The Engineered Incineration Of California
Dane Wigington
The once “Golden State” is literally being fried by what can only be considered an all out weather warfare assault. Our own governments ongoing climate engineering programs are wreaking havoc on American populations. The constant aerosolizing of the atmosphere is radically reducing precipitation over California as well as totally disrupting the storm track upstream from the State. Rain that should have fallen in the West is increasingly coming down in deluges further east, welcome to geoengineering. The map below is stark confirmation of the factors already mentioned.
The satellite image below clearly shows grid pattern blanket spraying of the eastern Pacific Ocean which completely derails rainfall patterns. It is important to remember that even if visible spraying and/or silvery white skies are not evident on certain days, the weather makers are always hard at it in other locations.
The photo below was taken in California and is now typical in the state, aerosol sprayed skies with a parched earth below.
The global network of ionosphere heaters (shown below) are also a part of the precipitation blocking factors affecting California.
The targeting of California for drought creation has been so extreme that once productive orchards are literally being torn out. The 2 minute video below should be alarming to all.
What is unfolding in California is so dire and unprecedented that even mainstream media can no longer ignore the severity of the situation. The climate engineers are not just creating drought, they can and are creating heat. Though the planet is warming from many anthropogenic causes, the weather makers can turn the thermostat up to record highs wherever and whenever they want.
California’s Record Heat Is Like Nothing You’ve Ever Seen… Yet
Source: Bloomberg
If hot thermometers actually exploded like they do in cartoons, there would be a lot of mercury to clean up in California right now.
The California heat this year is like nothing ever seen, with records that go back to 1895. The chart below shows average year-to-date temperatures in the state from January through July for each year. The orange line shows the trend rising 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit per decade.

The sharp spike on the far right of the chart is the unbearable heat of 2014. That’s not just a new record; it’s a chart-busting 1.4 degrees higher than the previous record. It’s an exclamation point at the end of a long declarative sentence.
The high temperatures have contributed to one of the worst droughts in California’s history. The water reserves in the state’s topsoil and subsoil are nearly depleted, and 70 percent of the state’s pastures are rated “very poor to poor,” according to the USDA. By one measure, which takes into account both rainfall and heat, this is the worst drought ever. (See the chart below.)
While the temperatures are extreme, they’re not entirely unexpected. The orange trend line above is consistent with rising temperatures across the globe. Average surface temperatures on Earth have warmed roughly 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, according to NASA. The eastern half of the U.S. has had an unusually cool 2014, but it’s a lone exception compared to the rest of the planet.
The International Panel on Climate Change, which includes more than 1,300 scientists, forecasts temperatures to rise 2.5 to 10 degreesFahrenheit over the next century. That puts California’s record heat well within the range of what’s to come, turning this “hot weather” into, simply, “weather.”
Source: Bloomberg
For those that want a more comprehensive A to Z on the weather warfare being waged on the State of California, view the presentation below.
Its up to ALL of us to expose and stop climate engineering, ALL are needed in this critical fight.