxin still dumped in the Gulf, connected to 911,
George H.W. Bush -ex-US President, ex-US Vice President, father Prescott Bush connected to Nazis, international banking, big oil and drug trafficking, ex-CIA, connected to JFK and RFK assassinations, connected to 911 and both Iraq wars, head of an international terrorist crime family, known Skull and Bones and 33rd degree Freemason
David Cameron – PM of UK, Eton and Oxford graduate, puppet of Elizabeth II, connected to Rothschilds,
Camilla Duchess of Cornwall – 2nd wife of Prince of Wales,,_Duchess_of_Cornwall
Fernando Henrique Cardoso – ex-President of Brazil
Peter Carington – British Politician and Baron, House of Lords,
Carl XVI GustafKing of Sweden – King of Sweden, close cousin of Elizabeth II,
Carlos Duke of Parma – Dutch royalty with many titles, and head of several orders, Knight of Malta,,_Duke_of_Parma
Mark Carney – governor of Bank of Canada, 13 years at Goldman Sachs,
Cynthia Carroll – CEO of Anglo American platinum mining,
Jaime Caruana – GM of Bank for International Settlements (BIS), ex-Governor of Bank of Spain,
Sir William Castell – Chairman of Wellcome Trust, Director of General Electric and BP
Anson Chan – Chinese politician involved in British rule of Hong Kong
Margaret Chan – Director-General of World Health Organization, ex Hong Kong government,
Norman Chan – Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Charles Prince of Wales – heir to throne of British Commonwealth, pushes “sustainable development” globalist and monetary manipulation of 3rd world countries in particular resource extraction and population control at United Nations and hundreds of NGO’s, Freemason, connected to murder of his first wife Princess Diana,
Richard Chartres – Anglican Bishop Of London
Stefano Delle Chiaie – “Neofascist” Italian activist, Freemason, accused by a court of terrorism, connected to Operation Condor
Dr. John Chipman – Director-General of globalist British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies,
Patokh Chodiev – Uzbek Oligarch living in London, net worth $3.3B, involved in mining, oil, gas, and banking
Christoph Prince of Schleswig-Holstein – Prince of Schleswig-Holstein,_Prince_of_Schleswig-Holstein
Fabrizio Cicchitto – Italian politician, Marxist, admitted to being in the Masonic Lodge P2, involved in putting Italy into the EU
Wesley Clark – US general, ex-Supreme Allied Commander Europe in NATO, Rhodes Scholar, involved in Balkans, connected to Waco, ran for US President,
Kenneth Clarke – British politician and bureaucrat,
Nick Clegg – Deputy Prime Minister of UK,
Bill Clinton – ex-US President, ex-governor of Arkansas, Rhodes Scholar, involved in Balkans, involved in sheltering bin Laden, connected to Bush family, connected to international drug trafficking, connected to Rockefellers and Rothschilds, Freemason, connected to technology transfers to China,
Abby Joseph Cohen – US economist, Goldman Sachs, ex-Federal Reserve, Chairman of Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Trustee of Cornell University,
Ronald Cohen – Egyptian-born British venture capitalist, educated at Oxford,
Gary Cohn – President and COO of Goldman Sachs
Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano – Duke of Paliano
Constantijn Prince of the Netherlands – third son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,
Constantine II King of Greece – last King of Greece,
David Cooksey – British venture capitalist, ex-Director of Bank of England, chairman of Bechtel, knighted by Elizabeth II,
Brian Cowen – ex-PM of Ireland, helped cause Ireland capitulation to IMF and EU,
Sir John Craven – Director of Reuters, ex-Director of Deutsche Bank, ex-chairman of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell
Andrew Crockett – British Banker, ex-GM of Bank for International Settlements, ex-Bank of England, employed at JP Morgan Chase, member of Group of 30, knighted by Elizabeth II,
Uri Dadush – Senior Associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ex-World Bank, educated at Hebrew University and Harvard,
Tony D’Aloisio – Chairman of Australian Securities and Investments Commission, ex-Director of World Federation of Stock Exchanges, pushed globalist initiatives,
Alistair Darling – Scottish politician and MP,
Sir Howard Davies – British economist, Director of London School of Economics and Political Science, globalist initiatives and propaganda
Etienne Davignon – Belgian politician, ex-VP of European Commission, chairman of Bilderberg, chairman of Brussels Airlines,
David Davis – British MP,
Joseph Deiss – Swiss economist and politician, ex-President of the United Nations General Assembly, globalist,
Oleg Deripaska – Russian Oligarch, net worth $16.8B, CEO of Basic Element, CEO of United Company RUSAL aluminum, connected to Rothschilds,
Michael Dobson – British businessman, CEO of Schroders international asset management, connected to Rockefellers,
Mario Draghi – President of European Central Bank, ex-Governor of Bank of Italy, ex-Harvard professor,
Jan Du Plessis – South African Businessman, CEO of British American Tobacco, director of Lloyds TSB Group, Chairman of Rio Tinto mining,
William C. Dudley – President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, ex-Goldman Sachs,
Wim Duisenberg – Dutch politician, ex-President of European Central Bank, ex-President of the Central bank of Netherlands, ex-IMF, deceased
Edward Duke of Kent – Duke of Kent, First Cousin to Elizabeth II, Grand Master of Freemasons in England and Wales, President of Scout Association,_Duke_of_Kent
Edward Earl of Wessex – Third son of Elizabeth II,,_Earl_of_Wessex
Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom – Monarch of the British Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of Church of England, head of International Freemasonry, head of the Order of the Garter, head of Committee of 300, owns 1/6th of worlds landmass,
John Elkann – Italian Industrialist, Owner of Fiat, Owner of Chrysler, CEO of Exor, member of Brookings Institution,
Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Naples – Prince of Naples, Duke of Savoy, member of P2 masonic lodge, accused by a court of murder,,_Prince_of_Naples
Ernst August Prince of Hanover – Prince of Hanover and married to heiress to throne of Monaco,,_Prince_of_Hanover
Martin Feldstein – American economist, Professor at Harvard, ex-advisor to Reagan,
Matthew Festing – British Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, officer of the Order of the British Empire,
François Fillon – former Prime Minister of France,
Heinz Fischer – President of Austria, Joschka Fischer – German politician, ex-Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany,
Stanley Fischer – American-Israeli economist, Governor of the Bank of Israel, ex-Chief Economist of World Bank, Bilderberg
Niall FitzGerald – Irish Businessman, ex-CEO of Unilever, member of World Economic Forum, connected to Merck, Bank of Ireland and Prudential,
