EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Predicts Impeachment of Top-Level Obama Official by GOP-Controlled Senate
By Greg Campbell

“The biggest divide that we’ve got in this country is not between Republicans and Democrats; the biggest political divide we have in this country is between career politicians in Washington in both parties and the American people. As you travel the country, what you hear over and over again from men and women on the streets, they say, “What happens? We elect these people, they go to Washington, and they stop listening to us. They are not listening to us.”“I think the key to turn this country around is not Washington. If you look at Washington, D.C., you’ll see nothing but hopelessness and despair. The key is the American people. I devote my time not trying to convince people in Washington- they can’t be convinced; they’re not listening. Instead, I devote my time to trying to energize and mobilize the American people because that’s the key. Ultimately, how do you unify Republicans? The American people rise up and demand that we all get back to the free-market principles and constitutional liberties this country was built on.”
Cruz reminded viewers that once, this country was similarly “down and out,” but the Carter years spurred on the “Reagan Revolution” which brought a resurgence of American greatness thanks to the inspired patriots who called for a return to the principles that made America great.
“We saw a grassroots movement sweep the country- millions of men and women who became the Reagan Revolution. It didn’t come from Washington; Washington despised Ronald Reagan. It came from the American people. It swept in in 1980, it turned this country around, it brought back economic growth and booming opportunity and we defeated the Soviet Union and we tore down the Berlin Wall…. At the end of the day, sovereignty is not in Washington, D.C.; sovereignty lies with ‘We the people.’ So you want to unify Republicans? Focus on the American people and energizing the American people.”
Sen. Cruz remains highly popular with the grassroots base of conservative politics. However, many Republican elites and moderates label his brand of leadership as “too extreme” and blame such bold positions as the cause of Congressional congestion.
However, Tea Party leaders like Sens. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul have endeared themselves to the base of the Republican Party not by cozying to the Washington elites, but by fighting for a dramatic shift in policy centered on the will of the people.
“God bless the Tea Party,” Sen. Cruz exclaimed. “I think the Tea Party is the most exciting thing to happen to politics in modern times. It’s an organic movement, as you know well, of millions of men and women all across this country who woke up and said, “What is happening to our country?” And I am convinced what will bring the Republicans back to the principles we should’ve been standing for in the first place is the Tea Party and the millions of Americans demanding that we get back to the commonsense, conservative principles this country is built on.”
Sen. Cruz pulled no punches as he candidly laid-out what we are fighting for. “Any meaningful battle is not one in a single skirmish. What we’re fighting for matters. What we are fighting for is quite literally, “Does America remain the last best hope for mankind?”
Sen. Cruz continued on, blasting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and reminding Tea Partiers to get involved in politics, as frustrating as it may be, because “we have an opportunity to retire Harry Reid” as Senate Majority Leader.
In a dramatic departure from the typical Washington lawmaker, Cruz begged for citizens to hold their elected leaders accountable, including himself.
“Hold me accountable! Scottie, if you ever see me go to Washington and abandon the free-market principles and Constitutional liberties that this country was built on, play this clip back at me and say, ‘Ted, you said, “Hold me accountable.”’ I ask 26 million Texans to hold me accountable every day, that I do what I said I would do and tell the truth. Hold all of us accountable!”
Hughes questioned Cruz on whether a Republican-controlled Senate would be able and willing to move forward with impeachment proceedings for President Obama over a variety of illegal acts committed by the Commander-in-Chief. Cruz noted that it’s not likely that Americans will see an impeachment of Barack Obama, but that we may see an impeachment of one of the nation’s top-criminals and, ironically, one of the top law enforcers: Attorney General Eric Holder.
“I do think there’s a real possibility that we will see Eric Holder impeached. Eric Holder, the attorney general, has led the most partisan Justice Department in the history of our country and the scandal of the IRS targeting citizens for their political beliefs, going after our Constitutional rights, is an outrage. And, sadly, Eric Holder has thumbed his nose at the administration of Justice.”
Cruz pointed to the repeated refusals by Holder to appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate shady campaign finance dealings related to the Obama Administration and other Democrat lawmakers as a possible cause for impeachment.
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Click below for the whole interview: