Trump tells Janet Yellen: “You’re Fired!”
By Anonymous Patriots
We had to chuckle at today’s news that Donald Trump is considering giving Janet Yellen the boot and insisting that the FED keep interest rates low.
Of course all informed patriots know that the Federal Reserve is not a governmental entity. It is a private corporation and its stockholders, who are 12 central banks, determine who the CEO of its corporation is and what the interest rates will be, not the President of the United States or Congress. In a very clever way, Donald is firing a shot across the bow with these banker thugs. For years they have led the American people to believe that they were a governmental agency as they controlled interest rates and money supply. So he is just using that common perception to call out the FED as the money printing press for the shadow government that has its tentacles wrapped around our beloved country.
The Donald is playing cat and mouse with Ms. Yellen. How is she supposed to respond to this? Whatever answer she gives, the cat has the mouse cornered. On the one hand she can answer that the president can’t fire her, but on the other hand WHY NOT? What branch of government does the FED fall under—Legislative? Judicial? Executive?
Alan Greenspan, former Fed Chair, tells you in the video below that there is no agency of government that can overrule actions of the Fed. And that would include appointing or booting their CEO!
Now if you weren’t paying attention in your economics classes here is how the FED works to destroy America.