Franz Duke of Bavaria – Duke of Bavaria, co-heir of House of Stuart,,_Duke_of_Bavaria
Mikhail Fridman – Russian Oligarch, net worth $15.1B, member of Russian CFR, founder of Russian Jewish Congress,
Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau – Prince of Orange-Nassau, second son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,
Bill Gates – ex-CEO Microsoft, net worth $61B, allowed unfettered surveillance of MS Windows, connected to globalist depopulation efforts through vaccines,
Christopher Geidt – Private Secretary of Elizabeth II, educated at Oxford,
Timothy Geithner – US Treasury Secretary, ex-President New York Federal Reserve, connected to TARP bailout theft,
Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia – Prince of Prussia,,_Prince_of_Prussia
Dr. Chris Gibson-Smith – Chairman of London Stock Exchange,
Mikhail Gorbachev – Ex-Premiere of Soviet Union, Club of Madrid, Globalist Initiatives,
Al Gore – ex-VP of USA, ex-US Senator, educated at Harvard, father was a senator connected to Armand Hammer – a communist Soviet, Nobel Peace Prize for pushing Global Warming Scam,
Allan Gotlieb – Canadian bureaucrat, member Trilateral Commission, member of Carlyle Group, chairman of Sotheby’s Canada, globalist pushing North American Union,
Stephen Green – British baron, Minister of State for Trade and Investment, ex-Chairman HSBC, educated at Oxford and MIT,_Baron_Green_of_Hurstpierpoint
Alan Greenspan – ex-Chairman of US Federal Reserve, Knight Commander of the British Empire,
Gerald Grosvenor 6th Duke of Westminster – Duke of Westminster, net worth 7.35B pounds, richest property developer in UK,,_6th_Duke_of_Westminster
Jose Angel Gurria – Secretary General of NGO OECD, ex-CEO of National Development Bank of Mexico, ex-CEO of Foreign Trade Bank,
William Hague – Foreign Secretary of UK, educated at Oxford,
Sir Philip Hampton – Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland, ex-finance director of Lloyds, BT Group, BG Group and British Steel,
Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein – Prince of Lichtenstein, owner of LGT Banking Group, net worth $7.6B,,_Prince_of_Liechtenstein
Harald V King of Norway – King of Norway,
Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada, Zionist, pusher of globalism and North American Union,
Francois Heisbourg – President of International Institute for Strategic Studies, a London-based globalist think tank
Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg – Duke of Luxembourg, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order,,_Grand_Duke_of_Luxembourg
Philipp Hildebrand – ex-head of Swiss National Bank, Oxford-educated,
Carla Anderson Hills – Co-chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, executive committee member of Trilateral Commission, ex-HUD secretary, pushes North American Union,
Richard Holbrooke – American bureaucrat, Presidential Advisor, connected to Vietnam, DECEASED
Patrick Honohan – Governor of Central Bank of Ireland,
Alan Howard – British hedge fund manager managing $26B of assets, ex-Salomon Brothers,
Alijan Ibragimov – Kyrgyzstani Oligarch, mining, oil and gas in Kazakhstan,
Stefan Ingves – Governor of central bank of Sweden,
Walter Isaacson – CEO of globalist think tank Aspen Institute, Managing Editor Time Magazine, Chairman of Broadcasting Board of Governors, connected to Katrina,
Juan Carlos King of Spain – King of Spain, many other titles,
Kenneth M. Jacobs – CEO of Lazard,
DeAnne Julius – Chairman of Chatham House (RIIA), ex-World Bank, ex-CIA, founding member of Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England,
Jean-Claude Juncker – Prime Minister of Luxembourg, ex-President of European Council,
Peter Kenen – Senior Fellow in International Economics at CFR, Ford Foundation, Globalist Initiatives—-
John Kerry – US Senator, Presidential Candidate, Skull and Bones, family wealth from Heinz ketchup and the opium trade before that, Freemason,
Mervyn King – Governor of the Bank of England, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire,
Glenys Kinnock – Council Member of European Council on Foreign Relations, ex-European Parliament, House of Lords,
Henry Kissinger – ex-US Secretary of State, Bilderberg, CFR, Bohemian Club, Nobel Peace Prize, connected to Vietnam and Cambodia, involved in Chile mass murder, connected to Balkans, accused by courts of war crimes and terrorism,
Malcolm Knight – Canadian Vice-Chairman of Deutsche Bank, ex-GM Bank for International Settlements, London education,
William H. Koon II – Knights Templar, Rosicrucian, no link
Paul Krugman – American economist and globalist propagandist, educated at Yale and London School of Economics, CFR,
John Kufuor – ex-President of Ghana, ex-Chairperson of the African Union,
Giovanni Lajolo – President of the Governate of Vatican City State, Cardinal emeritus President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City,
Anthony Lake – Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),
Richard Lambert – ex-Director-General of the CBI, Chancellor of University of Warwick UK, knighted by Elizabeth II,
Pascal Lamy – Director-General of World Trade Organization,
Jean-Pierre Landau – ex-IMF, ex-Board of Directors for Bank for International Settlements, ex Bank of France,
Timothy Laurence – husband of the only daughter of Elizabeth II,
James Leigh-Pemberton – British Banker, Receiver-General for Duchy of Cornwall (Prince of Wales), educated at Eton, ex-S.G. Warburg and Co. and managing director at Credit Suisse
Leka Crown Prince of Albania – Prince of Albania, heir to King of Albania,
Mark Leonard – British globalist in think tanks and propagandist, co-founder and director of European CFR,
Peter Levene – British Baron, chairman of NBNK Investments, ex-Lord mayor of City of London,
Lev Leviev – Bukharian-Israeli Oligarch, net worth $12B, diamond mining in Angola, and Palestinian settlements,
Arthur Levitt – ex-Chairman of SEC, advisor at Carlyle Group,
Michael Levy – British politician, globalist, President of CSV Jewish Care, Jewish Free School, and JLGB
Joe Lieberman – American-Israeli Senator, connected to 911, connected to Patriot Act, connected to many tyrannical laws,
Ian Livingston – CEO of BT (British Telecom),
Lee Hsien Loong – Prime minister of Singapore, British-educated,
Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este – Belgian royalty,,_Archduke_of_Austria-Este
Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou – Duke of Anjou, claimant to defunct King of France,,_Duke_of_Anjou
Gerard Louis-Dreyfus – chairman of Louis Dreyfus Energy Services, net worth $2.9B,
Mabel Princess of Orange-Nassau – wife of 2nd son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,
Peter Mandelson – British bureaucrat, MP, ex-European Commissioner for Trade, connected to Rothschilds,
Sir David Manning – ex-British Ambassador to the United States, connected to Iraq invasion, ex-British ambassador to Israel,
Margherita Archduchess of Austria-Este – Wife of Archduke of Austria-Este,_Archduchess_of_Austria-Este
Margrethe II Queen of Denmark – Queen of Denmark,
Guillermo Ortiz Martinez – Mexican bureaucrat, ex-ambassador to IMF,
Alexander Mashkevitch – Khazak-Israeli Oligarch, metals and gas in Khazakstan, connected to ENRC,
Stefano Massimo Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci – Scion of Massimo dynasty and Italian royalty,, Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano – Massimo dynasty and royalty,
William Joseph McDonough – vice chairman of Merrill Lynch, ex-President of NY Federal Reserve, ex-First National Bank of Chicago, CFR
Mack McLarty – ex-White House Chief of Staff under Clinton, CEO of McLarty Companies, board of directors Arkla Gas, National Petroleum Council, connected to Kissinger,
Yves Mersch – Governor of Central Bank of Luxembourg, member of European Central Bank governing council, connected to BIS,
Michael Prince of Kent – British Royalty, 1st cousin of Elizabeth II, grandmaster of two masonic lodges,
Michael King of Romania – King of Romania, 3rd cousin of Elizabeth II, connected to communism,
David Miliband – British bureaucrat,
Ed Miliband – British bureaucrat and MP, educated at Oxford and London School of Economics, father was Marxist,
Lakshmi Mittal – Indian steel magnate, CEO of ArcelorMittal – world’s largest steel company, connected to Goldman Sachs,
Glen Moreno – acting chairman of UK Financial Investments Limited which manages the UK government bank shareholdings, ex-Citigroup, director of Fidelity International, chairman of Pearson, connected to Lloyds Banking,
Moritz Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel – Prince of Hesse-Kassel,,_Landgrave_of_Hesse
Rupert Murdoch – Australian-American media mogul, owner of NewsCorp and Fox, accused by courts of bribery, wiretaopping , libel, lying, insider trading, freemason, connected to Norway mass shooting, connected to 911, connected to illegal Iraq War,
Charles Napoleon – head of Imperial House of France,
Jacques Nasser – Lebanese Chairman of BHP Billiton, connected to JP Morgan Chase, Sky Corp and Ford Motors,
Robin Niblett – Director of Chatham House (RIIA) – connected to every war, mass theft and atrocity since 1920,
Vincent Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster, head of Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, connected to abuse of boys,
Adolfo Nicolas – 30th Black Pope, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), head of largest male order of Vatican,
Christian Noyer – Chairman of the Bank for International Settlements, governor of Bank of France, ex-VP Executive Board of the European Central Bank,
Sammy Ofer – Israeli shipping tycoon, net worth $10.3B with brother Yuli, DECEASED,
Alexandra Ogilvy, Lady Ogilvy – Princess of UK, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_The_Honourable_Lady_Ogilvy
David Ogilvy 13th Earl of Airlie – married to Princess Alexandra, Lord Chamberlain, educated at Eton, Knight of the Thistle, ex-Director of Schroders,,_13th_Earl_of_Airlie
Jorma Ollila – Chairman of Nokia, board of directors of Ford Motor Company, non-executive chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, ex-Citibank, Bilderberg,
Nicky Oppenheimer – South African chairman of De Beers diamond mining, shareholder in Anglo American mining, net worth $6B,
George Osborne – British Bureaucrat, Chancellor of the Exchequer of UK, ex-MP, Bullingdon Club at Oxford, connected to Rotshchilds,
Frederic Oudea – CEO Societe Generale,
Sir John Parker – ex-Chairman of National Grid and Anglo American mining, ex-Bank of England, knighted by Elizabeth II,
Chris Patten – chairman of BBC Trust, last Governor of British-held Hong Kong, ex-MP, connected to Pope Benedict,
Michel Pebereau – Chairman of National Bank of Paris,
Gareth Penny – CEO of AMG Mining the #1 mining company in world, ex-De Beers and Anglo American mining, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Eton
Shimon Peres – President of Israel, ex-PM of Israel, connected to assassination of Y. Rabin, false peacemaker, connected to 911,
Philip Duke of Edinburgh – husband of Elizabeth II, a German-Danish royal, patron of over 800 organizations, globalist, racist, has spoken publicly in favor of mass genocide and depopulation, Freemason, alleged to have given order to murder his grandson’s mother Princess Diana
Dom Duarte Pio Duke of Braganza – Duke of Braganza,,_Duke_of_Braganza
Karl Otto Pohl – German economist, President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-Chairman of Central Bank Council,
Colin Powell – ex-US Secretary of State, retired general, ex-Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, ex-National Security Adviser to Reagan, connected to both Iraq wars,
Mikhail Prokhorov – Russian Oligarch, ex-owner of Norilsk Nickel, ex-chairman of Polyus Gold, ex-President of ONEXIM GROUP $17B iunvestment fund, net worth $13.2B,
Guy Quaden – Governor of National Bank of Belgium, member of governing board of European Central Bank,
Anders Fogh Rasmussen – Secretary-General of NATO, ex-PM of Denmark, ex-President of European Union, connected to Iraq war,
Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) – 265th Pope, ex-Hitler Youth, participated in Vatican II, head of Inquisition at Vatican, covered up untold number of abuse cases allowing them to continue and the perpetrators to remain unpunished, covered up Native Canadian Holocaust (by UK and Vatican) discoveries
David Reuben – British co-CEO of Reuben Brothers, , net worth with brother of $9B, owner Trans-World Metals, owner of Global Switch, many other business interests
Simon Reuben – British co-CEO of Reuben Brothers, , net worth with brother of $9B, owner Trans-World Metals, owner of Global Switch, many other business interests
William R. Rhodes – CEO William R. Rhodes Global Advisers, ex-Citigroup and Citibank, involved in international banking schemes in South America, Director of Private Export Funding Corporation, CFR, globalist, and much much more
Susan Rice – US Ambassador to United Nations, ex-National Security Council, Rhodes Scholar, connected to Clinton,
Richard Duke of Gloucester – Duke of Gloucester, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_Duke_of_Gloucester
Sir Malcolm Rifkind – British Bureaucrat, ex-Secretary of State for Scotland, Defence Secretary, Foreign Secretary, ex-MP,
Sir John Ritblat – ex-CEO of British Land Company, head of several British royal organizations,
Stephen S. Roach – A senior executive at Morgan Stanley, professor at Yale and Jackson Institute for Global Affairs,
Mary Robinson – ex-President of Ireland, ex-United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, received Presidential medal of Freedom for knowing when to talk and when not to as it refers to human rights,
David Rockefeller Jr. (deceased) – eldest son of David Rockefeller, 4th generation member of Rockefeller dynasty, Rockefeller foundations used to sew evil worldwide and particularly in USA, in the guise of good,,_Jr.
