Obama and Kerry Receive Awards From The GFP Presidium For Their Great Service To The Russian Federation




Obama and Kerry Receive Awards From The GFP Presidium For Their Great Service To The Russian Federation

Ms. Nina Sidorova

The Certificate of Honor for the return of Crimea and for Barak Obama’s role in Russian economic development!


To Barak Hussein Obama
President of the United States of America

Honorable Barak Obama!

In honor of the Second Anniversary of Crimea adjoining Russian Federation and two years from the moment of introduction of sanctions against Russian Federation, Presidium of Central Committee of the All-Russian political party “GREAT FATHERLAND PARTY” (GFP) is happy to reward you with the GFP Certificate of Honor for the return of Crimea and for your role in Russian economic development.

We thank you for not sparing your taxpayer’s money as the US President for the rebirth of Russian patriotism financing. We appreciate the tremendous work you did in informational field of Ukraine and Russia in reuniting Russian world and expanding our state boarders, as well as for laying out the foundation and creating circumstances in forming new geopolitical realities where Russia is now holding the leading role and sets the tone on the world arena. It is your position on Crimea that, in fact, have substantiated the advance receipt of the 2009 Noble Peace Prize for the reunion of Crimea with Russia. We thank you again for keeping the war outside the Russian peninsula. 

While you are still the US President, we rush to express our appreciation for your principal position in regards to the issue of Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol entry into the Russian Federation and for announced sanctions in regards to this matter. Thanks to these decisions Russian economy got new developmental kick off. It is you and the agencies in your command that contributed to restart of different industries in different sectors of national economy of Russian Federation from agriculture and construction to automobile industry. Unlike your political predecessors in 1990s, today USA have directed our industrialists and entrepreneurs to a sovereign development path. Sanctions created the background for the import replacement policy and rejection of foreign credits by Russian business owners. And we see that thanks to unbendable position of the President and the US Department of State, Russia is quickly and effectively rebuilding its economy and markets, which in turn works in favor of the socio-political national situation. 

We are certain that US statements about the sanctions against Russia staying in effect until Crimean peninsula is returned back to Ukraine (meaning, forever), won’t change. It brings the hope, that thanks to your steadiness Russia will get unlimited cart-blanch for the transfer of the national economy to the trajectory of the explosive economic growth and full recovery of the state sovereignty. 

Thank you for helping us, Russian citizens, to face the future with certainty and to develop all 85 subjects of the Russian Federation, from Crimea to Far East.

 All-Russia political party “The Great Fatherland Party” (GFP)

Chair: Nikolay Viktorovich Starikov

The Certificate of Honor for the return of Crimea and for John Kerry’s role in Russian economic development!


To: John F. Kerry
Secretary of State
US Department of State

Dear John Kerry!

In honor of the Second Anniversary of Crimea adjoining Russian Federation and two years from the moment of introduction of economic and political sanctions against Russia, Presidium of the Central Committee of the All-Russian political party “GREAT FATHERLAND PARTY” (GFP) rewards you with the GFP Certificate of Honor.

Party leadership and GFP members from Crimea to Far East express their appreciation for that political vector in regards to Russia, which US Department of State steadily follows under your leadership. 

Thanks to your firm grip and principles the historic reunion of Russia and Crimea became possible. It is your support of the state coup in Ukraine, indulgence to Russophobia, and justification of cultural, and then physical genocide of Donbass residents by new Ukrainian authorities, that have contributed to acceleration of the Crimea homecoming process. We appreciate your, John Kerry, financing of the rebirth of Russian patriotism and huge work done in informational field to reunite Russian world and expand our state boarders. To a large extent, it is thanks to the US Department of State and your personal efforts that for the first time ever since 1991 Russia has rooted new territories, gaining two new subjects – Crimean Republic and city of Sevastopol. 

It is with your international efforts that Russia found itself in a more favorable state for the development of the sovereign economy and industry. 

US sanctions imposed against Russia after the historic reunion with Crimea became true gift for the national industrialists and entrepreneurs. We got so much needed kick off that was simply impossible during the service of your predecessors, who did everything possible to keep Russia fully dependent on the Western policy. In many ways it became possible due to your position in regards to our country and the international course, adopted by Russia’s leadership.

We say sincere thank you for your fruitful work in removing of all the barriers on the way to sovereign development of our country. Despite who will lead the Department of State after 2016 elections, we will always stay truly grateful for the strong foundation of Russian-American relationship, based on which we are reviving our economic sovereignty. 

All-Russia political party 

“The Great Fatherland Party” (GFP)

Chair: Nikolay Viktorovich Starikov

Festive rally-concert “We Are Together” in Moscow March 18, 2016 

Праздничный митинг-концерт «Мы вместе» в Москве (видео)



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