Anti-Semite Label Undergoes Complete Makeover






While the media is proclaiming the recently concluded European Conference a reaffirmation of the fight against anti-Semitism, the reality is that Israel has been dealt a stunning political setback.
Long used to equating criticism of Israel as an expression of hate against the Jewish people, Israeli supporters attending the conference (when they were not vandalizing artwork) tried repeatedly to define criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism, and were rebuffed at every turn. Even Colin Powell, Secretary of State to the one nation always willing to protect Israel at the United Nations, delinked criticism of Israel from anti-Semitism. In the end, even the ADL’s Abe Foxman had to grin and try to put the best face on it. But Israel has lost one of its oldest and most effective means to deflect criticism of its actions.

Simply put, it is NOT anti-Semitism to criticize Israelis for what they DO.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to report on Israeli spies in this country taping into police phone systems and warning Israeli drug dealers of investigations that threaten them.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to point out that Israel has defied more UN Resolutions that Iraq.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to mention that Israel is the only nation in the Middle East that actually HAS weapons of mass destruction.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to remind people that Ariel Sharon has been charged with war crimes.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to oppose the continuing sending of US tax dollars to Israel (totally four times the cost of the entire Apollo Moon Program) during times of great economy hardship in this country.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to express concern over the vast sums of money that pro-Israel lobbyists are pouring into Congressional coffers.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to be concerned about reports that the Mossad has suceeded in tapping even the White House phone system.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to point out that many of these supposed “hate crimes” Israel loves to hide behind are hoaxes.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to want the US Government to be more concerned with the American people than with Israelis.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to reject politicians who openly display their loyalty to a foreign power.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to be angered by Philip Zelikow’s admission that the war in Iraq was not fought to protect the US, but to protect Israel.

It is NOT anti-Semitism to tell Israel’s supporters that hiding their crimes behind the entire Jewish people by screaming “anti-Semite” at every criticism is a really good way to set those same people up as targets!

Make no mistake, Israel has been dealt a serious blow by the conference in Europe. While there is no question that Israel’s supporters will go on harassing and spearing those who dare criticise the policies of Ariel Sharon, the tar won’t stick. It’s official. Criticism of Israel is NOT anti-Semitism.

My lawyer will be instituting legal proceedings against all search engines, ISPs, and content filtering companies which have labeled this site as “anti-Semitic”.