The Jewish Roots Of The House Of Saud Family Tree
الخلفية التاريخية للآل سعود، حكام المملكة العربية السعودية

King Faisal (1906-1975), who ruled the Kingdom between 1964-75, confirmed Jewish ancestry of Saudi Royals. In an interview to Washington post on September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said “We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews.
We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world.” Read more.
It is claimed that the roots of Saudi ruling family have also been described in detail in a book written in 1810 by a researcher Ibn Rushed (not the Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd of Cardoba, Spain who lived during 1126-1198). He mentioned about an individual Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe Al Dounami, also known as Merkhan, a trader from Basra, Iraq and how he had claimed that he is from Arabian Peninsula but his father had fled earlier to Basra and changed his name for security reasons. He married a bedouin woman and had children. One of his sons name was Saud. Mohammed Ibn Saud (the son of this Saud) later became the founder of Saud dynasty in Arabia. It is claimed that when this book surfaced in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Royals hunted for its copies and destroyed it. A copy of this book is claimed to be available in US Congress library and many attempts by academicians from various US Universities to acquire this book have failed as this book is placed on a HOLD STATUS since 1981. Our readers are requested to let us know if they have credible information in this context.
There is an official Saudi account of the ancestor of al-Saud Clan. Saudis claim the ancestor of current Saudi Royals was Mani Ibn Rabiah al-Muraydi who had settled in Diriya. The ancestry of Mani Ibn Rabia is not known; except that he was the descendant of Aniza (Anza) tribe. Mani was invited by a relative named Ibn Dir. Ibn Dir was the ruler of many villages that make up modern-day Riyadh. Ibn Dir gifted Mani two small villages where he settled and renamed these villages as al-Diriya. Read more.
The researchers have found out the ancestor of al-Saud to be Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe, a Jew from Anza tribe who lived in Basra, Iraq and moved to Najd and settled in Diriya. The official account of al-Sauds claims their ancestor to be Mani Ibn Rabia al-Muaydi, from Aniza (Anza) tribe who settled in Diriya. Probably both these accounts are referring to the same person who is the ancestor of Saudi Royals.
Watch the following video clip. Former Lebanese Minister Wiam Wahhab, in a TV interview also confirms that Saudi Royal family is the descendant of Jews.
The book narrates the actions of a covert British agent, Hempher, who was sent to Turkey, the then Head of the Ottoman Empire in 1710, to find ways and means to cause dissension, riots and dismantling of the khilafah in Istanbul, Turkey.
At the beginning of his account, Hempher stated he went to Istanbul, embraced Islam, learned Holy Quran and pretended to be a very pious Muslim. During this time, Hempher became fully aware of the difference between Sunnis and Shiites.
Hempher was later sent to Basra, Iraq with the following instructions detailed on Page 20 of this book.
QUOTE – “Your duty this time is to diagnose the Shia-Sunni controversies well and to report to the ministry. The more successful you are in aggravating the differences among Muslims, the greater will be your service to England. We, the English people, have to make mischief and arouse schism in all our colonies in order that we may live in welfare and luxury. Only by means of such instigations will we be able to demolish the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise, how could a nation with a small population bring another nation with a greater population under its sway? Look for the mouth of the chasm with all your might, and get in as soon as you find it. You should know that the Ottoman and Iranian Empires have reached the nadir of their lives. Therefore, your first duty is to instigate the people against the administration! History has shown that ‘The source of all sorts of revolutions is public rebellions.’ When the unity of Muslims is broken and the common sympathy among them is impaired, their forces will be dissolved and thus we shall easily destroy them.”UNQUOTE
While staying in Basra, Hempher joined a Carpenter’s shop where he worked as a cover. He further stated in his book on page 23 as follows:
QUOTE – “From time to time a young man would call at our Carpenter’s shop. His attire was that of a student doing scientific research, and he understood Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. His name was Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab and he was from Najd, Eastern Arabia. This guy was rude and nervous person. While abusing the Ottoman Government, he would never speak ill of the Iranian Government. The common ground which made him and the shop-owner Abdur-Ridaa so friendly was that both were inimical towards the Khalifa in Istanbul.” UNQUOTE
Hempher further stated on page 24 as follows:
QUOTE – “During a dinner conversation at Abdur-Ridaa’s place, the following dispute took place between Mohammad of Najd and a guest from Qom, a Shiite scholar named Shaikh Jawad:
Shaikh Jawad: “Since you accept that Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) was a Mujtahid, why don’t you follow him like Shiites do?”