David Rockefeller Sr. – patriarch of Rockefeller family, net worth $2.9B, owner Chase Manhattan Bank, owner of Exxon Mobil, connected to CIA, connected to Kissinger, admitted head of a globalist cabal, strict control of much of US media, Trilateral Commission,
Nicholas Rockefeller – Rockefeller dynasty, warned Aaron Russo of 911, no link
Javier Echevarria Rodriguez – Spanish Roman Catholic Bishop, Head of Opus Dei,
Kenneth Rogoff – Professor of Economics at Harvard, ex-IMF, Board of Governors Federal Reserve,
Jean-Pierre Roth – Chairman of Board of Bank for International Settlements, governor of IMF for Switzerland, ex-Chairman Swiss National Bank, director of Nestle and Swatch,
Benjamin de Rothschild – Swiss Banker, descendant of French branch of Rothschild dynasty,
David Rene de Rothschild – chairman of Rothschild Continuations Holdings, French branch of Rothschild dynasty,
Evelyn de Rothschild – British financier, partner at N M Rothschilds and Sons, ex-Director De Beers, ex-Director IBM UK, ex-director Daily Telegraph, knighted by Elizabeth II,
Jacob Rothschild – 4th Baron Rothschild, Chairman of RIT Capital investments, Eton education, ex-chairman N M Rothschild & Sons, Council for the Duchy of Cornwall of Prince of Wales, Advisory Board of Blackstone Group, ex-Chairman of BSkyB Television, Director of RHJ International,
Leopold de Rothschild – British financier, ex-employee of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co., Morgan Stanley, Partner at N.M. Rothschilds and Sons,
David Rubenstein – co-founder Carlyle Group, net worth $2.6B, CFR, presidential advisor to President Carter,
Robert Rubin – ex-US Treasury Secretary, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-Citigroup, Co-chair of CFR, executive board at Harvard, ex-board of directors of NYSE, board of trustees Carnegie Corp. and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, connected to Enron,
Francesco Ruspoli 10th Prince of Cerveteri – Italian royalty,,_10th_Prince_of_Cerveteri
Joseph Safra – Syrian-Brazilian banker, Owner of Safra Group, net worth $11.4B,
Moises Safra (deceased) – Syrian-Brazilian banker, co-founder Banco Safra,
Peter Sands – British banker, CEO of Standard Chartered, Oxford and Harvard-educated, Board of Directors – Institute of International Finance,
Nicolas Sarkozy – ex-President of France (5/15/12), bureaucrat,
Isaac Sassoon – born into Sassoon dynasty of London, Sephardic Rabbi, author,
James Sassoon – Commercial Secretary to the Treasury in UK Treasury, House of Lords, adviser to UK PM David Cameron,
Sir Robert John Sawers – Chief of Secret Intelligence Service of UK (MI6), ex-British Permanent Representative to UN, ex-Foreign Affairs Advisor to Tony Blair,
Marjorie Scardino – CEO Pearson PLC, non-executive director of Nokia, ex-CEO of Economist Group,
Klaus Schwab – founder of World Economic Forum, ex-Professor at Geneva University,
Karel Schwarzenberg – Prince of Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg,
Stephen A. Schwarzman – co-founder Blackstone Group, net worth $4.7B, Yale, Skull and Bones, also educated at Harvard, ex-Lehman Brothers,
Sidney Shapiro – Chinese/American, member of China’s People’s Political Consultative Council,
Nigel Sheinwald – British bureaucrat, ex-British Ambassador to US, adviser to Tony Blair, Knight Grand Cross,
Sigismund Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria – Grand Duke of Tuscany and Archduke of Austria, Grand Master of the Order of Saint Joseph,,_Grand_Duke_of_Tuscany
Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha – Prime Minister of Bulgaria, ex-Tsar of Bulgaria, cousin of Elizabeth II (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Dynasty),
Olympia Snowe – US Senator, worked for William Cohen, connected to Rockefeller, helped acquit Bill Clinton during impeachment, supported Kosovo war, Afghanistan and Iraq, pro-abortion,
Sofia Queen of Spain – Wife of King Juan Carlos of Spain, Princess of Greece and Denmark, cousin of Elizabeth II,
George Soros – Hungarian-American Chairman of Soros Fund Management hedge fund, net worth $20B, chairman of Open Society Institute, attended London School of Economics, globalist and speculator in currencies tied to numerous economic upheavals and contrived revolutions especially in Eastern Europe,
Arlen Specter – US Senator, educated at Yale, ex-Federal Judge, devised “single bullet theory” in Warren Commission JFK assassination coverup, professor at University of Pennsylvania Law School, helped push Iraq war and Patriot Act,
Ernest Stern – ex-Managing Director of World Bank, ex-Director JP Morgan, member of Group of 30, Director of Center for Global Development, on Board of Overseers International Center for Economic Growth,,
Dennis Stevenson – British Baron, House of Lords, Commander of the Order of the British Empire award, knighted by Elizabeth II, Director of British Technology Group, Tyne Tees Television, Manpower Inc., Thames Television, J. Rothschild Assurance, English partnerships, BSkyB, Lazard Bros, St. James Place Capital, Chairman of Maocap and Aldeburgh Music, director of Western Union, Loudwater Partners and the Economist, Chair of HBOS formerly Halifax plc and Bank of Scotland, Chancellor of University of Arts London,,_Baron_Stevenson_of_Coddenham
Tom Steyer – founder of Farallon Capital Management hedge fund, Board of Trustees Stanford University, connected to Warren Buffett, educated at Yale, ex-Goldman Sachs, connected to Robert Rubin, ex-Morgan Stanley, connected to Hillary Clinton,
Joseph Stiglitz – Economist, author and professor, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of World Bank, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for a technique called screening used to extract private information from another economic agent, founder of globalist think tank Initiative for Policy Dialogue, professor at Columbia University, member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, ex-professor MIT, Yale, Stanford, Duke, Oxford and Princeton, chair of President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Clinton,
Dominique Strauss-Kahn – French politician, ex-Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF), ex-Minister of Economy and Finance, ex-Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade, Communist, accused by a court of sexual assault,
Jack Straw – British politician, MP, ex-Home Secretary, ex-Foreign Secretary, ex-Leader of the House of Commons, ex-Lord High Chancellor, ex-Secretary of State for Justice, ex-Shadow Lord High Chancellor, allegations of rendition and torture,
Peter Sutherland – chairman of Goldman Sachs International, EU Commissioner, ex-Attorney General of Ireland, ex-Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), ex-director of Royal Bank of Scotland, formerly on board of ABB, steering committee of Bilderberg, Honorary Chairman of Trilateral Commission, ex-vice chairman of European Round Table of Industrialists, connected to getting Ireland into the EU, President of globalist British think tank Federal Trust for Education and Research, member of British pro-European and globalist think tank Businesses for New Europe, Goodwill Ambassador to the UNIDO (UN), Chair of London School of Economics council, financial adviser to the Vatican, co-Chairman of High Level Group, connected to Rockefeller, honorary knighthood by Elizabeth II,
Mary Tanner – British Anglican, President of the World Council of Churches, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire,
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi – Italian Banker, President of the Vatican Bank,
Mark Thompson – Director-General of the BBC, Jesuit-educated, also Oxford-educated, general public accusations of bias,
Dr. James Thomson – ex-President and CEO of RAND Corporation, ex-National Security Council, CFR, member of globalist think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies, director of AK Steel Corporation, Encysive Pharmaceuticals, and Object Reservoir,
Hans Tietmeyer – Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at Bank for International Settlements (BIS), ex-President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-President of London Business School, member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Professor at Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt,
Jean-Claude Trichet – French ex-President of European Central Bank, member of Group of 30, ex-governor of Banque de France, pushes for greater European Integration, chairman of Breugel’s, on board of European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company,
Paul Tucker – executive director Bank of England, Deputy Governor of Bank of England
Herman Van Rompuy – President of the European Council, Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold, ex-PM of Belgium,
Alvaro Uribe Velez – President of Colombia, educated at Harvard, awarded Simon Bolivar Scholarship of the British Chevenin Scholarships, Senior Associate member at St. Antony’s College at Oxford, alleged connections to Medellin Drug Cartel, major proponent of Communitarianism, connected to IMF and World Bank, awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bush 43,
Alfons Verplaetse – ex-Governor National Bank of Belgium, board of governors of the European Monetary Institute, Governing Council of European Central Bank,
Kaspar Villiger – ex-Chairman of the Board of Swiss bank UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), ex-member of Swiss federal Council, board of directors of Nestle and Swiss Re, member of globalist Global Leadership Foundation,
Maria Vladimirovna Grand Duchess of Russia – Grand Duchess of Russia, Oxford-educated, disputed heiress to Empress of Russia and to head of Romanov dynasty, Dame Grand Cross Sovereign Military Order of Malta,,_Grand_Duchess_of_Russia
Paul Volcker – ex-Chairman of the Federal Reserve, ex-Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under Obama, educated at Princeton, Harvard, and London School of Economics, Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Fellow, connected to end of the dollar gold standard in US, ex-chairman of Wolfensohn & Co., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission, member of Trust Committee of Rockefeller Group, Inc. ex-Chase Bank,
Otto von Habsburg – Archduke of Austria, ex-Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, ex-Head of Imperial House of Habsburg, Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece, ex-Vice President of International Paneuropean Union, ex-European Parliament, played a role in Eastern European revolutions against Communist rule, DECEASED
Sir David Walker – ex-chairman Morgan Stanley International, ex-Assistant Secretary of UK Treasury, ex-chairman of Securities and Investments Board, Executive DIrector for finance and industry at Bank of England, ex-Deputy Chairman of Lloyds TSB, member of Group of 30, ex-Reuters Holdings, Chairman of London Investment Bankers’ Association,
Jacob Wallenberg – Swedish banker and industrialist, ex-President and CEO of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, board of directors of Atlas Copco, SAS Group, ABB group, Coca-Cola Company, Investor, Stockholm School of Economics, Knight of the Order of the Seraphim,
John Walsh (deceased) – ex-US Comptroller of Currency, ex-executive director of Group of 30, ex-staff of US Senate Banking Committee, ex-US Treasury Department, helped implement Basel III in US,
Max Warburg – Owner of M.M. Warburg and Co. , scion of Warburg banking dynasty,
Axel Alfred Weber – German economist and banker, chairman of the Board of UBS, ex-President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-member of European Central Bank Governing Council, professor at University of Chicago, ex-Board of Directors Bank for International Settlements,
Michel David-Weill – French Investment banker, ex-Chairman of Lazard Freres, director of Groupe Danone foods, Commander of the Legion of Honor, Commander of Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
Nout Wellink – Dutch economist and central banker, President of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Director of the Bank for International Settlements, member of Governing Council of European Central Bank, Governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), member of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), ex-Dutch Ministry of Finance, Trilateral Commission, ex-chairman of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion,
Marina von Neumann Whitman – ex-Director Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Professor at University of Michigan, and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, board of directors at Peterson Institute, ex-VP of General Motors Corp., ex-Council of Economic Advisors, ex-board of Trustees Princeton University,
Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange – Prince of Orange, Prince of Netherlands, heir to throne of Kingdom of Netherlands, eldest son of Queen Beatrix, head of House of Amsberg, cousin of Elizabeth II, member of Global Water Partnership established by World Bank, UN and Sweden, member of Raad van State, member of many international orders,,_Prince_of_Orange
William Prince of Wales – Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, Second in Line to throne of British Commonwealth, educated at Eton College, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, descendant of several powerful royal dynasties,,_Duke_of_Cambridge
Dr Rowan Williams – Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, titular head of Anglican church, educated at Oxford, Professor at Oxford,
Shirley Williams – President of Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), British Baron, House of Lords, ex-MP, Professor at Harvard, educated at Oxford, CFR, Bilderberg, member of many globalist think tanks and organizations,
David Wilson – Baron Wilson of Tillyorn, ex-Governor of Hong Kong, ex-Chairman of Scottish Hydro Electric, member of Board of British Council, Knight of the Thistle, President of Royal Society of Edinburgh,,_Baron_Wilson_of_Tillyorn
James Wolfensohn – ex-President of World Bank Group, educated at Harvard, ex-director J. Henry Schroder & Co investment bank, ex-Salomon Brothers executive, founder of Wolfensohn & Company, chairman of International Advisory Board of Citigroup, member of International Advisory Council for China Investment Corporation, trustee of globalist Brookings Institution, trustee of Rockefeller Foundation, CFR, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, globalist Aspen Institute, knighthood of the Order of the British Empire, connected to Rothschilds,
Neal S. Wolin – US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, National Security Council under Clinton, educated at Yale, executive assistant to 3 CIA directors, member of Brookings Institution, CEO of Hartford Financial Services Group, CFR
Harry Woolf – Baron Woolf, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, ex-Master of the Rolls, ex-judge in Hong Kong,
R. James Jr. Woolsey – ex-head of CIA, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, also educated at Yale, member of many globalist foundations, think tanks and NGO’s, ex-chairman of Freedom House, Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq war, tied to global warming scam, employee of Lux Capital, co-founder US Energy Security Council, accused of profiting from Iraq War and a crusader-like zealousness for conflict with Islam,,_Jr.
