Fiction was being peddled in Ontario, Canada yesterday as Barack Hussein Obama joined fellow feckless leaders Justin “if you kill your enemies they win” Trudeau and Enrique Pena Nieto (which is pronounced PAYN’-yuh nee-EH’-toh for you thick-tongued raycists). During this assault on truth, we were treated to fewer okie dokes and if’s but quite a bit more hilariously twisted condemnations of the ideals and philosophies that once made America great. The so-called Three Amigos meeting concluded the American president’s last North American Leaders Summit.
While they focused on the nebulous dangers of global warming in the future they ignored the minor threat of a few lone wolves, all but ignoring the matter of Radical Islamic Terrorism. Obama told the world that an integration from a national economy to a global economy is here, that’s done. Thankfully, he listed the various means by which we can trade (cargo ships, airplanes, the Internet) internationally. As Americans realize that most everyone is worse off than they were eight years ago, the anti-Constitutional outgoing American President predicted that Donald J. Trump’s America First trade policies would have a negative impact on international trade. Okie doke, but what about America?
Using the power of drawing upon hyphenated Americans but never caring much for those who identifyprimarily as Americans, Mr. Obama said that Donald’s talk about building a wall and deporting millions of “immigrants” (failing to mention their criminal status) would be ignoring the enormous contributions by Mexican-Americans in the US.
Mr. President – we like Americans with Mexican heritage who come here legally, we are so proud of them and so happy they can help make this country great again. We do not want Mexico’s criminals, their drug dealers, their rapists. Some, it is assumed, are good people. We want more Mexicans to become Americans but they have to do it legally, and they have to want to be Americans. For every person that comes in illegally, that’s at least one less person we can let in legally.
The American President said that the goal of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is to work together to raise standards around the world for workers and the environment. Despite the fact that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton oppose the deal it is interesting that the soon to be retiring Commander in Chief thinks it is a course of action he should take. The elected representative of purportedly free people is giving them legislature that such a shockingly low number of them desire that everyone successfully running to be a representative actively campaigns against it. What kind of representation is that?
The Canadian Primo Minister Justin Trudeau said that working together will bring and growth and benefits, attacking protectionist sentiments and pronouncements by Donald Trump as dangerously turning inward. With the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs in America that brought a stagnant economy and decreasing purchasing power parity and many put it squarely at the blame of poorly negotiated trade deals. We don’t have to lower ourselves in order to raise others up, Prime Minister. Economics is not a zero sum game.
The entirety of the meet was an attempted rallying cry for global agendas. The many present at the conference desired exactly that, and the crowd enjoyed hints at a new North American trade block that unifies Canada, Mexico, and the United States into something not unlike the European Union. With the Brexit a heavy shadow over the topic of international integration and dissolution of individual identity, it could be quite dangerous to attempt to fast-track even more such legislation and policy. Meanwhile, the Mexican president thinks of human beings as being butterflies.
The Parliament of Canada broke into chants of “four more years” as Barack Hussein Obama finished his hour long speech, the first address there by a U.S. leader since 1995. Around the world, no doubt, the recipients of the trillions of dollars of U.S. tax payer money doled out by the Obama Administration clamored for more as well. Canada, Mexico, or any Sharia-infected nation would be an excellent retirement home for the exiting U.S. president. If much more comes to light about his administration’s involvement in cover ups old and new, he may prefer to live in a country that doesn’t have an extradition agreement with a Trump-led America.