As Fukushima Goes, So Goes Japan




As Fukushima Goes, So Goes Japan

The Fukushima Five

Tokyo has the largest “greater metro” population in the world at about 34.3 million.  Tokyo has the largest GDP of all major cities in the world – larger than both New York City and London.  Tokyo is the economic/financial capital of the world’s 3rd largest national economy, as well as the primary economic engine of East Asia.

Tokyo station is contaminated as much as the mandatory evacuation zone in Fukushima

Tokyo is contaminated as much as the worst place in Chernobyl

Fukushima, the location of the greatest nuclear power plant disaster in our age, is located a mere 238 kilometers or 148 miles from Tokyo.  Unlike the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe which occurred in a landlocked area north of Kiev Ukraine, Fukushima is located directly on the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.

Whereas Chernobyl was entombed in order to contain the environmental radiation, Fukushima is still out of control.  Completely out of control, and no one yet has publicly offered a viable solution either short or long term.

Why Underground Entombment At Fukushima Daiichi Won’t Succeed

Because of the inherent dangers associated with properly diagnosing and assessing the true state of affairs at Fukushima, the on-site nuclear authorities do not even know what they don’t know!

Because of the extraordinary and ongoing level of misinformation, disinformation and false information routinely disseminated from the inception of this global environmental cataclysm, many educated onlookers believe that much of what is known with certainty has not, and will not, be shared with the public-at-large.  And especially not with those unfortunate souls living within reach of proven emitted radiation whether it is carried by air, water or land.

The Japanese Government has been AWOL throughout this entire planetary ordeal.  TEPCO, the responsible ‘power’ company, has been continuously out to lunch since March 11, 2011.  As for the Mainstrean Media (MSM), there’s clearly nobody home.  Many within the alternative media, however, have done their level best to get to the truth and publish whatever facts can be substantiated.

What’s really going on here … or rather there at FUKUSHIMA?

Why such a blackout on good info?  What is so serious that a complete data lockdown was put into place from day one?  Who is really calling the shots and why?  Do we really want to know?!  If so, then read on.

First, let us reiterate the sentiments of many deep contacts, whistleblowers and insiders within the nuclear power industry.  These same strongly held convictions are also shared by many outsiders, experts who are quite competent in the related scientific and academic disciplines.  We have likewise heard from the many investigative journalists and nuclear researchers who have simply applied common sense and the faculty of reason to evaluate this tragic predicament

Their collective verdict can be summed up as follows:  Fukushima is, by far, the greatest technological challenge facing humanity today.  Because of it’s resistance to being resolved in any meaningful way, it continues to do awesome and incalculable damage – globally – much of which is very difficult, if not impossible, to estimate or even identify.

Among the cognoscenti the following quotes represents the consensus around this whole matter:

Does anyone in their right mind believe that nuclear power plants can ever be designed, engineered or constructed to withstand 9.0 earthquakes followed by 15 meter high tsunamis? Sorry if we offend, but such a display of so deadly a combination of ignorance and arrogance must represent the very height of hubris. Particularly in view of the inevitable consequences which have manifested at Fukushima, how is it that so few saw this pre-ordained and disastrous outcome, except by willful blindness?
An Open Letter to the People of Japan   

Here’s another one to boot:

Quite purposefully, no one ever stopped to consider the obvious and far-reaching ramifications of constructing 55 nuclear reactors on the most seismically active piece of property on planet Earth! And, that doesn’t count another 12 reactors in various stages of planning or development.” ~ Japan: A Nation Consigned To Nuclear Armageddon

And then there’s this one which speaks directly to the title of this essay:

“When the actual costs are tallied, because of the proximity to the most populated metro area in the world, this disaster will be the most expensive in history. The amount required from the Japanese treasury to properly and safely remediate Fukushima are so staggering that they should have understood the true risks beforehand. However, once they sited so many nuclear reactors on the most earthquake-prone stretch of real estate in the Ring of Fire ….” ~ Japanese Nuclear Disaster: Health Watch (on Facebook)

How many truly get it yet?!  Given the state of the art, which predominates throughout the entire global nuclear power industry, those nuclear reactors should never have been built anywhere in Japan.  Actually, they shouldn’t have been built anywhere on Planet Earth, but that’s another story.