Sir Robert Worcester – founder of Market and Opinion Research International (MORI), International Director of Ipsos Group, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Freeman of the City of London, trustee of Magna Carta Trust, member of many globalist organizations,
Sarah Wu – Director General of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (London),_London
Robert Zoellick – President of World Bank, educated at Harvard, ex-US Department of Treasury, ex-Executive VP of Fannie Mae, ex-Professor at US Naval Academy, ex-White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bush 41, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq War, ex-head of globalist Center for International Studies, ex-advisory board Enron, ex-member of Executive Office under Bush 43, helped bring China into WTO, heavily promoted the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), tied to legal attempts by WTO to force Genetically modified foods in the European Union, promotes globalism,
In all Probability, This Is the Exit Point For Some of Our Readers
It is probable that many readers, having gotten this far, are ready to quit. And that is understandable. It is just too much new information that some readers have never heard before. It is too disorienting and it seems to be highly implausible. In the course of writing and distributing his pamphlet, Common Sense, in early 1776, Thomas Paine experienced this same phenomenon and added the following statement in the introduction section:
“Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages are not YET sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.
Correspondingly, some members of the American public will tend to balk at choosing independence from the foreign enemy in favor of a wait and see†posture and hope for a heaven-sent reversal of mounting economic and social disintegration. Facing the same dilemma, Thomas Paine wrote:
“Though I would carefully avoid giving unnecessary offense, yet I am inclined to believe, that all those who espouse the doctrine of reconciliation (to the increasing disintegration of economic and social conditions orchestrated by the clique of dynastic banking families against the American colonies), may be included within the following descriptions. Interested men, who are not to be trusted (today’s 1% who have signed on with the clique of dynastic banking families and their One World Government fantasy), weak men who CANNOT see, prejudiced men who will not see, and a certain set of moderate men who think better of the European world than it deserves; and this last class, by an ill-judged deliberation, will be the cause of more calamities to (our) continent than all the other three.”
Commentary: Above, Thomas Paine’s mention of “this last class” is said with great insight about the American Eastern Establishment of wealthy families who maintained their ties with the British monarchy and pretended to be loyal Americans and faithful to the U.S. Constitution. A core group within the American Eastern Establishment were the families that had partnered with the British in international trade, especially, those families in the narcotics trade, i.e., heroin. Unfortunately, our research leads to the conclusion that many Eastern Establishment families became “junior partners” with the clique of dynastic families to subvert the U.S. Constitution, take over the U.S. government and and return America to its colonial status.
The photograph is not meant to disparage those readers who take exception to what they have read so far. In various places within this website there is an “Important Clarifications” section that states:
The Concealed Feudalist Nature of the Global Banking System and the Background of the Foreign, Dynastic Banking Families, Their Junior Partners, and Their Top Minions
The big picture about the way in which America was so completely infiltrated by the foreign dynastic banking families is best explained by historian Carroll Quigley, in his Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (1966). Quigley, who taught at Princeton, Harvard, and at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, has delved deeper into this black hole than any other historian. Quigley wrote:
“In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism (economies characterized by international banking activities) had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political systems of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank of International Settlements (B.I.S) in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong, of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic awards in the business world.”
“In each country the power of the central bank rested largely on its control of credit and money supply. In the world as a whole the power of the central bankers rested very largely on their control of loans and of gold flows. In the final days of the system, these central bankers were able to mobilize resources to assist each other through the B.I.S. The B.I.S., as a private institution, was owned by the seven chief central banks and was operated by the heads of these who together formed its governing board. Each of these kept a substantial deposit at the B.I.S., and periodically would settle payments among themselves (and thus between the major countries of the world) by bookkeeping in order to avoid shipments of gold. They made agreements on all the major financial problems of the world, as well as on many of the economic and political problems, especially in reference to loans, payments, and the economic future of the chief areas of the globe.” So much for democracy, individual rights, national sovereignty, government by the consent of the governed.”
“The B.I.S. is generally regarded as the apex of the structure of financial capitalism whose remote origins go back to the creation of the Bank of England in 1694 and the Bank of France and 1803. As a matter of fact its establishment in 1929 was rather an indication that the centralized world financial system of 1914 was in decline. It was set up rather to remedy the decline of London as the world’s financial center by providing a mechanism by which the world with three chief financial centers in London, New York, and Paris could still operate as one. The B.I.S. was a vain effort to cope with the problems arising from the growth of a number of centers. It was intended to be the world cartel of ever-growing national financial powers by assembling the nominal heads of these national financial centers.”
“The commander-in-chief of the world system of banking control was Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England who was built-up by the private bankers to a position where he was regarded as an oracle in all matters of government and business. In government, the power of the Bank of England was a considerable restriction on political action as early as 1819 but an effort to break this power by a modification of the bank’s charter in 1844 failed.”
In 1852, Gladstone, then Chancellor of the Exchequer and later Prime Minister, declared,
‘the hinge of the whole situation was this: the government itself was not to have a substantial of power in matters of finance, but was to leave the money power supreme and unquestioned.’
Gladstone was referring to the dynastic banking families behind the British monarchy, which owned the Bank of England.
“This power of the Bank of England and of its governor was admitted by most qualified observers. In January, 1924, Reginald McKenna, who had been Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1915-1916, as chairman of the board of the Midland bank told its shareholders:
‘I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money. And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.’
Commentary: This is the core reason why many Americans despise the top-tier American bankers: the American public suspects that these banking figures are not really Americans who are loyal to their country, but rather tied into foreign banking sources that routinely work against the vital interests of the American people.
Quigley continues:
“In that same year, Sir Drummond Fraser, vice-president of the Institute of bankers, stated,
‘the governor of the Bank of England must be the aristocrat who dictates the terms upon which alone the government can obtain borrowed money.’
