Saudis to Kill Petrodollar. Germany to Scuttle the EU And Wall Street.






Saudis to Kill Petrodollar. Germany to Scuttle the EU And Wall Street.

Jim Willie

The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) at their summit in Brazil said they would give the United States until the end of 2014 to reform the world monetary system including the IMF and the World Bank. The Obama administration has since decided to up the ante and pass more toothless sanctions against Russia. The US had fined BNP Paribas $9 billion for daring to trade with Russia and Iran.

The facts left out of the above in most media accounts are that the Rothschilds own BNP Paribas. and that their Parisian bank is technically bankrupt. In American parlance we are at the point where the rubber meets the road. Do the economic experts running the United States actually know what they are doing?

Dr Willie outlined from his sources a chain of events that could unfold over the next few months. It is difficult to put a date certain when the Dollar Dies but we are on an Express Train headed for a Brick Wall. And America has passengers from other nations on board looking for a safe exit because they know the men in charge in Washington and New York are stark raving mad.

The first actual event Jim Willie mentioned will be a disappointing harvest in the Ukraine. A poor harvest in an agricultural country will doom the Kiev regime which is a good thing. Another source of complaint will be the returning veterans sent home after the ceasefire. They are angry. The Kiev coup leaders are so incompetent that they sent their draftees into battle with poor support and inadequate weapons. Their army in some cases was never paid. These are men who could have made money in the fields. There are videos of the returning veterans showing exceptionally high levels of anger. The US stole Ukraine’s gold and has ordered them to allow GMO crops to be planted. The neighboring states of Hungary and Russia have banned GMO as a health risk. The next round of elections should be interesting but of no consequence to us though we should all be grateful to Putin that Washington’s insanity was not contagious.

Lost in the mainstream press is the fact that the resistance to Kiev was swollen with foreign volunteers who hate the EU. These men are seasoned veterans from NATO countries. Brits from the SAS were fighting alongside French, Germans, Danes and others against the IMF-EU installed dictator in Kiev. These men are resistance fighters in the war against the New World Order. That is why the Department of Homeland Security says returning veterans are the number one threat to the government in Washington.

Dr Willie has been reporting for quite awhile on the growing friendship between the Saudis and the other Gulf States and China. The Chinese and the Saudis hold monthly ministerial level meetings. A few hundred wealthy Arabs have been sending their 400 ounce gold bars to Switzerland to have them recast into 99.99% pure kilogram size bars. Those kilogram gold bars are to be part of a gold backed yuan that will trade with other gold and commodity backed currencies.

This is to be a distributed system with letters of credit based on gold to facilitate trade as opposed to the current centrally controlled one where one man in Washington can shut down your economy because you do not think Iran has a program to build a nuclear weapon. So what if the US National Intelligence Estimate which relies on the best data from America’s 16 intelligence agencies says there is no such program. Jewish Lobby campaign contributors have told both political parties there is one and your country must be bankrupted through American sanctions for defying the will of Benyamin Netanyahu.

The Petrodollar is about all that is keeping the US dollar from sinking. Henry Kissinger started the Petrodollar system to replace the dollar gold exchange system which had originated at Bretton Woods in 1944 and ended Monday August 16, 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window. The Bretton Woods agreement essentially took the British pound system which had ruled international trade since the defeat of Napoleon. That British domination of trade hit a serious bump on September 21, 1931 when Britain went off the gold standard.  That depressed liquidity and sent the entire world even deeper into Depression. The US dollar did not formally replace the pound in trade until 1944.

The problem in the West is that we have debt based currencies and fractional reserve banking which sets us up for a fall. Under our system a Banker can charge you interest on money he created out of nothing even if we were on a gold standard. The money he lends you is in a checking account deposit he created out of nothing. Everyone in the country actually should share in the interest received for the loan because the Banker was allowed to inflate their currency which devalued their purchasing power. It was their loss but the Banker gets all of the gain.

The other problem with fractional reserve banking is that all that debt money leads to a Boom which attracts a lot of investments into the wrong part of the economy in the Boom phase. Booms are created when Banks loan out ten times as much as they receive in deposits. Busts are equally hard on the way down. When the Bank forecloses on a $100,000 loan, they have to call in a million dollars in loans. That contracts the Money Supply which really does serious harm. In the Great Depression Americans did die from starvation. The US had a Depression in the 19th century which lasted longer than the Great Depression. It was called the Great Contraction.

The seeds of the dollar’s destruction were sown in Wall Street’s post war plans. The Bankers did not trust the Americans so they flooded the US with Jewish refugees and then with legal and illegal aliens from everywhere. This population surge and division made resistance for Americans more difficult. But it also required Americans for the first time to begin importing raw materials to meet the needs of the added population.

The Petrodollar was a necessity because currencies depend upon supply and  demand to set their value. The US was increasing the Supply of dollars to pay for wars and for the occupation of foreign lands. And also for unlimited population growth due to legal and illegal immigration forcing the US to become a net importer of many raw materials. This put downward pressure on wages as it pushed prices higher. Instead of correcting these problems politicians printed more dollars. The Petrodollar meant that people overseas could buy oil with the dollars they earned selling raw materials, cars, electronics, clothes and a lot of other things to America. The Gulf States agreed to accept dollars which they used to buy US Treasury bonds. This solved two problems. The Arabs covered America’s budget deficit. And the problem of the US perpetual trade deficit at least appeared to be solved.

