Is Greece ready to escape from the European financial dictatorship?
Greece is ready to escape from the European financial dictatorship!
Now, Grexit is the only hope for Greece
by system failure
After yesterday’s European summit it is more than clear that the European puppets don’t want to find a decent solution with Greece. The known bureaucrats actually insisted on blackmail tactics, they returned to “take it or leave it” logic, they don’t care to listen any Greek proposals. In essence, they totally ignored the very clear ‘NO’ by the Greek people in recent referendum. A very clear ‘NO’ to catastrophic austerity which undoubtedly ruined the Greek economy over the past five years.
During the week before the referendum, the Greek private mainstream media had fully aligned with the European bureaufascists, launched an unprecedented propaganda in order to blackmail people vote for ‘yes’. Greece’s oligarchy recruited former politicians for the ‘yes’ campaign. Most of them are responsible, more or less, for country’s situation, as they created a corrupted state that entered eurozone with false figures and they bailed-out bankers, throwing billions in a black hole.
European plutocrats’ puppets say that they respect the will of the Greek people, but there are also 18 other member states and there are rules, as they claim. The reality is that these officials of the other states do not represent their people, but only banking and corporate interests because no sensible citizen in Greece, or, in any other country would accept cruel austerity which was proven catastrophic. No sensible citizen would accept such a brutal policy, despite the propaganda of “success stories” everywhere in the eurozone. Austerity destroyed people and economies and this is the only truth.
Each one of them serve specific interests while hypocritically speak about solidarity. Bankers’ representatives can’t speak about solidarity, they know nothing about it.
Concerning the rules for which they speak all the time, what rule excludes an economically destroyed country due to their policies, from Mr. Draghi’s massive QE program? How is it possible to speak about rules when they violate them all the time? When a central banker called Mario Draghi, takes political decisions to strangle further the Greek economy, in order to blackmail the Greek government to accept more catastrophic austerity?
Obviously, the euro-puppets already estimated that a Grexit would be less catastrophic for their plans to proceed in a brutal federalization of eurozone with terms of a new Feudalism. And, obviously, they ignore that their precious financial dictatorship has already lost most of its fake credibility, as they managed to destroy all the pretexts and reveal the real picture to the European people. Latest proof, the fact that most of the close-to-Germany Croatians,don’t want to abandon their national currency, according to a poll.
Neither someone should expect France to support Greece, as Hollande was fully aligned behind Merkel. How would it be possible for him to support Greeks, when he has already decided 50 billion cruel cuts for the French people? That’s the big trick: they say ‘we can’t treat differently Greeks because our countries suffer already from austerity’. Yet, they present “success stories”, despite that their people suffer and they never thought to relieve them from heavy austerity instead of blaming Greeks! It’s not a surprise because we already know that they serve plutocrats’ interests and that’s all they care about.
Greece presented specific reforms, in order to make the wealthiest pay, but the bureaufascists don’t want that. They want the poor to pay again. They want to completely dissolve labor rights. They want Greece to sell-off public property to their masters. That’s what the hypocrites call ‘reforms’. They can’t compromise, because the people of the rest of the eurozone members will start pressing their governments to follow Greece’s stance. The plan for the new feudalism would be destroyed.
Bureaufascists think that Greeks are not ready for Grexit. They are wrong. According to a recent study, 63% of Greeks do not fear Grexit. This percentage is remarkably close to the 61.31% who voted ‘NO’ in the recent referendum. After a hard period, Greece will recover with a national currency. It has alternatives. However, the European puppets, no matter what they say, they can’t truly calculate the economic and geopolitical consequences of a Grexit.
The Greek people have won already. They start to spread the message of the resistance throughout Europe. Other European people already inspired by the Greek ‘NO’. Sooner or later, the European financial dictatorship will collapse.