“On September 26, 1921 the Financial Times wrote,
‘half a dozen men at the top of the big five banks could upset the whole fabric of government finance by refraining from renewing treasury bills.’
“Vincent Vickers, who had been a director of the bank for nine years, said,
‘since 1919 the monetary policy of the government has been the policy of the Bank of England and the policy of the Bank of England has been the policy of Mr. Montagu Norman.’
“On November 11, 1927, the Wall Street Journal called Mr. Norman ‘the currency dictator of Europe.’ This fact was admitted by Mr. Norman himself before the court of the bank in March 1930, and, later, before the McMillan committee.”
“Montagu Norman’s position may be gathered from the fact that his predecessors in the governorship, almost 100 of them, had served two-year terms, increased rarely, in time of crisis, to three or even four years. But Norman held the position for 24 years (1920-1944), during which he became the chief architect of the liquidation of Britain’s global preeminence. Norman was a strange man whose mental outlook was one of successfully suppressing hysteria or even paranoia. He had no use for governments and feared democracy. Both of these seemed to him to be threats to private banking, and thus to all that was proper and precious in human life. Strong-willed, tireless, and ruthless, he viewed his life as a kind of cloak-and-dagger struggle with the forces of unsound money which were in league with anarchy and communism. When he rebuilt the Bank of England, he constructed it as a fortress prepared to defend itself against any popular revolt, with the sacred gold reserves hidden in deep vaults below the level of underground waters which could be released to cover them by pressing a button on the governor’s desk. For much of his life Norman rushed around the world by fast steam-ship, covering tens of thousands of miles each year, often traveling incognito, concealed by a black slouch hat and a long black cloak, under the assumed name of Prof. Skinner. His embarkations and deportations onto and off the fastest ocean liners of the day, sometimes through the freight hatch, were about as unobserved as the somewhat similar passages of Greta Garbo in the same years, and were carried out in a similarly sincere effort at self-effacement. Norman had a devoted colleague in Benjamin Strong, the first governor of the Federal Reserve bank of New York. Strong owed his career to the favor of the Morgan Bank, especially of Henry P. Davison, who made him secretary of the Bankers Trust Company of New York (in succession to Thomas W. Lamont) in 1904, using him as a Morgan’s agent in the banking pre-arrangements following the crash of 1907, and made him vice-president of the Bankers Trust in 1909. He became governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as the joint nominee of J.P. Morgan and of Kuhn, Loeb and Company in 1914. Two years later, Strong met Norman for the first time, and they at once made an agreement to work in cooperation for the financial practices they both revered.”
“These financial practices were explicitly stated many times in the voluminous correspondence between these two men and in many conversations they had, both in their work and at their leisure (they often spent their vacations together for weeks, usually in the South of France).”
“In the 1920s, they were determined to use the financial power of Britain and of the United States to force all the major countries of the world to go on the gold standard and operated through central banks free from all political control, with all questions of international finance to be settled by agreements by such central banks without interference from governments.”
Commentary: The passage, below, from Quigley, is the tell about the top of the pyramid. It caused his original book to disappear for years, until a bootleg copy was resurrected in 1966.
“It must not be felt that these heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantial powers in world finance. They were not. Rather they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantial financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called international or merchant bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks.”
“These (few shadowy bankers) formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. This dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit an investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world. They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds through bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges.Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coups, to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates. In this system the Rothschilds had been preeminent during much of the 19th century, but, at the end of that century, they were being replaced by J. P. Morgan whose central office was in New York, although it was always operated as if it were in London (where it had, indeed, originated as George Peabody and Company in 1838).”
Commentary: Our research suggests that Quigley’s mention of the diminishing influence of the Rothschilds and the rise of Morgan’s power may bear looking into. Morgan’s chief role was to be the Rothschilds agent in America and that the Rothschilds vastly increased their wealth and power behind the scenes. There is a tell from Liaquat Ahaned’s book that shed light on this matter. Liaquat Ahaned, the author of Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World, (2009) wrote:
Though J.P. Morgan & Co. was by means the country’s biggest bank, Pierpont Morgan himself had acquired an extraordinary aura and authority that gave him the right, indeed the obligation, to take command during financial crises. It helped that he was believed to be not simply rich, but extremely rich—like the Rockefellers or the Vanderbilts or Andrew Carnegie—and that with his fierce glowering stare and terrible temper, he intimidated most people, including his partners. It would turn out that the first of these attributes was exaggerated, for he was not nearly as wealthy as most people thought—when he died in 1913, leaving an estate then valued at $80 million, John D. Rockefeller, who himself was worth $1 billion, is said to have shaken his head and said, “And to think that he wasn’t even a rich man.”
Isn’t this like peeling back layer after layer of an union? Quigley has added one more piece to the jigsaw puzzle concerning the identity of the concealed power that has worked in the shadows of power behind the British monarchy and was the owner of both the Bank of England and the private bank fraudulently named, the Federal Reserve. But we’re not there yet.
Now We Turn To Edward Griffin To Help Peel Back the Onion
The Dynastic Banking Families: Their Centuries-Long Alliance With the European Monarchies As Their “Court Lenders”
To only way to grasp the evolution of the clique of dynastic banking families is to understand their economic environment and their key function in that environment: it was to be the “court lenders” to monarchies whose treasuries were depleted and who needed very large loans to pursue their geopolitical objectives, which involved extraordinarily costly wars with rival kingdoms. Let’s quickly work through the prominent living monarchs that engaged court lenders, some of who evolved into the present-day dynastic banking families.
As we start, it should be noted that King Juan Carlos I of Spain became the fourth European monarch to abdicate (June 2014) in just over a year, following Pope Benedict XVI (28 February 2013), Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (30 April 2013), and King Albert II of Belgium (21 July 2013).
Monarchies Connected to the Clique of Foreign, Dynastic Banking Families in the City of London
House of Alba: Spain—founded in 1429.
The head of the House of Alba until 20 November 2014 was Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart, 18th Duchess of Alba. She held the Guinness Book of Records title for the largest number of noble titles with over 40 titles. The head of the House of Alba is Carlos Fitz-James Stuart, 14th Duke of Huéscar who succeeded his mother on 20 November 2014.
House of Austria-Este—-founded in 1814
Prince Lorenz of Belgium
House of Bernadotte—-founded in 1810
Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden
House of Bolkiah—-founded in 1405
Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei
House of Bourbon: Spain—founded in 1268
Felipe VI, (born 30 January 1968) is the King of Spain. He succeeded to the throne on 19 June 2014 following the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos I.