Moral of this story:
Grossly Unsound and Extremely Dangerous Nuclear Technology is an Obvious Mismatch for a Planet Undergoing Unprecedented and Unpredictable Flux

All the seismological data indicates a dramatic uptick in earthquakes (on both land and undersea), volcanoes, and other geological phenomenon, which can profoundly affect the workings of a nuclear power plant.  One hundred year, five hundred year and thousand year floods also have a way of wreaking havoc with nuclear reactors, especially when the loss of power (due to flooding) shuts down the cooling systems!

Japan Earthquakes in 2011: Visualization Map

Let’s bear in mind that Mother Nature can strike at any time throughout this earthly scenario, as she often does.  Given that Japan has consistently experienced some of the highest levels of earthquake activity throughout the planet ever since such monitoring was possible, is it likely that the 9.0 was a natural event?  All the seismologists seem to think so.  Is there any evidence to the contrary?  And if so, what cause a 50 foot tsumani that destroyed an entire coastline?

If there is credible evidence that a subsea nuclear blast caused this 15-meter wall of water, then let’s see it.  Such explosions have very unique signatures and distinguishing sound features which can be easily traced and confirmed.  There has been no scientific evidence that substantiates a nuclear origin of the tsunami to date.

There is also the massive amount of evidence that it currently making a trans-Pacific journey to the West Coast of America.  Not sure how they plan to conceal the inevitable radioactivity associated with a deliberate nuke blast that would cling to at least some of the 25 million tons of waterborne debris.  With the Twin Towers they were at least able to convey much of the most damning evidence to China by the shipload.  Let’s see what shows up on Malibu before we close the book on this inquiry.  Waterlogged mattresses that glow in the dark would definitely get our attention.

Japan Tsunami Debris May Soon Hit California Coast

Critical question for those who advance the theory of a nuclear blast-driven tsunami even in the absence of evidence (*Please see list of theories below):

Why would those who are at the peak of the global control matrix deliberately poison the Pacific Ocean, contaminate its sea life, and open up the myriad possibilities for a planetary contamination by radiation through sea currents and air dispersal?  Who, or “What” would ever permanently poison their nest to such a self-destructive degree?!

Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation

By the way we are not suggesting that nuclear weapons are not involved in this whole saga.  Evidence has been introduced into the public domain which clearly indicates the likelihood that a full blown weapons program had been hiding within Japanese nuclear plants.  This is a serious allegation which would probably only have come to light by an Act of God.  We’re thinking about something like a mega-quake followed by a massive tsunami.

Is Japan’s Elite Hiding A Weapons Program Inside Nuclear Plants?

As for the blasts that occurred at the actual nuke plants at Fukushima, these too may be explained away by the following expose:

Secret US-Israeli Nuke Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts

Now, back our central thesis, As Fukushima Goes, So Goes Japan.  If and when this ongoing nuclear calamity starts to grow legs and decides to take a trip south – to Tokyo, for instance – we can all agree that this will be the beginning of the end.  Were Tokyo to be evacuated by governmental fiat, the world’s third largest economy would immediately tank.  Bear in mind that the next three largest cities in Japan are truly a stone’s throw from Tokyo (Someone really liked the view!)  In order of size, the metro areas of Yokohama, Osaka and Nagoya, in the aggregate, contribute quite substantially to Japan’s GNP and, therefore, to the world economy.

Just in case you thought we were fear-mongering, the following headline appeared last September in one of the largest English newspapers in Japan:

Tokyo faced evacuation scenario: Kan

Evacuation revelations shocking

This begs the questions about why the same world controllers would conspicuously wreck the third largest economy on earth … right in the middle of the Greatest Global Depression of all time!  We know they (TPTW) terribly dislike uncontrollable chaos and panic-ridden pandemonium.  Would they risk a genuine global economic and financial breakdown in the midst of all the rest of their troubles?!

Not saying it’s not possible, but why in the name of Beelzebub would the Power Elite totally destroy the third largest economy on the planet, while they attempt to re-make EUROPE as the European Union disintegrates (literally) and the Euro collapses, take over an extremely unruly and unmanageable Middle East one oil-rich country at a time, and make mischief everywhere else the real Axis of Evilinitiates a CIA/MI6/MOSSAD commandeered pick-your-color revolution.

Another question remains: Why would they (TPTW) forever ruin an aquatic economy known as the Pacific Ocean – the largest body of water on earth, which is also inextricably connected to all the other oceans?  Don’t they eat the seafood, too? Certainly, the Pacific currents will ensure that what goes around, comes around . . .  around the entire globe, that is.

Maybe the headline ought to read:

As Fukushima Goes, So Goes Japan; So, Too, Goes The World

The following animated map of the March 11 earthquake pattern around Fuksushima is most enlightening.