Muhammad of Najd: “Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) is no different from ‘Umar (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) or other Sahabah. His statements cannot be of a documentary capacity. Only the Qur’an and the Sunnah are authentic documents.”
Shaikh Jawad: “Since our Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said, ‘I am the City of knowledge, and ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) is its Gate,’ shouldn’t there be difference between ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) and the other Sahabah?”
Muhammad of Najd: “If Ali’s (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) statements were of a documentary capacity, would not the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) have said, ‘I have left you the Qur’an, the Sunna, and ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) ?'”
Shaikh Jawad: “Yes, we can assume that Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said so. For it is stated in Hadith, ‘I leave (behind me) Allah’s Book and my Ahle Bayt.’ And ‘Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) is the greatest member of the Ahle Bayt.”
Mohammad of Najd denied that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) had said so. UNQUOTE
Well, Hempher found that Mohammed Abdul Wahhab had a lot of hatred for the Sunnah and the family and descendants of the Holy Messenger (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and was misquoting Quran and hadith. Therefore, he established very intimate friendship with Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab of Najd and launched a campaign of praising him. Hempher told him, “You are greater than ‘Umar (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) and Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ). If Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) was alive now, he would appoint you as his Khalifa instead of them. I expect that Islam will be renovated and improved in your hands. You are the only scholar who will spread Islam all over the world.”
Foundation of Deceit – On page 28 of this book, Hempher described the foundation of deceit as follows:
QUOTE – “Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab and I decided to make a new interpretation of Qur’an to reflect only our points of view and would be entirely contrary to the explanations made by the Sahabah, Imams of Fiqh and Mufassireen of Quran. We started reading the Qur’an and talking on its verses. The purpose. was to mislead Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab. After all, he was trying to present himself as a revolutionist and would therefore accept my views and ideas with pleasure. UNQUOTE
While talking about Mu’ta, Hempher narrated as follows :
QUOTE – “I sensed that Mohammad of Najd desired a woman as he was single. I told him, ‘Come on, let us each get a woman by Mut’a. We will have great fun with them.’ He accepted with a nod. This was a great opportunity for me, so I promised to find a woman for him to enjoy. My aim was to ally the timidity he had about people. He asked me to keep it a secret between us and that even the woman should not know his name. I hurriedly went to one of the Christian prostitutes who were sent by the Ministry of Colonies with the task of seducing the Muslim youth. I explained the matter to one of them. She accepted to help, so I gave her the nickname Safiyya. I took Mohammad of Najd to her house. Safiyya was at home, alone. We made a one-week marriage contract for Mohammad of Najd, who gave the woman some gold in the name of ‘Mehr.’ Thus we began to mislead Mohammad of Najd; Safiyya from inside, and I from outside.” – UNQUOTE
Hempher recounts an incident of Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab getting drunk with the Christian prostitute nick named ‘Safiyya’, as follows:
QUOTE – “I told Safiyya to make Ibn Abdul Wahhab drunk heavily. Afterwards, she said, ‘I did as you said and made him drink excessively. He danced and had sex with me several times in the night.’ From then on Safiyya and I completely took control of Mohammad of Najd.
In our farewell talk the Minister of Colonies said, ‘We captured Spain from Muslims by means of alcohol and fornication. Let us take all our lands back by using these two great forces again.’ Now I know how true a statement it was.- UNQUOTE
Hempher further elaborated:
QUOTE – “The Ministry devised a subtle scheme for Mohammad of Najd, as detailed below:
After explaining this scheme, the Secretary added, ‘Do not panic at this huge program. For our duty is to sow the seeds for annihilating Islam. There will come generations to complete this job.’
Mohammad of Najd promised me that he would implement all the points of the scheme and added, ‘For the time being I can execute them partly.’