As heir apparent to the throne, he previously bore the title of Prince of Asturias, and worked to support philanthropic causes and to promote international fellowship among Spanish-speaking countries.
House of Bourbon-Palma—-founded in 1748
Carlos Duke of Parma
House of Braganza: Portugal—founded in 1441
Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza
House of Colonna—-founded 1099
Marcantonio VIII Colonna, Duke of Paliano
House of Fitz-James: Spain—founded in 1670
Jacobo Hernando FitzJames-Stuart y Gomez, 12th Duke of Berwick
Imperial House of France—-founded in 1804
Charles, Prince Napoleon
The House of Glucksburg: Germany—founded 1825
Christoph, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein and of the subordinate branch, the Kingdom of Denmark, Queen Margrethe II; and of the subordinate branch, the Kingdom of Norway, King Harald V.
House of Habsburg-Lorraine: Austria—founded in 11th century
Karl von Habsburg, Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria and Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia
Sigismund, Archduke of Austria, Grand Duke of Tuscany
House of Hanover—-founded 1635
Prince Ernest Augustus of Hanover
House of Hesse: Hesse, Germany—founded in 1264
Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse
House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov—-founded 1613
Maria Vladimirovna, Grand Duchess of Russia
House of Hohenzollern: Germany and Romania—founded in 1100.
Prince Georg Friedrich (Germany and Prussia), Prince Karl Friedrich (Hohenzollern and Sigmaringen), and King Michael (Romania).
A wave of political enlightenment was gaining strength in Europe in the mid-1400s and French, Spanish and British monarchies began focusing on the principles of human reason, human creativity, the pursuit of the Common Good, and organizing their people around national sovereignty and national growth. To thwart this phenomenon, the Venetian financial oligarchs formed a new alliance with the House of Hapsburg and the Vatican. The Venetians were the most powerful maritime power in the world in their time and maintained a monopoly in the slave trade and the gold and silver trade. It set up and funded the Fugger banking empire in Europe to serve its strategic interests. And the Venetian oligarchy set about destroying the Enlightenment and returning Europe to its previous feudal status.
House of Karadordevic—-founded in 1804
Crown Prince Alexander
House of Liechtenstein—-founded 1608
Prince Hans-Adam II
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg—-founded in 1815
Henri, born 16 April 1955 is the current Grand Duke of Luxembourg, reigning since 7 October 2000. He is the eldest son of Grand Duke Jean and Princess Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium, and a first cousin of the current King of the Belgians, Philippe
House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz—-founded in 1815
Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg
Principality of Monaco of the House of Grimaldi—-founded in 1160
Albert II, Prince of Monaco and head of the House of Grimaldi
The House of Nassau-Orange: The Netherlands—founded in 1544
On 28 January 2013 Queen Beatrix announced that she would abdicate on 30 April 2013, Koninginnedag (Queen’s Day), in favor of her eldest son Willem-Alexander, the heir apparent to the throne. Her husband, Prince Bernhard, founded the Bilderberg Group in 1954. This royal family is the largest shareholder in the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, estimated to control approximately a 25 percent interest. Extraordinary wealth was accumulated by this financial oligarchy when they secured a monopoly in 1602 to form the Dutch East India Company with a long charter to carry out colonial activities in Asia. Much like the British East India Company, it was granted quasi-governmental powers including the ability to wage war, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies.
House of Romania—-founded in 1866
Michael King of Romania
House of Ruspoli—-founded 13th century
Francesco Ruspoli, 10th Prince of Cerveteri
House of Savoy—-founded 1003
Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, Prince of Naples
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: Belgium—founded 1826 (House of Welf)
Philippe succeeded his father, Albert II (born 6 June 1934) who reigned as King of the Belgians from 1993 until his abdication in July 2013. Philippe is a member of the royal house of Belgium; formerly this house was named Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
House of Schwarzenberg—-founded in 15th century
Karel, Prince of Schwarzenberg
House of Thurn und Taxis: Bavaria, Germany–founded in 12th century, titled 1624
Albert, 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
The House of Windsor: London—-founded in 9th century from the House of Guelph
Queen Elizabeth II, her son, Charles, Prince of Wales, his sons, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Prince Henry of Wales.
Queen Elizabeth II is of the German House of Saxe-Colburn Gotha, renamed in 1917 the House of Windsor due to WWI anti-German sentiment of the British people. The British royal family descends from the German House of Hanover, and ultimately to the House of Welf, rendered in English the House of Guelph, which were Bavarian royalty who settled in the Lombardy region of northern Italy in the 9th century, prospering in the period of spectacularly profitable banking and mercantile trading across the known world centered in Venice and Genoa.
House of Wittelsbach: Bavaria, Germany—founded in 1180
Franz, Duke of Bavaria
House of Zogu—-founded in the 15th century
Leka, Crown Prince Albania
(end of list of selected monarchies)
“Persons of Interest” For Investigations Among the British and European Old-Wealth Families
Strict secrecy, which is in the DNA of royal families, makes it impossible to determine their actual net worth. This holds true for the non-royal families we will now examine. Thus, we have found no way to determine if the royal families are holding larger fortunes than the non-royal families. It is noteworthy that the standard dynamic was for the non-royal banking families, in particular, to build their fortunes by lending large sums to the royal families. One researcher, Daniel Estulin, who is an authority on the Bilderberg Group, adds his insights:
“Again another thing about the Bilderbergers is that I can trace who these people are today back to the Venetian Black Nobility. We often hear about the influences of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, but these people are merely your typical lackeys when you actually look at it. They are the bottom of the totem pole. If you’re looking at the powerful people, you can talk about the House of Braganza; you talk about the House of Orange and the House of Hapsburg. These people have unimaginable wealth. You measure it not in billions but in trillions of dollars.”
“Other researchers estimate the dynastic banking families have accumulated fortunes that are hard to believe. For example, the range described of the Rothschild family fortune is $100 trillion on the low side and $500 trillion on the high side. We will just have to look out for tells to try to determine which of the families hold the greatest influence within the clique.”

The Silk Road or Silk Route is an ancient network of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.
Extending 6,000 kilometres (4,000 miles), the Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative trade in Chinese silk carried out along its length, beginning during the Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE). The Central Asian sections of the trade routes were expanded around 114 BCE by the Han dynasty, largely through the missions and explorations of Chinese imperial envoy, Zhang Qian. The Chinese took great interest in the safety of their trade products and extended the Great Wall of China to ensure the protection of the trade route. (from Wikipedia)
Last Thoughts?