SOS: U.S. Navy Wants to Wage Electromagnetic Warfare Over Washington State
Olympic Peninsula: Crucial Site of an Historic Battle to Protect America’s Natural Heritage
Why is it so critical to prevent the Navy from conducting electromagnetic war games over the Olympic National Park and Forest?
State of the Nation
The U.S. Military is on the brink of setting an extremely dangerous precedent. The following excerpt from a article published one year ago clearly delineates what is truly at stake. Author Dahr Jamail well articulates the critical issue that is being fiercely fought over the Olympic National Park and Forest. As follows:
“What is at stake is not just whether the military is allowed to use protected public lands in the Pacific Northwest for its war games, but a precedent being set for them to do so across the entire country.”

An EA 18G Growler from the Shadowhawks of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 141 takes off. (Photo: Mass Communications Specialists 3rd Class Bradley J. Gee / US Navy)
Exactly what is being planned by the Navy for one of the most pristine and beautiful forests in the continental USA? The same article by Dahr Jamail answers that question under the title of his article shown below.
“Navy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington State”
Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest in Washington State are two of the most beautiful wilderness areas in the United States. Majestic glacier-clad peaks rise above temperate rainforest-covered hills. Gorgeous rivers tumble down from the heights and the areas are home to several types of plants and animal species that exist nowhere else on earth.
These protected national commons are also the areas in and near where the US Navy aims to conduct its Northwest Electromagnetic Radiation Warfare training program, wherein it will fly 36 of its EA-18G “Growler” supersonic jet warplanes down to 1,200 feet above the ground in some areas in order to conduct war games with 14 mobile towers. Enough electromagnetic radiation will be emitted so as to be capable of melting human eye tissue, and causing breast cancer, childhood leukemia and damage to human fetuses, let alone impacting wildlife in the area.
If it gets its way, this means the Navy would be flying Growler jets, which are electronic attack aircraft that specialize in radar jamming, in 2,900 training exercises over wilderness, communities and cities across the Olympic Peninsula for 260 days per year, with exercises lasting up to 16 hours per day.
(Source: Navy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington State)
The stage is now set for an epic battle between the worst environmental offender on the planet — the U.S. Military — and what is perhaps the most dedicated network of Mother Earth devotees looking out for the biosphere. The Navy, yeah, everyone knows their MO — it’s called death and destruction. As for the citizen advocates, they only seek to protect the only home that we earthlings have. They recognize the fact that there is no place for humanity to move to when the biosphere has been irreparably destroyed.
Many folks around the globe have sensed a quickening of sorts. In view of so much war and conflict, mass exodus and immigrant movements the entire planetary civilization is being continually traumatized. Just like World Wars I & II, whenever these earth-shattering phenomena take place across the realm, the environment is the first thing to suffer… greatly! In fact there is now so much worldwide environmental destruction and ecological devastation occurring that people everywhere are being increasingly desensitized. That these unrelenting assaults against Mother Nature go completely unaddressed is the real crime, especially over the long term.
U.S. Warmongering Wages Endless War Against The American Environment
This is precisely why the U.S. Navy even proposes tearing up a virgin national forest with its high energy electronic war weaponry. The feeling of an impending World War III empowers them to push the edge of the envelope, particularly where it concerns national parks and forests which have been traditionally provided the strongest protections. The Navy has likewise gone after other green spaces which are located in areas that they covet for training or other purposes.
What’s the point? If the Navy’s war machine is allowed into Olympic National Park and Forest, the floodgates will likely open for all of the nation’s virginal forests and peaceful parks. That would set a completely unacceptable precedent which would quite likely evolve into an ongoing and unmitigated disaster for America’s natural heritage.
This developing nationwide predicament is now heading toward an all out war over Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. Irrespective of what the Navy calls war games, the people and animals, flora and fauna living there will unavoidably feel their extremely adverse effects. Hence, the many concerned citizens have come together to advance a petition and email campaign to those parties who can stop this exceedingly harmful enterprise. The advocacy action plan is as follows.
The best strategy to thwart this disastrous endeavor by the U.S. Navy is to write and email the UnderSecretary of Natural Resources, Robert Bonnie. An overwhelming number of letters of protest sent to Mr. Bonnie, who oversees the U.S. Forest Service, will definitely get the attention of the right authorities. Apparently, UnderSecretary Bonnie is personally keeping a daily count of how many letters of protest he is receiving about this issue.
A petition has just been launched that generates an email to Mr. Bonnie every time it is signed for the first 100 signatures. By signing the petition, your name and personal comment will be submitted to Mr. Bonnie so definitely let him know what you think. will actively promote the petition once it hits a certain threshold, but it now needs a big boost to get it going and across that threshold. Therefore, anyone who is so compelled is highly encouraged to sign the following petition:
UnderSecretary Robert Bonnie: URGENT: Save America’s National Parks and Forests from War Jets!
Even if you don’t live anywhere near Washington State, this particular enviro-saving initiative is of paramount importance. Even those who don’t normally participate in this kind of advocacy will greatly benefit, as will their family and friends. The plant biota of the Earth is not only oxygen-producing and rejuvenating to the greater environment, it provides a necessary habitat for so many animal species and other forms of life which constitute the vital food chain.
State of the Nation
November 7, 2015
National Park On Olympic Peninsula Sought By Navy For An Electronic Warfare Range