A couple of years later the Ministry of Commonwealth managed to cajole Mohammad bin Sa’ud, the Amir of Der’iyya, into joining our team. They sent me a messenger to inform about this and to establish a mutual affection and cooperation between the two Mohammads. For earning Muslims’ hearts and trusts, we exploited Mohammad of Najd religiously, and Mohammad bin Sa’ud politically. It is a historical fact that States based on religion have lived longer and have been more powerful and more imposing. Thus we continuously became more and more powerful. We made Der’iyya the Center of our subversive operations. And we named our new religion, the Wahhabi religion.” UNQUOTE
It is in Hadith – ‘A person with eyes protruding, with a long beard and head clean-shaven (named Zul-Khawaisara who was from the tribe of Banu Tamim) came to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and declared: ‘O Muhammad! (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) fear Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی). ‘ The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) replied: ‘If I disobey Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) then who else will obey Him? I am obedient to Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) at all times and never disobedient. Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) has sent me as Amin (Honest for the entire world, but you don’t accept me as an honest man? A Sahabi (Hadhrat Umer – رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ ) became infuriated and sought permission to remove him from the presence of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم). The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) prevented him from doing so. After the person had left, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said: ‘From his progeny (descendants) will rise a Group who will recite the Holy Quran but it will not go below their throats. They will leave the Deen (Islam) just as an arrow leaves the bowstring. They will kill Muslims but spare the idolaters. If I ever confronted these people I would slaughter them just as the people of Aad had been destroyed’. (Mishkat, pp – 535).
Since Ibn Abd al-Wahhab also belonged to Banu Tamim, therefore, as per the above Hadith, he is indeed from the direct descendants of Zul Khawaisara. There cannot be two opinions in this context.
Imam Bukhari has quoted this Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Umar(رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) that Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) once prayed for Syria and Yemen. It is narrated that there were some people of Najd also present in the gathering and they requested the Prophet(صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) to make supplication (du’a) for Najd also. Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) continued saying: ‘O! Allah, Shower Blessings on Syria and Yemen’. The people of Najd again requested the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) to offer prayers for Najd. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) said: ‘It is a place of tremor and mischief (Fitna) and the Horn of Shaitaan will rise from there.’ (Bukhari, Vol – ii, P – 1050).
The above Hadith clearly specifies following conclusive points.
- It is abundantly clear that the place called Najd is not blessed from Islamic point of view as Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم)called it a place of Fitna and Evil.
- When we look at the geographical position of Najd, it lies to the East of Madina. In other Ahadith, it is mentioned that Prophet Mohammad(صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) pointed his hand towards the East and said, ‘there, that is the direction from where Fitna will emerge.
- This place is deprived of the prayers of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) .
- Hoping of any Islamic good coming out of this place is against the Will of Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی).
- In these circumstances, the Wahhabism or Salafism coming out of this place cannot be good or virtuous. As per Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) prophecy this religion is tribulation and fitna in Islam. We pray Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) to safeguard us from this Fitna.
- The Arabic word used in the above Hadith is ‘Qarnush Shaitaan’,(horn of Shaitaan) which indeed refers to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. However, in Misbahul Lughaat (page 663) (the dictionary used by Salafis/Deobandis, etc.) the meaning of this word is written as ‘One who follows the advice of Satan’. Therefore, as per the Hadith, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his devotees (Salafis) are the followers of Satan.
- For the past 100 years, this tribulation (Fitna) has gradually swept the entire world. Millions of innocent Muslims have become victims of this movement. Wahhabis /Salafis and their like minded groups have mislead millions of innocent Muslims with the slogans of Shirk, Kufr, Biddah, etc.

Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman Al-Saud (1876-1953) was the founding ruler of third Saudi State in Najd. He had fled and took refuge in Kuwait in 1890 along with his father Abdur Rahman and entire family whenSecond Saudi State was defeated by Al-Rashids.
In 1901, Abdul Aziz returned to Najd and with the help of Kuwaitis, recaptured Riyadh from Al-Rashids.
Later on, with the help of British Government, he established his hold on entire Arabian Peninsula over a period of 27 years. The following is the gist of capture of States in Arabia by British trained Wahhabi Army.
(i) On Nov. 2, 1921, Ibn Saud captured Hail, ending the ancient dynasty of the Rashids.
(ii) In July, 1922, Ibn Saud overran Jauf and ended the ancient Shalan dynasty.
(iii) On Aug. 24, 1924, the Wahhabis attacked Taif, in Hijaz, and overran it on Sept. 5, the same year.
(iv) On Oct. 13, 1924, Ibn Saud took Makka. Sherif Hussein and his son, Ali, were forced to flee. This is how Saudi Arabia usurped the holy city, an act which remains, to this day, deeply resented by 1.5 billion Muslims of the world. Without British help, Ibn Saud would not have been able to subdue Makka. The British oligarchical structure had long expressed hatred of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and no doubt took great satisfaction in the Saudi victory.
