Donald Trump consults with Rudy Giuliani as he builds political kitchen cabinet
Why Is Trump Consulting With Rudy Giuliani In View Of 9/11 Truth?
SOTN Editor’s Note:
The preceding headline is as disturbing as it can possibly get about the direction of Donald Trump’s campaign and nascent kitchen cabinet. For those who may not remember, it was New York City Major Giuliani who managed the metropolitan response to the government-coordinated false flag terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.
In fact there are many things that Giuliani did and did not do which clearly indicate that he was in on the conspiracy — VERY DEEPLY. For instance, there is much more disturbing conduct on the part of Giuliani during the actual events on 9/11 which incriminates him in the most profound and indisputable ways. As follows:
Rudy Giuliani pre-announced the hit on the Pentagon by a few minutes. How did he know it would happen? One possibility is he had a schedule of the planned events and the politician in him made him leap the gun and announce the hit when it was scheduled rather than waiting until after he had heard notification that it had happened. The plan was running a little late.
Rudy Giuliani announced a hit on the Sears tower. This part of the conspiracy was foiled, but apparently nobody told him. He announced it, as it was planned.
Shortly before the first tower fell, Rudy Giuliani screamed at people to get out because it was about to collapse. How did he know that? No office tower had ever fallen in the history of man from a fire or a plane hit.
Rudy Giuliani gave a series of extremely polished speeches on 9/11. How did he find time to rehearse? You’d almost think he had spent the previous month getting ready for his big day in the limelight.(Source: How You Know 9/11 Was An Inside Job)
Of course, his purposefully calming behavior throughout the 9/11 tragedy earned him the moniker of Counselor-in-Chief so steady was his ‘stewardship’. Such composure and equipoise under pressure was the product of knowing the ENTIRE 9/11 false flag operation in advance. Surely as mayor he absolutely had to be on the deep inside plan, or else how could they manipulate every facet of the NYC crime scene with such ease and dexterity. Rudy made sure the whole city was perfectly set up, and as much as any overly controlling mayor could ever do. Truly, Rudolph Giuliani was specifically chosen for the job that he did with extreme precision on September 11, 2001.
There’s a VERY good reason why a Roman Catholic, Italian-American and former U.S Attorney was chosen to do the exceptionally dirty work of betraying the residents of the Big Apple on that tragic day. However, the real question here is why Trump seeks Giuliani’s counsel in light of his self-professed pursuit of 9/11 truth.
The bottom line here regarding Trump’s campaign is that this development does confirm the very worst suspicions of many alternative political analysts. If the reader still needs proof of major 9/11 problems for Donald Trump, then watch the following video. It’s a real headbanger!
VIDEO: Donald Trump Interview at Ground Zero Right after the 9/11 Terror Attacks
State of the Nation
February 22, 2016
Donald Trump consults with Rudy Giuliani as he builds political kitchen cabinet
© John Minchillo/Associated Press Former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani speaks in New York in 2014.
Robert Costa
The Washington Post
Fresh off back-to-back victories in the Republican presidential race, Donald Trump is moving to expand his tight-knit campaign by building a political kitchen cabinet that includes former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.
Giuliani, who has not made an endorsement in the 2016 contest, said in an interview Sunday that he has conferred at length with Trump at least three times in the past month, both in person and by phone, and has counseled the real estate mogul “as a close personal friend” about campaign issues.
“We’ve been talking. Donald and me, Donald and a few other friends who know politics. He calls to check things out or I’ll call him to say, ‘Donald, you’re going too far’ or ‘What you said was great’ or maybe ‘Change it a bit.’ It’s nothing formal. It’s kind of a running conversation,” Giuliani said. “There is candor and there is trust.”
Giuliani would not disclose who else has been speaking more frequently with the GOP front-runner. But he said there is a growing group of high-profile New York and Washington-based figures with deep GOP ties who are now in regular touch with Trump and quietly connecting his campaign with their own networks.
“I could easily list off some names for you but that’s for Donald to say,” Giuliani said.
In an email Sunday night, Trump confirmed that Giuliani has become part of his inner circle as he navigates the 2016 terrain and hotly contested primaries.
“Rudy is a very knowledgeable friend. I consider his counsel very important,” Trump wrote.
Trump’s effort to create a private sounding board of associates and allies is the latest example of how he is broadening his outreach beyond the small team of policy aides who work on his campaign. And it underscores how the Republican establishment, which once firmly opposed his candidacy, is beginning to have warmer relations with the candidate, especially as his chances of clinching the nomination grow with each primary win.
Giuliani, 71, ran unsuccessfully for the GOP nomination in 2008 but remains popular with many Republicans for his leadership in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Giuliani described his talks with Trump as “frank” but encouraging. “I think he could over perform in a general election similar to what Reagan did in 1980, bringing in new people,” he said. “He has that ability. On the other hand, I’ve told him when I’ve disagreed, telling him when I think he may be hurting himself.”
Giuliani mentioned Trump’s criticism of former president George W. Bush at a recent debate as one particular area where they do not overlap. “I thank God that George W. Bush was president during 9/11,” he said.
“The way this works is that it’s an open line, him to me, me to him, him to others. He is calling a lot of people, listening but doing what he thinks he needs to do. He listens respectfully, say he’ll consider whatever it is you send him. Sometimes he uses what we send him, sometime he doesn’t,” Giuliani said.
“You know, he’s very good,” Giuliani said when asked about Trump’s grasp of complex policy. “It’s clear that he has an exceptionally good understanding of how the economy affects our foreign policy. He understands what’s happening with China, how they could stop North Korea in a heartbeat. This idea that he’s only familiar with slogans, it’s not accurate at all.”