In exchange the US promised to keep the Mad Dog of the Mideast, Israel, on a short leash. The US did go after Libya and Iraq because they refused to sell dollars for oil. They wanted euros and gold.  But the US also attacked Iraq in 2003 because Israel had demanded that they go down for their support of the Palestinians. And Syria had to be attacked by ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and those fun loving cannibals at the FSA because Israel wanted Obama to take down the main allies of Lebanon. Hezbollah had defeated them in the 2006 Lebanon war. And if Syria were taken down, Israel hopes America could go to war with Iran and maybe their allies in Russia and China. World War III might kill a lot of Americans but who in the Israeli government cares. God made so many Americans.

The United States has failed to keep up its end of the Petrodollar agreement to protect Muslims from the crazies in Israel. Time ran out on that deal. Besides the dollar is about to collapse. A lot of multi-billionaire investors including George Soros are betting on a stock market collapse. There is no reason for the economy in America to be where it is except that Bretton Woods gave the US the right to print the international reserve currency meaning we could export inflation all over the world. Hard working miners in Africa, Poland and Latin America have been tricked into working for free by paying for their labors in I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes. And retired workers all over the world whose pensions funds were invested in dollars could face starvation unless their fund managers dump dollars very, very soon.

The BRICS nations have allies who are working with them to undo the dollar as the international reserve currency. One of those allies is NATO member Turkey which has observer status with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Russo-Chinese alliance. Iran is a member of the SCO. China elevated Iran’s rank and singled them out as a key ally. That message has not been well received in either Israel or in Washington which is owned by the Jewish Lobby. Turkey has been a traditional lead player in gold backed trading in the region. Their Bankers are on board with the BRICS alliance against the dollar.

The question is: where does Germany go and when? Angela Merkel might even retire rather than go into a coalition after their September 22nd elections. There are quite a few people in Germany angry that the US stole their gold. Germany is currently locked into the European Union and the euro. Germans are a very productive people. Supply and demand would make their Deutschmark very valuable if they had one. A high priced currency does make imports cheap but it also makes exports expensive.

Having Germany, Finland and the Netherlands in the EU is about all that makes their trade cartel worth joining and their currency, the euro, worth anything at all. People want things Germany makes. They can afford to buy them because southern Europe is a basket case supported by the euro. The perpetual deficit regimes in the south lower the value of the euro. This depressed euro enables German businesses to sell more overseas. But the down side is that Germany is called to bail out very ungrateful people. And the Germans have about reached the limit of their ability to bail out everyone on the planet. The Germans owe the Americans nothing after they stole their gold and defrauded the world with their Paper Ponzi schemes.

Dr Willie sees this German issue coming to a head over banking. The banks of Europe are in worse shape than Americans think. And in turn America is in far worse shape than Europeans understand. I saw a German journalist interview an Englishman who used to be the chief correspondent for his paper in America. He is currently his paper’s senior business editor. Neither man had a clue as to how bad things are in the US. Dr Willie said the Germans might let one of their major banks collapse without bailing them out. Deutsche Bank is one of the world’s largest. In recent years they have had Jewish CEOs. Dr Willie said if that bank went under that the French banks would go and that the southern European banks would follow. London and US banks would fall soon afterwards. We are talking about hundreds of trillions of dollars in losses if you count Credit Default Swaps.

So what happens after a major European bank collapses? No more subsidies to the Americans. Too expensive. Tens of millions of Europeans will want food and will refuse to send more of their money to the corrupt regime that destroyed their banking system. It was a J P Morgan employee Blythe Masters who invented Credit Default Swaps and made this mountain of Unpayable Debt possible. Dr Willie sees Germany going for a trade deal with Russia and accepting their gold backed ruble. Germany will probably take Austria and maybe even the Netherlands and Finland with them. Russia seems unlikely to invade Finland as Joe Stalin did many decades ago.

So when does this happen? I think very early in 2015. That is when Obamacare exemptions expire. And it is when Group health insurance plans are subjected to higher premiums and deductibles.  Zero Hedge had a few articles of late that could explain to people overseas and in Washington how bad things are in America. 53 million Americans are temps, independent contractors and part timers. 30.7 million Americans are federal, state and local government workers. 92.3 million Americans of working age are not in the labor market at all. Stay At Home Moms started going out of style in the 1970s when inflation and declining wages first began to take their toll.  As previously mentioned, many billionaire investors like George Soros are betting on a massive drop in the stock market. The Central Banks have been caught buying stock index futures to drive the markets higher and to keep small investors in the market.

That American Express train is headed to a Brick Wall. Russia and China will, along with the other BRICS nations and their allies, be offering the Germans, the Saudis and the rest of the world a safe exit from an otherwise fatal crash. Unfortunately, there is no exit for the US, Great Britain and the other Europeans apart from those who take the Russo-Chinese lifeline. That is unless the US military which has been preparing for martial law for at least two decades were to intervene and to begin arresting Bankers and seizing their assets. At some point, the US military will realize with certainty that Nationwide Food Riots will be breaking out in the very near future unless they lead the revolt against Wall Street.