(v) Between January and June of 1925, the Wahabis laid siege to the city-state of Jeddah and captured it.
(vi) On Dec. 5, 1925, Medina surrendered to Ibn Saud, and on Dec. 19, Sherif Ali, son of Hussein, was forced to abdicate.
(vii) On Jan. 8,1926, Ibn Saud (King Abdul Aziz) was proclaimed King of the Hijaz and Sultan of Nejd.
(viii) On May 20, 1927, the Abdul Aziz signed a treaty with Great Britain, which recognized the complete independence of all territories held by Wahhabis, and allowed them to become known as Saudi Arabia.
These 27 years saw several hundred thousands Muslims killed, all traces of traditional Islam erased and over 60,000 sacred graves of Sahabah, members of Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) family destroyed and their pious bodies disposed off mysteriously by Abdul Aziz forces. In a nutshell, Islam was completely wiped out, Muslims totally vanished and Islamic Arabia was renamed as “Kingdom Saudi Arabia ( المملكة العربية السعودية)“. Read more …
Saudis did not stop at that. They gradually changed Ahadith books, misinterpreted Quranic verses and started massive Salafi Da’wa campaign in the world to legitimize their rule in the Arabian Peninsula. People say that the current plight of Muslims and their innumerable divisions in the world is mainly because of Salafi Da’wa carried out by the Kingdom spending billions of Petro-dollars wealth. Read more …
The actual number of Princes and Princesses King Abdulaziz fathered are not known. Some historians say he fathered 37 or 40 princes and around equal number of princesses while some others say he fathered more than one hundred children. Among the women who gave birth to his children, 22 have been identified by historians who say that the number could be much higher than that. Read more…
Historians have also mentioned that the personal life of the King was full of vice, with women, wine and wealth. He had unknown number of beautiful young women in his Harem and a large nursery of Princes and Princesses born to these women.
Be it King or pauper, Islam allows only 4 wives, that too on certain conditions. The children born to women used by the King for sex are known, in Islamic Law, as illegitimate forbidden children. There is harsh punishment for fornication in Islam. We all know, everyone has to pay for his evil deeds. There is no escape in Hereafter.
The King consolidated his authority ruthlessly, killing every Muslim who did not convert to Salafism and destroying the entire Islamic heritage kept intact for 1300 years by successive Muslim Governments. His forces wiped out the entire geography of Siratun Nabi ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم). Read more …
As an alternative to Islamic heritage, the National Museum at Riyadh built an elaborate pre-Islamic “art rock” helicoptered from Najd sands. In addition, many plush museum complexes such as Dar al-Malik Abdul Aziz, dedicated to the founding fathers of Saudi Kingdom, have now risen everywhere in the Kingdom. The Sauds’ goal is to erect gleaming, high-tech relics commemorating King Abdul Aziz and the ancestors of Saudi Royal family.
The other important goal of the Saud family is to eliminate the last remaining trace of Islam from Arabia, ie., the Green Dome of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) along with his pious grave. Read more …
It is reported that, during the last expansion of Prophet’s ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) mosque in late 1980s, Saudis have structurally partitioned the Green Dome from the rest of the Mosque in preparation for razing it into rubble by a powerful dynamite.
A pamphlet published in 2007 by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and endorsed by their Grand Mufti reads: “The green dome shall be demolished and the three graves flattened in the Prophet’s ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) Mosque.” The demolition of the Green Dome has already been checked off “to-do list”. Even the pious body of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم), who is ‘Rahmtul lil Aalameen for the worlds, along with the pious bodies of his two prominent companions is now slated to disappear under the rubble and dust. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
We pray for Allah’s (سبحانہ و تعا لی) help to stop Saudis from eliminating Islam and humiliating Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) in this manner.
We hope followers of Salafism in the world will think about these undeniable facts and come back to the straight path of Islam for their own good in this life and in Hereafter. Read more …
In late 1960s King Faisal issued a decree that every inch of the country that was not officially registered to a private individual belonged to the Saudi royal family. Thus the entire country is treated as private property of the Royal family.
The King distributed much of the land to royal family members. Princes sold some of the land back to the state and some to the public, but most they kept for themselves. Inside major cities or out in the remote desert, the country’s vast landmass remains private property of the Princes now numbering over 15000. They also treat entire Saudi oil revenues as their private wealth.Watch the following Video Clip.